Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Price of Reverie

Charlotte jumped off the building, just in time for Silla to catch her on her flight. The demoness dashed away once she caught Charlotte, flying away from the dark alley back to the hotel.

Grinning, Silla asked, "So, did you have fun, little one?"

With a bit of thinking, Charlotte replied with a thin smile, "Yeah... I did."

"Great! That's what being in Las Vegas is all about! Fun!!"

Being surprised by Olivia was an unexpected encounter. The dread she used to grasp Charlotte was intense, it made her heart beat in excitement, facing someone who could end her life was... thrilling.

Back at the penthouse, Charlotte met with a very, very angry Athen. Her eyes are full of fury, making Charlotte feel bad about what she did. Even without Survive, Charlotte knows she stepped into a very hot mess.

"Charlotte Silvi.", Athen walked up to Charlotte, "What did I fucking say?"

"Umm...", Charlotte has nothing to say.

"No going out without an adult. Fuck gods sake, could you please listen to me?", Athen clicked her tongue and scowled at the girl with a disapproving look.

"Technically... I do have adults with me... my Devils...", Charlotte said timidly, looking down with a sulking expression.

You know you gonna anger her more, right?

Silla made herself known in the conversation, "Akashic Records is~ supposed to have the entire human history, so technically, they are older than any of us!"

Athen glared at Silla, making the woman flinch, "You shut up! The fact that THEY allowed her to go proved that they are just as childish as Charlotte!!"

Hehe~ ya hear, Survive? She said we are childish! That includes you~!


"And how the hell did you get all the way down there?!", Athen turned back to Charlotte.

"I have...", Charlotte was about to say 'assistance' but decided against that, she had no reason to drag Autumn and Storm into her mess, "I have my ways."

"Don't you dare act cheeky with me!", Athen roared with anger, "Do you know how much panic you caused me?! For an hour and a half, I was forced to stay here!!"

"Why?", Charlotte asked.

"This damn bitch won't let me go out!", Athen pointed at Silla, who took a step back with her smile faltering a bit.

"Hey, this is my place, and I have the say in what you can and cannot do.", Silla shrugged, "This is my city, my property, handed to me by the United States of America herself years ago. As the master of the house, I have every right to make you stay back. Can't let a crazy bitch that has anger issues running around without care."

"Arrghh! Someone is AFTER Charlotte!! Potentially after her life! Can't you see how serious the situation is?!", Athen grunted.

The air was getting hotter as her frustration rose, to the point where Charlotte remembered the heat of Hell. It was uncomfortable

"I can handle myself.", Charlotte stated, walking towards a couch and sitting down, "I can fight... with my powers..."

"Then can you fight me at my full power?!", Athen lashed out.

Fufu, Survive may not be able to. But Reverie might have a different effect, my dear.

Correct correct~!

"I can.", Charlotte stood her ground after the confirmation of Euphoria and Reverie.

"Oh yeah?! Can you show me?!", Athen took out her weapons, the Aegis Shield and the Soul Bident, fully armored with Ares' chestplate and the Crown of Tartarus.

Now use my power~!

The new Anima Pactum chant comes to her mind, lighting up a fire inside her. Reverie gave her the option to fight Athen once again, another chance to prove herself to the woman who cared for her more than necessary.

And she will gladly take that chance to prove her worth, her determination to be free.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Contractor of the Akashic Records."

Hehehe... hehehehahahahaha!!!

Black abyssal tendrils poured out of the ominous black gem on her chest, slithering down her arms, and filling the two eight-pointed star patterns on her shoulders.

Athen tried to intervene in the transformation. But a wave of dread and terror stopped her in her tracks as the black viscous sludge became visible, leaking out from Charlotte's Gem.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity."

From the patterns, the abyssal liquid trickled down her arms, painting them a black color completely devoid of light. Her arms do not absorb any more light when they are completely covered by Reverie, creating a distortion that plays with the minds of all those who see.

"You who gave humanity a Spark, a light in their clouded Mind."

Her azure eyes became dark, changing from their brilliant azure color into pitch black. Though Charlotte did not lose her emotions like with Survive, instead she gained more.

"Anima Pactum - Akashic Reverie."

The oppressive wave shrunk back into Charlotte, merging with this form of her. Athen gritted her teeth as she could not believe her eyes, the girl in front was a mass of chaos in humanoid form, making all of her alarms go berserk.

"Now.", Charlotte softly spoke, her voice was calm as if she had full control of the situation, "Athen, would you mind calming down a little bit? Surely, you must've realized how much this will affect you."

"C-Charlotte?", Athen stared in shock, all of her anger washed away, "Is that you?"

Charlotte tilted her head, tapping her chin with her index finger, "Hm, yes, I am Charlotte Silvi, the owner of the Akashic Records.", she did a curt bow, "Pleasure to meet you, Athen Argentum."

"You are acting strange!", Athen shouted, horrified by how Charlotte was acting.

"No? I am perfectly fine...", Charlotte smiled, finding this situation to be funny at the expense of Athen's sanity, "It's just that with Reverie... my emotions are a bit... how do you say it? Ah, it's a bit loose."

She stood up from the couch. Only to let the Reverie goo form something in the form of a throne, she sat on it with her legs crossed. The Reverie peeled back, revealing a silver throne in the middle of the room. She put her right elbow on the armrest, using her arm to support her head and her black eyes stare at Athen.

"You know, Reverie is powerful, the most powerful of the Akashics. Everything it consumed can be molded and transmuted into anything, along with two other powers, do you think you can beat me?"

Silla stepped in between the two, "You two fighting is fine and all, in fact, I would like seeing you two duke it out!", she held her hands up and formed ritual circles, "But this is my house, you two will wretch my fucking house! So no fighting here! Geez, siblings fighting is fine and all, but as the oldest of the trio, I'll fucking send you to Hell and think about what you would do if a fucking fight happen. In. My. House!!"

Charlotte shrugged, showing her carefree mood, "I'm alright with not fighting, but it's Athen who challenged me first."

Silla's smile brighten, "So Athen, would you kindly revoke your challenge? Since I don't wanna blast anyone today, releasing demons from Hell (Deluxe Edition) kinda want me to go out and blastin' anyone!"

Athen clicked her tongue, "Fine! Do what you want! I'll rest for tonight!!", and stormed off to the elevator.

Charlotte bloomed a thin smile, her eyes half-closed, looking at Athen with gentle affection. She waved at Athen, sending her a goodbye, "See you tomorrow, Athen."

She noticed Athen blushed a bit but turned away before her face could be looked at. Charlotte found this cute and amusing, though somewhat disappointed.

She had expected a battle, a fight to thrill her heart and move her spirit. But this outcome is good nonetheless since Silla could become angry. And even the embodiment of Curiosity and Imagination does not want to find out how the Pandemonium Princess would be when angered.

Speaking of Silla, she turned her attention to Charlotte, grinning and flashing her teeth. A snicker escaped from her, then laughter.

"Hehe... hahahaha! That look on her face! You really creeped her out! So little one, how do you feel right now?"

Charlotte thought about it for a moment, "Hmm... how do I feel? Well, I feel fantastic. Really, having my emotions letting loose is very liberating, as if my choker was taken off."

Silla chuckled, leaning beside the silver throne, "Heh, I don't know about it. Maybe if you're a bit older, your demeanor would fit better!"

"Hmm~ if you say so, Silla. Do you want to see what my adult self would look like?", Charlotte smiled, entertaining the thought.

"Really? But do you want to do it? Changing your whole biology in an instant?", Silla poked the girl's cheek, which she did not mind, which made the woman a bit unnerved.

"It's not biological change, Silla. It's an illusion, though, I would say... It's more of a Delusion.", Charlotte snapped her finger.

Silla blinked, and Charlotte changed.

"Well, how do I look?", her voice was calm and serene, similiar to Euphoria.

"Uhh, like Athen? And... uh, me?"

Charlotte in her adult form has the body of Athen, big breasts and tall body structure from the woman, and the sharp eyes of Silla when she's up to no good. The change that stood out to Silla the most was her hair, which is now a shiny black color, none of the people Charlotte met have black hair to Silla's knowledge. 

Aside from her new form, Charlotte wore different clothes from her ruined dress. She wore a sleeveless black turtleneck that hugged her body tightly, showing the curves of this form, and black leggings that hugged her legs tightly. And Crocs of all things for footwear.

It looks extremely comfortable.

"Well, this is how I would like myself to look.", Charlotte smiled, observing herself with a mirror she created out of Reverie, "Don't I look good?"

"You do, girl!", Silla cheered, "You look beautiful! Can you give me a hug?"

"Sure, why not?", Charlotte shrugged, she opened her arms with a gentle smile and half-opened her eyes.

"Hm~", Silla glazed over her and went in for a hug. The first thing Silla felt was how soft Charlotte was, she had almost no muscle, squishy, defenseless, and weak.

"Can you fight in this form?", Silla asked, still enjoying Charlotte.

"Like I said, this is just a Delusion. What you are touching is not my body, my real body is still the same old me. As for if I can fight?", a gun made of Reverie formed on Charlotte's hand, pointing it at Silla's head, "Of course, Silla, I can very well fight—"

 Her adult form wavered, shifting before bursting like a bubble, revealing the girl underneath. Charlotte's eyes shake wildly, blood coming out of her nose and her eyes.

"Charlotte! Are you okay?!", Silla picked Charlotte up, looking over her entire body. Charlotte is bleeding, badly.

"Damn, the time limit is near.", Charlotte let out an exasperated laugh, "Haha... isn't this a bit much?"

Hehe~ no? The price of imagination and curiosity is a big one~!! Your body can't really handle me without some... others' assistance.

Charlotte cancels the Anima Pactum, returning herself back to her normal self. The Reverie covering her arms returned to the Gem, revealing the bloody scars on her arms as if her arms were in a blender.

"That... was weird.", Charlotte commented.

"Shit, shit! This looks extremely bad!! Charlotte, little one, I'll get Robert right away, so stay here, alright?", Silla put Charlotte back on the throne and quickly opened a portal to somewhere, she dipped out right away.

Charlotte stared at her bloody arms, all mangled up, she could not feel pain, but the blood loss was making her dizzy. Charlottle summoned more Reverie to cover her arms, blocking the flowing blood. She slumped down on the silver throne, not appreciating the object's hardness at all.

"Should've had more cushion...", Charlotte muttered.

With the help of Survive, she slumped down into her mind. She entered deep sleep.

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