Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Beginning of school

I found myself in a crumbling city made of chalk, rebuilding and collapsing for eternity.

I found myself in a theater, basking in the glory of claps and cheers.

I found myself in a city of marble, where civilization stands eternally.

I found myself in a ruined wasteland, standing above corpses flowing golden blood.

I found myself in a room, where a box sealed by countless chains resides.

I found myself in a forest, full of the primal scent of life.

Then I wake up on this unfamiliar bed...

Today is the day the academy began. Where hundreds of students from across the American continents come and learn to use their power.

This is going to be more of a comedy than anything, isn't it?

"Hah...", I took my pipe and lit it up, smoking this new blend of tobacco soaked in Euphoric Dust, "Fuu... well, time to mess with some kids."

The flavor of tobacco filled my mouth, I like it when combined with the sweetness of my crystals. This blend really works wonders.

I got inspiration from something Sinclair said before, Lust Breaker, Liquid Apathy - the thing that she used to collapse Asia. If her crystal can become a liquid, then why can't mine?

So this solution was made, which is extremely deadly for people... I remember something, what happened to the people who got their hands on my crystals?

Meh, I don't care, probably dead from withdrawal.

I took out my phone, "Utopia, any sighting?"

He responded through my phone, "[I apologize, but the results are Negative, Your Highness. Theia Khaos has a near-zero Eldritch Signature, even lower than a rock. While The Fragment of the Universe has a high Eldritch Signature like that of an Eldritch God. The two of them together resulting in a Neutral Signature - that of ordinary life.]"

I sighed, "So we need to wait for them to act after all... fine by me."

"So how is the Blade of the End?"

"[Elderstahl is currently having her daily oil bath, Your Highness.]"

I think I have PTSD from that sword, being the thing that gave me this horrible scar and killed me five times. I don't want to interact with her unless I absolutely have to.

Well... let's get dressed up and check out the local Commissions. Hunter activity in America is sparse due to the monster population being extremely small, all because of Manifest Destiny.

After a light shower, I picked some plain clothes. Everything will be covered by my chestplate and trench coat. I decided to not wear my earrings, this persona is Sinclaire, not Charlotte.

Now... the real question is, should I carry Ouroboros Omniscia? It would take up space— who the fuck am I kidding? I'm bringing a coffin to the first day of school, of course, I'm going to leave a lasting impression.

I don't care if one of the students gets eaten by the god fueling it, it's their fault if that happens.

Looks like I'm done, it is time to look intimidating and mysterious as fuck.




Sitting on Ouroboros Omniscia, I dangle my feet as the students continuously pour in. They all gave me a curious look, but none dared to approach me. I had my hood up, so it wasn't a surprise that they would avoid me.

I look suspicious as fuck.

It is nine in the morning at the moment, an hour before orientation starts. So I have a lot of free time and not helping with the preparations at all.

Oh? I smile.

There is a boy approaching me, who seems Asian from the look of things. What is special about him is the glowing purple veins he has on his right arm.

"Can I ask what are you doing?", he spoke with hesitation.

"Just waiting for orientation to start, and surveying the students here.", I tilt my head, "What brings you to me?"

"I'm... just curious. It isn't every day I see someone sitting on a silver coffin.", he looked around, and his eyes lingered on a group of students for a moment.

"I get that a lot.", I shrugged, "I have to carry this coffin around, after all... it is a God Slayer."

His eyes widened and took a step back. He realized the danger... and he heard the soft seductive whispers.

"Let me introduce myself. You can call me Captain Sinclaire, I am a Hunter and Alchemist.", I smiled, hopping down from the coffin.

"Alchemist?", he had a skeptical look on his face.

"I know it is hard to believe, but Alchemy does work.", I get him. Since the last time Alchemy was mentioned, the Nazis made a Philosopher's Stone with the blood of thousands of Jewish people, even then, nobody in the West know too well about it.

I grabbed Ouroboros Omniscia, "Orientation will start soon, if you want to have a more direct conversation, apply to the Defensive Combat Course."

And I walk away, pulling my hood up with a smile. I hum a tune following the melody of an orchestra.

For the future generation, I shall do my best to corrupt them. After all, Tomorrow Promises Nothing.


I don't think I can claim that I'm not an evil person anymore. Oh well, I'm very good at being a hypocrite.




As Francis was giving the speech, teachers coming up to greet old and new students alike. Introducing the staff and whatnot...

And for some fucking reason, Londinium is here. He disguised himself as a Sanctum of Steel - those guys that worship technology and machines - and blended in here. I am a hundred percent sure he is here just to fuck with me!

"Welcome the new Chemistry Professor, Mister Rondia Inum.", Francis announced.

And he, wearing a huge lab coat fit for his three-meter form, his face covered with a mask that mimics cybernetic augmentation. He looms over the crowd, who is silent to such an unfamiliar form.

"Greetings, student of Libertas. I will be teaching you about the wonders of chemistry, the building block of all around us.", he looks around for a moment, "But, I won't teach about how to join a cult."

He left the podium with those words, and then Francis returned.

"Let's give him a warm welcome, everyone.", she requested with a smile.

The whole crowd began to clap. They don't want to make her sad, it seems. Understandable since she's the only form of stability this place has.

Being a Queen really comes in handy in the most unexpected way.

"Up next is another new teacher. We invited a Hunter to teach you about how to defend yourself. Since she is extremely busy, she will only be with us for a year.", she then turns to me, "Please welcome Captain Sinclaire."

The crowd was getting rowdy, probably due to the coffin I was carrying around.

"Hello, you all.", I pulled my hood down, "You can call me Captain Sinclaire, that is Sinclair with an 'e'. I'm here to teach you all how to defend yourself and not commit manslaughter. While at that, I'll say straight to your face that I am the proud owner of a God Slayer and an Alchemist. And I am sure that I can beat you all up."

Some are shouting at me, trying to defy me. Yes, get more competitive! When facing the strongest, you have to challenge yourself, no matter how stupid it is!!

Oh, someone tried to throw an energy ball at me. I just slap it aside.

"Now, that was rude, wasn't it?", I glare at the girl who just did that stunt, "Do you want to fight me?"

Ouroboros Omniscia opened up, and eight spears popped out from each side, glowing a radiant silver light.

"N-no! I'm sorry!", she backed down after such a little threat.

"Anyhow, I've booked a field trip for anyone who wants to experience what it is like to be a Hunter for two weeks straight, whether you have what it takes to hunt and kill. I'll only take thirty applicants. So I have some criteria, of which will be in the application form.", I pulled my hood back on, "That will be it from me, I hope I have a wonderful time with you all."

That last part definitely came out like a threat, which wasn't received very well. Just as planned.

I want them to prove me wrong, it makes my heart beat faster. Hehahahahaha~ or would they prove me right? Who knows.

It is a win-win situation for me.

Francis gave me a glare as we switched places. The other professors are chuckling at my boldness, not because they think I'm stupid, they just wanted to see how bad these kids fucked up. I fought Selen to the point that she had to use her cards.

I took out a cigarette and began to smoke, clearing my mind.

I will have fun with them, teaching the brutality of life, and the values instilled by the World. Ironically, I am younger than most of them.

I head out to the backstage, where Londinium was already waiting for me.

I kicked him in the shin, but he doesn't flinch at all.

"Why the fuck are you here?", I glare at the Records of Venus.

"Because I want to.", he casually said, "Nothing personal."

"I feel like that is a lie.", I stated, ready to throw the coffin at his face.

"It is a lie.", he shrugged. This cockroach...

"The offer still stands, Charlotte. I will teach you the fighting style of a Jury of the Pale Court.", he leaned down, looking at me.

"I said I won't. I don't want to be beholden to an Eldritch God, even if it's the fucking Sun.", I get more irritated the more I speak with him.

What can he possibly offer to make me change my mind?

"It will help you fight against the Other Ego of the World."


"You can't offer me this little for surrendering my freedom.", I rolled my eyes, "My freedom comes at a price, it is invaluable."

"It will be for a short while, Charlotte."

"I don't want to fulfill your weeaboo expectation!!", I smashed him right in the face with the coffin, knocking him down.

Then I placed it on his hip. The thrusters opened up, ready to ignite.

"I didn't get to blast your balls last time, but—"

He cut me off, "People are watching."

I glance around, indeed some of the staff are watching with amusement.

"We are not finished here, Londinium.", I growled, "Meet me tomorrow in my office, we are going to finish this conversation."

I have to settle my scores with him. Even if he is the most powerful creature of Venus.

I want to fight him...

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