Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Class Operation

I smoke my pipe in the room given by Libertas as I look over the materials prepared for the field trip one last time.

I am not a good educator, despite my understanding of pretty much everything humanity has ever learned. So many thoughts and processes run through my brain to the point of being jumbled up.

So I can only teach through practical means. That is why I have these notes, to keep me from going off-track.

I had made reservations in the gymnasium. This should be good... with the plans, things will be fun.


I took out my phone, someone was calling me. Unknown number... 

"Yes? This is Captain Sinclaire speaking.", I speak as I open my laptop, letting Utopia show information about who is calling me. This call is from Mu.

[Hello, I am Dante from the Wardens of Doomsday, commonly known as the Custodians.]


"What do you want?"

[Although this request might seem insulting to you, but can you donate both of your Relic and God Slayer to the vault after your passing.]


"How did you get my number in the first place?", my voice ran cold.

I can feel his stutter after hearing my cold tone, [W-Well, we had some help from the Temple of Delphi and the Hunter Association. I hope you forgive us for this transgression.]


"Really.", I smiled, "In any case, I won't be giving you any of my weapons or my ship."

[How about we negotiate, Captain.], his tone just got a little dangerous, [We have your real identity...]

"Hah...", I sighed, then let out a chuckle, "I don't particularly care. I can just do this."

I snapped my finger, signaling to Utopia.

[What did you—], someone else approached him and cut him off, [H-How?]

I just gave him his family's information and location to the headquarters.

"You must know my title, right?", I smiled, "I am the Silver Princess of Humanity, that title isn't a joke. All of humanity is my property."


"Giving me the silent treatment, huh?", another chuckle escaped me, "This is a warning. Don't meddle with my affairs and all of your information will be safe~ there are a lot of people wanting to bust that vault of yours. What if the information falls into the wrong hands?"

[How can we trust you?], he asked in a grave tone.

"This isn't about trust, Custodian.", I let out another sigh, "You will comply with my demands, one way or another. Do you understand?"

[You are truly a tyrant, Captain.]

"Just call me Sinclaire Apocalypse, there is a reason why I chose Apocalypse as this identity's last name. It isn't subtle at all.", I am too edgy, aren't I?, "So, what will you do?"

[...We... will comply for now.], he stated, begrudgingly.

Your information would get exposed in the future anyway.

"Good.", and I ended the call.

Well, let's call Mitsuki and get ready.




Sitting here on Ouroboros Omniscia, sipping my coffee, I look at the students that had gathered here. They all came and were very noisy, no matter how scary— saintly I am, they will find a way to gossip.

And with Mitsuki down there chatting... it's not helping the situation.

"Mugen.", I called her by her Code Name, "Get everyone orderly and I'll begin explaining the plan."

"Alright!", she responded with a thumb up, "Everyone! Sinclaire will begin explaining the field trip! So be quiet and listen!"

They became quiet, quite nice.

"Now, I had made a reservation on one of the permanent Commission - Finding El Dorado, the City of Gold. So, under all circumstances, this is what we call in the business an Expedition. I had said that this would be a two-week field trip, but depending on the situation like we actually found the place or someone gets hit by a Curse, we will call the trip off.", I signaled to Mitsuki, having her handing out the booklets.

"For the next part, I would like you all to look at pages 2 and 11. Those are the necessary equipment for survival and flora identification, respectively. I had prepared thirty backpacks containing all necessary items but be sure to read to know what each item does.", I tapped my heel against the coffin, making all of them flinch, "You are experiencing the life of a Hunter from the moment you stepped inside this place, and that contains life and death, I am giving you three days to read and understand the entire booklet. Can you do it for me?"

""Yes, Ma'am!!"", they shouted in unison.

"Good. Now, for the next part, if you look into your email, I had assigned what your role should be based on your ability. There are four groups I had made, which will work together to ensure the survival of the whole expedition."

The students took out their phones to see the message. Some of them complained about the role they got, while others got excited.

"The four roles are Scout, Warden, Researcher, and Logistic. Scouts will investigate ahead of the other three to look for dangers and plan routes for the entire expedition team, do be careful. Wardens are responsible for keeping others safe during the night and will be rotating in shifts. My friend here, Mugen, will be accompanying you in Warden duty.", I pointed over at Mitsuki.

"Pleased to meet you!", she replied cheerfully.

I nodded, "Now, for the Researchers, you guys will be tasked with identifying traces of old civilizations and contacting native tribes if we ever meet them, in order to find a path to El Dorado. I'll be in this group since I am a researcher myself."

A student raised his hand.

"Yes, Derrick Wallen.", I called.

"What kind of degree do you have?", he asked.

"Doctorate in Zoology and Masters in Archaeology.", I had prepared this, simple enough. There is no degree for Alchemy so I can't include that.

"And finally, the most important group in any expedition, logistics. You guys will be the ones carrying most of the resources and in charge of cooking. You guys don't need to worry about the ingredient.", I tapped the coffin beneath me, "But for the most part, you'll need to hunt for food - this is for all of you, not just the Logistic team."

"If you have a problem with your placement, voice them out now.", I look around, seeing a handful of them raise their hands.

"Timothy Smith, Rianna Dolan, Mike Efton, Viola Mors, and Guan Armillys. Each of you speak to the whole class about why you think your current role doesn't fit you.", I look at the first boy, "Timothy Smith, you first."

"Well... I think that I can't handle Logistic work, I enjoy researching more so... can I change to the Researcher team?", he looked around shyly, not used to the attention.

"Rejected.", I stated, "From your student records, you are good at managing resources in most projects, good at cleaning up the mess."


I cut him off, "You signed off for a Hunter experience, while most of the time, you do your own thing. But this is an expedition, everyone has a role they must do even if they don't like it."

Timothy slumped back down onto his seat, and a sense of shame washed over him. I am here to babysit you, but not in this way.

"Rianna Dolan, why don't you want to be a Warden?", I changed to the next student.

"Because I don't enjoy violence... and I don't think I can keep others safe...", she gripped her right sleeve, tugging on it, "I... I think I would fit being in Logistics more."

"Alright, you will be transferred to the Logistic team. Mugen can fill in your spot.", I nodded, "You don't need to be in a position where you doubt yourself, it will only cause problems for others."

"Thank you, professor!", she bowed happily and got back on her seat.

"Mike Efton, why don't you want to be a Researcher?", the next student.

"Because... I have trauma...", his expression darkened, "Researching things reminds me of my father... I... I just don't want to talk about it."

Hmm... I have an idea, "This is an opportunity for you to overcome your trauma, do you want to is the question."

"I do! But... I...", he looked around.

"Then how about this.", I crossed my legs, "You will be assigned both as a Warden and a Researcher, of course, you will do less research work and more Warden duty. Can you handle two roles at the same time?"

"I think so...", he closed his eyes for a moment, "Thank you, professor."

"Viola Mors, you are fit to be a Scout, why do you want to change?", I switched to the next student.

"Umm... I...", she is an athletic type black girl, typical, I know, from the way she acts, it seems like she doesn't have a good reason.

"Give me a good reason like doubts about your capabilities or trauma.", I glare at her, "I won't accept because you just feel like you don't fit."

And... she sat down. Disappointing.

"And Guan Armillys, what about you?", I look at the last student.

"Yes, I just wonder why I am not in the Scout but a Warden.", she replied sternly.

"Because you are hot-headed, you introduce too much variable for others. They are not here to babysit you if you run head first into the first monster you see.", I explained, "With your strength and possession of a Relic, it is wiser to use it to protect rather than to stab someone, while also tempering your patient."

"I accept your reasonings, professor.", she said in a stern voice, "Apology for not seeing your view sooner."

She sat down. Well, that is easier than expected.

"The next part is how will we get to the Amazon Rainforest. Simple, I'll be transporting you all on my ship."

Murmurs erupted the moment I spoke about my ship. Since no one, to their knowledge, had been on it besides me.

"Since the journey will take roughly a day or so, you will stay overnight. Now, I want to lay some ground rules when you all are on my ship. You will stay in the designated area which you are allowed to explore safely."

"Safely?", one voiced their opinion.

"Yes, because there are places I can't guarantee your safety unless you want to be eaten by the crew or touch a Cursed Relic I stored in my ship. I don't want any of you dying of a Curse or the crew eating you alive, it would be a hassle to clean up.", I sighed, which created concerns for the students.

I don't care about them, I only need them for my ideal future. After all, children are the future. Not sure if that applies to me though, I'm in a weird spot.

I hopped down from the coffin, "Alright, everyone. I have to remind you that this field trip is not an obligation from the academy, it will be rough after we get off the ship, so make sure you think this carefully as this is the last chance you have to chicken out."

I waited in silence, seeing that nobody was going out I smiled.

"Good, seems like everyone is in for the ride.", I took out my phone, and looked at the time, "We still have a bit of time left, so might as well do this now. I want you to pick out three people to be the leader."

After that, I signaled to Mitsuki to come outside with me.

"Hah...", I took out a cigarette, "This is going to be fun."

"Yeah! I can't wait to go on a field trip! Though I would like it to be just us and Utopia!!", she joyfully replied.

"Heh, maybe one day.", I look to the sky, "One day..."

"You promised!", she tried to hug me, but I took a step to the right and avoided her.

"No touching.", I reminded her.

We both laughed together. Having someone to bounce off is nice, even though she tries to make moves on me... well, I don't mind.

I like being loved.

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