Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Zero to Infinity

"I am Charlotte Silvi.", I took a step forward, and the world around me pulsed, losing its color for a single moment.

I opened my eyes, now glowing silver without a hit of emotion in them, I let out a soft whisper, "Voyager of Destiny."

He clashed his sword against my lance again, the pulsing power turned the world black and white for a moment. I pushed him away this time... new power moments are real.

"Embrace Infinity, Dive into the Endless Void..."

The marbled ground beneath me flakes away, turning into chalk.

"The Path of Pain and Despair we all tread upon, for our Dream and Asperation."

Then dull grey flame ignited, burning the world we once knew away. Ahh... this is it, this is it...

I stabbed Quirinus into the ground, letting the wind burst forth, carrying the Argent Flame of Desire to cover the whole dome.

"The Wish to Bring the Future in Ardent Flame."

The flakes and flame swirl around me, Wapurgis Festival turned into a silvery color, and the bat symbol lit on fire... it became animated, escaping from its bind to the hat.

The metallic badge became alive, granted life by the Albedo, and refined into its true form— the purple bat perched on my shoulder, glaring with a blazing blue flame in its eyes.

"The Yearning to Sink the Past in Blazing Glory."

And now, we are no longer in his throne room, but an open field. A monotone world with a grey sky, and white as fair as the eyes can see.

"That is my Desire..."

I summoned Agápi kai Pólemos, watching as the bronze blade turned completely silver.

"So Come Forth, my World of Chalk..."

Romulus decided to stop the dance, he took a look around this desolate world.

"This is your Inner World, to be able to imagine it is a feat in of itself.", he mused, looking at his hand, "So your method is to cut my connection with the world, to Civilization."

I nodded, "Yes, that is the only thing I could think of after Quirinus couldn't quite pierce your shield, even after being modified."

But everything has a limit or a price. And the price for manifesting this world is...

I began to circle him, leaving footprints of different colors, which simmer away into this colorless world. I am a canvas, my interactions with the people around me leave behind their prints, and their colors. The price for this world is those colors.

Everything I learn would be left with just the result with no substance to them. A void of what they were meant to be. But that is okay. I can learn them all again.

I appeared behind Romulus, my knife stabbed into his side. There is still too much resistance to having it be meaningful.

He swung his sword, to which I managed to avoid with Manifest Destiny. Going back next to the coffin and Quirinus.

Now... for my bat. It flew away, circling around Romulus, leaving trails of grey chalk in the sky.

I tipped my hat down with a smile, "By the Authority of the Witches, Constellations, I ANNOUNCE WAPURGIS NIGHT!!!"

The grey sky turned completely black, with stars dotted around. Magic circles appeared in the sky, glowing different colors then turned grey due to my World of Chalk.

Then thousands, millions of different spells shot down from the sky.

"Manifest Destiny."

I engaged him once again, getting in stab after stab while he focused on avoiding and blocking the spells raining down upon him.

"Circe.", I called out to the bat as I made distance. It flew back, perching on my right hand.

Then I summoned the Book of Akasha.

"Summon: Blade of Duality - Muramasa's Perfection."

The book morphed into the katana. Now that I have a better look at this... it really is a piece of art, the perfect sword I might say. But I don't like katana.

"Deconstruct.", Agápi kai Pólemos, Muramasa's Perfection, and Circe were taken apart, floating in pieces with electricity crackling.


Another energy slash came my way— I should dodge, I really should, and pretty easily too. But I have a better idea!!

As the golden fire approached me, I mixed in Justice Mist weaving between, and then I reached my hand out— touching the searing fire as I commanded.


The pieces and the golden flame crashed into each other. The power to slice apart everything, the power to pierce any being, the freedom to weave Magic, and the Golden Flame of Valor.

What came from this combination of God Slayers was... a longsword in the form of a cross, glowing both gold and silver light.

"I shall name you...", I look at Romulus, who came charging at me, "Remus, Sword of Judgement."

And I clashed my sword against Excalibur, sparks flying between the blade... and I am holding on. Hehahahaha!!

This is what I want!!

But then the unexpected happened. He punched me in the face, knocking me flying back.

Yeah... fu... I forgot he is still powerful even with Civilization blocked. And now... he casually takes on spells.

"How the fuck do you just shrug off millions of spells?", I asked in annoyance.

To that, he smiled, "Because I am the Concept of Rome itself. And my Domination isn't just Civilization, if I overcome something, I will be impervious to it."

"What kind of bullshit is that?!", I complained. And ended the rain of spells since they are useless now.

"You should look at yourself before speaking about unfair advantage.", he chuckled.

"Hah... looks like I have to go all out then.", I zapped toward the location of Ouroboros Omniscia.

"Open, Gate of Akasha. Garment of Solomon, Ars Goetia.", and I summoned my coat.

"Decontruct.", both my coat and trench coat burst into pieces— oh shit, Galatine is still in my trench coat, nevermind, add it into the mix too!!

"Reforge!", and they merged into one. An azure blue trench coat with silver embroideries and decorations, while also glowing with the power of the sun!

But I don't end it there!!

Grabbing Quirinus with my left hand, I clashed it against Ouroboros Omniscia!!

"Deconstruct!!", the coffin burst into pieces, and the lance partially so.

"Reforge!!", the two fused together. Quirinus now sporting a cyberpunk look with all of the circuit veins and blocky bumps.

Desire's power is amplification— so what would happen if I apply it to my God Slayers?


My sword and trench coat began to crackle with electricity— oh... OOOHH.

"I summon thee, the 72 Demons of Ars Goetia!!"

And 72 Demons of various shapes and sizes appear behind me. Making Romulus glare at them.

"Now, my cute Demons, fuck him up!!", I yelled out my command.

And they did, elemental powers crashed down upon Romulus... who just brushed them off like no big deals. What the fuck?

Holy shit, he picked up a dog-like one and threw it at a headless angel. He just sliced several of them up with one swing of his sword. He is wrecking them, Demons - which in this context are lesser gods - he just casually throws them all away.

I just stare at him.

"This isn't my first exchange with Ars Goetia, so I've already gained Dominance against them.", he explained, casually finishing the final Demon.

That was less than ten seconds...

"Tch.", I clicked my tongue. He is over two thousand years old, it wouldn't be too farfetched for him to face against God Slayers.

Guess I can't just sit back and watch my goons do the deed for me.

I applied True Spark to Remus, while activating hundreds of buffs to the sword through Circe. I came after Romulus.

I swung my sword, aiming at Excalibur—


Mine instantly broke, but it also snapped his arm 90 degrees to the side in an instant. I then stabbed my lance toward him.


Hundreds of spears extended from everywhere, stabbing into his body. Forcing Romulus to retreat. The spears retracted, dripping the blood onto Quirinus? Or should I call it Quirinus Ouroboros Omniscia? Too long of a name, and any acronym is too weird.

"Reforge!!", and the shattered sword reformed in my hand.

Yeah, I cheated. As long as I can Reforge Remus with Alchemy, the weakness of plummeting the durability into nothing in exchange for power is negated.

Furthermore... Quirinus is the perfect counter to him since the lance is a part of the World. This may just be a theory, since I got my ass whooped by Elderstahl, who is made up of several worlds... maybe this is the true purpose of the lance.

It represents the World, and no matter what Romulus does... the World will always win in the end. That is an undeniable fact.

"Sanctuary.", Romulus stabbed his sword into the ground, creating a barrier around himself... his wounds, they are healing.

To that, I deployed the launchers, shooting an endless stream of missiles at him. Then I went in, with Remus fully charged once again.

"Manifest Destiny.", I was already in front of him.

I shattered the barrier with my sword, stopping the regeneration. I thrust Quirinus forward— stabbing deep into Romulus' chest.


He just smiles, gripping the lance with his left hand, pulling it deeper into his body.

I tried to pull out, but it won't budge. Then the missiles came— I pulled my hood up —hitting both me and him in their blast.


"You are... crazy...", I struggled to get my lines out.

"I am only human after all.", he laughed, "I see it all, your plans revolve around this lance... so I only need to deal with this."

And it is checkmate for me...

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