Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Green Lung of the World

The Amazon Rainforest, home to millions of species, and the Green Lung of the World that provides the most oxygen to the world as the common man believes.

Though I disagree, as the Blue Lung of the World - the ocean - brings air upon the world, it is the cradle of life itself, the primordial truth that not even I can deny.

And this is where the two of them meet, the Amazon Delta. Utopia docked the ship right on the border of sea and land, essentially, I crashed my ship onto land.

I look at the ground all with their roles assigned, for the moment they all carry backpacks but the load will be allocated to the Logistics team as soon as we set up camp.

"Now, based on previous expeditions of El Dorado, we will head West until...", I squinted at my phone, for real?, "...We hear a very specific sound."

There is an audio link for this.

[Clink— Clink—]

"That sound."

"It sounds like someone dropped a pin.", one of the students pointed out.

"Not really, no. It's the sound of steps echoing due to the construction of El Dorado's temple.", I corrected them, "Like the Aztec temples."

"Quick question, captain. What kind of civilization is El Dorado?", another student asked.

I know what kind it is but since nobody has seen it I can't just reveal it for all to hear.

"Something like the Inca Empire style of architecture, I presume. But it's a city deep in the Amazon made of gold so it could be everything or nothing.", I stated.

Lifting up Ouroboros Omniscia, I turn to them.

"We will set up camp in a suitable place, but for now, we will do as planned.", I began to walk, "Stay close to each other, if you get lost then shout as loud as you can."

"Won't that attract predators?", a student asked.

"Yes, but I am faster.", and that is a fact.

Picking up a rock, I threw it at the trees. It bounces off many of the great trees of this jungle, creating dents and noises that scare off the animals hidden in the trees. And the stone landed on my hand at its return.

"Let's get moving then.", I glanced back, seeing them all in awe of my power and accuracy.




It was a two-hour walk traversing the foresty ground, and as expected, most of the students were having a hard time.

We had encounters with wildlife, and they were all hostile ones, pythons, vipers, big cats, and birds of prey. 

Some students got lost and I had to rescue them too. Mitsuki is doing fine, between venturing into a forest and fighting space gods, there is a significant difference in difficulty. And Francis just summons her ghost army to deal with the critters, she can't just summon her whole army due to the cramped space.

Avalon is doing their job well. I am doing my job well.

"Alright, everyone we will set up camp here.", I look at the relatively even plain, there are still a lot of trees though.

"This is too cramp for thirty-three people.", Francis frowned as she crossed her arms.

I just open up the missiles, "Stand back."

The students did as I ordered. And I fired a rapid amount of missiles at the area in front of me.

Explosions knock down trees, and burn down the forest ground, leveling the entire area in the melody of destruction. Ouroboros Omniscia is more than capable enough to wipe out the Amazon Rainforest, reducing it all to a barren wasteland of ashes.

It isn't a God Slayer for nothing.

As no god would remain where their land is no more.

A hundred and eighty-three missiles were all it took to render the area good for setting up camp.

"Warden and Logistic team set up the camp. Researchers, follow me to survey the area around. And Scouts, go on ahead with Francis to look for the optimal path."

I turned around, placing the coffin down.

"This is a reminder for the Scout team, remember to mark your tracks as it is easy to get lost in the forest. Always stay as a full group or a duo. Check your compass frequently, and in case you lose it, there is another compass in the pouches I prepared."

I walked over to the open area, looking up at the sky. Hmm, it is barely passed noon, "And most importantly, come back before it gets dark."

"Umm, we just got here so can we rest?", the appointed leader of the Scout team, Gai Gartena, spoke up.

"Well, we are supposed to take it slow but thanks to a certain somebody I had to move the schedule up.", I glanced at Francis.

"Ten days is not enough to scratch the surface of this expedition.", I sighed, "Well, if we don't reach the destination in four days, I'll do the thing."

""The thing?"", they all wondered.

"I'll clear out a straight path and may or may not burn down the entire Amazon Rainforest.", I smiled, sending chills up their spine.

"Yeah~! She isn't one to go back on her promises.", Mitsuki jumped in, "So let's set up quickly! Or else this place will be destroyed!!"

Everyone got the message clear and scrambled on their task.

Francis approached me with a frown.

"What are you going to do?", she asked me.

"The whole burn down the Amazon Rainforest thing? I can do it if you are wondering about that.", I giggles, pointing at Mitsuki, "Like my friend here said, I don't go against my promises."

"Yep! And don't mind her antics! She's just like that!!", she snuggled to me, hugging my free arm.

"Come on, now. Help them set up the tents quickly and tell the Wardens to forage for food, snake meat isn't going to be enough to feed the whole expedition. I have something else to do.", I waved her off.

"Okay~!", and Mitsuki went on her own adventure.

I put Ouroboros Omniscia down and began to walk off.

"Where are you going?", Francis asked.

"Just meeting a stalker. There was someone following us.", I stated, "And get on your duty, time is of the essence."

"Fine...", she turned around, "And stalking us? I didn't sense anything."

"Relying on your powers isn't always good.", for me, I can use it all I want.

I headed into the forest, passing trees and sniping off some more hostile animals. Really... I didn't expect to encounter...

I touch a particular slimy substance on the ground, it has a green glow to it so it isn't hard to miss. Ectoplasm.

"What is a Ghost Hunter doing here?", I asked.

Standing on top of a tree is a man dressed in a black leather trench coat and wide-brim black hat, he exudes a blue ghastly aura around him. A Ghost Hunter is a Hunter who specializes in hunting the undead, just like me who is a Leviathan Hunter who specializes in hunting sea monsters.

"Gale, nice to meet you.", he hopped down from the tree.

"Sinclaire.", I stated, "My question still stands, why are you here?"

"Hunting the Luz Mala and do some field research on it.", he crossed his arm, "You?"

"Just having a field trip with Libertas' students to find El Dorado.", I shrugged, "It's either this or Atlantis Minor."

"Hmm, why not True Arcadia or Avalon?", he asked an interesting question.

"Too dangerous and magical to let students go. Ture Arcadia's water binds people to its domain forever and finding Avalon is basically impossible, its location is always changing.", I pointed out the difference in difficulty.

"Yeah, that makes sense.", he adjusted his hat, "Well, if we happen to cross paths again, I hope we can help each other out."

"Sure. That works. And why did you stalk us?", I asked.

"It's way safer to follow a group in this kind of place, sorry for stalking you though.", he rummaged through his pocket, "Have this as an apology."

He gave me a glass vial containing an orange-gold liquid.

"Aqua regia?", I held the vial up.

He nodded, "Yup, pretty convenient when dealing with the undead, this one contains a bit of gold in it."

"Acid works on everything.", I pocketed the vial, "Anyway, see you around."

"Bye.", he waved and walked deeper into the forest.

That's why for now, I still need to lead the students to do a survey around the area.

Walking back to the camp, I summoned the students and went on to gather data about this place. It is meaningless for me, but a good experience for them. Gathering and identifying poisonous plants and animals, ecological data of the surroundings, all of that boring stuff.

Yet... I found something interesting.

"Get the Wardens on high alert and gather everyone back to the camp. There is a Dragon Descendant around here.", I picked up a dark blue serpent scale.

"What is it?", a student asked.

"Look at the track.", I look over to the trail of crushed plants, "It is still fresh so the serpent mist be nearby."

I smiled, "I will show you how a Hunter does things."

Reminder: Sinclair used Ouroboros Omniscia to carpet-bomb Russia.

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