Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Voyager of Destiny

I kinda expected the U.S. to overreact a bit since an unknown vessel spewing out fog is on its border in the middle of the night. But to send an entire fleet is a bit too much.

Well, to be fair, this new and improved Prydwen used to be a flagship. Not to mention Utopia.

[We of the United States Navy request you to identify your origin and state your business in U.S. water.], the person on the open channel said calmly, trying to not antagonize me.

I grabbed the communication radio and spoke, "This is the owner of the Prydwen, though I cannot give you my name, but you can call me Sinclair. I request an emergency meeting with Abigail Sillarco, the Sentinel of the West Coast."

[We understand, please stay where you are until the General comes.], he said with caution.

"Thank you for your understanding."

No worries about what my intention is, nobody asked me to guarantee Seria's safety. This isn't because they trust me, an unknown person in their eyes, it is because they trust Seria, the person who safeguards America, they are confident that she can resolve any situation.

She is their symbol of military might and their eternal protector.

Will I be able to get that level of support and trust? Without manipulating people? No, I don't think so.

So I waited, smoking my cigarette and chatting with Utopia. Hoa is already on the lower deck resting. So it is only the two of us right now.

Turns out, we have quite a lot in common. Like our despise for flesh melding with the machine, since both become a liability for each other. The pros might outweigh the cons, but that is not the point, a massive weakness is still a massive weakness.

Surprisingly, Utopia has a hobby of taking pictures. He appreciated the little things in life, like me, though he kept saying that it is his habit to capture the memories of the worlds he had to destroy. Well, he does him, not my problem.

I am not the type to correct people.

"[Your Highness, someone is on the deck.]", Utopia reported.

She is here.

"Don't do anything sudden, she is the most dangerous human on Earth. I'll take care of her."

She is my mother after all.

I got off from my throne and went to the deck. I wore my glasses, suppressing my gaze.


"Hello, mom.", I spoke in a neutral tone.

Seria is wearing her forest green military uniform on her shoulders, a button-up white shirt, crossing her arms while spreading her legs ready for combat. Her crimson eyes were reptilian, her hair as if made of gold itself, and her devilish smile pushed all the wrong buttons.

"Charlotte, you have some explaining to do—"

I went in for a hug, tightly so... hah... love... this is what I needed. I let my Empathy loose, feeling her emotions... once again, her color painted my canvas.

"Uh... Charlotte?", she asked.

"Just a bit more, mom...", I whispered.

Living with a piece of my soul missing makes me quite a spiteful person. But now? I think I am not as spiteful as before, but still an overall bitch.

I let her go, "I really needed that."

"Feeling better now, Charlotte?", her smile became gentle, "How was the months of isolation?"

"It was fun, I guess. I had a lot of things in mind. Most have been cleared.", I look down at her, "Well, I got a greater sense of responsibility, I guess."

It is good to see her face again. I remember it now.

"So no more running away?", she asked.

"No, for the foreseeable future that is.", I spoke frankly. I don't think I'll go rogue in the future... but I think I would if my plans follow through.

"Good!", she patted my head, "Also, did you cut your hair?"

"Yeah.", I nodded, "I feel lighter without all of those long hair, and it greatly reduced my use of shampoo."

I just soak my hair in a bubble bath, usually a whole bottle. My hair was very long after all, surprisingly, Romulus didn't use it to his advantage.

"And you wear glasses now! Are you becoming a nerdy girl? Or did staring at the monitor all day damage your eyesight?", she teased.

"Well, my gaze is very... judgemental.", I took off my glasses, staring at Seria.

She flinched, "Ooh... I see, yeah, that gaze is creepy as fuck.", she nodded.

I put my glasses back on, "So did Babel have any problem with me?"

"Surprisingly no.", she shrugged, "Some in the board suggested tracking you down but Issac shut them up since you know, you are the Akashic Records. We kinda need you as the poster child and someone we absolutely need to support."

"Huh, that kinda makes sense.", so they will support me with my plans. Nah... I doubt they will, because my plan is kinda...

Bad for everyone in the world.

So I do have to keep it a secret for a while until I've gained enough autonomy. I can't do this alone, and I have some who are willing to side with me without my manipulation.

"Shall we head back home, Charlotte?", she grabbed my hand, "There is someone who wants to tell you something."

"It is related to your academy transfer."


I smiled, "Am I getting accepted?"

"Selen didn't get very clear about it. So maybe?", she shrugged and turned back, "I'll communicate with the navy, so do you want to dock your ship or...?"

"I would like to register Prydwen as a privately owned vessel under your name.", I said, pulling up a holographic screen from the side, "Here is everything you need to know."

I swiped the screen over to her, "Minimum one thousand turrets, including but not limited to eight... wait, isn't this the Bismarck?!"

She turned around, "Charlotte, did you somehow resurrect the KMS Bismarck?!"

"Long story short, yes. My old ship got cut in half by a dinosaur...", we both stare at each other, "...I will not elaborate on that front."

"...okay... back to the Bismarck, since you announced the Prydwen in an open channel, the British might as well listened in. You would get into trouble with the Pendragons, since they want to get back all of their Relics and all.", she explained, "Honestly, I don't want to deal with the entirety of the U.N, being roped into finding a person that doesn't exist..."

Then we both realized, I fucked up. I linked myself with Sinclair...

Hah... this is tough. I should've continued living in isolation.

"Then let's pretend this is a coincidence!", Seria suggested, "Sure, you will be interrogated but you could just say this is a different ship!!"

It technically is a different ship, not that I would say it.

"Who would think a way too modern warship is an ancient fairy ship?!"

Thank makes a lot of sense...

"Then I guess I can use this...", I took out my Hunter License. I did become a Hunter through nepotism after all, and I did take the precaution of hiding my identity, my grandaunt suggested that after all.

She took my license, smiling, "Voyager of Destiny, huh. You are quite edgy with this one."

"Could this work?", I asked.

"Yup, and I can vouch for you! So do you want to be called Sinclair while you pilot this ship?", she asked while handing me back my license.

"Yes, that would be preferable.", that is still technically my name... wait, "And an 'E' at the end when writing the reports."

"So Sinclaire?", she looked amused.

"Yeah, I got nothing to lose.", I just shrug, "And make sure that nobody goes onboard, this ship is sapient."

"What do you mean?", she looked around with a suspicious gaze.

"Make your presence known, My Silver Knight.", I snapped my finger.

The floor opened up to reveal a monitor showing a digital deer skull, sliver just like how I wanted.

"[Greetings, mother of my Liege. I am Utopia.]", he spoke in a low robotic voice.

"Damn, you really play into your Princess persona.", that was Seria's only comment, "Another tick to my bingo card."

"What bingo card?", I took off my glasses.

"I have a bingo card predicting what crazy shit you would do. This one has a talking sapient weapon", she laughed, "Anyway, gotta go now. I trust the boys to not do anything rash but you never know! And nice meeting you, Utopia!!"

And she flew off with bony wings on fire.

Elemental user-wise, I think the people I met are mostly fire-based. Food for thought.

I headed back into the commanding bridge, sitting on my throne while waiting for clearance. It didn't take long.

[Captain Sinclaire, we had received the notification from the General. Please come with our escort ships to the San Diego base.], the channel blarred up, [And although the General vouchs for you, we need to bring you in for some questioning related to current events.]

I grabbed the radio device, "I got it, Sir. And I am sorry for disturbing your night."

[Thank you for understanding. And please, we are just doing our job.]

I turned off the radio and spoke to Utopia, "Utopia, hide all currently exposed turrets."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]", and he obliged.

After a bit of time sailing to the military base, I put on my mask while also wearing my glasses as I exited the ship. Aside from my double antimemetic headwear, I only bring my trench coat which was fused with Ars Goetia, and a pair of black gloves.

I was led to a room with two three chairs, one facing the other two, a table between them, and a two-way mirror that connects to the other room.

I sat down with two people, one was dressed in a business suit with ragged hair, and seemed like he only had minutes to prepare, the other person was likely the naval officer I spoke to.

"I am Saul Enmrich, an interrogator working for the CIA.", the man in a business suit spoke first, "The General had reported your identity and vouched for your occupation as a Hunter, so we will only ask for some basic information regarding your presence in U.S. water."

"Feel free to, Mister Enmrich.", I nodded.

"Then let up begin.", he took out a piece of paper, "Regarding your visit, do you have anything to do with the incident happening 6 hours ago, relating to an echoing scream followed by a giant flash of lightning?"

"Yes.", I confirmed right away, "It was a Leviathan, heading towards Hawaii. As a Hunter, I must hunt creatures that pose a threat to the well-being of the people. If you need proof, I will bring it to you at a later date."

Saul and the other guy looked at each other, and the guy nodded urging Saul to continue.

"Then about your ship, is it related to the destruction of the Panama Canal?"

"I don't think so, as I was wandering around the Pacific Ocean on patrol for the last four months... is everyone safe?", I acted worried.

"Aside from some minor injuries, no lives were lost.", the military man replied, "I am Admiral Dennis Atilier."

I nodded, "Thank you for confirming."

So no one died, my kill count is still one. Good.

"Can you prove your claim?", the interrogator asked.

"No, since I operate alone with little contact, I cannot prove anything.", there is no way I can prove my innocence, nor do they have a way to prove my crimes.

"I see... I apologize but you will be a suspect in the Panama Crash Case.", he stated.

"It's alright.", I shook my head.

"Then another thing we want to confirm about your ship. Although it is obvious that your ship is impossible to be the Prydwen the United Kingdom is looking for, we want a statement from you personally.", Saul said, looking at the Admiral and back at me.

"It is not the Prydwen you speak up, I picked that name because I think it sounds cool. Hehe... I was quite edgy in my younger days.", I let out a fake embarrassed laugh.

"So does it have any supernatural or magical origin?"

"Yes, it does...", what would be an absurd but believable lie?

Ah... I got it, "The Flying Dutchman. It came to possess my original ship, which somehow fused together into what it is now. Along the way the ship picked up scraps of ghost ships... so you could say that the ship itself is a Relic."

Not exactly the truth, but not really a lie either.

"The Flying Dutchman... noted. So just to confirm again, you are the captain of a Relic named The Flying Dutchman and a Hunter.", he said.

"Yes.", I nodded.

"And your citizenship?", Saul asked.

"Greek, though I lost it in the Civil War.", I said, pointing at my silver hair, "My only identification currently is my Hunter License, and I am working on getting American Citizenship."

"Good...", he then looks at Dennis.

"I want to ask about your relationship with General Abigail Sillarco.", the Admiral stated.

"As you know, my line of work gets me a lot of contacts. I usually patrol in the Pacific Ocean, and I am the one who gets information about the tidal changes for Miss Abigail.", I made up a narrative, "And since this is an emergency, the Leviathan I killed is more troublesome than it looks."

"Could you share it with the navy?", he asked nervously.

"I've shared the information with Miss Abigail, she will debrief you guys but it's not something too major, I hope.", I took in a deep breath, "This monster can generate ice, upon its death it froze the ocean floor. You should expect stray icebergs in the Pacific Ocean."

Dennis was tense, I could sense it, but he kept a neutral front to the whole matter, "Thank you for your time, Captain Sinclaire. You are free to go."

"Then I will get going.", I stood up, "And make sure that nobody gets on my ship, the ghosts on it can be quite bloodthirsty."

With that, I left the military base without much surveillance. Though turning on my mask's antimemetic effect to full max made me off the radar in every sense.

Well, it is time to go home.

"Utopia, My Silver Knight...", I took out my phone, pulled from an alternative future by the grace of Reverie, "Are you in?"

The screen flicked into black, only to show the symbol of a silver deer skull. He is quite eccentric in his presentation.

Then a line of text was generated after the skull flickered away, [What do you need, Your Highness?]

"Get ready to gather information, and archive all of important people's data... for a better world, for a better humanity..."

Sacrifices are needed.

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