Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Night patrol

It's still a few days away from when the field trip starts, and besides the usual classes, and paperwork which I pushed all to Utopia.

Though tonight is something I have to do alone, night watch. Keeping students from going out in the dark and intruders from coming in. Especially intruders, as Libertas is technically a part of Selen's Hoard, and nothing is more attractive than a Dragon's Hoard.

Wandering around campus soundlessly, I kept my world calculation up the whole time, hearing all these footsteps around the place as they exercised before bed, students showering and beating their meat, hoping the water would dampen the noises, students doing fun things, doing homework, doing each other— oops, I spoke too much.

But there was a certain sound that attracted me, I put Ouroboros Omniscia away, sinking it into my Gate of Akasha. Then I walk toward the noise.

Stepping onto the third floor, I hum to myself as my fingers tap the window of the rooms. This is the science floor, so I have to be careful not to break much, or else Francis will yell at me.

Ah, here is my target, inside the third Physics room, where I find a pretty nice-looking anatomical statue. I grabbed its throat with my left hand and plunged my right hand into its chest— ripping out its black heart.

Skinwalker, to think one would be here. They had adapted in a pretty unique way, it isn't animal, they are subhumans. When the colonizers invaded America, there were tribes who used forbidden rituals, to transform themselves into monsters capable of disguising as almost anything, and how it got its name, Skinwalker - because these creatures kill and wear the skin of their victims. Now there are a bunch of them going around since the rituals didn't do anything to their reproductive organs.

To think there is such a disgusting ritual... I hate it. To degrade themselves into monsters, I don't feel anything when killing this one - the proof that I no longer see the Skinwalkers as humans.


I summon my pen, tapping a dot on the corpse before moving on.

"Manifest Destiny."

I found myself in front of a bunch of students, standing shocked as my electrical sparks flickered away and I stepped into the moonlight.

"Now, what are you three doing?", I questioned them, crossing my arms.

"We are going for a pee! The bathroom is broken", one of them answered, trying to hide his nervousness. From my calculations, he is lying.

"You know, it is pretty dangerous to go around when there are monsters sneaking onto campus.", oh, there is one making a run for it in the courtyard.

I summoned Ouroboros Omniscia and threw the coffin over the balcony, crashing into the Cadejo.

"Well, tell me where are you going?", I demanded.

"Aren't you... just gonna bring us back?", one asked.

"I am not a stickler for the rules, so give me a good enough reason and I'll let you go."

I won't go out of my way to mess up someone's life, except if I have beef, have fun, ruin my fun, irritate me, mess with my plans, take out stress, be maniacal, just feel like it... 


"We... just want to hang out with some of our friends, going for some beers since all of us don't have class in the morning?", the last guy scratched his neck, looking away nervously.

I check with my senses, indeed there is the sound of people opening cans of beer.

"Very well, but only three cans for each student.", I walked past them.

""Thank you, professor!""

I glare at them, making them flinch, "Be sure to stay as quiet as possible, some people are sleeping. These walls are rather thin."

I stabbed my hand through the plaster, it took me no effort. Then I repaired it with a bit of Alchemy.

"I wanted to teach Alchemy, a rather more productive alternative...", huh, they are already gone. Fine by me.

I went on with my patrol, going from the boys' dormitory to the girls'. And the first thing I hear...


I knocked on the door, "Keep it down."

And it went quiet.

Nothing really fun happens here, except for the usual girl gossip, interested in someone or something, I don't get romance.


"Manifest Density."

Electricity covered my body... I found myself on the rooftop. And who do I see but Uvoma, the Herald of The Manic Song.

A young man wearing triangle sunglasses tinted pink very similar to a series about a man that drills the heaven, dressed in a very punk rock outfit with a leather jacket and pants, and a very over-the-top collar that transitions into purple wisps.

I met him around July last year in Sydney, where he put the entire city into a state of madness. I remember cutting off his arm and feeding him to the sharks... huh, should've done better.

I immediately summon my lance and head straight for him—

"H-Hold on!", he made me stop before my lance penetrated his face by an inch.

"What do you want?", I asked while Justice Mist began to form around me, turning into swords.

"Please, I am here to propose you a deal!", he backed far away, knowing I could hear him.

"What kind of deal?", I glare at him.

"I want to write you a song—", I grabbed his throat before he could speak another word.

"You? Why would I want you to write me my song?", my glasses go away, letting him experience the full weight of Judgement.

"S-Stop it!!", he cried out, trying to get my grip off, but it was like an immovable object. And it is painful for him too, as my Domination burns all that I deemed beneath me.

"Do you think I would let a mere alien sing about me?", I pulled him closer to me, "Looking down on me is unforgivable. I might end you for good."

My weapons launched, not at Uvoma but at the two females behind him. Uvoma, the Conductor of Madness, can summon any and all other Heralds of The Manic Song to aid in his Orchestra. I had killed fifty of them already, relatively weak in my opinion. Powerscale is kinda messed up for me.

"I-I'm sorry!!", he cried.

"Do you now? Is this from the bottom of your heart or another lie from a servant of a Council of Entropy's member?", I tighten my grip.

"Please!!!", he cried out more.

"Shhhh... be quiet, it will be long and painful.", I comforted him with a smile.

"That doesn't make it better!!!", he yelled, surprisingly he could still breathe. His form is just a human shell though, so he might be breathing another way.

"I am the one in charge here— oh hey, Londinium.", I nodded at him.

As always, he is just standing there, looming over the scene.

"Can you help me deal with this thing?", I lifted Uvoma up. Before he could answer, I threw the Herald at him, "Catch."

He caught the Conductor with his arms, staring down at the thing he had in his arms with his amber insect eyes, "Sure."

He took off his face mask, revealing an insect mouth— and he kissed Uvoma... breathing out the air of Venus into his victim. I could hear Uvoma's muffled scream and cry for help as his lungs began to be filled with toxic gas. His lungs burned and melted, escaping to fill the rest of his body.

He tried to call for help, but I was here. Justice Blades launched at the Heralds summoned, piercing their souls and killing them in an instant.

Putrid pale yellow gas escaped every orifice in his body, melting him from the inside out. Bit by bit, his flesh fell off, melted into blobs of orange sludge. Not even his bones were spared by this process, I don't even know what his original skeleton looked like.

And just like that, Uvoma was no more. Londinium put his mask back on to prevent leakage.

"So... do you do that often?", I asked.

"Not really, no. I have to contain my gas somehow, I have a deal with a cranky Ghost Maker after all.", he shrugged.

I sighed, going over once the toxic mist was cleared. I summon my pen once again and tap the pile of melted meat.

"I'm going back to patrol.", I turned around, disappearing as I enveloped myself in electricity.




You know, I had already written a song for myself. I don't need the touch of an alien to make it.

Because only I can make a song about myself.

"I have a dream, a starless world! 
One filled with quiet discord!
A world of chaos and order!
Where I play the song of the end!
And celebrate the beginning~!

Let us sing to the beats!
That is what it means to be a human!
To break the chains!
Light tradition ablaze! An inferno of the past!
Burn away culture! Bury the lessons in ash!

You might say that it is wrong~!
But when we are moving through the beats!
And I can feel the music deep inside me!
Let us fall deprave!

To carve out a path to the future~!"

I stopped my singing as I smiled, watching the dawn of a new day. It's a day left until I embark on another voyage... my final voyage before the promised day.

there was a thread in the forum asking would an MC join the X-men? For Charlotte, she would absolutely hate the Mutants and would try to exterminate them, or to make it so that they can never unite and is always separate individuals, at best she would tolerate their existence but would kill them on sight.

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