Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Found Family

You know, there is a sense of achievement in enjoying a hot cup of coffee while standing at the edge of a flying ship going at Mach 1.

Luckily, Utopia put on an air shield so I don't get blown away.

I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner, it is much more convenient than traveling on the sea. Well, a ship is cooler than a plane.

A triphibian fortress is cooler than both.

"[We are landing on the outskirt of Nevada soon, Your Highness.]", Utopia spoke to me.

It is early in the morning, so there aren't much people on the road to Las Vegas. So... I'll just park the ship right... here.

Utopia landed a kilometer away from Las Vegas, transforming into his fortress form which resemble a European castle, but with guns, a lot of guns.

I took out my phone and called Seria.

"Seria, I am on the outskirts of the city. Come pick me up."

[Can't you go by bike?], she asked.

"I can, but I have a walking nuke with me.", I turned back, seeing Lugh standing there with a smile, "The Enigma Code is her title, she has a hundred percent of her power by some glitch in the system."

[And you bring that to America?]", she spoke in an amused tone, [Is she friendly?]

"She said she is neutral, she won't cause trouble as long as she is with me. I'm kinda stuck as her guide.", I sighed.

[Hahaha! That's fun, probably should contact Nyarla though. What can she do?], now she is asking the real question.

"She can do what is called "manifesting Sins", making people commit suicide by having them feel the weight of their burdens.", I took a sip of my coffee.

[Anything else?]

"She is virtually invincible, I haven't tested it out though so it is up for debate.", I look to her, "Anything else I should mention?"

"Nothing necessary, no.", she shrugged.

"Nothing else, according to her."

[I trust your judgment. If a racist can accept it, I can too.]

I frowned at that comment.

"Just come over."

[Fine~ oh! Do you wanna go to a Christmas party? It's in California.], she suggested.

"I don't want anything to do with politics.", it is fucking annoying.

[Just talking and chilling with some friend~ nothing to be scared of. So do you wanna go as my daughter or a Sinclaire?], Seria asked.

"Your daughter.", I replied instantly. 

I know boomers are dumb as fuck but it doesn't take too long to put two and two together. Seria, acquainted with two Greek girls having the same fashion sense, same face, same voice, same everything... people know that the Voyager of Destiny is an animal hater.

It would get annoying.

[Okay~ put on your best formal dress and we will head straight to San Francisco!!], and she ended the call.

My best outfit, huh... I do have a dress somewhere. As a Hunter, I get invited to parties all the time, but people would get upset that I go in my work clothes. It got so bad that some people triple the bounty of some hunts just for me to not appear like I always do.

But I never actually get to put it on, I just go in with my trench coat and carry around the coffin full of weapons. I like to put Ouroboros Omniscia on the front door of whoever I find annoying, it's a God Slayer so people would get scared.

Well, I guess it is time to put it on.




I spun around, seeing my four-piece dress - a long-sleeved white shirt, a dark blue corset, a crop sleeveless blue vest, and a long blue skirt. I look pretty, but can't help but feel weird after wearing pants for a majority of my life.

"Enna, how do I look?", I asked my maid.

"To be honest, you look good in a dress.", she answered begrudgingly.

"I look good in everything.", I smiled, putting on my necklace with the symbol of the Rose Compass - yes, I found it, it was with Seria since I left it in Darkovah, she took back my possessions. However, I did make some modifications, like a silver rim around the black star and a blue diamond in the middle.

I grabbed Fallen Starlight and folded it, wearing it on my back. Enna is giving me a strange look.

"What?", I questioned her.

"Is it alright to wear a gun?", she asked the obvious.

"I am practicing my Second Amendment.", I stated.

"But that is a God Slayer."

"Which fall into the category of Arms. Plus the requirement of a God Slayer must be with its owner at all times, I don't want to break any law here.", I chuckle to myself. Man, I love being a pathological hypocrite.

"I can never understand American law...", she sighed in defeat.

"It's really confusing.", I shrugged, "But what do I know, I'm Greek."

"Anyhow, let's wait for Seria.", I walked out to the hallway.

Where Hoa was waiting for me. 

"Wanna come to a Christmas party?", I asked.

"No, I'm here to say that I'm departing, there is a situation I need to solve first after a relevation from my Lord the Madden Flame.", she spoke in a calm voice, but her eyes spoke differently. This is something serious.

"What happened?", I asked.

"Well, I received news that my homeworld was attacked by The Hell Drifter from the Council of Entropy. So my Lord wants to destroy a member of that council, specifically The Rite Weaver."

"Sure, you can go.", I shrugged, "I might be able to locate it."

"Don't you mean Utopia?", she pointed out.

"[I am an extension of my Liege, what I do is what Her Highness does, my glory belongs her own, Regent.]", getting a bit aggressive there, buddy.

"Back off a bit, Utopia.", I smiled, "Well, do you have the coordinate of The Rite Weaver?"

"[Devil's Peak, South Africa.]", he replied.

"Thanks, Utopia. I appreciate it.", Hoa nodded, "I'll be off then..."

Then she left, but stopped midway and looked back at me.

"Charlotte Silvi Sillarco, let it be known that you have earned my respect, and extension, as I am my Lord's Herald, you have been acknowledged by The Madden Flame.", she perform a bow and disappear in a flash of flame.

Well, that certainly is an exit. 

"[Your Highness, your mother is waiting outside for you.]", Utopia reminded me.

"Alright, lead Lugh to the entrance."




"Bingo card update, harem acquired.", that was the first thing Seria said to my face.

"You know I have no interest in girls, right?", I stated.

"Yeah... I don't want to be bound to this crazy woman in that way.", Enna supported me.

Then Lugh had to ruin this gag, "I wouldn't mind, it isn't the first time for me."

Seria got a good laugh out of it, "Hahahaha!! Man, it is always fun with you, Charlotte."

Then she pointed at the hellcat behind her.

"So who wanna drive?"

I haven't driven for a long time so this should be fun.

"I will.", I raised my hand up and walked towards the car, "Enna, put my luggage in the back."

"Sure.", she replied and dragged my suitcase to the back.

I open the hood of the car, this is a redeye. This is fun. I closed the hood and got into the driver's seat, which was more humble than what I expected from Seria, with no decoration.

I look outside the window, seeing her talking with Lugh... while I fiddle around with the controls, making the engine whine. Heha~ this is fun.

"Alright! We are going to San Francisco.", Seria got into the car, taking the front seat, "Tighten your seat belt!"

I check the fuel gauge, full. But I have to make a few stops first.

I stepped on the peddle, and the car began to move. Shifting gear, I was able to get it to top gear very fast.

But... I feel like the speed is not to my liking. I grinned, crackling white electricity.


The car went zoom! Hehahahahaha!!! This is what I call speed!!

"Charlotte!! You are going too fast!!!", Seria yelled, but I could see she was having fun.

"Go slow! Please go slow!!", Enna is screaming in the back, "Let me fly!!"

"Weeeeeeeee!", at least Lugh seem to enjoy it.

"Hahahahaha!!! Fuck no!! You are in my ride! You have to experience my driving skills!!"




So we got a ticket for speeding. Only halfway through California. I was sitting in the driver's seat while Seria went out to talk with the police.

"Yeah, my daughter got to drive a car for the first time. It's just a kid doing kid stuff.", she said, leaning toward the window, "Just don't find her too much."

"Right, General.", the police saluted her, then he turned to me, "Miss Sillarco, the speed gun captured you speeding over 250 mph, meaning that you have to pay $300 for your fine."

I rolled my eyes, "Do you take app transfer or credit?"

"Go to a police station and give them this.", he then handed me a receipt, "You have seven days to pay, and if you take longer without prior notice, you will have a warrant on you."

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Tom.", Seria cheerfully said, "We will be on our way now."

"It's a part of the job, General.", he laughed it off, "I hope you have a safe trip."

"If my daughter learn her lesson, that is.", Seria waved and got back into the car.

I press on the gas peddle and move on with our journey...

I'm kinda pissed now.

I placed my phone in one of the cup holders.

"Utopia, doxx that cop."

"[As you command, Your Highness.]", he spoke through the phone.

"Wait-wait! Charlotte, chill! Don't just decide to ruin someone's life on a whim!!", Seria tried to reason with me.

"[Objective completed, Your Highness.]", Utopia responded without a care.

I picked up my phone and put it back into my pocket, which was underneath my dress. My boobs aren't big enough to be a pocket dimension.

"Damn, I know I am evil, but that is another level of pettiness.", Seria commented with a dry tone.

"I am humanity, if it is anything, I would say... spite.", I smiled, snapping my finger to summon my cup of coffee, freshly made by Utopia - he had a reserve for me.

"You know what, I don't think I can help you with that. Mind if I try?"

I handed her my coffee. She drank it— and almost spit it out, swallowing before having a violent coughing fit.

"Wha-Why is this so sweet?!", she cried out, then she inspected the 'coffee', seeing that it was quite... thick, "How much sugar is in this?!"

"Twelve spoons of powder sugar, and three spoons of honey.", I casually stated, passing over a truck.

Oh, we are close to entering Bakersfield.

"How the fuck can you call this coffee?! This is just syrup-flavored coffee!!", she yelled at me, "This is a fucking disrespect to coffee culture!!"

I rolled my eyes, "Look, I don't like bitter drinks. This is the only way I can drink coffee."

"Then you better drink syrup! Or energy drink!", she yelled at me.

"I don't enjoy energy drink, so I don't drink it.", I stated.

I kept on smiling, bantering with Seria was fun. Even though our relationship is far from a normal family, she is doing her best to be in my life despite me being the worst nightmare to be in control.

Even if she is evil, she understands that all children deserve parents, and she is trying to be a good role model— scratch that, she is the worst role model, maybe... a good dad.

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