Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Meet and Greet

Hmm... hot and cold.

Oh, right. I invited Hoa and Mitsuki over to my place. They are sleeping on my bed, since Mitsuki nagged me, and Hoa got dragged in like usual.

"Charlotte... please let go.", Hoa whined since I was using her as a hug pillow and all.

I let her go, and she rolled out of the bed. She twisted herself to not fall and actually stood upright. I also got up, looking at Mitsuki sleeping beside me.

"Wake up.", I commanded, my voice laced with Euphoria's power.

She instantly opened her eyes, giving me a cold deathly stare without emotion, a machine created solely for killing. Then they change back to those frosty blue eyes full of emotions.

"Charlotte!", she went ahead and hugged me, "Your bed is so comfy!! I almost overslept because of it!"

"It's 5 in the morning.", Hoa stated.

"Damn, I woke up early today!!", she raised her hands up, "This must be a new record!"

I get out of bed before Mitsuki hugs me again.

"I'll go make breakfast.", I walked away, "Oh, and I'll only be making breakfast for myself."

"Okay! I'll go make breakfast too, do you have rice?", Mitsuki also got out of bed.

"I don't, but since you two will be living here for the time being, feel free to buy anything you want."

There are three more rooms here if they want they could move in with me. Even if it's just temporary.

"After today, let's go buy some groceries!!", Mitsuki proudly declared.

"You two will have to do it without me, I got business to finish.", there is still the mission after all.

Mitsuki frowned, saddened by my rejection.

"I won't be here tonight, so don't touch my stuff... actually, except for my computer, you can explore all you want.", I said before closing the door.

I head downstair... oh?


Nyarla was in the form of a man with curly black hair, and purple eyes just hid right under their bang. They are wearing casual clothes too, showing off a thin body under the purple T-shirt and shorts. I met them at the bottom of the stairs.

With their eyes, they gave me the cue to head into the storage room. I followed.

"Hello, Charlotte. How have you been?", they asked, quite casually too.

"Nothing too bad, except for meeting The Pale Court and killing the Spider of Tindalos.", I spoke the truth, "Oh, and Christ is alive."

"First thing.", they raised one finger, "They must be very annoying, right?"

"Not at all, Shemiss Aluqdim was very accommodating. They were very crystal clear about what they want and do. I can always appreciate someone who always tells the truth.", I spoke with more emotions in my voice, just to annoy Nyarla.

They flinched, smiling warily, "It's a matter of perspective. To me and the rest of the Stars, The Pale Court is like a demented crazy psychopath that destroys things based on their messed up system... oh damn, that kinda describes you."

"Was that meant to be an insult?", I raised a brow.

Nyarla shrugged, "Nah, it's actually a compliment. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree~ if you were appointed as a Herald, which you won't, I pray for whatever world you get sent to.", They crackled, finding this topic amusing.

I tilt my head with a questioning gaze, "Why?"

"Because~ from what it looks like, Heliosol favors you. They wouldn't make someone they like a Herald, plus, you aren't depressed enough.", they pointed at me with a stern look.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Heliosol likes sad boys and girls, their vulnerability is easy to manipulate. You are way too independent and way below their standard for mental instability.", Nyarla shrugged.

Huh, I am more stable than I thought. Well, it's the standards of an Eldritch God, I can't and don't want to understand them.

"Second thing.", They switched the topic right away, raising another finger, "Tindalos, what's the whole shebang about?"

"Oh, a Spider of Tindalos came randomly. Shemiss Aluqdim told me to give it the finishing blow."

"Did you kill the Man too?"


"Judging from your look, you didn't.", Nyarla shook their head, "The Spider of Tindalos usually carries a Man of Tindalos - a direct servant of Tindalos - nothing too difficult for you, I assumed."

"Why does nobody give me the full instruction?", I complained. This would've been so much easier if I had an instruction on how to deal with each and every kind of Eldritch thing, "So do I need to kill the Man of Tindalos too?

"No, you don't need to, Heliosol will take care of it. Also, why was the Tindalos here in the first place?"

"Would you believe me if I told you me from an alternative future came and requested me to fuck over Romulus?", I plainly stated.

Nyarla thought about it, rubbing their chin, "An alternative version of you from the future travel back in time, attracting the attention of the Tindalos.", They ended up shrugging casually, "That's not too out of the possibility for you. And there's nothing I can do about that."

"Third thing.", they raised another finger, "Jesus wouldn't die from a weapon designed to one-shot God. But he wouldn't fully recover at the same time."

Being in a half-dead state, huh. Well, not my problem.

However, I have a question, "What is the reason for you being here, anyway?"

"Just going around, checking on Babel's personnel.", They shrugged, "Though I am not here for you, but for The Original Flame's Herald."

"She's upstairs. I'll go ahead and make breakfast, for myself.", I walked out of the storage room.

Hm~ I guess I should make breakfast and then head to school.


"Charles.", I called them out.

"What is it, Charlotte?", my cat appeared right beside me, hopping on my shoulder.

"Don't you think your name is a little too normal?", I asked.

"Yes.", they replied, "It is normal."

"How about we change it to something more... mystical, fitting your title as the Records of Beast.", I suggested.

"Why?", they purred.

"Because for you, that name doesn't really fit.", I held the cat up, beholding it to the sky like a certain lion movie, "And I admit, I was caught in the moment when naming you. After not some long thought, I want to change your name."

"And I want you to name yourself."

They glare at me suspiciously, "What are you trying at?"

"I'm trying to be more considerate, believe it or not.", I spoke the truth, "You don't need to change if you don't want."


"What?", I tilt my head.

"Avalon. We want our name to be Avalon."

"Like the Isle of Avalon?", I questioned.

"Yes.", they grinned, "We have access to Avalon."

That's some adventure I missed. I guess they are the same as me, doing crazy stuff I am not aware of. Well, comparing gaining the favor of Shemiss Aluqdim and finding a magic island, I don't know which is the greater achievement~

Hmm, I think I should just go rogue. But first, I need trash.

"Charlotte! Get down from there, class is about to start.", Hoa called me out from the window.

I am sitting on the roof, like always. I guess I should head down.

"Come on, Avalon.", I call it by its new name.

Carrying the cat, I jumped down— letting my fingers dig into the side of the building to slow down my fall and leave behind bloody trails on the wall. Using my legs, I stopped myself right next to Hoa, smiling at her.

"Avalon, get in first."

The cat then jumped out of my embrace into the room. Using my now free hand, I grabbed the window frame— punching the wall, I used the rebound combined with my acrobatic to launch myself through the window and into the classroom.

"Avalon.", I called them.

"Meow~", the cat cried out, hopping on my shoulder.

I got into my seat, with Hoa behind me also getting into her seat in front.

There are a lot more students now, thirty from the looks of it. The next second, after I got my laptop out, Abert walked in.

"Hello to you all! Today, if you received the email, or been here to class, you will know that today is Show and Tell!", he was very excited.

One boy raised his hand, "You didn't give us any time to prepare, Sir!"

Albert nodded in acknowledgment, "The Hunt wait for no one, George! If you don't have anything to show, you can show off your Gem!"

That isn't too bad of a punishment.

"Well, without wasting any more time. I'll call each of you up, so be ready!", he then turns his eyes to me, "Charlotte Silvi, would you mind doing the honor?"

"Of course.", I stood up from my seat, grabbed my briefcase, and walked to the front. Avalon jumped down and took my seat. I can hear the students next to my seat squealing, wanting to touch it.

But there are also these guys.

"Woah, she's cute."

"She climbed to the top of the tower last month!"

"She's really arrogant."


"That cold air around her is so cool! No pun intended."

"She beat up four people yesterday."

I like the attention here~

I stepped next to Albert, smiling with evil intent.

"Can this place handle a tornado?", I asked.

"This place is built to stand against nature itself! It would take an atomic bomb—", he grinned, then he realized his mistake. Too late!!

I took Quirinus out of the briefcase, showing it off to everyone, "As you all probably know, I am Charlotte Silvi~ the Silver Princess of Humanity! Why? Because I am the Gem Holder of a Hybrid, of two Conceptual... The Will of Survival and the Depravity of Life. Simple as that."

I stabbed the lance into the floor, as easily as penetrating butter.

"This here is one of two God Slayers I owned.", I let the tendrils of silver grow on my arm for all to see, yes... widen your eyes, be fearful, be in awe for how amazing I am.

"This here is Rhongomyniad, the Lance of the World.", I grin dangerously, my sharp azure gaze sweeping the entire classroom, "Tell me, have you ever seen a Storm capable of killing the gods?"

I can see all the them tensed up.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I awaken the lance, caressing its body with my left hand, leaving Malice Flame— letting Quirinus taste the power of Malice.

The crevis of the lance glows an eerie crimson, as well as the red Runes.

"Spin, Scream, and Rend the World apart!", I commanded.

The wind started to pick up, rocking the whole room. The sky outside started to darken, clouds began to roll and rumble... yet there was no thunder. Then came the harrowing roar of the wind, loud like a scream of distress and agony.

I see many are shifting uncomfortably in their seat. Some are average citizens who came across a Gem, unaware of how crazy this world truly is. Poor bastards.

The entire building trembles under the wind, to the point stuffs are falling over and flying if they are light enough.

I shrink the radius of the wind, focusing on creating a layer of storm around the lance— oh, it's surprisingly light now. Must the gyroscopic effect generated by the wind

Hmm... I think this is bad.

"Could you please open the window for me?", I spoke to a doll-face girl in the front row, sitting next to the window. Well, her hair was ruined by how windy it was due to my localized storm.

She stared at me in a daze, before registering what I wanted— she opened the window with hesitation. I pointed the lance outside.

"Release, Tear the World!"

A spiraling lance of winding shot forward— a tornado that kept growing, consuming the entire sky... the dark clouds are gone, replaced with a cloudless blue sky. Ah, beautiful, yet it doesn't fit me.

"As you all can see.", I placed the lance back into the briefcase, "I am carrying a weapon capable of destroying the entirety of Ataraxia. So. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me."

The class stares at me in silence.

"Anyway, Rhongomyniad's ability is to manifest the Aspects of a Storm. What I just showed you was the destructive power of a Storm. Well, my turn is over~ good luck."

"Dude, how the fuck are we supposed to top a fucking God Slayer?", one of the boys asked.

"You can try, but I won't be cheering you on.", I whispered right into his ear.

He blushed and freaked out. I just giggle and return to my spot.

"Yo dude, she's so cute.", his friend reached out from the side.

"Y-Yeah...", he can only stare at me in surprise, even with black hair covering his eyes, "Do you think I have a shot?"

"You don't!", I shouted, notifying to all that I had super hearing, "Because I have my best friend with me!!"

I hugged Hoa from behind, almost making her fall.

"Charlotte! Please don't do anything like that!!", she forced her way out of my arms.

"Heha~ don't be so distant, we were together in a dance just yesterday!", I chuckled, grabbing her again.

'Stop it, or I'll burn you.", she threatens me.

"My coat is fire-proof, don't you remember? And fire is nothing to me.", because of Survive.

I let her go, returning to searching pn my laptop. Hmm, there isn't much information about Novah's Research Zone... I also can't get access to the blueprint of the lab even with the technology of Babel. I do have the location, so I guess I could go in blind, all stealthy, and that.

Or... do it my way.


Oh, an arrow just flew past me, I look at the person who just shot it... Hmm, the Gyaru yesterday. Seem like someone wanted to die today. Though 

"You know, I have a policy.", I stood up and stepped around, plucking the arrow out of the wall...

"My adopted mother once taught me, to never kill someone, but to cripple them completely is alright.", I pointed it at her, "Tell me, what body part do you want to be removed?"

Recognizing a legitimate threat, Albert stepped in, "Charlotte, please calm down. There is no need for violence—"

I cut him off with a glare, "Violence is my spoken language."

Then I smile, "Well, please choose which limb you want to remove. Perhaps your legs, I can accurately hit your spine like a certain clown. Or maybe your precious rights are, so you can never draw your bow again."


Everyone was silent, some even took out their phone to record the scene. Good, I want the world to know.

"Tell me, is it right to shoot your fellow student?", I readied the arrow, holding it in the middle section, and raised it over my head.

"B-Because you are a monster!!", she got the courage to speak up.

"If humans are monsters, then I guess you are correct.", my smile turned into a malicious grin, "So this is... Justice."

I threw the arrow, sending it flying at sub-sonic speed. She tried to run away out of the door, but I had already predicted that.

The arrow stabbed her right into her bicep, I can hear her muscles being cut, then her tendon snapping.

"I am a cruel person, I admit. But I am not so cruel that I would rob someone of something they trained and loved.", I slowly step forward, making myself seem like a phantom with careful soundless steps.

She glared at me with hate and contempt, holding her right arm to stop the bleeding.

"What is your name?", I compelled her with Euphoria.

"N-Nico...", she answered against her will.

"And your Devil?"

"R-Robin Hood..."


That makes sense now, in her eyes, I am a tyrant. Robin Hood is the representation of rebelling against tyranny. Well, too bad for her...

"This Tyrant is the Apex of Humanity, you can certainly try to bring me down, but it's going to be useless.", I swept her legs, making her fall down.

Yes, that hateful glare... it excites me.

I glanced at Albert, "Aren't you going to do anything about this?"

He sighed, "The only thing I can do in this situation is give you detention for harming another student."

"I'll gladly stay if I get compensation for what I just went through...", I look down at Nico, "I want the Academy to stop asking me for reports when I am out of the Academy, I honestly don't get why I should tell this place what I am up to."

"Haha! I'll talk with the Principal! Now, someone helps carry Miss Nico to the infirmary.", he looked around, seeing that nobody wanted to help her and potentially receive my ire.

"Ellen, please help her."

With stiff movements, the girl with pink hair from yesterday stood up— she locked eyes with me, giving me a fearful look.

"Y-Yes sir...", she walked past me, helping her friend up.

"Well, continue with the show, I'm going to get some fresh air.", then I proceeded to get out of the classroom via the window.

"Avalon.", I called them out.

"Woah! Where did the cat come from?!"

"So cute!"

They jumped onto my shoulder, resting comfortably.

"Hoa, could you carry my stuffs back to my place? Thanks.", I requested.

"Hey! Where are you going?!", Hoa shouted.

"Doing very suspicious stuff, like always.", I winked and jumped out of the window.

"Charlotte!", Albert tried to catch me, but I kicked his hand away.

"Goodbye, see you during the fighting tournament.", I waved as I fell down.

"Enna, catch me.", I commanded.

In a flash, Enna descended down from the sky. She caught me in her arms and slowly decelerated until we reached the ground.

"Good job.", I got out of her arms.

"So what do we do now?", she asked.

"I'll go to the safe house... get into Novah and try to infiltrate the research lab."

I'll also need a disguise if I want to do this my way...

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