Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Christ and the Demon Slayer

Jesus lead Enna to the rooftop, where there is a pool. I am also here, since I am more curious about their relationship.

Of course, I hid myself... by sticking myself to the side of the building with Reverie.

"So Ennael, what do you want to ask of me?", Jesus said.

"Why... are you here?", Enna asked with a hint of confusion.

"I am here, like last time, by the order of God. My second and final mission, to observe humanity until the very end.", Christ stopped for a moment, "With me as his eyes, to see the end of the species he picked."

"You know that's just a bunch of lies coming from the fucker above, he's just waiting for your faith in human to falter to push the reset button, like last time!", Enna retorted.

"Perhaps that is true.", Christ mused, "Then it is another test for me. I just have to not lose my faith."

Jesus Christ... his tone, his conviction didn't change the slightest. He truly believes in humanity, what he believed about is the question...

The man who has the wisdom and knowledge of God, but the view of a human.

Certainly, he is interesting.

"That still doesn't explain WHY you are the Vice Principal of a school.", Enna pointed out.

"It is just where destiny led me to.", he said in a musing tone, "Oh, and it is not a school, it is an academy. There is a difference."

"Beside, it is easier to observe the world through it's future generations. I am no longer Jesus Christ, the Son of God, but Jesus Christ, The Wanderer."

"Heh, as if you didn't already wander around.", Enna snickered.

"That is true, old friend... now, can you reveal yourself?"

Oh, he already found me. Well, that's to be expected.

I hopped onto the balcony, and to my surprise, I was not the only one listening in. Mitsuki also showed her face.

"Hehe~ sorry, Sensei~ I was just curious!", Mitsuki rubbed the back of her head, showing her guilty expression.

"Then what about you, Miss Corday?", Christ turned to me.

"I was waiting for drama.", I spoke honestly.

"Charlotte!", Mitsuki brighten up instantly, "Can I call you Charlotte? Please let me call you Charlotte!"

"It's fine.", I nodded.

I like being call by my name.

"Can we hang out? You are awesome!", she rushed towards me, letting me feel the cold coming out of her, "Speaking casually with the Custodian, that means they like you!"

Eh, it was more of a business conversation.

"I would love to fight you!"

There it is, the bloodlust of the Okita.


With that answer, I went straight for her throat.

But she saw it faster than any normal human, her eyes sharpen as a blast of cold air hit me and sending her back.

"Hah...", her grin widen as her cold blue eyes look at me like a prey, "That's not nice—"

Not letting her finish her words, I jumped in with the cries of my bone and muscle tearing apart.


And the world slowed down significantly. I can't help but crack a hysterial smile... heha... this is fun. She quickly unsheathed the katana handle and guard, trying to use it to block me.

But I appeared behind her, with a cloud of Justice particle forming in my hand. It became a sword.

To counter my attack, Mitsuki created an ice wall to protect herself with. My sword and the wall shattered upon impact.

"You are not the only one that can instantly change position!!", she shouted in excitement.

Her form disappeared, then appeared right behind me. Of course her location is known already to me.

I didn't speak a word, I twisted myself in the protest of my spine. I grabbed onto the ice blade she made.


Yes, my Lady.

And the black flame of humanity's Ill Will and Evil enveloped the ice, burning it away. The fire soon enveloped Mitsuki as she tried to back away from the flame, but it was already too late.

The cold eminating from her body vanished, as well as the Malice flame. With Malice, I can target what I want to burn and erase from existence, so I targeted the ice around Mitsuki, nothing more, nothing less.

"W-What did you do?", she was baffled at my display of power.

"Justice.", with those words I put my index finger on my mouth.

"That's cheating~!!", Mitsuki whined in an airheaded way, not minding that I vastly outclassed her.

"I am a cheat.", I replied, then I turned around, "Enna, we are going back."

"Oh— okay!", she replied to me, then she bowed to Christ, "Jesus, thank you for your time. Hope you have a wonderful day, Amen."

"I wish you a good day too, Amen.", he clasped his hands together, but never a prayer.

The Son of God who does not pray, ironic.


"Corday, what you did was risky!", Jack scolded me.

"What did I do this time?", I tilted my head. I don't remember doing anything wrong.

"You approached the Custodian! Upset them and we won't be allowed in Novah ever again!! What you did was very risky!"

Jack was absolutely livid.

"They liked me, that's all. You know that I can handle myself, I am the embodiment of humanity itself so I have everything under control.", I let my mask deform and crawl onto my back.

I let my azure gaze meet her peach colored eyes.

"And I am a medic and a surgeon, I understand how to hurt you in the worst way possible.", she retorted as she took out her scalpels, "So you better follow my orders, Charlotte Corday."

I clicked my tongue and get out of her room, slamming the door in her face too for good meassure.

Jack is not a bad person, her words have logic and information backing her up. She can scold me, but she doesn't have to raise her voice doing so...

Seria is at least nice to me, despite my blunt and messy personality. Jack however... she is up tight when the situation needed to, and way too strict for my liking. Perhaps it was because Jack don't have the freedom Seria has...

I really miss Seria...

Walking into my room, I found a situation I found to be... cliché.

I walked into Rita changing his clothes, and I just stare. He stared back... Murphy's Law...

"Sorry.", I lowered my head and closed the door.

At least I didn't see his thing, that would put us in a more awkward position. 

I snapped my finger, changing my outfit from this Illuminati uniform into my silver jacket with Delusion. The air cooling built into this thing is very comfortable.

I got what I came here for, so I am heading to the diner to have some food. Putting my mask back on, I jumped over the balcony.

Falling from the third floor isn't that big of a deal for me, since I have my shoe touching the side, slowing me down as I hop. Passing the first floor, I pushed my legs to get off the walls. I curled myself up and safely rolled down.

I hopped straight up, holding my hands out for style point.

Now... some food would be nice.

I walked to the diner of the hotel, where the MAS are currently taking hold of. They just stared at me like some sort of rare creature, so I just ignore them like the calm and collected princess I am.

Looking at the menu, finding something exotic... drake meat is on the menu today. So I picked it.

"Roasted drake and Azuvah spider milk.", I requested my meal.

"Okay, do you want any vegetable to go with the drake? It's a bit on the heavy side.", the chef suggested.

"Then sauerkraut salad.", I added.

"Do you also want a desert?", he asked me again.

"A plate of makopa."

"Will that be all?"

I nodded, confirming my order. Then I walked over to an empty table, sitting down and I took out my phone.

I got onto my channel, smile as I see my subscriber count reached 400k.

I won't be able to make it for my celebration... so I make a community post for my subscribers.


[Hello everyone, Silver Royal here.

I have some unfortunate news for people looking forward to my next stream and me in general. Currently, I am having some personal work needed to do and I won't be able to stream in a few days. And for further bad news to ruin your day, I'm currently moving so the streaming quality won't be as good as it would be. Or would it be better? Who knows.

Finally, I will be in Darkovah and Novah for the rest of April so try and find me.]


And... post.

It took quite a few seconds to load. The wifi here is good but it's not as good as Babel.


I turned my head to the place where the sound came from... it was the MAS, specifically Alpha-01.

He took out his phone to check, as well as the others member leaned in to look at what message he got.

"Really? Your idol won't be streaming! That means you can focus more on the mission!", Zeta-07 joked.

"Shut it, you don't have a say in what I do in my private time.", Alpha-01 grumbled, "I was looking forward to today's stream too..."

"Don't be sad!", Delta-03 slapped his back, "You can find her after this mission!"

This is a coincidence, right?

"Yeah, you are right... let me just tell her my grief."

Then I got a notification...


[Man-niisan: I hope you will go back to streaming soon, Princess.]


I looked at the text, then back at Alpha-01, then back at the text... fate is such a fickle being.

Then I replied to him.


[Silver Royal: I hope for your success in your mission ;) ]


At the same time as Alpha-01 looked around, the waiter placed down my tray of food.

"We have here roasted drake belly, slightly charred to enhance the flavor. As drake meat are naturally flavored due to their diet mainly being mineral, we did not add anything else.", he waved his hand to the slab of meat in front of me.

Then he moved onto the tall glass of milk, "This is Azuvah spider milk, extracted from the famous giant spider of the Entrost region, only chilled in the fridge for the refreshing cold."

Finally, he waved to the sauerkraut salad, "This sauerkraut salad is made with iceberg cabbage, Endoah tomato, sliced onions, and with a topping of sauerkraut salad and juice."

He placed the dish onto the table, placing them neatly in a way I would not have to change the position for my reach.

"The makopa will be taken to your room after you finished your meal.", the waiter bowed and left with the tray.

Then my eyes met with Alpha-01, though it's hard to tell with his helmet on. I simply smiled, tilted my head to the side and waved.

"No way...", he shook his head and kept on looking for something.

So close, yet so far~ heha...

The lower part of my mask scattered, revealing my mouth. I began to cut the roasted belly with my knife, it was soft, very soft...

I poked it with my finger... sinking in instantly... like Athen's boobs. 

With my fork, I picked up the piece I just cut and ate a mouthful of it...

I stood up from my seat... I just have to stand up for this...

"Wonderful...", and I giggled to myself, a smile clear on my face.

The flavor is unmatched by anything I ate before, the meat just... melt in my mouth.

I grabbed a bite of the sauerkraut salad, refreshing my taste with the herbal flavor. Then I cut a piece again.


Oh, I finished before I even realized it, the meat and the sauerkraut salad at the same time. I finished the milk, downing the whole glass.

Well then, that was a good meal if I do say so myself.

The waiter then came with a plate of makopa.

"Can you deliver it to my room? It's number is 308.", I requested.

The waiter stopped in his track, "Of course."

And another waiter came to clean out the table. Being served fancy food is really amazing...

Oh, Christ is here with Mitsuki.

"Charlotte!", Mitsuki called me out in excitement, "Can we sit here?"

"Of course.", I nodded.

She sat down next to me, while Christ sat opposite of me.

"Excuse us.", Christ said with a humble bow.

"So... what did you eat?", Mitsuki asked me.

"Roasted drake with sauerkraut salad.", I replied.

"I'm eating udon~!", she happily said, "A taste of home is never bad!"

She's Japanese alright.

I then look at Christ, prompting him to reply, "Bread and wine, nothing special."

Bread and wine, Christ's flesh and blood. There is an irony somewhere here.

"Oh! Oh! How old are you?", Mitsuki asked me.

Can I reveal my age?

"Let me ask my superiors.", and I pulled out my phone, texting Seria.

[Can I reveal my age?]

And I got the reply instantly.


"I am currently 15."

"I'm four years older than you!", Mitsuki exclaimed, "So, can I call you Charlotte-chan— wait wait wait, that doesn't work at all!"

She bops her head around, thinking of something.

"Ah! Can I call you Charl?"

Charl... short for Charlotte... a nickname...

"You can.", I allowed it.

"Thanks, Charl!", she was happy.

Not before long, the waiter brought Mitsuki's udon and tea, and Christ's bread and wine.

As for me, I just sit here enjoying looking at the two of them eat. It's an odd combination, the Son of God and a Demon Slayer eating together.

Okita Mitsuki on one hand, devours her meal without a care in the world. Her excessive movements from the delicious taste of the udon is quite cute in my opinion.

Then on the other hand, Jesus Christ carefully tears the bread into little pieces, chewing carefully, sometimes taking a sip out of his chalice of wine. The man who is the Son of God, yet he eats and drinks like a humble man.

I think I will stay here until they are done.

I was thinking about writing an April's Fool Day chapter, but I decided against it. That's just not me

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