Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Legacy of Silver and Gold

Now... how the fuck do I get out of this situation?

I could just go all in, driving the lance deeper into his body. But I don't think I'd come out unscathed with Excalibur lying around. Romulus is still using its power to heal himself... plus his insane level of endurance.

And by far the most annoying factor, that Sword of Victory has the power to tug the strings of causality to create the best chance for his victory. Basically, it is fucking Plot Armor!

Fuck it!

"Reforge!!", I swung the newly reformed Remus at him.


Of course, he blocked with Excalibur. His sword is heavier than mine...

But this created an opportunity for me... let's see if you can handle laser beams!!

Hundreds of lasers shot out from the lance, making Romulus cough up blood. Using that single moment when he faltered, I pulled my lance out with all of my strength.


And with Manifest Destiny, I teleported far away...

But despite his injuries, he still continues to pursue me—

Oh fuck, he realized it, hasn't he? The effect of my World of Chalk.

Besides the prints of other people used to maintain this place... it is also draining Romulus every second of his life force, his power.

Against anyone else, this should end in a couple of minutes. But this man right here is the fucking Progenitor of Civilization, who lived for over two thousand years, he had stocked up a lot of power!!

Not to mention, he has the Blessing of an Eldritch God...

So I can't face him head-on. I stabbed Remus into the ground.

"Distill.", I had enough fun with a sword, it is time for something more... underhanded.

I separate Galatine from my new coat— hmm?

Romulus stopped in his tracks, as he too felt what I was feeling. Excalibur and Galatine are... resonating.

The Sword of Victory and its Shadow... Galatine is being empowered...

I gave out a command to Ouroboros Omniscia, making it spew out a Pump Action Shotgun. I grabbed both guns with my right hand, clashing it against my sword.

"Deconstruct.", both guns and the sword exploded into pieces.

"Reforge.", and they reformed into a God Slaying Pump Action Shot Gun powered by The Sun...

That is a mouthful and a half.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I awaken Quirinus, "Give me a huge storm."

And the lance obeyed, wind spun around— oh shit, I avoided the lazers coming out.

"Distill!", I separated the coffin from the lance.

Soon, the entire World of Chalk was enveloped in a storm, with white dust mixed in with grey droplets of rain.

I let go of Quirinus, letting it do its own thing...

Recklessness is the name of the game... as I am starting to feel the effect of my World of Chalk...

I can't remember Seria's face any more... hehahaha~

With electricity sparking around...


I shot a beam of light right into his side.


Then one into his back.


In front of him— which he deflected with Excalibur.


I tried to shoot his hand, in an attempt to make him let go. But he just sliced the beam of light away—

—Huh— What—

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Huh... I can't remember their faces anymore— 


I don't need other's "stain" on me—

Why did I want to end this quickly again?

Right... because of him... Romulus.

I pulled Fallen Starlight out of the Gate of Akasha. Hm... who did I lend it to again...? Mitsuki? No... it might be Hoa...

There is nothing wrong with my memories... I just lost interest. I can't bother to remember their faces...

No matter how hard I try... I will always stand alone. That is simply my nature.

But instead... I can feel Romulus' emotions. Yeah, I can't control my empathy anymore.

I pumped the shotgun with one hand, making it spew out the last bullet... I grabbed it.

I zapped away, disappearing into the white storm.

This serenity... hah... I can feel his determination...

"Dear Progenitor of Civilization, He who was the Foundation to all...", I inserted the bullet...

For more than two thousand and five hundred years, you have been protecting humanity from the shadow...

I can understand why you would want this power... my rights are given by the tune of fate and melody of destiny... Do you think I am not capable of controlling this...

You are right, as a protector, I failed spectacularly... Sinclair is the proof of my incompetence.

Romulus, the one who endured human history, who defended humanity... because you love mankind...

The king who works tirelessly, no matter the era, to build a better future for humanity.


"In the Name of Humanity... By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder...", the bullet began to spin.

You don't belong to this era— no, your place isn't to stand before me...

"By the Barrel of Mortal Judgement...", it became a bullet of light.

Discarding the shotgun, I held Fallen Starlight upward. My eyes shine like beacons in the white world, not to mention the glowing Runes of my rifle...

I can sense him coming after me... but that is okay. As I smiled, I activated Amplify...

"I Shall grant you your Final Light..."

And I pulled the trigger.




Romulus stopped in his tracks, seeing the single beam of golden light escape the barrel... then it split into eight, then those eight beams spit into eight other beams each... the black sky of the World of Chalk was greeted with countless golden streaks.

And he turned to look at the girl beyond this storm. Her silvery eyes, although they still held prejudice, there were some other emotions mixed in.

Pity... she feel for the enduring time he went through.

Understanding... she knows how much he had to sacrifice to perform his duty.

And another emotion the Progenitor did not expect, Gratitude... she thanked him for what he had done all this time.

What emotion do you think truly defines Humanity? Is it our bitter spirit to Survive another day? Is it the Hope we give ourselves for the best ending? Maybe the drive for us to seek Euphoria? Or even the Delusion we made in our madness? It could be the passing Reverie we get from time to time? The Desire to Dominate others? The Malice that makes us commit atrocities? Or the Justice we used to make sense of the madness of this world?

No, it is none of that.

What truly defines humanity, separating them from animals, amongst all that made humanity, is Empathy. The power to bond with those around, to understand, to cry, to laugh, to pity, to celebrate.

That is what divides Humanity from savage beasts.

And being able to Empathize with Romulus, feeling his determination and the weight of his deeds. Charlotte cannot help but respond in kind.

The streaks of golden Judgement came crashing down onto Romulus, carving out his armor, clothes, and flesh. Yet he still steps forward, towards those glowing silver eyes. Unbothered by the damage inflicted upon his body.

Charlotte threw away Fallen Starlight, Walpurgis Festival, and Ars Goetia, she wielded her lance once again in her left hand, showing her scarred arm proudly.

They stood against one another, without a word spoken between them. As they are two people who cannot acknowledge each other's ideals, no matter how much they understand one another.


The silver lance and the golden sword. Charlotte knocked the blade away, going in for a thrust.


But Romulus punched the blade away with a left hook. She took a step back, going in for another thrust.

This time, she merely razed his face. And she earned herself a deep cut in her left shoulder.

Though she could heal herself, she did not bother to do such a thing. As against a man riddled with wounds, yet his golden eyes still glow with determination, what difference could a few injuries do.


With each clash— Clank!!— they understood each other more.


As they are both people fighting for what they believe.


To understand each other, even if they never agree with the other.


A man who is ready to protect all of humanity, not a single man or woman being an exception.


A girl who fights for all that is beautiful, even if that beauty is herself— she needs a Garden to compare herself against.


A selfless man who will do everything to save all under his gaze.


A selfish girl who would sacrifice others to reach her goal.


Yet these two, still carry the Desire to protect humanity. It is just that one is willing to sacrifice many for her grand goal, and the other who would sacrifice himself to protect even one more life under his watch.


They understood each other. That is why they are incompatible.

Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! Clank!! 

Romulus began to feel dizzy, a sensation he thought he had forgotten. The constant clashing of weapons, and the draining power of this World of Chalk had taken a significant amount of his soul and strength.

He can only smile wryly—PAK!!!

Charlotte stabbed him in the chest once more, making use of the original wound to drive it in deeper.


Excalibur slashed into her left collar— he would have cleaved through her body if not for the long handle stopping it at the crossguard. His golden eyes still look down upon Charlotte with determination and authority, her silvery gaze staring up at him with the unrelenting Spirit of Rebellion behind them.

Her Inner World began to collapse, the sky cracking away, and the ground beneath them flaked, reverting back to the throne room.

Romulus feels the connection to Civilization reestablished, but by this point... it is too late.

"In the Name of Humanity.", the Runes spiraling on the silver lance glows a harrowing white light, "O' World, Grant the Progenitor his Final Rest."

The Lance of the World resonated. White cracks began to form on Romulus' body, spreading out from the silver lance.

Charlotte pulled her lance out, her eyes returned to their normal azure color. She stares at the golden king who now has a gaping hole in his chest, missing his heart entirely.

She stabbed her lance into the ground, and she kneeled down. Romulus just kept smiling, walking back to his half-broken throne... dropping Excalibur to the side.

He sat down, closing his eyes...

"You proved that you are capable of fighting against all adversity, no matter the obstacle your blazing spirit would burn all of it.", he spoke with a royal tone, holding his head high while a regal aura exuded from him, "But that is not all..."

"Stand up, Charlotte Silvi.", he commanded.

Charlotte followed his order, as this was the last moment of the Progenitor of civilization.

"At the end of my last stand, you fought me with not tricks but with the dignity of a warrior, of a human being. You proved yourself to me, and I acknowledge your ideals."

She stood still, quietly listening to the fading king, she could feel his body starting to crumble, his soul was like a dying ember... because she was taking those bits.

"So, you shall inherit what I built upon—"

"No.", Charlotte instantly rejected, she wryly smiled, "It is indeed my duty to protect humanity, your legacy would be a great help... but... I don't think I can take it."

"Oh? Care to explain?", he requested with slight amusement.

"I am already someone's Legacy...", she thinks back to Sinclair with a melancholic air, "I don't think I am able to carry out another one."

"And besides, you already had something carry your Legacy.", she shrugged.

"And what would that be.", he asked, although he already knew the answer. The singular truth he knew all this time...

"Humanity.", she answered with full confidence.

Hearing that, Romulus cannot help but let out a soft laugh, "And here I thought you would accept my Artificial Gods."

"I politely refused, as I am more than enough to deal with anything major.", she chuckled.

"Then they would continue their duties, protecting humanity against any threat even before it bares its fangs.", he replied. His vision was becoming blurry... he did not have much time left.

"There are, like, four different organizations that are doing that job.", she sneered, her eyes full of disdain knowing that the Artificial Gods are also protecting humanity.

"Is that so.", he already knew that, "Hah... I do not have much time left. So I will give you a final lesson."

"Throughout my journey, there is an undeniable fact. That human history is not just a tale of endless pain and suffering, it is an epic made of countless echoes that reached one another. Human do not have infinite life, what they seek and hope for may not come even at the end, so they pass on their dreams, hoping the next generation would finish it... and like echoes, they would too pass on their unfulfilled dreams to their children...", he stopped for a moment, as his vision was gone... all he see now is only darkness.

Charlotte nodded and approached the dying king. She picked up the Sword of Victory, feeling the sting as it slowly burned her hand— she was not worthy to hold such a blade, and she knew that very well.

She continued where Romulus left off, "Humanity is not a tale of pain and conflict. It is a story of struggle, of connection. It is a Grand Tale of Ambition and Legacy, where in spite of the endless conflict instated by the world, we thrived and passed on our ideals, our truth."

Charlotte kneeled down, presenting Excalibur to the Progenitor of Civilization, "Although I may not be the one to carry your Legacy nor your Ambition, I shall accept your lesson imparted to me... and I apologize for any transgression I performed against you."

"You are forgiven, Charlotte Silvi.", he hovered his right hand on the sword, taking its handle, "And I too apologize for any unsavory things I did to you."

Charlotte only nodded, as she did not feel the need to speak up at this moment.

"I, Romulus, the Golden King of Rome, The Progenitor of Civilization, hereby declare!!", he stabbed Excalibur into the ground, sitting down in an imposing manner.

"I acknowledge you as the Will of Humanity!!"

"I thank you for the honor...", she closed her eyes, "And farewell... Your Majesty."

More than two thousand years he alone defended humanity, more than two thousand years he alone was the first bastion against all that opposed humanity. And now...

He earned his well deserved rest.




Romulus opened his eyes, finding himself sitting at a stone table, inside a palace of marble. He smiled, seeing the man in front of him.

"Took you long enough.", the man mused.

"Heh, I had to defend humanity all this time...", he stopped, he did not want to make any joke. He just wants to relax.

"Welcome back, brother.", the man said with an endearing smile.

"I am back, Remus."





I let the golden dew of salvation heal the dozens of cuts on my body, feeling rejuvenated.

Excalibur is gone, disappeared somewhere... it judged that I am not worthy. Not that I care to be honest...

I flex my left hand, feeling the power I got... and the sense of being full.

They say that twins have a special connection, two halves of a whole. This applied to Romulus and Remus in the most literal sense...

I feel whole now...

"Hey, Welt.", I didn't bother to say its complete name.

[ ? ]

"Can you give me a phone? I want to call someone."


A smartphone that is already in the phone app dropped down from a black portal. I grabbed it and I called... Seria.

As always, she picked it up almost instantly.

"Seria.", I spoke her name.

[Charlotte? Where are you!? You left your phone in Greece, even Enna couldn't track you through your Contract!!], she sounded... worried, genuinely so.

Huh, strange...

"So I just killed Romulus.", I spoke plainly.

[What— wait wait, hold on young lady. Did you say you just killed Romulus?!], she was surprised.

"Yes, that is my status report.", I looked around the broken throne room, "It was a pretty brutal fight and may or may not wiped out everyone's influence on me."

So I am currently the truest form of myself, without anyone else's touch. A clean white slate once again.

"Also, I'm going rogue."

[I see, I see— wait what?!—], I ended the call.

I need to gather my thoughts for a while and test out this new power... Ambition.

I need to prepare for the upcoming storm after all.

But first, as the confirmation for the new 'me'... I summoned the shotgun— which exploded into its components as soon as I touched it. Five items were too much, it seems.

I tugged my hair into a bundle— and with the katana, I cut my hair.


Thank you everyone for being with me all this time, it has been truly an honor to post here and have so many people putting up with my and Charlotte's shenanigans. I wanted to do something for you guys, but my policy of being a cheap person leaves me with few options.

So this is the best that I can do, a Q&A! You can ask any character, or even me, questions! I'll answer as truthfully as I can without any spoilers!!

So hurry up! I'll keep the Forms open until April 2nd (no holiday special as always)

And one more announcement, after the Epilogue, I'll be taking a long break to work on a Patreon or Kofi (can't decide yet), so support me if you want to when it is up( or feed me through Paypal)! Still, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to give me money tho. So only do it if you are willing to part ways with your dollars.

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