Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Garment of Solomon

Nyarlatothep stood on the rooftop, in their human form - a thinly built man with black hair covering his glowing purple eyes. They are waiting for someone...

And that someone was Hoa.

"What do you want, Crawling Chaos?", she appeared behind them.

"Nothing much, really. I just want to confirm if you are a danger to humanity. From the look of it, my worries were all for naught.", they chuckled, "How about we make a deal? From a Nebula to a Herald?"

"Um, no.", Hoa instantly rejected, "I don't make deals with another Eldritch God without my Lord's agreement. And as you know, my Lord can't come here."

"Ha~ it's so tough dealing with straightforward people.", they shrugged, sighing with a smile, "Anyhow, long story short, I like living here and I love humanity. I want to tell you to stop eating people, but you won't."

She nodded, "I am quite the junkie for good food. The Pale Court doesn't seem to care about a few hundred of their Children missing."

"Well, murder cults are everywhere in the world. One run by a Herald isn't that special. I'm not here to tell you to go around and be subtle.", they snickered, "Well, if Charlotte is neutral to what you are doing then I guess it's okay. She's supposed to be the Will of Humanity, if she's fine with something then that's fine."

"I am pretty sure Charlotte is the last person you go to for moral opinions.", Hoa thought for a bit, "Speaking of Charlotte, where is she?"

"Probably blowing something up.", Nyarlatothep shrugged.

"That doesn't sound good at all.", she frowned


"I am Charlotte Silvi, Ruler of the World.", I feel my emotions evaporate, leaving only curiosity behind.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity", my eyes dilated from their usual azure to pure black.

"You who gave humanity a Spark, a Light in their Clouded Mind.", I smile, scheming in nature... dyeing the tip of my silver hair black.

"Imagination to Create all.", then a pair of long gloves, as black as the starless night formed on my arms, penetrating deep into my very bone, consuming them slowly.

"The Dream to Rule Everything.", and a black scarf wrapped around my neck, flying where there is not wind.

"Anima Pactum - Akashic Reverie"

Hmm~ what should I do?

I look over to where Juju, Kawl, and Azkerviel are sitting. They are observing me, nothing too serious, just watching me do my thing.

"Kawl, what should I make? I am open for opinion here.", I smile, tilting my head.

"You should make another set of clothes since your trench coat is very recognizable.", he commented.

So another jacket it is~

"Juju? Azkerviel?", I asked for their opinions.

"I have nothing.", Juju, now looking like a wise old man, shook his head. The little fairy also shook its head.

Hmm~ I guess I will make another jacket... one I could modify even more on my own.

Taking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes and entered the Library of Akasha. Where countless bookshelves, reaching beyond the horizon, towering above the sky... where all the knowledge of humanity resides, past, present, and future.

"Clothes.", the Library rumbles, moving the shelves around.

"Bulletproof.", more shelves are being removed.

"Coat.", then only a few million remained.

Hmm... this isn't going to cut it. I still need something to make myself stand out...

Oh~! I know! Hehahaha!!

"God Slayer."

With that one prompt, only ten books remained. Hehahahahaha~!! Then...

"Lost to time.", only two books remained as all the others flew away.

With one final prompt...

"Malice.", one book remained.

I took the book, opening it... hehahahaha!!! YES!! This is what I wanted!!

I returned back to the real world, holding my arms up. Reverie sludge began to leak out from my arms, falling onto the ground...

"Reverie! Realize! Materialize!!"

Molding, swirling in the essence of Imagination and Creativity. A new life shall be welcome at this time. Then I imagine the form it will take... recreating the God Slayer like I imagine.

Ah~ the most powerful creations of humanity, the God Slayers. Made with the intent to kill the divine, to show the power of humanity against the World, against the Universe... 

"Ars Goetia."

I grabbed the blue coat, adorned with silver decorations like the coat of an accomplished military leader... right, Sinclair also wore something like that, I guess we are really the same person... the back side of it is my favorite part, the embroidery of a silver Rose Compass, representing me.

I took off my trench coat— along with the attached shirt. Luckily for me, I wore a shirt underneath. Then I wore the coat over my shoulder like a cape.


Oh, I am at my limit. I am coughing up blood. Quickly, I ended the Anima Pactum...

"Can I please have some tissue? I am bleeding over here.", I smile, wiping the blood on my mouth with my hand.

It was the fairy who brought me a box of tissue paper with a withered vine.

"Thanks.", I took it, wiping my face and hands.

"Hope.", I then let the Dew of Hope flow through my body, healing the injuries of my internal organs.

"What can that coat do?", Kawl asked, inspecting it with his bionic eyes.

"Memory Storage and True Spark.", I grin, "Ars Goetia, an unconventional God Slayer if I do say so myself. It follows the primordial principles of the World, if you hit something hard enough, if you hit something long enough, it will die."

My azure gaze stares deep into the souls of the trio. Making myself crystal clear, of what I can do with such a thing.

"The first function is like this. Memory Storage...", I held my hand out, creating a spear from thin air, "I can recreate anything I've touched. As for the price... well, I can only replicate seventy-two objects per decade. So now I can only create seventy-one objects."

"That seems like a downgrade from your ability, don't you think?", Juju asked.

I nodded, confirming his concerns, "Yes, Justice can create an infinite amount of weapons. I'm not after the Memory Storage. I am after True Spark."

With a bit of focus, the spear in my hand hums a low pitch and faintly shines.

"A God Slayer can only be called a God Slayer if it had the power to kill a god... Ars Goetia can grant the ability to kill gods to anything with a cost.", I thrust the spear forward... and it disintegrated, turning into dust.

"The price is simple, the power granted by Ars Goetia is simply focusing all of the durability of an object into one single use, where it will shine more than it ever would.", I held my hand out once again, creating a sword with Justice Mist, and I focused my thought on it, granting it the power to slay a god, "This will come in handy when combine with Justice."

"So... why is its name Ars Goetia? Isn't that also the Classification given to the Demons King Solomon captured?", Juju asked.

I simply smile, "This coat was weaved from the hearts of the Seventy-Two Demons of Solomon. By the King himself no less. I just modified it a bit to fit my taste."

I can see that the trio knows what this means. Yes, let it sink in, let it be known that I am very capable of handling any situation.


Because I have power. With sheer strength alone, I can break through any obstacles... and nobody would be able to stop me... wait, no, Seria might be able to stop me.

"Anyhow.", I threw the sword up into the air, letting it turn back into Justice Mist and losing the properties of True Spark, "Get me a Glock 18 with a silencer attached, non-lethal rounds, three tear gas grenades, and a pair of black gloves."

"I'll prepare it for you right away.", Kawl nodded before heading off deeper into the workshop.

"Juju, Azkerviel, can you show the way down to Novah?", I turned to them.

"Of course, follow me.", he began to walk slowly, with Azkerviel on his shoulder dangling its legs.

I followed him. Hmm... why does his appearance always change when I meet him?

"Juju, is there a reason for your age? Which seemingly changes every time I see you?", I asked.

"Oh... that. Haha, it's just part of my Contract with Azkerviel. She will always protect me, in exchange for me experiencing a different age every day until I die.", he chuckled, "It's quite tame compared to what other Fey offer, like taking the firstborn, or sacrificing a sense."

Contract huh... I guess I'll have to force a Fairy into my service if I ever catch one. Hm? Azkerviel is staring at me, twitching as if it wants to say something.

"What's Azkerviel saying?"

"Oh, she likes you. Don't mind her too much, she does what she wants all the time.", he commented.

Eventually, we reached an elevator. Oh, Kawl is also here with my equipment ready.

"Here is your gun with a suppressor, five magazines with rubber bullets, tear gas grenades, and a pair of black gloves.", he handed them over to me in a tray, he even gave me a utility belt to carry them.

"Hm~ thanks.", I wore the belt first, then putting the gun into its holster, then the magazines, and the three tear gas grenades in the back pouch.

It has been a hot minute since I wore a mask... but that's okay~ because when I have a mask on... I can do whatever I like.

The nanomachines on my back crawled up to my face, forming a silver mask of the Eight-Pointed Star of Chaos.

I enter the elevator.

"Let there be blood!!", I announced.

"Please don't cause any bloodshed.", Kawl begged me.

I had to admit, the cover is the least psychotic one out of all the ones generated.

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