Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

International Problem

I was summoned into the Principal's office, with my shield by my side. Of course, I refused to go up the stair or elevator and climbed up the tower instead.

Now, sitting down and enjoying a cup of milk was fun and all. I think I need to start the conversation since the Principal and Christ had been staring at me for a hot minute now.

"So, what do you want to ask?", I tilt my head, looking innocent.

The Principal glanced at Christ, then at me, "Umm... we kinda need that shield to investigate the identity of the woman who attacked Ataraxia..."

"And?", I questioned.

"Could you be so kind as to give us that shield?", there was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

This shield belonged to Sinclair, and she is me. So naturally, it belongs to me now. Perfect logic. And since this thing is my stuff, I have the right to keep and protect it.

"I called dibs on it, so it naturally belongs to me. And no, I won't be giving it to you.", I shook my head.

"That's...", he was trying to dance around with his words, knowing he cannot threaten me because of the person backing me up.

Nepotism is great.

"If that is all you have to say, then I will take my leave.", I stood up with my shield in hand.

"You will be suspected of working with the terrorist if you don't give the shield to the authority.", he decided to speak out his thoughts. That was clearly a threat to me.

Ah, Justice's condition is satisfied. But still no, this isn't the time yet.

Oh, I think I found a way to mess with— no, I need to learn... just as Sinclair said, I am too reckless because of my own power.

So why not bother someone else?

I didn't turn to look at the Principal, instead, I took out my phone... calling Athen.

"Hey, Athen."

[Charlotte? How the fuck did you get my number?]

"Issac gave it to me."

[That fucker... why are you calling me so early in the morning anyway? You usually call Silla for that.]

"Hm, I just miss you, I think? Anyway, I have something that is worthy of your attention. I have the Aegis with me."

[WHAT?! So you found the thieves?!]

The Aegis shield was one of the lost items during the Greeco Civil War, so her shock was not surprising at all.

"A random fire bitch just blew up the front gate of Ataraxia a few minutes ago had it, she destroyed the gate and then dipped out, leaving the shield behind."

[So you want me to inform the authority that the Aegis is in Mu?]

"Pretty much so. Mu wants it by the way.", of course, I left out some contexts.

[THEY WANT WHAT?! No, this isn't going to stand. I'll inform the Prime Minister right away.]

And she hung up. Huh, so she knows the President. Now, I turned to the Principal with a sly smile, leaning the shield onto the sofa. But I also left a mark of Reverie on it, heha~ this will be fun.

"This is the Aegis, an artifact of Greece. I've just informed someone in the Hellenic Republic it is here and is currently in your possession.", I giggle. The Principal just stare at me with a blank expression, while Christ just chuckled in amusement.

With just a few words, I just caused an international incident. Such is the power of my position.

"I have to go now.", I winked at them as I climbed onto the window, "Goodbye."

And I leap off.

I held my hand out, for Enna to grab it while I was airborne, taking me into a princess carry position. We take off together into the sky.

"We are going ahead of schedule for a little bit. We are checking out the cafe that would be my home for the next five years.", I explained to her.

She nodded, "Of course, that is great and all. But what about the Tindalos?"

Right, although their speech pattern was not that great and messy. I can understand them vaguely, they said something about reinforcement...

Meaning something bigger is coming.

But that's not my problem, time police can deal with time travelers. And apparently time magic too. But that does up a mysterious air about John Titor...

Nobody knows who he was, only that he used to be the jester-like noble of France, Count of Saint-Germain. Again, not my problem until Sinclair suggested I kill him.

I could've ended his life right then and there, and Christ wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Just ignore the Tindalos, they won't come after me.", I shook my head.

"Then we are heading to the cafe, right?"


Enna landed in the parking lot, where I took my sport bike and rode off. Since the road was repaired by time magic, I can go out freely.




I arrived at the cafe, it's not really crowded place, just on a small corner of an intersection. Though it gets benefit from being in the center of the city. With two floors, I definitely can get this to work.

Despite how I live, lavishly and all of that, I can go ahead and go around without any trouble.

"Here is your milk tea, dear customer.", the waitress placed the drink down, giving me a bow, and walked away.

"This place is quite nice, isn't it?", Enna commented while enjoying her meal... a full course of fruit sandwiches and other desserts.

"I think so, too. But I would like a bit of redesigning, black is cool and simple and all. Silver and blue would be better."

"You don't really need to force yourself onto everything— wait, that sounded wrong."

"I can, and will.", I affirmed. My eyes stare out of the window, watching the cars go by...

I drank my milk tea... and was instantly disgusted by the taste. Too many artificial flavors, I can taste the powdered milk and sweetener, it lingers on my tongue too much. I hate it.

"Enna, we are leaving. I don't want to be here any longer.", I spoke with clear malice in my voice.

"You can go, but I'll stay here to...", her voice became weak facing my intense gaze.

I sighed, looking away, "Just finish up quickly and meet me outside."

"Roger that.", and her feast began.

While I left to go to the safe house... I will sleep there tonight.




Greece, Athens - Captial of the Hellenic Republic.

"Where are you going, Aunty?", Deliah asked, looking at Athen who was packing her stuff from the sofa in the living room.

"Neoth asked me to go on a diplomatic mission, Mu somehow got their hands on the Aegis.", she replied.

"Can I come with you?", Deliah asked, "I've never been to Mu before. Think of it like a family vacation."

Athen just sighed, "This isn't fun and games, Deli. This is a serious matter concerning national security and reputation, we are still in a state of economic instability. The little things matter."

Deliah giggles, she retorted, "But we haven't seen each other for half a year, Aunty. Besides, my fianceé said he would take care of my garden for me. As well as housekeeping for us."

"I feel like your fianceé practically lives in our house, but for some fucking reason I never see him... or know his name.", she glanced at Deliah suspiciously, "Are you sure he exists? Or is he just a figment of your imagination?"

Deliah pouts, "He is real, my guy is just nervous about meeting you. You know since you are basically the unhinged version of Dad."

"I'm not like Andras, okay?", she rolled her eyes, "Brother likes to keep his thoughts to himself, very quiet at that. Unlike him, I don't just let people into my work willy nilly."

"Well, unlike you he got married.", Deliah teased, smiling in a sly manner, "So when will you bring somebody home?"

"You are the reason why I don't think of getting a husband. Look how you turned out to be. What was it the doctor said last time?", Athen glare at Deliah, but she was also thinking of somebody else.

"It's just psychopathy, nothing to worry about.", Deliah shrugged, then she teased, "Are you thinking that I'll turn out to be a serial killer?"

"No... but you still can't come with me."

"Fine then, I'll book a flight on my own.", Deliah said in an off-handed comment, taking out her phone and beginning to book a flight.

"You do you, Deli. I can't stop you anyway, since you are a responsible adult now.", Athen sighed.

Though as they were chatting, there was a knock on the door. Athen perked up.

"The door is unlocked.", she called out.

Entering was a tall man with a lean build showing underneath his business suit, long flowing red hair accompanying golden eyes that pierce through everything. 

"Neoth, you said you wouldn't visit!", Athen smiles warmly.

Neoth shook his head, "The future is always uncertain, my friend. It is always changing, just like I decided to visit you."

"Smooth talker, you are.", she laughed, her mood seems to brighten up even more, "So, when are we leaving?"

"We have sent a formal request to Mu in reacquiring the Aegis, so the discussion should take place next week at the earliest.", Neoth replied, leaning on the wall while crossing his arms.

"Hear that, Deli? I'll be staying with you for a couple more days.", Athen smile though not for long.

Deliah was awfully quiet and decided to stick to her phone instead of continue speaking. When it comes to people she does not know, she becomes anti-social.

"Sure.", Deliah replied with a dead tone.

"You are being rude.", Athen sighed, shaking her head, "This person right here is the Head of EYP, you should at least pay him a little respect."

"Hello.", she said.

"Hello to you as well, Deliah Silvi.", Neoth nodded.

Deliah narrowed her eyes, giving Neoth a suspicious look. She noticed something but decided not to press on with it. It wasn't her problem anyway.

Instead, she stood up from the sofa, "I'm going to work on my painting. You two can have fun.", and Deliah went upstairs.

"Family issues, I presume?", Neoth asked Athen, following Deliah with his eyes.

"Yeah... something like that. Deli never got any friends, she was pretty anti-social due to school being closed for years."

She let out another sigh.

"I just hope the other one can find friends."

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