Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss


Camelot, unlike most cities in Britain, is a fortress city. Why? Because the city itself is a Relic, its walls are pretty much impenetrable and protected by Fae Magic.

I am tempted to pull out Fallen Starlight and shoot the wall to test.

But I am having a hamburger in the City of Purity. And I must say, this place has the best food out of all the places I've eaten.

Now it is time for the main dish, one of the best English meals and Britain's national dish, chicken tikka masala.

Truly the finest British meal.

However, I think that booking the entire restaurant for myself alone might be a bit overkill. Still, I am rich from my hunting job and with Utopia ever so slightly draining the coffer of the entire world, I practically have infinite money.

As the Silver Princess of Humanity, the wealth of humanity is my wealth, after all.

While enjoying my meal, savory and buttery, though a bit strong for my liking, I am thinking of how should I enter the royal palace.

I can't just enter it without announcing myself. But I don't want people to know that it is me who is messing with them. It would be a hassle...

Maybe I should try it out...




Wearing my glasses, I crank up the antimemetic to the maximum, and I stand in front of the old pure white castle.

Despite this being the capital of England and Britain as a whole, it seems like a blend between the medieval era and the modern era. High-rise buildings between houses and facilities that stood for more than a millennia...

It is truly a wonderful city.

But for my philosophy, if you even call it one, see this place, Camelot, as one ugly masterpiece...

Humanity itself is an echo, the past is the foundation for the present but in no way it should dictate the living. There is nothing wrong with preserving what we once were, however, letting it get in the way of the future is a sin against evolution.

Preserving one or two fragments of the past is okay, but letting it mix in with the modern era is way too much for my liking.

But I can't just evict people out of their houses, clinging to the past is a normal human behavior after all.

I summoned Walpurgis Festival, wearing it stylishly on my head.

"My the Authority of the Witches, Constellations, let nature..."

I took in a sharp breath.

" wild."

What are exactly witches? People will say that they are Gem Holders of very powerful beings, some say they are blessed by the World to use the Heavenly Edict, and others might say they are demons wearing the skin of people.

I am too lazy to read all of that shit in my Library since I feel like I'd be disappointed. Like, if the reason was something like Tiamat was feeling funny about people worshiping demons, it gave them powers for the fun of it. I would be mad.

Anyway, I can essentially use Magic, not just bend reality, with this hat on. And the result? Plants growing at a massive pace, vines wrapped around the guards and tourists as if they were branches...

Why the fuck are the Royal guards not doing anything?

Anyway, I summoned Galatine.

"Deconstruct.", its form broke into pieces floating around me.

"Reforge.", and it reformed into a golden longsword, its original form. Still, I prefer the gun form more~

And just like that, I just waltzed into the gates while everyone was dealing with the jungle I made.

Then, I tweaked my hair color and overall appearance to look like an ashen-haired girl with grey eyes. And I made sure not to wear my trench coat, replacing it with a gold shoulder cape that extends only to my elbows.

With all of that done, I turn down the antimemetic effect, enough for people to know that I am here. But not enough to leave an impression.

And I was immediately surrounded by guns...

"Heard you guys were looking for Relics.", I smirked, "Well, here is one."

I stabbed the glowing golden sword into the ground, creating two circles on top of each other, each with four points, rotating opposite of one another.

"I am the wielder of Galatine, the Shadow of Excalibur, I am here to request the audience of the Crown.", I smiled, "I would like to negotiate the return of the Sunlight Blade!"

Everyone was startled and confused by what I just said. Well, I just appeared out of nowhere after all.

"State who you are!", a royal guard shouted.

I am here to have fun and be petty as fuck. So a throwaway identity should be enough.

"Guinevere.", I stated, "Guinevere Du Lac, descendant of Lancelot."

Well, I'm not. But at the same time, I technically am, since I am a quarter French. The chances of me being Lancelot's descendant is not zero, I could fact-check it, but I won't. I am too lazy for that... did I just jinx myself?

They look at each other, confused about what I just said.

Then I heard a commotion from the inside of the castle... I smiled.

"Oh, and don't bother entering this circle, it will literally vaporize you.", I warned them. I am not affected by it due to Galatine belonging to me... well, the Replica version anyway.

I wonder where the real one is.

Then the doors of the castle swung open, and stepping outside was the Queen herself. A beautiful woman with dark brown wavy hair, cut short to above her neck, her dark blue eyes have a certain glow to them... as for her outfit, it seems to be on the more practical side, a military-style blue uniform with gold and silver decorations.

Queen Elizabeth Arondight Pendragon. She is in her thirties, I believe.

"Madam Du Lac.", she spoke with a voice full of authority, "State your purpose, as you are an uninvited guest to my castle."

There are only two bodyguards with her, but they are there as decoration more than anything. Why? Because she is wearing Relics, her crown, her necklace, her mantle, and most importantly... the sword on the side of her hip.

The Pendragon Crown grants the wearer invulnerability to anything less than an artillery shell.

The Vivian Necklace, gives the wearer mastery of swordsmanship.

The Royal Mantle, grants access to numerous Magic, only three tiers below Walpurgis Festival. Why? Because my hat is made with the ashes of The First Witch, Aradia.

And most dangerous of all, the Sword of Peace, Clarent, its presence alone calms everyone down, deescalates the tension of everyone involved... and allows no violence.

Well, I pulled my sword out of the ground and went in for it—


I stabbed the queen in the stomach. This is what you get for sending me a Cease and Desist.

"Wha...", she vomited up blood. But I made sure to pull out to not get any on me.

"I came here to negotiate the return of Galatine, but I don't like your face.", I smiled, locking her in a choke hold.

"Shh...", I whispered in her ears, "I would like to kill you, but my boss doesn't want you dead... yet."

I turned to the people, not knowing what to do seeing me blatantly taking the queen hostage while she was bleeding out.

"Nobody moves, or your queen will die~", I said in a teasing tone, placing the sword around her neck.

"Now...", I whispered to Elizabeth, my tone laced with Euphoria, "I shall tell you a secret~ the biggest secret of the royal family... not a single drop of your blood came from the Pendragon~ your lineage is false."

But then again... living a lie for more than a thousand years. With the delusion of your bloodline, your legacy is not one belonging to Dragons, but humans...

"So wake up.", I caressed her face, "Wake up from this falsehood you deluded yourself to... and live as a ruler, not as a Dragon..."

I caressed her bleed stomach, and let the golden dew of Hope go in, healing her.

Then I kicked her in the back, humiliating her.

"By the way, if you haven't caught on yet—", I pushed my glasses, "Guinevere Du Lac isn't my name~"

And the antimemetic effect erased my presence, giving me the chance the waltz out of here without a single trouble~

Well, with me humiliating the royal family~ Camelot Castle is in an uproar. Was stabbing another human being necessary? No, but seeing everyone being stunned is so...






It is the next day, when I eat in another restaurant while talking to Seria. The city has been on high alert ever since yesterday, trying to find this mysterious person who attacked and injured the queen in her own castle... I wonder who that person is.

Since absolutely nobody remembers the face or even gender, it could be anyone~

[So let me get this straight, you went into the castle, caused a commotion, stabbed Eli, took her hostage, and then sexually harassed her?]

"Yup, you got that right.", I bit a blood sausage.

My meal today is a full-course English breakfast, which isn't my usual light meal. But I enjoy it quite a lot.

"They sent a Cease and Desist letter to me, I stabbed the queen. We are even now.", I left out the part where I reveal the deepest secret of the Pendragon, I don't want to give Seria too much ammo.

"Oh, and there is an emergency.", I change the subject, "There is another Will of the World, she introduced herself as Theia Khaos, Primate of Destruction. And she wants to destroy the world."

I am pretty sure she can't do that now because of Tiamat.

[You know for an emergency, you deliver that quite casually.], Seria pointed out.

"I have fully embraced my Generation of Nihility, so don't judge me for my priorities. I still have a year left for my angst.", I huffed, chewing on a cherry tomato.

[I'll inform Babel of that. And by the way, a very strong Eldritch God... or Gods might be more correct, had landed on Earth.]

"Who is it?", this seems like The Almighty situation.

[The Eldritch Gods of the Sirius system. The All Blue, The Nuclear Reign, and The Dim Blight. Nyarla said they are collectively call The Flood.]", she explained.

This is like The Almighty... and Sirius, huh.

"I thought there were only two stars in that system?", I question.

[Apparently, there are three! It is a trinary system, Sirius A, B, and C! Well, at least they won't create a new religion according to Nyarla, but they will eat everything in their general vicinity.]

I sighed, "What percentage?"

[Again, Nyarla said that they most likely have sixty to eighty percent of their power.]

"I'll go deal with it if you—"

Seria cut me off, [You don't have to, since you seem to have your hands tied with the Primate of Destruction. Besides, I can deal with them if things get too dicey!]

"Against three Eldritch Gods that have at most eighty percent of their power... would you lose?", I asked, feeling a bit of uncertainty.

The strongest Eldritch God I dealt with had twenty percent of its full power... The Unliving Walker, there was almost a zombie apocalypse in Cyprus with that thing around.

[Nah, I'd win.], she stated with full confidence.

That sounds like a red flag...

"I'll go find a way to deal with Theia, and I don't think I can go to Libertas to be a professor...", no matter how enticing punching entitled children sounds.

[You can start any time you want in 2022, Selen is pretty lax about... everything!]

"Sure... I'll going to Scandinavia next.", I said while slicing an omlette, "Any recommendation?"

After a hum, she responded, [Fenrir's Tomb in Denmark is a nice spot. Oh, and Thor's Hammer is in Finland, people don't try to take it even though it is free the take, in fact, people want it to be taken away! Being a lightning hazard and all.]

"I'll end the call now, that's it for my report. Bye."

I still have to report to Seria, she panics when I don't call her nowadays.

[Bye, Charlotte!]

And I ended the call. I also finished my meal.

I could just teleport back onto Prydwen, but that would alert the city. Because this Relic, Camelot, has another name... 

Fortress of the Sinless, if anyone had committed a grave sin, the city would alert and detain them the moment they step into this place... of course, it isn't without flaws, as people who do not feel guilty cannot be detected by the city...

But in my hands... I could make this city something... Much greater.


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