Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Operation: Unseen Razor

The thing about my Imperial Aura is that... I can do the opposite. Instead of an overbearing presence forcing people to focus on me and bow down, I have one where I can make people ignore me completely like I wasn't even there. I don't have a name for it, 'cause why would I? I won't use it as often as my Imperial Aura. Maybe if I for some reason gone rogue I'll give it a proper name.

Oh, standing under this lantern gives me four shadows. Neat.

Anyway, because of this aura, I am standing in front of the main gate, protected by five guards at all times. I have been staring intensely at them for the past hours, out of the camera's view, and find nothing too special.

Well, there are some MAS agents here, patrolling inside the area. Oh... so I'll have to deal with them too.

With everything on the outside in order, I let Justice Mist seeps out of my body, swirling around Ars Goetia... giving each and every speck of the mist True Spark.

Now, what would happen when a bunch of particles carrying the power to kill gods, which are also explosive, combine into one weapon? Would it look like a demolition? Or is a nuke going off? I don't know~

I would like to find out, but that would cause a lot of death. I have a policy, I don't kill people, just break every bone in their body. 

Since I am here to infiltrate, not cause mass terrorism like I want to~ So!

 They formed into tiny little needles, dozens of them, so tiny that they couldn't be seen unless they were about to pierce the eyes.

I raised my hand for dramatic effects, spreading my fingers to their absolute limit.

Let's see... "Justice.", I swiped my hand down, sending the needles into the area, making sure they were not too close to people. At worst, they'll probably contract fourth-degree burns. Thats livable.

"Boom.", I swung my arm down, like an executioner's axe— igniting all the needles.

Explosions erupts everywhere, like a show of firework~ full of dust flinging into the air, the ground cracking under the intense pressure, people running away and dodging any debris coming~ heha~ 

Of course, I can't forget the dozens of fireballs igniting the artificial sunset, turning it back to daytime. Set ablaze the air~ ah, I can breathe in the heat, burning my lungs.

I stepped forward as guards scrambled outside, rescuing those who suffered heavy injuries. They don't notice me at all... especially after I turned on the anti-memetic feature. Now even the camera won't be able to know who I am, or what I am.

With a casual stroll, I opened my phone, looking for directions to where I needed to go. Hm... GPS obviously doesn't work here, I can't just find... oh.

Right, I can do that.

I rushed towards the nearest building, I noticed a scientist who was observing the explosions with a stiff look. His eyes shook as if having a flashback.

Yup~ more than I could ask for!

I grabbed him by the face and quickly dragged him away while everyone was distracted. Hmm ~ I can see his eyes are rapidly dilating, focusing and unfocusing on me. I command the nanomachines to turn off the antimemetic, revealing myself to him.

I see the reflection of my mask in his eyes, shaking in fear.

I heighten my pitch, making myself more aloof, "Hm~ I have some questions for you~ I would like to know where the drug lab is~"

He mumbled something, right, my hand was still covering his mouth. I can understand him, he's saying that I can't have access to it. There are just too many valuable things.

"Oh, I wasn't asking for permission.", my voice became emotionless, "I am forcing you."

I pointed at the devastation I caused.

"See that? I caused that. I have many, many more explosives. Too much in fact. I am ready to unleash them all if you don't cooperate.", I covered his nose, blocking his breath.

He realized this entire place was my hostage. And that fear paralyzed him.

"So~ do you want to be a hero and prevent something catastrophic from happening?"

He nodded, so I let him breathe.

"Don't say a word and lead me to it.", I took my gun out of its holster, and pointed it directly at his chest, "You don't want a hole going through you, right?"

He nodded, so I let him go. I also turned back on the antimemetic, jamming his cognitive functions.

"Go on~ lead me to it, and don't look at me. You will only hurt your brain."

"A-Alright...", he began to walk.

And I followed behind, seeing that there are even more MAS agents here on the scene now...

Not long after, the scientist ran into one of the agents, wearing black military-grade armor as usual.

"Where are you going?", a female voice asked, she noticed that this scientist was in fear, so she held her gun firmly.

"N-Nothing.", he glanced back, looking at the ongoing fire, "I'll go check on the Chemical Facility, to see if the rumble damaged anything."

She nodded, "Please go on..."

She pointed the gun directly at me, firing a single bullet. Well, I just leaned to the side and dodged it. Nothing too special.

"Hmm... I'll await orders.", she stares into space suspiciously.

The scientist and I went onward.

Now that I think about it, isn't what Sinclair wore also a wearable God Slayer?

Yup~! That outfit was Ars Theurgia Goetia, the same series as your Ars Goetia~ granting her basically the same level of Immunity against all types of damage as Romulus' Civilization.

Damn, so I couldn't have harmed her even if I wanted to. And she's even more skilled than me— I couldn't even see her move...

Oh, the scientist entered a building. Guess this is the place~

I raised my gun and shot him in the back.


He fell over, knocked out from the sudden pain. My~ that will leave quite the bruise.

Anyway, I loot his body, taking some keycards he had on him. These should be enough.

Then I kicked him away, entering the building as I pleased. Hmm, these hallways remind me of the ones in Babel. Cold, lit just right to see to the end, gray steel wall and walkway.

It look like home, but it doesn't feel like home.

I entered the first checkpoint, I needed a keycard to get in. Now... which color should I pick? Red, green, or blue?

If I apply color theory, red would mean danger, green would be neutral, and blue could be safe. I tested the blue card first.

The doors opened, greeting me with a check-in room. The guard standing behind the glass seemed to notice the door suddenly opened.

"Huh, the earthquake seemed to made the door malfuctio—"

Pew! Pew!

I shot him in the stomach with the first shot, making him bunkered down, then knocked him out with the second shot in the head.

I continue on, meeting the next door. Obviously, I tried the green keycard.

It opens, revealing a lab with hundreds of equipment, running dozens of experiments at the same time.

Well, this place is the technological core of the world after all.

Actually~! The U.S. had already developed anti-matter weaponry and all sorts of technology!!

My point still stands. And the U.S.A. is an exception, they already proved that humanity can create weapons with destructive power rivaling, even beyond, some God Slayers without using anything divine or demonic. Like the nukes.

"Did the door open by itself? Mhm, must be some kind of glitch.", one scientist observed.

"Get right back on the job.", a female scientist scolded, "We still have to find a way to get out of America's grasp!"

Oh, I stumbled upon some secrets I shouldn't know. Have to report it to Seria now.

Anyway, I walked past them while observing everything. I activate Survive, expanding my range... calculating the world, knowing every last bit of information right to the construct.

Some of the chemicals are acid compounds, some are growth hormones... and a fuck ton of nutrition vials that would probably make someone die if they drink it.

All of this leads to a plague of some kind.

Anyway, I turned back to the scientists... twenty of them are in here. I loaded a fresh magazine, eighteen bullets loaded...

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

The first nine bullets knocked down nine people, yet also alerted the others to run away. But I won't let them.

"Euphoria.", I stomped the ground, creating a line towards the door— Euphoria Crystals grew, expanding in front of me until it reached the door, growing pink crystalized structures covering up the door, jamming it.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

While they were distracted, I fired the last rounds, knocking all down— oh, someone touched the crystals. Welp, that's a coma for you.

Pew! Pew! 

And~ the last two are down.

Bottling up my desire to blow this whole place up really makes my emotions go up. I could've unleashed Euphoria and sang my song~ enjoying my never-ending climax!

But no, I am still on a mission that requires stealth.

With that out of the way, I look around to see there are three entrances. Two without needing a keycard, and one required it. So I swiped the red keycard at the last checkpoint.


Oh, this last one has a nice ding to it. I walked down what looked to be a decontamination hallway. But it didn't activate due to my antimemetic effect, for some reason.

Entering the actual place after a few minutes of walking, I entered a big room with tables and tables from one side to the other, each with a lot of chemistry equipment and vials. There are nineteen people here, sixteen scientists and three guards.

Anyway, I started blastin' all of the scientists and guards inside.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! 

Switch ammo as soon as my gun fired the last bullet. 0,3 seconds was all I needed.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! 

Hm~ the three guards are all standing, wearing heavy armor and all of that gizmo.

"Who are you?! Where are you?!", one guy in heavy armor aimed his gun all over the place, trying to find me.

Anyway, I ducked behind one of the tables full of vials on top. Hm~ should I break them? Nah, probably not. I don't want to be the one responsible for a plague. Or the extinction of humanity, Sinclair already did that.

"Hey~ I have a lot of explosives with me~", I used my aloof tone, distorted due to the memetic, "I sealed the whole branch off, nobody can enter, and nobody can escape without my~ permission."

I dashed out of my hiding spot, going towards the three guards. I swept one's leg, letting him fall onto the other guy— then I smashed the last guy in the face, knocking him out.

I elbowed the one on the ground in the back, breaking his spine, and at the same time, dropped my heel on the other guy in the solar plexus.

Hm~ that was easy. As expected, only Hoa could satisfy my bloodlust.

Walking towards a scientist who didn't go fully unconscious, just lying there in pain. I grabbed him by his hair, forcing him to stand up.

"Tell me, what kind of substance are you cooking recently?"

"Wh-Who are you?", he asked, closing his eyes due to being so close to me.

"You don't really need to know, buddy~ just tell me and you might get out of here alive.", I won't actually kill him.

"W-What are you a-after.", he tried to look away, but I forced him to keep staring at me.

"Tell me, what is it that you are developing recently?", I could just grab all of these here.

"S-Super soldier serrum...", he answered meekly. He was lying.

"Confess.", I commanded with Justice's power.

Compelled by me, he answered against his will, "A fungal infestation... meant to wipe out America—"

I grabbed his neck, "You don't say~ show me where it is."

He nodded, so I let him go. He was scared shitless by me, and his self-preservation nature kicked in.

"Lead the way.", I commanded.

I followed behind him, entering another room with green vats on both sides, growing humans inside. Artificial humans? That has to violate some rights.

I took my phone out and took some pictures. These are some good blackmail materials.

"What are in these?", I pressed record on my phone.

"Th-They are Homunculus... trying to recreate humans—"

I shot all of them, only to find out the vats were made out of bulletproof glass.

"What are you doing?!", he screamed, looking at the wrong place.

"Continue on.", I ordered, acting as if nothing happened.


We continued on, getting into a room with hazard suits. He put one on out of habit— then he realized I was still here.


I shot him in the head, knocking him over. I don't need him now, do I?

I look at the gate, seeing that it won't budge open. I would like to use force here, but I don't want to rock the whole building. Let's do it the old way~

"Reverie~", I whispered.

A pool of black goo formed under my feet, eating away at everything. I pointed the Reverie sludge at the heavy industrial door, letting it seep in, eat, deconstruct... take over...

I punched the wall, transferring all of the energy— exciting the goo as it works faster. Soon, the door collapsed as the warning siren goes off.

Now the whole Zone probably knows that I am here. I ran through the decontamination room, igniting Malice Flame— summoning wisps of black flames turning red.

I threw the wisps at the door, burning it away in seconds. Malice is great for destruction, but it burns everything to nothing, while Reverie is slow I can still get materials with it.

I walked inside and saw a pure white circular room with a single vial in the middle. Well, what I have to do is pretty easy to understand.

"Malice, burn it all~"

Yes, My Lady.

Red flame consumed the room, burning away the metal, spiraling toward the center— reducing the sample to nothing more than atoms.

I took out my phone and called Seria.

[What's up my favorite and only daughter?], Seria answered.

"So, I had a mission in Mu. And my target was a fungal infestation meant to destroy America. I destroyed it already."

[Thank you~ my daughter! So, how was school?], she doesn't care about the mission at all.

"I encountered some people trying to bully me, I beat the shit out of them. Oh, and I have my friends at my place."

[Good~ Good! Anyway, what do you have to report next?]

"I have some blackmail materials, Mu is conducting some experiments concerning and not limited to creating Homunculus, violating some sort of rights. Can you send it to somebody?"

[Hmm~ I'll think about it.]

"Can you also write the report for me?"

[Naaah, too boring. You gotta report it yourself.], Seria whined.

"Then bye.", I shut the call.

Hm? Oh, they are breaking through. I put the gun back into its holster, it is time for me to leave.

But first! I took out the three tear gas grenades, pulling all the pins out— and I threw them to the other side, letting the pale yellow smoke fill the room...

"Delusion.", I teleported before the gas reached me. I don't want to smell anything like that.

And I escaped, returning back to Central Park in Darkovah, sitting on a bench looking over the lake. I command the nanomachines to disperse to my back. I should go home now since the sky is pretty dark.

But as I was about to teleport again, I heard a familiar voice, "Oh! Charlotte!!"

Turning around, I saw Mitsuki and Hoa, carrying bags of groceries. I waved at them.

"Where were you!? I was sad that you didn't come!!", she hugged me, fully submerging me in her boobs.

"I had some business to take care of. It was a little messy.", I look to the side, thinking of how many people I shot, and the explosion, "But I got this cool coat out of the whole ordeal."

She took a closer look at me, seeing the coat I wore on my shoulders, and my crop top— she touched my stomach.

So I slapped her hand, "No touching."

"Ow! I didn't realize you have such a... toned body.", she frowned a bit, "How hard did you train?! Tell me!"

"Hm?", Hoa is also chimed in, staring at my stomach, "I could probably use your abs to grind cheese."

Huh, I guess I have a grappler physique after all. I just don't show it often with how I usually wear...

"Don't stare, also, we can't just stand here.", I turned around, "Let's go home, I'll cook something for us three."

With that, I safely got home with my friends.

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