Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Exploration of Memories

Sitting on Ouroboros Omniscia, I observe the students gathering before me. Letting out a puff of smoke, I begin the show.

"We are entering El Dorado, so I want to make a few things clear.", I cross my legs, "We will be exploring an area, two city blocks and no further than that. Don't enter any building, don't steal anything, and leave anything you find where it is. Always travel in a group of two, and we will camp for the night in there."

The students are getting rowdy, talking to each other about what they would see.

"You can take pictures all you want.", I hopped down and opened the coffin, taking out a bag.

"Come take your phones, I've charged them all so there is no problem. If it runs out of battery just come to me, I'll charge it for you."

I handed their phones to them one by one, which they hesitantly took since they were scared of me. Well, from everybody's perspective, I am a bit of a psycho, getting too close makes them squirmy.

"Like the other days, keep an eye out for each other and keep yourself safe.", I picked up a rock and threw it at supersonic speed, hitting a giant otter lurking in the forest.

"As for water, make sure your bottle is full since we don't know if El Dorado has the same rules as True Arcadia, and bear with a trip back through the portal to get more water.", scaring them a bit~

"Professor, what is True Arcadia?", a student asked.

I smoke a bit before speaking, "A paradise in a similar vein to Avalon of Britain or the Garden of Eden in legends, but you will permanently be stuck in True Arcadia if you drink from its water or eat fruits from there."

I could probably just burn the whole island down.

"But what's so bad about living in paradise?", another one asked.

"Everything in True Arcadia is immortal, if you receive a fatal injury the island will heal you by replacing your missing part with plants, and eventually you will become a tree while being fully aware of everything around you.", I inhale some more smoke.

The air became tense as the students let it sink in, some murmured about deciding to stay or go, some just wanted to go home, and some thought that it would be a waste not to come after all of this.

Uncertainty, what a familiar word.

"You know adventurers you often read about in novels?", I took their attention, "Those who fight to make a name for themselves or for money, or any other personal reason, they are largely based on the European Hunter Association."

"Fighting monsters, discovering uncharted and forgotten land, anything really, even odd jobs. As long as you have the capability, you can join the Hunter Association."

Am I running an ad? Yes, I am. For my dream Dystopia, I need as many people who fight not for their nation, not for a collective, but for themselves.

"You have a baseline salary, depending on your completion rating and the job you do, besides the Commission payment you get a bonus as your salary. It's a high-risk high-reward type of job."

Let's not talk about the weird dress code.

"For the joy of it or for the money, being a Hunter grants the most freedom. For me, it's for the thrill of it all."

I walk past them all, staring at the portal and picking up the coffin.

"What's more thrilling now than going to a City of Gold?"

And I walk into the portal, transporting me to the City of Gold. It is not as beautiful when it's at night, but still beautiful nonetheless.

To be honest, I thought that an isolated tribe living inside a Dungeon would be more violent. But reality sure hit differently, these people are desperate and tired, even now with the Boss defeated there are still monsters spawning in from the forest surrounding the city. And I am their salvation, from a glance they realized I possess the dignity and air of a monarch, and the warmth of a caring ruler.

They are Dragonborns after all, their senses are far better than normal people's.

Though one of their weirder requests was something to help with pregnancy, and no, Dragonborns don't lay eggs, they are primate...ish. Since their body structure is usually pretty tough, pregnancy is more stressful with their expanding stomach going against their body structure and it hurts from the third month to the ninth month.

I decided to give some muscle relaxant, my original brew at that. I am an Alchemist, and making medicine kinda comes with the job.

Oh, some students just came in.

They look dazed, well, this must be their first time going through a portal. But that daze soon turns into awe as they gaze upon the City of Gold.

"Welcome to El Dorado, the City of Gold.", I open my arms, "Feel free to explore and take as many pictures as you want, and be the first people to bring El Dorado to the world."

"Now go and explore.", I turned around, grabbing Ouroboros Omniscia, "I have a report to write on."




You know, the reason why El Dorado is still unknown is because it's a Dungeon that doesn't let people out, and the Boss is a fucking Replica of a very dangerous Eldritch Beast.

So I am working on a report confirming their death. And not to get the Koreans riled up on things like Dungeons and Spires are all property of Korea, all because they have almost all Dungeon to themselves and insist on owning them for "safety reasons", the Labyrinth in Greek, despite having a history connected and physically existing on Crete, they still insist on taking over it.

Hmm, I should put 'Phantasmal Denial all Korean Dungeon' on my checklist. It will devastate Korea's economy since they are reliant on the Dungeon and probably cause unrest, but who cares.

Well, I guess I could start with dropping a Hammer of God.

"Utopia, drop one down on the Dungeon Forest in Korea.", I commanded.

"[As you command, Your Highness.]"

Hmm, I really should use these kinetic bombs as strong as hydrogen bombs more sparingly. People are beginning to catch on after the first one dropped in, and then the next one destroyed a heritage site, and now this one. And even if the rod vaporizes upon impact, it is suspicious that there is no radiation.

I kinda stole this weapon from the UK after all. I've only used three out of 50 rods. They are definitely trying to get back control in secret.

Going into the monster spawning ground, I look around to find evidence of their death. Francis had set up the perimeter so the students wouldn't get there...

"By the Instinct and Dream of the Mind."

From my chest Reverie began to spew out, floating in the sky in small particles of darkness.

"Embrace the Abyss, Dive into Infinity."

My eyes glow a bright silver light, and the calculations around me become clearer and more complex.

"I am the Amalgamation of Human Achievements, Blood and Tears of Humanity is my Might."

I stroked my hair back as I walked forward, the motes of darkness dyed the tip of my hair black as I touch them.

"Since the Dawn of Time, From the Age of Technology."

A silver book and pen appear before me, floating about.

"The Grand Machination of Humanity is what I shall Build."

The motes of darkness surround my neck, forming a blue scarf flowing against the wind.

"Because I shall reveal Infinity."

I hold the book, flipping the blank pages of the Book of Akasha and I sign my name on it, confirming activation.

"Problem: Where are the dead bodies?"

The motes seep into the ground, digging through to find the answer...

I look at my book, hmm, 23 human corpses buried with fancy clothes on them. But the corpses aren't decomposing...

I spun my pen and tapped the ground, a single drop of ink fell onto the golden ground... and fractal began to bloom like an eight petals flower, seeping into the ground.

My book represents Reverie only, while my pen can handle Reverie and another part of my power. Frankly, it's too strong for it to be interesting. Like combining with Survive speed up the corrosion process, so a touch would mean instant death.

I have too many instant death powers already...

Oh, I just got the analysis on Ichor. The blood of god can be used as medicine in small doses, as well as rocket fuel. This is pretty useful.

And I have exclusive access to it.

"Utopia, build a chamber to collect Ichor from that god.", I commanded.

"[As you command, Your Highness]", he obliged.

"Oh, by the way, what weapon besides explosives can I make with Ichor?"

"[Ichor infused gunpowder to make them go further.]", that was his reply, "[Since Ichor is a great fuel source, powering automatas should be easy without needing to recharge for a long time. Furthermore, combine Ichor with Orichalcum and Titanium to make Asgardium.]"

Hmm, a robot army of my own... no, not interested. I can't get up close and personal with that. But Asgardium though... that is interesting.

"Thanks for your input, Utopia. But I don't need an army, a ruler does not simply make threats with sheer might, just my own confidence is enough."

So Ichor... that might come in handy later. Especially when I am the only one having access to it.


I zapped away in a flash of electricity, grabbing the shoulders of two students.

"Now now, what did I say?", I grinned.

"Pr-Professor, it isn't what you think!", the girl shivers.

"We were just taking a peak!", the boy followed.

"Then why is your hand holding the doorknob?", I spoke to the girl, "Samuel Ejey, Theresa Lind, don't touch anything and let the professionals do the work."

I let go of them, "Since I am in a good mood, let me teach you some stuff. Follow me."

They nodded with hesitance, following me as we got close to the camp. Most of the students are taking pictures and gossiping about El Dorado. I noticed a shard from a vase on the ground.

"Look at this, tell me what do we do with it?", I crouched down, they too do it.

"We... pick it up and put it in a ziplock bag?", Samuel answered.

"Yes, but you have to put on gloves, as your skin oil and moisture can damage and ruin the artifact. Preferably surgical glove, but for a piece as small as this...", I gripped it between my index and thumb, "Leather gloves are enough, you just have to be careful when grabbing stuff."

I look around, counting the students. Hmm, it seems like most of them are here.

"Call everyone to gather up, I have something to tell you guys."

"Y-Yes, Professor!", Samuel was the first one to book it.

"Hey! Wait!!", Theresa chased after him.

I placed the shard down and dispelled the combination. They must've noticed it but didn't say anything out of fear. I am pretty bad at being a teacher, after all.

After ten minutes, everyone crowded around me, waiting for instructions.

"I'm going to give you guys a simple assignment, till the end of today, I want all of you to determine if El Dorado is truly made of gold using only your eyes. You don't need to be correct, just give your opinion.", I took out a cigarette from my pack, "Remember, don't touch any of the buildings."

Let's see how they do.

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