Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The City of Gold – Exit

I am a quiet person at my core, enjoying the serenity of this darkness. Nothing beats wandering around with me being my only company.

I pointed my lance to my right at an intersection, "Judgement."

A blast of crystal shards carried by the wind tore apart some monsters.

Peace and quiet, just what I like.

I scratch my claws against the wall, creating markings even if I don't need them.

Still, this labyrinth is pretty big, with multiple flights of stairs leading downward.

Hmm, this seems to be a good place to sort out my thoughts, no World of Chalk this time.

Let's see... Theia, Tiamat, and Roko... they are my enemy, that's much of a given.

Theia I can deal with seeing how Delusion can break her defense, that means I too can touch her with my other powers. But that means...

I need to be serious and not play around, but that is betraying myself. Unless she pissed me off.

Then there is the problem with Tiamat, I just can't with that thing. I need to eliminate it somehow...


I remember the reason why Welt Ealam sent me to another world for the purpose of waking up the world with my sheer level of destruction.

So... why don't I do the opposite? Putting Tiamat to sleep, so that it cannot interfere with my plans. But how will I do that?

Let's put that aside for now.

I kicked down a door, before being immediately attacked by two jaguar monsters.

"Judgement.", two crystal spikes extend out from the walls beside me, penetrating them from top to bottom.

Now, what do we have here?

Inside this room is a small chest made of stone. I went ahead and opened it up—

Only for it to lunge at me, trying to bite my body, but Domination broke its teeth. This is a Mimic if my game terminology is correct, it's like a Skinwalker but more... video game.

I twisted and swung my lance at it, stabbing the Mimic with the lance's spikes. Then I kicked it away, letting the Dragon's Curse grow into it. 

Red thorns penetrate through its body, growing out until there is nothing left but a destroyed chest covered in thorns dripping with blood.

Oh, there is a secret entryway behind the wall opposite the door. So I kicked it—

The entire place rumbles, and dust falls off my Domination. Huh, this is the first time I can't solve anything with brute force. Neat.

Very well, I shall play your game, Dungeon.

"Enuma Elis."

I punctured a hole through reality, piercing this wall in one strike. No way I am going to use my brain when I am on vacation.

I walked inside the entrance and... oh, a portal of iridescent purple and red vortex.

Very well...

Stepping into the portal, I was teleported into a hallway made of gold leading to a room.

If I remember correctly, which I always do, there should be a corpse of a god somewhere... and this is the place.

Chained and bound in gold shackles is a ten-meter-tall being, its form resembling a masculine man with the head of a jaguar. He had his heart ripped out, signified by the hole in his chest, but he is still bleeding golden ichor.


"Who...", he let out a grasp.

This thing is still alive, huh.

Gold patterns glow on his body, then more ichor gushed out from the hole.

"I'm amazed you are still alive.", there is barely any signal coming from him.

"What... are... you—"



Two spears of blue crystals launched, piercing his biceps.

"ARRRGGGG!!!!", followed by a scream of agony. The shackles rattled, shaking the entire place.

"You asked the wrong question, cat.", I crossed my arms, "I am not a What, but a Who."

I raised my lance up, "Symphony of Hysteria: Shooting Ground."

The Justice Mist around me crystallized into stakes, which I commanded to fly and position around the god.

Justice and Euphoria, this combination is pretty simple. It draws out what people feel when Justice is enacted, a sick sense of joy, so the more twisted the Judgement is the stronger the impact. But without an audience to witness the act of Justice?

Justice has the power to penetrate souls, and Euphoria amplifies everything. What does that entail? Well... Just the greatest torturing ability after all. Pain amplification. Inescapable pain dealt to his very soul.

"You dare—"

"Judgement.", I swung my lance down, cutting his right arm off with a sword made of crystal.

"You don't seem to understand, cat.", I glare at him, my eyes making his pain even worse, "I am the one in control of the situation."

"Human... trapped me... release me!!", it roared, spewing out blood.

Ah, the pride of a god. A classic.

"Why would I?", I tilt my head, my voice ran cold, "Tell me, why would I release you when I am a human?"

He growls at me.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, the Silver Princess of Humanity. I fully support the imprisonment of another creature that is not human.", I placed my right hand on my chest with a smile, "But I am merciful, even an animal deserves some mercy."

The stakes shot closer, touching his neck.

"Would you choose to be imprisoned forever or die?", my voice carries a sense of finality.

"You... I will never SUBMIT!!!", he roared shaking up the room.

Fine by me~

"Let's leave it to the Judge.", I snapped my finger.

And immediately, all the stakes went it and decapitated the god. His head rolls to me, the size of a small car when looking up close.

But he is still alive as his eyes are glaring at me. But he cannot speak as he is now just a head, while the stump on his head is spurting out ichor like a fountain.

Huh, I just got a good idea.

I summon Ouroboros Omniscia to me, planting it right in front of the head.

"The one inside this coffin is a god, maybe you will finally have company in here.", I grabbed the coffin, "Open, Ouroboros Omniscia!"

The front opened up, revealing rows of teeth leading to the abyss. Then tendrils shot out, grabbing the head as it let out a silent scream, bit by bit the tendrils tore it apart and ate it all~


Then the coffin moved to the body, the tendrils aimed for the throat— which I stopped, not giving it the chance to eat the Core.

Gods are made by Chaos by giving sentience to concepts and elements, lightning, authority, and so on and so forth. They are immortal as long as those concepts and elements still exist on Earth, as they syphons energy from those things.

Or do what Remus did, shattering the Core to permanently kill a god, but he didn't go for total annihilation, leaving behind Remnants of the gods, together with the Imprints of life, the Gems are created holding not only the soul fragments of the gods, but also the stories of those gods and people who have strong influence to life, and the raw power of those concepts that remains as blank.

For Ouroboros Omniscia, the god that resides in it is a Goddess of Love and Craving, as long as rejects the things it wants, it will never stop craving for affection and thus continuously generate energy.

The god will still be alive, but without a head and a heart, as long as the Core is still intact this stream of ichor will still continue.

Well, that was pretty uneventful.

"Utopia, how is the situation outside?", I asked.

"[It has been four hours since you ventured into El Dorado, Your Highness. But some students have woken up and are approaching the portal.]", he reported.

Well, that's going to be a problem.

"[The Vice just approach them and sent them back to the camp.]", he continued.

Nevermind, that queen is at least useful for something besides ruining my plans.

I smile.

This trip has been very relaxing for me, though I probably have to make up to Mitsuki for blue balling her so much.

At least she is having fun with the students.


I return back to El Dorado in front of the castle. Oh, Mitsuki got bandaged up with a bandage made of animal hide.

"Is everything alright?", she smiled at me.

"Got some interesting things.", I replied, "Want to check them as soon as we get back to the ship?"

"Of course!", she excitedly raised her arms, then she flinched as she tried to stand up, "Ow ow ow..."

I sighed, opened up the coffin, and took out some painkillers, I passed to her the bottle.

"Do you need something to drink?", I asked.

"Nope! I am used to swallowing pills whole!!", she showed me her bright smile.

"Don't push yourself too much.", I pat her head, "And sorry for making you do nothing."

"That's okay, I forgive you.", she looked down, a bit depressed, "But you have to make it up for me!!"

"Alright, fine.", I smile a bit.

Then I turned to see Huascarn talking with his people, he noticed my gaze and shivers from my Eyes of Judgement.

"Your Highness, you are back!", he seemed happy with my return, "my warriors had returned and they confirmed that we can exit this place!!"

"Very well.", I nodded, "I will arrange with someone to help you rejoin humanity, if that is what you want."

"Your Highness... your people had been here for a long time, we wish nothing more to escape this hell...", he placed a hand on his chest and went on one knee, "As long as the people in red and metal do not come... we will accept your ruling."

"Good, as you should.", I smiled and pat his head, startling him as he looked at me, "This is a gesture of comfort, Huascarn. Don't resist it."

"Yes... Your Highness...", he closed his eyes, taking in the moment.

"I'll talk with the others, to see what they want.", I let my hand go, "See you later, Huascarn."

"Of course, Your Highness.", he bowed deeply to me.




It took an hour to talk to all of the Dragonborns, it was about three hundred people, and El Dorado is a large city.

With Mitsuki leaning on me - I took Ars Goetia off to not let her hear the heartbeats - we made it out of the portal and back to the campsite.

Two people were waiting for us, Francis and Gale.

"How was your trip?", Gale asked first.

"Got to meet the people of El Dorado, they are all Dragonborns and the city itself is a Dungeon. So I need you to get in contact with the Association for a Rescue operation.", I said as I pointed back toward the portal.

I should tip off the G.O.C or Babel, both of them are all about protecting humanity... or I could go with another option, the Akashic Insurgency. Hestia may be a disillusioned goddess, but she is still a kindhearted goddess. I'm sure she can help out, as long as she doesn't have PTSD about a god being murdered and soaking the land in divine golden blood.

"That I can do, but...", he got closer to me, whispering to me as well as Mitsuki, "No Fafnir situation, right?"

"No Fafnir, I assure you.", I nodded to reaffirm my stance.

Then Francis came up to me, "So, is it dangerous for the students to visit?"

"I'll deposit five grand to you through the Association as a Commission payment.", I spoke to Gale, "You can go after seeing El Dorado, and I need to discuss with Francis so go away for now."

"Sounds good to me!! See you around, Sinclaire!!", he eagerly went away.

I turned to Francis, "Now, I've dealt with the danger so as long as you don't agitate the people there, everything should be fine."

"Yep! She killed the Boss, some Eldritch thingy made of shapes!!", Mitsuki added.

"Shapes...?", Francis widens her eyes, "You mean a Beast of Tindalos?"

"Well, a Replica of the Lord of Tindalos. It was only two percent though.", I sighed in disappointment, "For how dangerous it sounds, Welt Ealam nerfed that thing too much."

Then Francis grabbed my left shoulder, as my other one was used to support Mitsuki. Her eyes are dead serious.

She began to speak in a grim tone, "The Lord of Tindalos is nothing to joke about, although you killed a Replica, the real one is far more dangerous. Even Death, the Starlight Psychopomp, say nothing can kill it as long as the concept of time still exists, on a universal scale at that."

This reminds me, there is something about the Gem Holder situation... there is only one true time manipulator in the entire world, others can do it by the way of magic, but there is only one. John Titor, the Principal of Ataraxia and the First Gem Holder, or his true title, John the Apostle.

Why is that? There are many gods related to time, not to mention time-related humans.

Well, let's leave that for another time.

"Anyway, I've designated an area for the students to explore, so your job is to keep them from wandering off.", I shrugged with a smile, "You can explore El Dorado for a bit, and it is a marvel to behold at night."

"Can... I?", she looked at the portal.

"Of course, you want an adventure, right?", I walked past her, "Then go on, explore and adventure."

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