Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Energy, Human, and Machine

Hoa, the Regent of Fire Vampire, made her shot first. With the Barrel Pointed at God blazing crimson and yellow flame from its Runes, translating her hatred and prejudice into power.

Words flow into her mind, the cries for fairness, the hatred for the divine... 

"By the Will of The Original Flame, my Lord Ghayr Shuela the Madden Flame...", she chanted, resonating with Fallen Starlight.

"The First Seat of the Elemental Lords had deemed the members of The Gallery of Eternity their Enemy...", she feel her flame condensed inside the chamber, and Runes inscribed upon the flame to form a bullet.

"I am the Regent of Fire Vampire, my True Name is Fthaggua. As The First Herald of Fire, I shall Execute you."

Her body began to burn away, and her skin turned into ash, peeling away her human visage. A humanoid being made of crimson flame and black smog. This is her mission, and she is The Faithful Servant of Fire.

And she pulled the trigger—

A silent stream of fire escaped the barrel, splitting into eight beams of ravenous red light. Scarring across the titan Eldritch Gods - burning their form with the power of Fire and Judgement—

Then they roared, letting out a cry that could be heard across the world. And snow began to fall, sea water began to freeze— breaking apart and forming icebergs towering over thirty meters.

With just one attack, Fthaggua was surprised at how much damage The Ivory Throne and The Frozen Valley took. 

"Fu... it is getting cold right now.", Charlotte said in the back, sitting on a silver throne with a blue cushion. And a heater next to her.

"Are you seriously treating this like a holiday?", Fthaggua grumbled in a hollow tone.

"Yes, I am.", she agreed with a smile, "Just give it a few minutes, the Earth needs to cool down for a bit. Having a giant freezer might help."

She turned back— and fired another shot, burning the fast-approaching mountain.

Then out of the water— a black lizard crackling with blue energy blasted a beam of energy through The Ivory Throne and The Frozen Valley. Despite its massive size, it barely reached the knee of the walking mountain.

"Is that Godz—"

Charlotte cut in, "Non-descript atomic lizard, yes."

She stood up from her throne, carrying Quirinus that is already spiraling with wind and sparks of electricity.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Voyager of Destiny."

Her eyes turned into a clear silver, and the energy she gave off made Fthaggua uncomfortable. An energy that denies the existence of Foreign Entities—

"Embrace Infinity, Dive into the Endless Abyss..."

Electricity crackles, turning the world monochrome for a single moment. The Regent can feel something wrong is going on...

"The Path of Pain and Despair we all tread upon, For our Dream and Aspiration."

Again, the world flashed into a monochrome color— Fthaggua floats back out of wariness.

"The Wish to Bring the Future in Ardent Flame."

From the arches of lightning, a pure white scarf with the symbol of a blue crown made of fire.

"The Yearning to Sink the Past in Blazing Glory."

She grabbed Ouroboros Omniscia with her left hand, turning it into a silver gauntlet with claws, chainsaws, and harpoons. She clash the claws against each other, sparking electricity.

"That is my Ambition."

And she vanished—


A white flash of lightning hit the Eldritch Gods, making them tumble down, followed by a horrible thunderous scream from the beasts.

Then followed by several more lightning strikes, making The Ivory Throne tumbling down. It all happened in a single second.

To normal observers, they were hit several times by lightning. But to Fthaggua, a being of pure energy... she see things differently.

Charlotte had, in a single second, moved so fast in flashes of lightning there might as well be multiple versions of her at the same time. The Regent cannot believe her eyes, as a human, not even a Herald, is pushing back against two Eldritch Gods...

Fthaggua pulled the trigger again, firing another scorching beam of laser— Charlotte appeared beside her again.

"It is pretty tough.", she admitted.

"Obviously.", the energy being frowned, "Still, you did quite the damage... it is bleeding."

The giant, having holes in its body, is bleeding out white gas into the air.

"No matter what you do, do not touch the gas. The blood of The Ivory Throne contains the Attribute of Ice, you will freeze."

"I see...", she put her lance down and turned the gauntlet back into the coffin. And she pulled out the golden guitar from a dark portal.

Fthaggua just stared, as the guitar was just ten meters, she could have just picked it up with her ridiculous speed.

"This is way more fun than I expected.", she plucked the guitar, sending a note that pierced the soul.

"!!!", Fthaggua's flame burst out of control for a moment— then in 0.1 second, she barreled straight toward the Eldritch Gods.

And her fire alone burned half of The Frozen Valley into dust.

"By The Madden Flame... what was that?", she spoke out loud, seeing the ashen plateau around her, "This wasn't as hard as before..."

"So, did you like the little boost?", Charlotte appeared right next to her, enveloped in electricity that protects her from the heat and cold— no, it was something more awful in the eyes of The Regent.

"What did you do?", she demanded.

"Anima Lacero, a gift from my Contract with The Golden Order. It can amplify any element that its sound reaches.", she grinned, "Like this!"

She strikes a chord, reverberating everyone's soul, including the Eldritch Gods.

Ice spikes grew at an insane rate, soon regenerating a part of the mountainous terrain—

The air became blurry due to the cold mist—

And Fthaggua's fire burst out again like a beacon—

But the one that shines the most here is Charlotte, as she has become a ball of blaring electricity. Then Fthaggua saw it.

The Golden Steampunk Bat— Qaeidat Dhahabia the Golden Order, looming behind Charlotte.

"By the Laws of the Universal Market Trend.", she spoke with a tone of finality.

"I offer The Frozen Valley, in Exchange for the Destruction of The Ivory Throne.", she whispers as the golden bat behind her lets out a cry.

"In the Name of The Golden Order.", she delivers her ultimatum.

Before Fthaggua's eyes, The Frozen Valley began to flake away into a storm of golden dust— which then gathered around Charlotte. Beyond the walls of gold flakes and white lightning, she can see her eyes glowing a soft golden color, pure and emotionless.

Then the sky began to crack— the serpentine eye of the World bore down upon them.

"Not this shit again.", the World bellowed, "Didn't I fucking tell you to not open cracks in reality again—"

A bolt of lightning cut off the World, striking The Ivory Throne— in an instant, slicing the behemoth in half.

The Eye of the World could only stare as Charlotte moved like a flash of lightning back onto the ship.

"Fu... that certainly was fun.", she said while watching the two halves of The Ivory Throne going down, "Well, Theia, what do you think? I just killed an Eldritch God."

The Eye snapped towards her. While Charlotte just took out a cigarette, using electricity to strike the bud, and lit it.

The Eye just glared at her, and it then retreated back into the crack in reality. Charlotte just scoffed.

"So, what do you want to do now that your enemy is gone?", she asked the flying flame entity in front of her.

Fthaggua was baffled by the turn of events, seeing the enemies of her God just die like that was something she did not expect. Maybe her presence here was unnecessary, still, her mission is technically over in this world.


"I guess I'll stay with you.", she stated, returning to her human form, "I won't be able to leave Earth for another hundred years, The Original One is still awake so it is dangerous even for me to go outside. Or I'll have to wait for the Train."

Charlotte nodded, "Then do as you please, my friend. I need an oven anyway."

"Bitch, I am not your oven!", she grabbed Charlotte's collar, dragging her closer to the Regent's face.

"Bitch, you know that I am racist. You won't be able to change my mind no matter what form you take.", Charlotte laughed with a smile.

An electrical current ran through Fthaggua's hand, making her let go. It just feels so wrong to touch such an energy...

"Hah... what will you do now that this is over?", Hoa asked, rubbing her head.

"I'll go back to Las Vegas.", Charlotte stated, her silver eyes dilated back to azure, "Mom wants me back, and honestly—"

A trunk full of teeth shot out from the water, aiming at Charlotte— The Ivory Throne wanted to have the last laugh—


But a silver mechanical arm punched it, stopping it in its track.

"Good job, Utopia.", Charlotte let out a puff of smoke.

"[It is nothing note worthy, Your Highness.]", the comms blarred.

"It seems like our friend here isn't finished. So... Utopia, transform."

The entire ship rumbles, a dome closed in on the deck, encasing the two in darkness. Hoa lit up a fire to increase the visibility...

And she found them inside the commander bridge with screens lighting up showing various parameters, none of those things The Regent understood. But Charlotte seemed to, as she sat on a silver throne.

"Hmm~ this is beyond my expectation, Utopia. You did a great job.", she snuffed out her cigarette, "Let us finish this insect elephant thing!"

Charlotte pulled up a holographic screen, it showed a mechanical mermaid with four arms, even then, 70% of the mecha was a giant fishtail.

On the outside, what remains of The Ivory Throne was struggling against Utopia's grasp. The Eldritch God of Frost and Ice cannot do anything except writhe in pain as something hundreds of times smaller than it keeps on attacking.

Utopia swam to its side, blasting an energy pulse into its tusks, destroying hundreds of them in a single shot.

He is not just a mere Grand Array, he is the First and Last Traitor of The Machine Overlord. Not only that, though inferior to his original body, this ship is composed of a Relic belonging to the Gardeners of the World, and one of the greatest feats of engineering of humanity. Combined with his superior intelligence...

He had the delusion that with the support of Charlotte, his Princess, he might be able to— he cut off the thought, focusing in on dealing damage to The Ivory Throne.

Then an atomic blast the beast on the side, Avalon was still here. The giant reptilian monster was burning the sides as it swam around with radiation.

"Deconstruction.", his Princess announced.

The insides of his body opened up—

"Reforge.", and she merged the ship with a weapon of hers.

And he felt something merged with his body. If he can smile, he would, but he just speaks what he usually does.

"[Thank you, Your Highness.]", and from every part of his vessel, head, arms, body, tails. Millions of silver gun barrels and turrets pointed at The Ivory Throne.

"Repeat after me, My Silver Knight.", his Princess commanded.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder..."

"[By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder.]"

"I shall grant you your Finality."

"[I shall grant you your Finality.]"

A hail of bullets, shells, and energy blasts carried out underwater. Power of the most evil race in the universe, and the strongest army in the universe. Their combined strength is unmatched by anyone or anything.

Those who are capable of creating the most vile weapons, in order to kill their enemy just a little bit harder. Those who can compute the best strategy to effectively crush their enemy in hundreds of different ways.

For the Silver Princess of Humanity and the Traitor of Fermaleemos. They are a perfect match.

They are simply...


Soon, against the firepower of Humanity and Machine... The Ivory Throne fell. Its body dissipates.

"[Target Elimination: Confirmed]", Utopia spoke, closing all of his guns.

"Distill.", Charlotte separated Ouroboros Omniscia from him, "Good work, My Silver Knight."

"[I offer you this Victory, Your Highness.]", he said with grace. Although she is flesh and blood, he is willing to follow her to the end of the world, if she chooses it.

That is the only thing he can do for his Princess, for the person who had given him a Name.

"Thank you, Utopia.", Charlotte smiled, caressing the coffin next to her, "Next up, we will be heading towards America. Just dock right on the national sea border."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]"

He rises out of the water, transforming back into the warship. And next to him, swimming along under the ocean is Avalon, following them to whatever goals they may have.

He has enough computing power to spare them, so when his liege commands, nothing will remain at the end of his turrets.

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