Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Unfair Justice

The meeting is still going on, so I came by the other three's room with Rita. I crashed it, to see Enna eating with a mountain of food from the buffet. I frowned as I walked in, Rita followed me with widened eyes. Yeah, Enna is a glutton.

Where does she even store that amount of food?

"Where do you even store that much food?", Rita asked my question.

Enna looked at us, her hazy golden eyes lingered on me, then she looked back at her food, "Angel physiology, my body exists in both the physical and spiritual world. By some technicality from the fucker above, I can only be full if I eat something alive, feeding on both body and soul, so as long as I eat any cooked food, I'm basically always hungry."

"How are you...", Rita trailed off.

"An Angel? Nah, I'm a Fallen Angel who got voted out because I was too violent.", she shrugged, "Turns out, falling down into Hell was good for me, I got to let out all of my pent-up stress and actually calmed down since my birth. The next thing I know, I was being a freeloader in Pandemonium."

She ate some pasta with roasted drake before continuing on her story. Meanwhile, me and Rita sat on the bed, right next to Enna.

"So, seeing that I was being a freeloader, Lucifer offered me a job as his wife's bodyguard.", Enna smiled, seemingly nostalgic, "We went on wacky adventures in Hell, like pranking Satan."

"Satan?", Rita widened his eyes.

Enna nodded, "Yeah, Satan, or Satanel as he was once called, is the Prince of Wrath. Not to be confused with Satan, the title for the Ruler of Hell. Also, there is the title of Satan, the Tester of Mankind."

That is... very confusing.

"There is Lucifer with the Ruler of Hell title. Satan, the Prince of Wrath. And Mastema, the Tester of Mankind. Easy to remember, right?"

"No.", both of us answered at the same time.

"Anyway, why are you guys here?", Enna tilted her head, her eyes flickers between me and Rita.

"Nothing really... can I touch your wings?", I asked, eyeing her raven wings draping over her shoulders like a cape.

"Fuck no! They are sensitives!", Enna frowned, facing me with her wings straightened.

"Okay, Rita, we are leaving.", I stood up.

"Wait, you are leaving just like that?"

"Yes, Enna. I am leaving—", I felt Styx's stare.

Styx, we've had this conversation before... Reverie, let me swear this time.

Uuuh... No—

Permission granted.

Thanks, Survive.

H-Hey! I'm the leader here! I make the dewubudaa—

Shut up. Reverie.

I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath

Fuck you, Styx. You fucking bitch, you do know who I am right? I am the Akashic Records, the representation of humanity itself! If I can, I will fucking strangle you—

I felt something tightening around my throat...

I caught you, bitch. A smile formed on my face.

"Uhh, Charlotte? Why are smiling? Nothing is good when you smile.", Enna backed away.

Rita is also backing away.

"Nothing to... worry about.", I gasped, "Styx... you attacked me, so I am justified."

Quickly, I used Delusion to get to the rooftop. The grip around my throat tightens.

"I am Charlotte Silvi... Owner of the Akashic Records."

I felt my emotions washed over me, dulling and dulling. But not to the point I cannot feel my burning rage...

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity."

Blue mist evaporates around me, some formed right under my eyes as wing markings. And my iris dilated, turning to a deep blue that spoke of conviction.

"The Flag all stood under, the Righteous Reason for all."

I grabbed the thin air, holding a ghost by its throat with my left hand.

"The greatest Killer of Humanity."

The blue mist merges, forming all kinds of guns and bladed weapons. All aimed at the creature.

"The Illusions of a Hypocrisy."

My eyes sharpen, slamming the wraith down onto the ground. 

"Anima Pactum - Justice."

The ghost tried to fight back by clawing my arm, but I countered by striking it across the face with my elbow.

Justice, the embodiment of the righteousness of humanity, yet there is also the hypocrisy and contradiction lies within its very concept. Humanity always wants justice to be on their side, so they can be the 'good guy'.

In the end, it is just another excuse for humans to fight each other... heha... Justice is Blind after all.

"Sin Counter."

Ten crosses pierced the ghost, forcing it to reveal its true form as it violently jerked back and away from me... a pale white woman wearing a dark blue toga, her ghastly red eyes pierced through me.

"You made an oath in my name...", her voice was hoarse and haunting, "You have the duty to keep it..."

"I did keep it.", I affirmed my conviction, "The Contract I made said that I need to act a little nice. I am doing that, but you betrayed your very title."

"Nothing you did was remotely nice, Akasha—" I kicked her in the face, crashing her into the railing—

"Never call me that, I am not Akasha, my name is Charlotte Silvi.", my words were as cold as ice. Slowly, I approached the goddess.

"Then, Charlotte—" I grabbed her head and bashed my knee into her face.

"When did I grant you the right to say my name?", my head tilted to the side, looking at her with a disgusted gaze, "You don't seem to get the memo here, Styx. I am the one in control of the situation."

I took her by the collar of her toga, pulling her bloodied face closer to me. Golden blood, Ichor, is another reason to hate her.

Her eyes told me everything, how she viewed me, how she thought of me. Oath Breaker, Delusional, Evil, Psychopathic, Unreasonable. I am all of that, I won't deny, I work for only my self-interest... I want to meet my sister, so I acted rashly in anger, so I will correct my mistakes—

—My way.

"The contract didn't have a very clear definition of being nice, so let me be clear about this. I. Am. Being. Very. Nice."

"Mortal! Don't you dare to make light of me! I am Styx, Goddess of Oath! By my rights, I shall cast you down to Hell!"

Look at her, being so prideful. So prideful that she became blinded to the situation present. Me? I am a prideful person, but it doesn't blind my view.

"Authority Revoke.", I simply commanded.

In the end, nothing happened. Styx stared blankly at me, with horror in her eyes.

"Humanity is lower than the divine, so we are always the underdog. And for the divine tyrants like the Greek Gods, Justice is always on our side."

Authority Revoke, when my opponent has a higher standing than mine, and when they antagonize me... I can nullify their authoritative powers. I couldn't use this against Erin, since our standing was the same... no, I think mine was higher than her being the adopted daughter of her boss, Seria. I am also the reincarnation of Gilgamesh, her Devil's father.

"Now, I think you need some... correction.", even after the Era of the Divine, the gods still act high and mighty.

Even if Remus killed them, forcing them to learn humility, the survivors of his thousand-year crusade still did not change their ways. They still think humanity is lower than them... typical.

You know, the Underworld gods are said to be more sympathetic towards humans because they interact with humans more than any other gods. But is Styx truly an Underworld god? I don't think so, she served Zeus after all.

"I cannot kill you, but I can beat you anytime I want to. Your era is gone, humanity doesn't work with your definitions anymore."

"Y-You are mad... madness...", she weakly muttered.

"That is what it means to be human, we bend everything to our will. Even gods.", I threw her to the side, hitting her head on the steel railing again, "The old always wither away."

"We gods do so much for humanity! Without us, it might've destroyed itself!", she glared at me with a burning hatred.

"Do you do it out of love for us as people? Or do you view us as pets you need to take care of? Confess.", my conviction still stands strong.

"I—", she choked on her words. As I thought, disappointing.

"The Greek gods viewed us humans as pets, as sheep they need to shepherd, or more often, as playthings. At least other pantheons did not have the same view as you Greek gods. The Norse gods for example, they mingle amongst humanity not as their lord or king, they are the protectors, yet they hide their divinity, drink and toast with the warriors who worshipped them as comrades and friends."

I kicked her in the stomach as she tried to stand up. This is why I am short, it is more satisfying to bring those higher than me down below me.

"Even the Biblical God with the capital 'G' is better than your kind, he might be a psychotic egomaniac, but at least he respected humans and sent his own son to 'Die for the Sins of Humanity' because he loved us. Even during the Great Flood, he tried to 'cleanse' the world in his own way, albeit a very messed up way."

I put my foot down, pressing it on her chest to keep her pinned to the railing.

"You are even worse than an egomaniac. You helped nothing, your kind only create tragedy after tragedy."

"L-Lord Zeus is in your b-blood—"

My foot pressed against her ribs, digging my shoe into her until I heard a crack, "I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE GREEK GODS!!"

I lifted my leg up, then I kicked her in the throat— Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again— until the railing formed the shape of her head.

"As the owner of the Akashic Records, I am one hundred percent human.", I yanked her out, getting closer to her once again, "I don't have a shred of divinity in me. Do you see that I am lying?"

"...", she stayed quiet.

"I am not lying. I might have silver hair, but that is the end of my relationship with your sugar daddy. If you ever step outside of your pitiful underground river, go to India and see how colorful their hair is."

I cast her one final glare, "Don't bother me ever again, Styx. Or you will taste the physical manifestation of Justice.", my finger pointed at the numerous weapons above me, all aiming down at her.

Her body began to fade, since she was originally a river nymph, she could not be far away from her river for too long.

Huh, think I should start a bucket list, starting with... traumatizing a deity. Check!

With that, I went back to my room with Delusion and dispelled Justice's Anima Pactum. I breathed out a sigh as I turned to Rita who was on his phone.

Seems like Rita had already showered, so it's my turn next. From my suitcase, I took out a blue hoodie, as always, without a design, it was bigger than me so it covered just above my knees, then a pair of shorts.

=The bath scene has been cut out by Reverie~ because fuck you~!=

That was a nice bath, and these clothes are very comfortable.

And after beating down a goddess, I feel very tired. And so, I went to Rita's bed and laid on it, much to the dismay of the boy.

"Uhh... your bed is over there.", Rita looked at my bed.

"No, I'll sleep with you.", I smiled, "I want someone to hug for tonight."

Rita blushed and I chuckled. Teasing him is fun... maybe we could be friends? Since Rita is fun, I like him.

Out of all the Akashic Devils, Justice is my favorite. There is so much bullshit I could pull with it lol

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