Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Preparation of the Operation

I had my own bed, yes. But after meeting Rita and get to know him a bit... I realized how much of a loner I was.

Rita might be reserved and nervous at times, I can't fault him for that since the person he has to interact with is me. I know myself the best, I know I am volatile, unpredictable, and overall the cruelest— no, I take that back, Seria is the cruelest, not me.

So volatile and unpredictable. That is me, Charlotte Silvi, the very essence of humanity...

And all humans desire companionship. This is why I'm sleeping with Rita on his bed, though he would refuse my attempts.

I did what I do best, forcing people to submit to my will. In other words, I knocked him out cold by short-circuiting his brain.

With that, I embraced Rita... I just desire human connections. Athen... she doesn't understand me at all, she always wanted me to fit a certain mold, expecting me to fit her view... but human hates having expectations placed on them.

Athen wanted me to be a good girl, who would listen to her word for word. I don't have the obligation to listen to her, I am myself, I want to be myself, and I expect to be myself.

But Rita on the other hand...

He accepts me for who I am, the egotistical girl who listens to only herself, and acts for herself only. I wanted to visit Mu, so I took this mission as an excuse. Rita understood me, he understood that I wear no mask.

After this mission is finished... and after I get to meet my sister... I won't form any more contracts... the last two with Athen ended in disaster in my opinion.

I like to speak to Rita a lot, even with our few conversations. He's not afraid to speak his mind, and best of all, he never rejected my views or tried to change them, he just gives his opinion and that's that.

"Rita...", I giggled as I spoke his name, "Rita Madrift..."

What is your real name, I wonder.

I look at his cute and calm sleeping face. A friend who doesn't reject me... is very rare. But I only have two friends...

He just makes me worry about Ataraxia Academy. As far as I know, Rita won't go to Ataraxia when he's old enough. Instead, he would go to the American Gem Holder Academy in Texas, Libertas. I wonder why Seria didn't let me go there. Since protecting me would be much easier there than here, in a foreign land.

I looked at the clock, 11 P.M. already. I closed my eyes... I have a big day tomorrow. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly.

You just jinxed yourself~

I know.

And I covered us with a blanket.




It was a new day, I woke up early at 5 A.M., and Rita was still sleeping. I have to wake him up to get to our spot... quickly.

"Rita, wake up.", I shake him.

Unlike yesterday, he woke up, "Hm? Oh, right..."

I got out of bed... hm, I think I'll have breakfast— actually no. I think I will freshen myself.

Going to my suitcase, I picked out a black shirt with the white print of the Compass Rose, and black leggings for ease of movement plus style points.

Taking my clothes off in the bathroom, I went for a quick and light cold shower in the morning. The bathroom is really fancy and big, with pristine white tiles and gold lining everywhere, this place is meant for royalty. There is a bathtub but I won't use it, because I enjoy showering more than bathing.

Putting the shirt and leggings on the clothes rack, I turned on the shower, switching it to cold water. It's nice... very nice.

I closed my eyes, retreating back into the depths of my mind. Hah... the stress is getting to me now, I have to fulfill my obligations.

My mission is not only to scan the entire area for threats and pinpoint them accurately, but I have to act if the Philosopher Stone escapes... and according to Murphy's Law, it will happen, with Rita around that is.

I turned off the shower, letting my body temperature regulate from the cold. I wasn't listening when the Prime Minister discussed about the Philosopher Stone, so...


Philosopher Stone~ the object that represents humanity's greatest height in alchemy, chemistry, and biology~ it is a living creature in all but name only. 

Is there a way to deal with it?

It specializes in evolution~ adapt, overcome, evolve! It's a cheap Survive knock-off~

So I have to kill it in one attack... I have a plan for this.

"My name is Charlotte Silvi, Owner of the Akashic Records."

The gem in my chest began leaking out Reverie goo in the form of tendrils of darkness. I cracked a wide smile.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity."

The tendrils filled the eight-pointed star patterns on my shoulder, then they dripped down to my arms... becoming evening gloves of pure darkness.

"You who gave humanity a Spark, a Light in their Clouded Mind."

The tip of my silver hair turned black, wispy in shape and presence. My eyes dilated to darkness...

But that was not all, more words came into my mind. The complete chant...

"Imagination to Create all."


"The Dream to Rule everything."


"Anima Pactum... Akashic Reverie..."

I snapped my fingers, going into the Akashic Library. What would I do to deal with the large amount of enemies...

"Area of effect weaponry."

The shelves shifted... there are still a lot.


Only a few shelves fly away.


Many more go away.

"Remove: world ending."

Like a giant flock of birds, trillions of books flew away. Leaving me with a couple of millions of books... hehaha... humanity really developed a lot of weapons that can destroy the world many times over.


Only a few hundred remained.


Now ten.

I randomly picked a book, titled "Star of Revelation". My eyes scan the contents of the book, of an ancient weapon from the burned past. Forged to defy the divine, to kill gods... a God Slayer.

The Fallen Starlight, is an ancient weapon that resembles closely to today's rifles. Created using the Garment of Adam, said to be the final gift of God to 'The First Man', the catalyst for the connection of humans and god... King Nimrod used it to make a weapon that can strike down god if the Babel Tower was completed.

I closed the book, returning to the real world.

"Reverie. Realize. Materialize."

My enchanting words, hollow yet touching the soul, made the Reverie sludge drip from my hands. The ooze of Imagination and Creativity takes shape, morphing into the weapon that was meant to strike God down.

After dispelling my Anima Pactum, I picked the rifle up, looked like a Barrett m107a1 without a magazine and archaic language written across the body of the weapon. It also has my signature silver and blue color scheme. Oh, I also put a strap on it for easy carry.

Is this a bit overkill?


Thanks, Survive.

Overkill is good... nothing better than overkill when facing the pretender.

I dried myself up and put on my clothes. Carrying the Fallen Starlight with me, I walked out of the bathroom.

"Um... why are you carrying a gun?", Rita questioned.

"Oh, this? Well, I just make it just in case something unexpected comes up. This is a God Slayer, the Fallen Starlight.", I slapped the body of the gun with a smile.

"That's overkill.", he pointed out.

"I know, I'm the representation of all humanity, and being extra is what we do best.", I said jokingly with a laugh.

Rita had a smile on his face, "You look good with a smile.", and he headed for the bathroom right away.

I look good with a smile? Of course, I do. But... hearing someone say that out loud is... nice. 

Now, wearing the Illuminati Corp jacket and putting on my eight-pointed star mask. Buckling my utility belt to hold my ammo magazine, placing the Holy Gun in the jacket's pocket, and carrying the Fallen Starlight on my shoulder.

"Everything is ready...", I whispered to myself.

"Rita, I'm going first.", I called him.

With that, I stepped out— Athen was glaring down at me.

"Charlotte, how the fuck did you break an Oath of Styx?", she said with a hint of accusation.

Oh, Justice's condition is satisfied. But no, I won't use it.

"Justice's greatest strength, the ability to liberate from any kind of shackle. After all, The Righteous Flag all stood under.", I explained with a whimsical smile.

"Girl, you are busted.", she let out a tired sigh, "I guess the deal is canceled—"

—I grabbed her by the collar before she finished. My eyes turned bright red, burning like the fire of Hell itself. Then I blinked, returning to my azure color, letting go of her with a bright smile.

"Fine, I'll do it myself.", I walked away, "Anyway, we have a mission to do. Hope nothing bad happens."

Enna came from behind, started following me while Athen was just in a daze.

"You just tempted fate, you know that?", Enna frowned.

"Of course I do. I'm just jinxing it at this point."

Now, going down the elevator with Enna... still too gold for my taste.


I exited the elevator, and Enna instantly took flight, floating above over a hundred MAS personnel. My gaze met with Alpha-01 without his helmet on, I recognized him by his designation on his flak jacket, he looked like a guy who would secretly become a giant of light that fights giant monsters on a weekly basis.

He approached me, looking down at me with a questioning look.

"I apologize but... I can't get this off my mind. Are you Silver Royal?", he asked me bluntly.

Good, I like people like him. Blunt and truthful. Though I have to lie to him.

"I'm her moderator."

Silence befalls us as Alpha-01 just stares blankly at me in disbelief. 

"Did you really think I was her? Well, you are wrong, I'm the one holding the ban hammer.", and I waved him goodbye.

Now, I approached Beta-03 who was looking at her phone.

"Where is my spot?", I asked her.

"Oh.", she pulled up a holographic map of Novah, zooming on a the rooftop of a building near the central road, "We will be stationed here on Cross Road Tavern."

Like the name, it really resides on the crossroad between the central road and the road that divided the Zones, placed on the Tourist Zone in fact.

"I'll run there, now."

And I dashed off before anyone could say a word.

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