Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Hotel check-in

Somewhere in Berlin.

"It seems like she does not want to meet us.", a woman in a white dress stated with annoyance, "Though it is natural for her to be displeased with us."

Across the room was a man with undercut black hair, and a brush mustache, who is painting a mural of an entity of light.

"Just like you said, Dolfy.", he replied, his golden eyes gleaming over his painting, "If the rumors about that child are true, meeting us would be the last thing she wants."

"Even though we have changed our ways.", she replied, sipping a glass of apple juice, "Heh, not entirely."

"The people of Israel, and those who followed Christ found themselves another reason to be hated by us, after all.", he chuckled to himself.

"They simply worship the wrong God, a light from beyond our icy prison. They are a disgrace to humanity. Our Lord and Light, The Pale Court of Judgement and Order is the one true God of humanity. And by the Will of our cruel World, Christianity is the testament against the natural order.", she bloomed a sadistic smile, "How I wish to burn them all."

"Unfortunately for us, as our Oath to The Pale Court dictates, we cannot harm those vermins.", the man stated.

"Even then, we could convince the Akasha to end that race. Their very existence is heresy against our Lord and Light.", her golden eyes glow.

"So we have to meet her for our cause.", he laid down his brush and walked backward, observing his painting.

The mural of Shemiss Aluqdim the Pale Court, a being wearing a cloak of light and a golden slit for a head, who embraces the nine planets of the Solar system.

"Even if we are the Greatest Evil."




"Charlotte, can you check in for me?", Seria asked while I was smoking, "Here is my invitation."

She gave me an envelope, which I opened.

It surprised me since this is a normal Christmas party held by the military. No crazy shit, no world-ending discussion. Just co-workers chilling with each other.

I went to the reception while the others were unpacking our luggage and checked them with the help of the hotel staff.

"I am here for General Sillarco's room reservation.", I stated, placing the envelope on the table.

"Oh, of course.", she began to type something on the computer, "Can you state your name for the record?"

"Charlotte Silvi Sillarco."

"Oh, you are the elusive daughter of the General. It is nice to meet you.", she offers me a smile.

"Well, I usually help her with editing on her Utube channel. If I'm not traveling of course.", well, Utopia does all of the editing. To keep him on Seria's safe side and not nuke my ship with all of the U.S.A.'s arsenal.

A fallen Herald is still a Herald in the end.

"That's interesting, could you recommend anywhere you visited before?"


"Touring a Dungeon in Korea is quite fun, it is like you are entering a different world.", because it is a different world, courtesy of The World Border.

"I'll check it out, thank you for your recommendation.", she then handed me two keycards, "Here are your rooms."

I swiped the keycards and the envelope, "Thanks."

I look at the cards while walking towards Seria's group, who had already put the luggage on the carrier.

"Room ten eleven and ten twelve.", I waved the keycards.

"Alrighty then! I'll have the same room as Charlotte, Enna and Lugh will share the other one.", Seria decided.

"Can I please have the same room as my guide?", Lugh raised her hand.

"No, I'm having my daughter all for myself today!", she suddenly hugged me.

"Well, that's decided. I'm sleeping with mom.", I shrugged, pushing Seria away.

"Very well, I shall be with Ennael.", Lugh shrugged and... she took the stairs.

"Enna, keep her out of trouble.", I ordered.

"Fine...", she sighed and chased after the Eldritch God.

Well then, I should check out the venue first, since it take place in this hotel, the World's Fair Hotel. Which ironically shares the same name as America's First Serial Killer, H. H. Holmes, hotel in Chicago.




Yeah... this place is pretty casual, with tables for a buffet type of party, and round tables for people to sit alone and enjoy food.

I noticed a stage here, getting set up for some casual singing or stand-up comedy show... I wonder if I can play on that stage.

"Excuse me.", I pulled in a worker, "Where do I sign up for tonight's show?"

"Well, you have to ask the general manager for that.", he replied.

"Where is this person in question then?"

"He isn't here right now, if you want to sign up you would need to meet at backstage during the party."

I nodded, taking out my pack of cigarette, "Can I smoke here?"

"No.", he shook his head.

"Fine.", I put my pack away.

I return to my room, checking in on Seria.

"Sup, Seria.", I enter the room, unlocking the lock with an electrical spark.

"How do I look?", she smiled at me.

She is in her formal clothes, dressed like a general except in black instead of dark green. A red shirt to go with her crimson eyes, she draped her coat over her shoulders. Combined with her long blond, she looks magnificent.

If there is something about her, it is that she knows how to present herself. Her body isn't that attractive with hills for a chest, she has a pretty nice ass though. To someone who doesn't know any better, she might look cute, until she smile that is.

"You look adorable.", I teased.

"Heh, saying something that cheap won't do anything to me.", she shrugged.

"But I'm taller than you.", I got closer, standing over her.

"I know~ I didn't have enough nutrition when I got Lucifer! And hey, I was average height at the time!", she laughed it off, "So, what do you want to do now?"

"Hmm...", I head over to the balcony, which has a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge, "I want to perform a song."

"Really.", she crossed her arms, "I'll make sure you get to perform."

She sat down on the bed, while I took out a cigarette and began to smoke.

"What about the future? What will you do after all of this then?", she suddenly asked.

The future, huh.

"I guess I'll be a journalist."

Seria smiled, "Well, that's unexpected. Tell me, why?"

"You see, I realized something in my journey.", I inhaled, breathing out a cloud of smoke, "Humanity, despite being in an age of information, is still ignorant."

"Explain.", Seria said with a curious look in her eyes.

"Misinformation runs rampant, people alter the truth, lies get covered up, and Justice cannot prevail due to corruption. Due to all of these problems, humanity lost sight of what we must do as the ruler of this planet."

Humanity is flawed, but not flawed enough.

"So what do you propose?", she smiled.

"Enlighten the masses, destroy the wall of ignorance. For humanity's future, no matter how many people must be sacrificed, I am willing to make those sacrifices.", I smiled, looking at Seria dead in the eyes.

"So you are planning to expose the dark side of humanity.", Seria whispered.

She already realized my plans.

"That is correct.", I nodded, "And you cannot stop me, the gears are already turning, the floodgate is about to open, and all hell will break loose."

"How much harm will you bring to America?", she crossed her arms.

I can only smile.

"Tomorrow promises nothing."

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