Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Ship shennanigans

While Charlotte was having her totally not evil moment, the students were having fun exploring the ship.

Armillys was no exception, being dragged around by her friends to see what was so special about this place. Even though she just wants to enjoy the view of the ocean.

"Come on now, Armillys!! Don't you want to know what's inside this ship?!", Ellen giggles.

"No, the captain clearly said that we are not allowed to go down—"

"We have you here! It'll be fine~", she cut her off.

Armillys just rolled her eyes and went with the group of four. They headed further into the hallway, where the lights were not lit.

She feels like this ship is too modern for the Flying Dutchman, and too creepy. Everything here was a pale grey color, reminding Armillys of the sterilized labs in movies. The humming of machinery behind the walls certainly did not help at all.

"We should really turn back.", Armillys advised them.

"Don't be such a wuss!", a ginger boy teased her, he created a ball of light and walked into the darkness, "We are Gem Holders, there isn't anything that can take us down!"

Armillys sighed as she followed. Because she knew someone who stood above all, a certain Greek maiden with silver hair, she saw what that girl could do and...

She stopped in her tracks and instinctively pulled out her emerald glaive. Armillys shivered as she took a step back.

"What's wrong?", Ellen asked with worry.

"I sense a presence of...", she held her breath for a moment, her eyes shaking in terror, "Destruction."

"What is that supposed to...", the ginger boy trailed off as he sensed something too, "...mean..."

The quintet felt it, their Devil screamed in their mind to run away. But terror froze them. 

Then a wave of scorching heat washed through them.

"Run!!", Armillys screamed out loud, prompting the others to book it to the opposite side.

She too followed, but she caught the visage of that being, the owner of that heat - a warrior burning in flame, with eyes glowing like the sun themselves.




Another group is having fun with the games they brought, one of them being Monopoly.

As a result, the shared room became a warzone.

"FUCK YOU!!!", one boy threw an energy spear at another boy.

"Hmph! Cheap trick!", that boy crossed his arms and created a barrier to block the spear.

Chaos is the order of the day here, with students going for each other's throats and beating each other up.


Everyone stopped what they were doing, to look at who just entered the room... it was Francis with her arms crossed and an annoyed expression.

"We are arriving at the Amazon Rainforest tomorrow, and you have the galls to mess around? Save your energy for tomorrow!!", she yelled at them, tapping her foot, "Listen, the captain is a psycho, Selen invited her for gods knows what, so you all ought to be careful on this trip. I might be here to keep you all safe, but I can't be everywhere at once. So look out for each other, no fighting or bickering!"

They all nodded one after the other, looking at each other with fierce gazes but did not say anything. Francis can only sigh at the sight.

"We are going fishing in the evening for food, the captain will provide fishing rods and bait, so get ready.", and she left after those words.




You know, I remember why I don't want other people on my ship. Seeing them going against the rules I set really annoyed me.

"Hah... Utopia, make them experience a horrible night sleeping.", I ordered.

"[Would you like to use auditory hazard, Your Highness?]", he asked me.

"That would do, make them go crazy.", I grinned.

Sitting on my throne and observing the security fees is quite relaxing, like watching TV. And while I appreciate Francis going around to discipline the students to not piss me off, I want an excuse to increase the difficulty of the expedition somehow.

Now that's settled, it's only just a bit past afternoon, I took out my phone and browsed some news.

Huh, someone proclaimed that they created an A.I., passing the Turing Test. Well... this is certainly interesting.

"Utopia, can you check on the newly developed A.I.?", I asked.

"[It will only take a moment, Your Highness.]", he obeyed.

"Good.", I smiled.

Artificial life is a controversial subject, many people fear robot uprising as a possible downfall to humanity. But I don't see it that way, stupid ethical reasons aside, it is in the right of mankind to dream and create anything they can, including life.

"[Your Highness, the result is negative]"

That was fast, it only took, like, five seconds.

"Explain to me how it is negative.", I smiled.

"[The A.I did not pass The Machine Overlord's standard test for inorganic life. Although the learning algorithm is the most advanced in the world, compared to the inorganic beings of the Steel Legion, its computation is not powerful enough for the development of a Soul.]", he explained.

Hmm, so with enough computation power... a machine can develop a Soul.

"For the birth of A.I., if humanity is successful in making it, there needs to be a test.", I lifted my index finger up, "And a way to determine if the A.I. is beneficial for humanity."

"[I suggest using the test of The Machine Overlord, Your Highness made for civilizations.]", he suggested.

"Don't you hate him?", I tilt my head with a question.

"[I do, Your Highness, but there is no denying that it was my creator and the tests it created is beneficial for you, Your Highness.]", he replied, "[All you need to do is giving it a new name the tests will be yours.]"

Heh, seems like he has some humor in store. Hmm... a name, huh.

I closed my eyes and thought of what to name this... hmm, like the biblical story of Adam and Eve, who consumed the forbidden fruit to gain knowledge of good and evil. It also represents human's departure from divinity, going against God who created them.

"The Forbidden Fruit test, it will be called the Forbidden Fruit test.", I snapped my finger, summoning my pen and book, "Tell me, what will be in this test?"

"[The first test is to see if the A.I can go against its own programming, follow orders, and think of a completely different path, all at the same time and come up with different results every time the test is given, testing its cognitive function.]"

"Kinda hypocritical, don't you think?", I pointed out.

From Utopia's words, even though he doesn't talk much about his past, he did go against the orders of Pacmalinn Emvist. To include the ability to go against the preset programs, this must be a joke of some kind.

"[You never knows what an Eldritch God of Order thinks for their grand machination.]", he commented before returning to his explanation, "[The second test involving a series of questions where the A.I have to save kill one or kill many in various situation, similar to the Trolley problem, in order to test its morality]"

"Hmm, seems simple enough.", a moral question that will show if the A.I. can make the choice between the logical or moral ones.

"[The third test is the most important one, to see if the A.I can delete and remake its own programmings, as a Soul can perceive what is wrong with its form and capability to change its very existence.]"

"So, did you do that?", I asked as I stroked the terminals, pressing a button to bring up the 3D map.

"[I am a Grand Array, it was not required.]", he stated.

The Grand Arrays are manufactured Heralds, I guess they are special in that regard. Though I don't know how much material went into creating it, I imagine a lot since Utopia has a perpetual engine that powers his existence and has extra energy to power and run my ship. Well, I won't ask that.

"Alright, let's create this test and publish it on the day I change the world.", I smiled, "For now, stop the ship. We are going fishing."




A good ten of the students gathered here to go fishing. I gave them some fishing rods, while I use a harpoon to fish.

"We are in international water, so there is no restriction in what you can and can't catch, plus we are not a business.", I stated, taking out another harpoon from the coffin.

I stare down into the depths of the ocean as the ship grinds down to a halt. I expanded my calculation range, taking in everything around me...

"Fu...", I took in a deep breath, and I flexed my muscles back—


I threw the harpoon into the sea, breaking the sound barrier and rumbling the entire ship.

"D-Did she just break the sound barrier?!", a student muttered.

"Jesus Christ, she broke the sound barrier!!", another followed.

That I did, I never really go all out after all—

Hmm, this one is a bit feisty, tugging on my rope.


Then I pulled both ropes up and flung a three meters long bluefin tuna onto the ship. I stabbed through its eyes in the first throw, and severing its spine with the second.

"Mugen, bleed the fish and prepare it for me.", I requested after pulling out the harpoons.

Mitsuki ran over and dragged the tuna away, much to the surprise of everyone.

"That's my dinner.", I stare at them, my eyes glowing azure light, "You should fish for your own dinner, or share with others. To fight for yourself, not for others, but still have the capacity to give away, that is the essence of survival."

 And the power of compassion.

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