Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Plan (2)

In history, there is a very, very interesting man who said to performed miracle unlike anyone, he gave countless a second chance, saved countless with his blessing. He was hailed as the Messiah, and more often or not, is the Son of God.

Enna looked on in shock and in disbelief, "Jesus Christ..."

The man sitting there is Jesus Christ... damn.

"Hello again, Ennael.", he nodded with a kind smile, "It seems like time has treated you well, my old friend."

"Why... why are you here...?", Enna took a step back, clearly frightened, she shielded herself with her wings in a defensive position, "You... you can't be here..."

"I understand your distrust and fright, Ennael. But all is well.", he calmed her down significantly.

This... isn't like Euphoria, he just used his voice... nothing more, nothing less.

"Please, Ennael, we will catch up later. Can you do that for me, old friend?", Christ clasped his has together, almost in a prayer... but never a prayer.

"Alright... alright...", Enna took a deep and long breath, again, and again.

"That's right, Ennael. Just keep doing that... you will be fine, old friend. Nobody will harm you, there is no one to pluck your feathers out again.", his voice assured her, it's very soothing.

"Yes...", Enna lowered her head and stepped into the room.

Rita gave Christ a nod, paying his respect to the Messiah. I entered last, and I just stared at him.

"What's wrong?", Jack asked me.

I shook my head and silently walked over to her. There is only nine chairs, so only Jack and Athen sat down while me, Rita, and Enna stood by their side.

"So....", the samurai woman spoke in a bright tone, "How about we introduce ourselves first? Being all Gem Holders— ah, sorry, Jesus-sensei!"

"No offense taken.", Christ nodded, "I apologize for her enthusiasm, if you don't mind."

"We don't mind at all.", Athen answered for all of us.

She stood up with excitement, "Great! My name is Okita Mitsuki! Part-time Demon Slayer of Shirakawa and Fourth Year of Ataraxia Academy! My Devil is Cold Force, the Concept of Frost and Ice!!"

Then Christ bowed his head, "As you know, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Vice-Principal of Ataraxia Academy."

I'm glad Seria isn't here. I could see her saying things like 'Oh hey, Big J. I'm Satan.'

Then it was our turn.

"Jack Rippa, Gem Holder of Jack the Ripper, the infamous London serial killer.", Jack introduced herself with a hint of malice.

"Athen Argentum, vanguard, my Devil is confidential.", hers was simple.

"Enna, the Fallen Angel of Rage, I am aerial support.", Enna spread her wings.

"I'm Rita Madrift, scout specialist, Gem Holder of Malsumis, God of Chaos and Destruction.", he courtly bowed.

Old Charlotte Mode - On.

"...", and I said nothing. All eyes are on me now.

Luckily, Jack got me covered, "She's Corday. What is your Devil? You have permission to speak."

"Justice.", I tilted my head to the side, "Attack?"

"No, no~", Jack crackled, "You don't have to attack, they are our allies..."

Jack stood up and placed her right hand on my left shoulder, "This is Corday, the newest Ace of Illuminati Corp~ this bad bitch here is a nightmare to deal with!"

Then I stabbed my hand right through her chest. This is what you get for not zipping up your jacket.

Everyone in the room looked on in disbelief, except for Christ.

I quickly retracted my hand.



And I fixed up her wound instantly.

"Don't touch me.", I warned her.

"Uh... okay... sorry, sorry~", Jack let out a dry laugh, "This isn't the first time I got my heart ripped out of me, but it's still fucked up every time it happened."

She went back to her seat with a dazed mind. And an awkward silent befall us all...

I take that back, Mitsuki is reading a manga with a carefree expression. So I stepped over to her, glancing down to read.

"Huh?", she glanced at me and she visibly shook, "Oh... that is really messing with my head... uh, nice to meet you!"

I nodded.

"Well, do you want to read with me?", she offered it to me.

I nodded, making Mitsuki smile more, "Start from the beginning?"

I nodded again.

She began to show me each page of the manga, all in Japanese. She would glance at me, and I would let her know if I finished reading.

Mitsuki is fun, I like her.

I will make her into my friend.

—Oh, the rest of them are here.

The MAS came first, recognized by their navy blue uniform and bulletproof vest combo, they all wear tactical helmet that conceals their face that have the upside blue down triangle print on the screen. Ten members.

Then the Custodian, only two of them, wearing golden knight armor, adorned with jewels that are actually batteries... too much gold for my taste personally. And their weapon, a spear that have a gun attached to it.

I tilted my head, going towards them. They are tall, very tall, giants in fact, over 2 meters in height.

"Cool...", I muttered in front of them.

"What are you, little anomaly?", the one on the left asked with a graceful yet mighty voice.

I pointed at my mask, "Reality Stablizer."

"Good luck on your treatment.", he visibly nodded.

So cool... having a knight caring for me is amazing.

I looked to my group, they are very tense from me interacting with the Custodian. I should go back.


And I appeared beside them, spooking Jack and Rita out.

"Jesus Christ! Couldn't you just walk back normally?!", Jack complained, then she turned to Christ, "No offense!"

"Haha, none taken.", Christ responded.

The Custodian sat down, somehow fitting their large frame into the chair. I look at them in curiosity.

Custodian, the eternal guardians of Novah upon it's conception. 150 strong, hand picked by the previous Prime Minister. Equiped with the best gear, combined with body modifications, each Custodian can fight one on one against an A rank Gem Holder, two? It's an absolute victory.

Then I glanced over to the MAS, two of them with the name tag of Alpha-01 and Omega-03 are the ones sitting down, while the rest stood like statues... they are cautious of me.

MAS, Mu Action Squad is a team that consisted of Unique classification human and A classification Gem Holders, their official number is 125, but there are actually 350 operatives. I want to see what they are made of, especially the Unique bunch, since on paper... they hold the same ranking as father.

And finally, walking in is the Prime Minister. Like what the barber said... I realized Enevil is his name... the Prime Minister is a machine piloted by a brain. He doesn't even look human at all, he certainly look humanoid but that's the end.

There is a glowing reactor in his chest, his nuclear fusion battery. A weak spot...

The Prime Minister walked over, taking the middle seat of the round table. To his right are us, the Illuminati Corp, and the Custodian, to his left are the MAS and Ataraxia.

After a moment for our attention to all direct at him, the Prime Minister stood up, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all for gathering here today. I an Lewis Armstrong, the Prime Minister of Mu."

"As you all know, we are partaking in a very important operation to deliver and seal the remnant of the Third Reich, hopefully for the last time."

He looked at everyone in the room, and then his visor landed on me.

"Now.", he clasped his metallic hands, "I have discussed with MAS the previous day, the unit will dedicate five members to be with the Object's transport and protect it all cost."

After a second, Jack raised her hand, "For extra protection, my team will have me and Argentum going with MAS."

Then Alpha-01 raised his hand, "I accept Jack the Ripper, but I have have my doubts about Argentum..."

Athen nodded, "Because of circumstances, I cannot reveal my Devil."

The captain of MAS looked at Athen, then at me, "Oh, I was thinking of the wrong person. Nevermind."

"While on the topic of Illuminati.", the Prime Minister said, turning to us, "Who do you nominate for protection in Novah?"

She waved her hand over to Rita, "Rita will handle the first portion of the delivery, his Devil is Malsumis, he can detect if something bad will happen."

Then she waved her hand to me, "Corday will handle the latter half, until the Object reach the Vault. Her Devil is Justice, nothing can bypass her senses if evil is nearby."

Finally, she moved to Enna, "Enna here will give aerial support."

After calculating something in his mind for three seconds, the Prime Minister nodded, "MAS will have two members going with Rita and Corday, hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, I accept the terms.", Jack nodded back.

"Then the Custodian will work with Corday in the final delivery. Sir Malphus, Sir Olim, do you have anything to add?", the Prime Minister looked over to the Custodian.

"Nothing, Prime Minister.", the Custodian that I talked to replied, then he turned to me, "Nice working with you, little anomally, my name is Malphus Kest."

"Charlotte Corday.", I introduced myself in a simple manner, adding a bow.

"Excuse me", Mitsuki raised her hand, "What part will Ataraxia have in this operation?"

"Ah, I was just getting to that.", the Prime Minister replied, "Ataraxia will take care of the hardest task, the student will fight the Object to keep it under control."

Then air grew heavier... and colder, Mitsuki is grinning like a madman. The bloodlust she's exuding is not of a human... but a monster in human form.

Okita... Okita... Reverie, information.

Okita~ the bloodline of killers, with the most famous Okita being Okita Souji, a samurai of the Shinsengumi, The Wolves of Mibu, who life was cut short by illness. In reality, he did not join a division of honorable samurai, but wolves that would tear apart everything the Shogunate point at. Each and every person who carries the family name Okita is a machine designed only for killing.

I want to fight her...

"Now, for the Object in question. Because it has became stronger than we imagine, it is necessary for me to reveal what it is.", the Prime Minister said.

The middle of the round table opened up, revealing a hologram of a... an androgynous person, nothing to indicate their gender.

"This is the Philosopher Stone in it's final evolution, we dubbed it Magnum Opus.", he look at Mitsuki, "Your job is to keep it from escaping the containment with MAS."

They went on discussing things for about an hour more, nothing that interested me. So I started to go around looking at stuff.

I came over to one of the standing MAS, staring at them, making them uncomfortable. Their finger twitches, ready to fire their gun at me.

My head tilted to the side, the Delta-05 man followed me. Interesting...

Then I moved to the Custodian, inspecting their armor. Too gold for my liking, but I don't hate it.

"What is it, Corday?", it was Olim who spoke to me.

"You are cool.", I spoke my feelings.

"Hahah, thank you for you opinion.", he nodded, "I think you should go back to your group now."

"Okay.", and I took two steps to the left, near my group but also closest to the Custodian.

I stayed and just keep on observing the room, not paying attention to what the Prime Minister had to say. I was bored, but I can't take out my phone to browse the internet.

And my set up is at the flying headquarter, I can't stream... but maybe I can create a laptop with Reverie...


"And that conclude our meeting."

Oh, it's done.

"Now, as I said, the designated team will have practice in the afternoon to get to know each other.", he bowed down, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The Prime Minister went out first, then the Custodian, next was the MAS, and finally it was the Ataraxia group.

But Enna stopped them from existing, looking at Christ with furrowed brows.

"You need a lot explaining to do, Jesus.", she said, crossing her arms.

"Of course, old friend.", Christ nodded, "You can ask me anything."

So, what's your opinion of real Charlotte? She's not the best, not a bad person but also not really good. She's meant to be a sociopath after all, the egotistical type

It's easy for me to write sociopaths, since I am a diagnosed sociopath (On the lower end of the spectrum though, while Charlotte is somewhere in the middle)

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