Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Hunting Pretender

"Hello, Rita.", I said as I enter the room, removing my mask all the while.

"Oh, Corday. The waiter sent up to our room some fruit.", he responded, eating the makopa slice bit by bit, "And a receipt."

I took the receipt from his hands... 900 Enmit. I took out my phone, scanning the QR code on the receipt, and paid it in full. I also took a screenshot as proof in the case of them trying something suspicious.

With that all done, I sat down next to Rita and ate with him.

"Corday, are you scared?", he suddenly asked me.

Scared? Hm...

"No, not at all. I don't have anything to worry about, our job is relatively safe since we are just scouting and acts as sensor for the others."

"But... what if something bad will happen?"

"Something bad will happen. Murphy's Law and Malsumis and all of that.", I replied. Hm, this is pretty sweet.

"Yeah... I know, I think Jack is banking on trouble to see some action. She is the kind of person that want to see things work out, but also want to see things going out of control.", he stared at his piece of fruit, spinning it around before returning to explain, "Jack has multiple personality disorder."

"You mean dissociative personality disorder?", I corrected him.

But Rita shook is head, "No, it's multiple personality disorder, it means that Jack is two people piloting her body. The one you are seeing now is The Doctor, and the other one is The Killer."

Huh... that explained why Jack sometimes use 'us' or 'we' to talk about herself.

Also, it's funny how the mean one is The Doctor.

"And when do I get to meet The Killer?", I ate a slice.

"If Jack mentioned anything about dissecting you, it's The Killer talking."

Oh, oh... so the Seria-like one is The Killer...


His phone suddenly ring, Rita picked it up. He got a message from Jack... we are going to the trainning area now. Just in time too, we finished our fruit.


The training area is... wide, it's like a stadium here. And to think this was right under the hotel.

I see that Athen, Jack, and Enna are already here. They are with five MAS member, including Alpha-01.

"Hey~! You are Corday, correct?", Beta-05 approached me.

I nodded.

"Good, since I will be supporting you.", she said with a cheerful tone.

"What are we supposed to do?", I asked, tilting my head.

"Good question, I have no fucking clue.", she proudly admitted.

Then I ignored her, walking towards the Custodian. They noticed me and stopped their private chat to greet me.

"Hello.", I waved at them.

"Greetings, Miss Corday.", Malphus nodded.

"I have a question, what am I supposed to be doing now?", I asked.

"Hm, Olim, help the little miss over here.", he looked over to his buddy.

Olim suddenly thrusted his spear towards me. I can see it easily because of Survive, every moment is in slow motion. I grabbed his spear, using his inhuman strength and balance to my advantage, I jumped, landed on the spear with perfect balance.

"You are good.", Olim complimented me.

"I know.", I replied, stepping off his spear.

"With that reaction time, and without even a hint of killing intent from me, you are qualified for this job.", Olim nodded, patting my head.

"Huh, a Cognitive Scrambler. That's one way to hide your identity."

"Is it not okay?", I asked, letting him pet me.

"No, it's okay. But I think having your mask off might be better.", he commented.

Taking his words into account, I turned off the Cognitive Scrambler.

"Silver hair, huh. Are you Greek?", Malphus asked.

"Yes, but I have never been to Greece before."

"Ah, so what is your nationality?"

What is my nationality... oh, right. On my profile I am registered as American.

"American? It's what it said on my profile."

"So you don't know your nationality, or you don't have one in the beginning.", Malphus muttered out loud.

"I was raised in a lab."

With that comment, both of the Custodian stayed silent. What is wrong with being raised in a lab?

"Anyway, so what do I have to do?", I changed the topic.

"Ah, first let's get you familiar with the route.", Malphus responded, "Since the container is pretty big, we have to use the main road."

A hologram of a street displayed out of his chestplate, showing the area where I have to check out. It was from the Central Park to the Vault which is half the size of the city itself.

"Beta-05, you go with Corday.", he directed.

"Yes sir!", she saluted.

"Try to keep up.", I looked back at her.

"You fucking bet I will!", she replied, taking my words as a challenge.


And I was out of there right away, now standing in front of the hotel. With Survive, I can sense Beta-05 is frantically looking for me... heha... this is fun, but it was cut short by Malphus saying that I am already outside.

Beta-05 took something from the Custodian and then ran. She is pretty fast all thing considered.

Stand outside of the hotel, I looked at the surrounding area. People travelling in cars, no sidewalk at all. Drones of different kind flying around, maybe some people are testing them. Oh, and some people are taking picture of me, so I hid myself behind a pillar.

"Corday!", Beta-05 yelled.

Oh, she got here pretty quick. I turned to her, tilting my head to the side innocently.

"Hah... hah... please... could you not teleport out of nowhere...?"

She seems tired, disappointing.

"You aren't like father.", I whispered.

"Father?", she caught on right away, "What do you mean?"

"Andras Silvi.", I said as I looked away.

"Andras? You mean the Hero of Greece?! I thought his daughter is in Greece.", she commented.


"Don't you know? She's pretty famous with her book... are you...", she stopped her words, probably sensing my anger.

I have... a sister? Why did nobody mention that TO ME?!

Calm down... calm down now, Charlotte Silvi. You don't need to do this at the moment...


Stop it, Malice.

"Let's go.", I spoke, "Try to keep up."

Right... I have a mission. Keep your mind on the mission, Charlotte... don't be distracted...

Using Reverie, I stick onto the pillar and ran up it. Then I climbed over the top, mapping out the entire area with Survive.

Should I... a smile crept up my face. I should.


My world slowed down more than before. With the added power of Euphoria, I leaped high into the air, getting outside of the hotel's fences in about 5 seconds.I also flipped back in the air like a cat, looking at the hotel... 'Armesi' is it's name, the Entrost word for Paradise.

Where I landed is the top of a small shop. Hm, the destination is still further away... right.

"Pan.", I called out.

Birds, stray cats, and rats came to me. I held my right arm out, letting the birds land on my arm.



"Why do you seek us?"

"What do you want?"


"Answer us."


"Ruin humanity with us."

I shook my head to the last line, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

"What favor?"

"How can you repay the favor?"

"What are you going at?"


"Answer us."

I looked back, seeing Beta-05 is still running out of the hotel. Good.

"Are there suspicious people that calls themselves Akashic Insurgency around here?", I asked them.

The Pans looks at each other for a moment.


"We did find."

"What are you going to do?"



"Tell us."

"What are you doing?"

I looked into the eyes of the animals around me, "They are my enemy, they used my name... and I am in a bad, bad mood right now."

I want to break something. You would think that having the internet, finding about father I would also find about my supposed sister... but no, even the virtual world is against me.

I wonder why... I wonder why...

"Lead the way.", I commanded, fury clear in my tone.

The animals quivered, learning once again why humanity dominated the world. But we are friends now.

I like Pan, they are fun.

Pan scattered, with only one raven remained on my shoulder. It will be my guide from the look of thing.

"Hah... hah... please... could you... slow down for a second?", and here comes Beta-05.

"What do you want?", I tilted my head.

"Just... here...", she threw me a golden badge with the symbol of a spear crossed with a rifle, "That means you are recognized by the Custodian..."


"I'll head there first."


Using 100% of my power, I did property damage on the roof of the house, jumping from building to building. I am already counting the property damage I would be doing, and my resource is limited after I officially became a member.

I lost my monthly pocket money and now work on a salary that pays lower than before. But I can still ask Seria for money since she is my guardian... I don't want to though.

Pan switched way, going down into an alley, a dark alley in fact. This is going to be very interesting...

I smiled, as wide as Seria.

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