Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Operation: Magnum Opus – Beginning

I sat on a plastic chair like a guy who looked like he's the storm that is coming. All I had to do was look out, so why don't I get comfortable with it?

It's 7 in the morning right now, and the delivery won't start until 8. I have a lot of time... though I still have to do my job.

"A group of 5 over there.", I pointed to a building across the street.

"A bomb planted over here.", next is under a house.

"Three guys there.", then the next building.

Again and again.

There are a lot of people, over two hundred...


I stopped pointing out the spots of the Akashic Insurgency to pick up my phone... Jack.


[Charlotte! We are under attack! The Box is driving at full speed down to Novah!!]

I look around, seems like all the MAS got the same news. I saw them pick their weapons up ready to join the fight. I also stood up from my chair.

"Corday, are there any more enemies?", Delta-03 asked me.

"There are more, too many of them here. So our best course of action is to go for the bombs first and minimize the damage."

I turned back to the holographic map, pointing at all the places that had bombs in them. 178 spots... this is a terrorist attack... why is the Akashic Insurgency going this far for the Philosopher Stone?

"Roger!", they saluted and scattered from the rooftop, each of them going for a bomb while also contacting other MAS to do the same.

Their helmet is advanced, something that is very close to neuro connection... well, I have my silver collar that connects wirelessly to my neuro system.

Now... all I have to do is wait.


Alpha-01 is having a hard time against their current opponents, standing on a vehicle that is the size of two semi-trucks certainly does not help at all. Worse, his tranq rounds are useless against their current foe - the Sanctum of Steel.

Fanatics that worship the way of the machine, mutilating themselves to become cyborgs. It is hard to hit whatever flesh they have left, on a moving train at that.

"Fuck it. All unit, switch to tazer rounds!", he yelled over the channel.

Instantly, he shot a man with six extra robotic arms with a tazer round. The man spasms as he hits the road hard, bits and pieces of his mechanical enhancements lying around.

His unit, consisting of ten personnel standing on the roof of the transportable 'battle arena', and even with the assistance of the Illuminati Corp, cannot face against what is to come...

"Alpha-01!", Athen called out in a panic, "Something big is coming!!"

Right as she said that, vines broke through the ground and ensnared the wheels, stopping the transport vehicle right in its tracks.

"Jack!", Athen yelled.

In response, Jack leaped out with a smile forming on her face. She held out six obsidian scalpels and spun like a whirlwind. The sharpest object in nature cut through the vines easily, and with the accuracy plus speed of The Ripper, the vehicle was free in no time.

But that was enough time for a man in a golden formal suit to stand in the way. He crossed his arms despite the vehicle coming his way.

He raised his hands in front with a confident smile, "Command—"

"—Fuck you!", Athen jumped off the transportation and landed a kick on his face.

"Keep moving! I'll deal with this guy!!", the vehicle drove off.

The man in the suit grabbed her leg and flung her away. He stood up and watched the vehicle going away, chased by two people with cybernetic enhancements, the Sanctum of Steel.

"Well then. Let me introduce myself, Ashen Undead.", He pulled out a scabbard from thin air, one decorated with gold and jewels, yet it seemed to be made out of stone underneath that layer of decoration, "I am Liam Arious Pendragon!"

"A Pendragon?!", Athen just stares, not believing the person standing in front is a member of the Royal Family. Who would believe that?

She would like to ask more but this is not the time.

"Kronos.", she equipped her strongest weapon instantly.

Appearing in her hands is a giant sickle, over 4 meters long, with twisting vines as the handle for the crystal crescent moon. The weapon said to cut Uranus off from the world, made to separate the divine, the primordial...

"Hee~ so a Greek—"

Again, Athen interrupted Liam with a mighty swing downward swing. Unfortunately, he blocked with his scabbard, destroying a few precious gemstones.

"Hey! Let me monologue!", he redirected the sickle to the side.

"Cratus.", a golden gauntlet formed around her right arm, and she took a swing at the supposed royalty.

He once again blocked with the scabbard. But this time, the intense strength behind her punch was too great and broke his guard. Liam was sent flying.

"Not a lot of chance to use this, but it's always amazed me how fucking strong infinite strength is.", she said with a smile, "Now... let's get back to..."

"Oh no you don't.", a woman draped in animal skin and plant life walked out from an alleyway, standing in the way of Athen and the transport vehicle.

"Fuck, a Druid?", Athen sighed, "Well, you are a pushover."

"W-What do you mean by that?", the Druid stared at Athen with her evergreen eyes, "Aren't you supposed to be scared?"

"Girl, you don't understand your situation, do you?", Athen approached her, dragging the giant sickle behind with her right hand, "You are facing the Gem Holder of the strongest fucking god in all of Greece."

Vines tried to ensnare the sickle, but Athen just cut them with a light tug.

"I don't like killing people, but I don't have any problem with that.", her azure eyes dilated into a fierce gaze, "You'll just be another name, in my game."

Those cold gazes, those cruel words. And the malice behind everything she does, as if she was the embodiment of cruelty... it made the Druid freeze in place. They both may be mercenaries, but they are two very different kinds of mercenaries. While the Druid got into this job because it was necessary for her mission to preserve her homeland... Athen just has a lot of pent-up anger and hatred, she kills for the sake of killing, and battle is what helps the fire in her heart cool.

"Goodbye, and fuck you.", she swung down her sickle. No emotion behind those eyes, only an empty gaze for the purpose ahead.

For the third time, someone interrupted Athen, an arm made of stone grabbed hold of the tip of the sickle.

"Kronos' sickle, huh... just who are you?", the owner of the arm, a gigantic hooded man who just appeared out of nowhere, his golden gaze under his hood startled Athen for a moment.

But that moment bought the hooded man enough time to give Athen a left hook in the stomach. Her eyes shook at the frightening speed, she gagged out what little food she had.

But... in spite of what was happening... Athen widened her smile even more.

"Heha... you are fun.", she cracked her neck, "Zeus, Poseidon, Hades."

The sickle and gauntlet disappeared, and the hooded man retracted his fist to block— a pure white spear went through his shoulder in a flash of lightning. Then a trident with spiraling water on each tip pierced through his stone abs. Finally, a bident went for his throat, pinning his neck between the tips to the ground.

Athen held the bident and trident in her hands, stepping on the chest of the hooded man with a bright and cruel smile. The pure white spear floats behind her, and with a command from her azure gaze, the spear pins the hood, revealing the man under the hood.

"Not sure what I was expecting.", Athen commented, looking at the face made of stone, "Atlas if my guy is correct."

"Get off me—!", he yelled, trying to stand up against her weight 

"Fuck no.", she responded by stomping on him more, "Fuck you."

The pure white spear returned by her side, with a crackle of thunder— the spear blocked an attack from behind.

"D-2, get A-1 out of here! This gal is not someone to mess with!", Liam joined in the fight again.

The Druid snapped out of her daze, she spun her staff around and created hundreds of vines, twisting together, and slapped Athen in the stomach, flinging her away with the two weapons still gripped in her hands.

Quickly, an astral projection of an elk formed beside the Druid, using the vines she put A-1 on the elk. She hopped on the elk too and rode away, chasing the vehicle.

"Get the fuck back here!", Athen yelled, ignoring Liam completely.

"It saddens me when a lady ignores me—", the pure white spear slammed against his scabbard.

"Fuck you! Apollo!", a golden bow replaced the bident and trident, she drew the bowstring back and aimed for the running elk, "Where the light shines, his arrow will always hit."

An arrow made of light formed, crackling with the energy of the sun. She let loose the arrow, darting around before....

"Looks like I made it in time.", a woman kicked the arrow away, just before reaching the elk. Crimson red eyes, long flowing golden hair...

For a moment Athen thought the person in front was Seria. Besides the physical appearance and the cocky air... something was different.

"Come, my children.", she raised her right hand up.

For a brief moment, the world went quiet. Athen felt a sense of doom coming.

"Fuck! Kronos Crown!", Athen formed a crown made of silver, decorated with nothing, only the frame on her head, and the world stopped. Time has stopped.

"I am Athen Argentum, Contractor of the Prince."

Symbols flash underneath her feet, thunderbolt, trident, bident, flower, sun, moon, fire, and many more.

"Devil of Hell, He who rules the World."

Divine weapons, owned by heroes and gods alike of Greek mythology, they all dropped down around her by the thousands.

"He who inherited the Greek World, sitting on the Throne of Kronos."

Her ash hair is darkness to an abyssal black, reminiscence of the void that is Tartarus. Her eyes changed color, her right turned to a crimson red of Hell, and her left became an evergreen of the world.

"God of Rebirth and Blood."

Armor equipped onto her body, from the artifact of the gods of war, to the primordial gears before the formation of the world.

A smile formed on her face.

"Prince of the Underworld, twice Dead thrice Reborn."

She grew taller, more powerful and mighty. First step, the weapons around her vanished into particles. Second step, the images of gods and heroes of Greece flashed behind her. Third step, their shadows merged with Athen's figure.

"Anima Pactum - Zagreus."

Instantly, she appeared beside the strange woman, and time resumed. Wearing Cratus' gauntlet, she picked the woman by the face and slammed her down into the ground.

But the sense of doom did not go away. A legion of demons, beefy red creatures with black bat wings, over a hundred of them.

Looking at the army of demons with her heterochromia eyes...

 Athen just sneered.

"He who stands on top of the world, the strongest being ever born.", a silver bow appears in her hands, carrying three glowing stars on its grip and both sides of its nocks.

Even if it was still daytime, the stars glow brightly as if it were still night... like the Orion Belt.

She raised the bow up, pointing it at the bright blue sky. Pulling the bowstring back, three arrows formed as they radiate a gentle glow like the moonlight.

"He who beloved by the moon, the only love she ever recognized."

Athen let loose the arrows, shooting them into the sky.

"He is the Tri-Star Archer, Orion the Hunter."

The sky briefly becomes night, shining the Orion Constellation clear in the dark night sky. Then, a rain of silver arrows rain down upon the land. Each arrow, filled with the divine power of Artemis, and her love for the hunter, pierced each and every demon. Including Athen herself.

"Tri-Star Shot. The first arrow pierces the heart of the goddess, making her fall in love. The second arrow pierces the scorpion of Gaia, slaying the creature standing in the way of their love. And the third arrow pierced the hunter himself, pinning him onto the eternal sky."

Athen smiled, looking down upon her defeated foes.

"I am the rightful King of Hellas.", her eyes turned to Liam, "What is a runaway prince compared to a true ruler?"

Liam blocked the arrow shot earlier, but the kinetic energy from the shot still brought him into a dire situation. He can barely hear what the Prince is saying.

His eyes turned to where the strange woman was... she was nowhere to be seen.

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