Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Euphoria and Canine

Charlotte smiled, looking at the incoming demons.


All of Akashic Records' powers are simple, offensive-wise. The curiosity and imagination of Reverie manifest as an all-consuming black goo, capable of destroying almost everything. The instinct of Survival translates to the ability to calculate the world.

As for Euphoria, the happiness and bliss of humanity, it is hysteria.

The world slowed down as her mind went into overdrive. The power to boost all of her senses to an even greater level on top of Survive's, and to obtain hysterical strength. 

Her body ached, using an amount of strength it would not normally use, her bone cracks and muscles tore, 150% of her power. Her body lit aflame under the power of both Survive and Euphoria. One pushing her body to the limit, and the other breaking the possible limit

Using her knife, Charlotte slashed the first demon's head into two. She slid the throat of the next. Then crushed the head of another with her bare hand. She jumped onto a demon, cut its head off, and launched herself deeper into the horde.

Spinning in the air, Charlotte cut every demon near her. Some got their head cut off, some lost their wings, and a few got minor slash wounds.

Like a dancer of death, she slaughters the demons with grace and elegance. Though her power might be overwhelming, her range was too short with just her knife.

So to solve the problem of her range, Charlotte summons tendrils of Reverie goo, wrapping around each other to form a rope. Then she attached the rope to her blade.

Landing back onto the rooftop, Charlotte swung her whip around. With expert timing from Survive, Charlotte made sure to keep a distance of 5 meters away from them.

If any of them get past, she would just impale them with a sharp coil of Reverie or reduce the range of her swing.

The demons are not mindless, they saw her tactic so they formed a tactic of their own. Some of them opened their mouth as inferno flame leaked from the depths of their stomach.

Charlotte started to say their name again, banishing them to where they came from. It was easy dealing with the demons, for Charlotte at least.

This was fun.

For Charlotte, her heart races when faced with a challenge, facing a horde of monsters, killing wave after wave of creatures that can easily tear her apart. The sensation of standing on top gives Charlotte a sense of fulfillment.

However, that feeling was cut short.

A sense of dread took hold of Charlotte, as a hand appeared on her face. It slammed Charlotte down to the ground, dragging her on her roof before throwing her to the guardrail. Her hysteria state was cut too, returning her senses back to the usual.

Charlotte looked at the person who just attacked her, her eyes became sharp as Survive suppressed her emotions. A brunette woman, wearing a business suit, her eyes are tense, golden colored like the moon itself, looking at Charlotte like prey. This woman was Olivia, the person Charlotte saw Sul talking to.

"You are tough, child.", Olivia coldly commented, "But not enough to face me."

Charlotte began to mutter the chant, as Survive and her synced up.

"I am... Charlotte Silvi, Contractor of The Akashic Records."

Reverie seeped out of Charlotte's body, turning into particles of mystical blue light. The tips of her hair dyed to a color of similar mystery.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity."

Her azure eyes glowed as transparent blue mist escaped from her gaze. 

Olivia tried to stop the process by lunging at Charlotte. Her footwork was stopped by the particles, acting as a barrier to protect the girl. She punched the mist again and again, but the representation of Justice did not allow her to.

"You who represent Humanity's Survival, burning away the hardship of mankind."

Blue veins formed on her eyes, extending to cover the upper half of her face. She glared at Olivia, not the look of a prey, not a hunter, but of a soldier - knowing their duty, to get rid of the enemy they face.

"Justice...", Charlotte whispered.

The mist formed into countless blades, shooting towards Olivia, forcing her to retreat into the horde of demons.

The woman laid low, weaving under the demons to use them as her shield. With incredible speed and sharpness, the barrage of weapons reduced her horde into Swiss cheese, laying many of them down.

"I'm working overtime here!", Olivia shouted from behind the demons.

Charlotte already knew where the woman was, but getting through the demons to get to her would be difficult since the horde was still big.

So the best option?

Charlotte took out her phone, while still keeping vigilant of where Olivia was, while continuing to push the demons with Justice. She looked at her phone, scrolling to get to Silla's number since she was the one unleashing the demons.

She called Silla, which was picked up instantly.

[Charlotte! We were worried about you!]

Silla was lying, but that was not important. 

"Silla, make the demons go away."

[Listen here, little one! Running away from home isn't nice at all! Especially my house!]

"Silla.", Charlotte reaffirmed, her voice became serious and stern, "Make. Them. Go. Away."

Silla's voice became timid, [O-Okaaay, little one.]

All the demons vanished as if they were never here, to begin with. Olivia looked around in confusion while dodging the rain of blades.

"Thanks. I'm fighting someone, that helped a lot."

Then Athen's voice came booming.


Charlotte winced a bit. But her reply was calm, "I don't know, but this woman chased after me."

[Fuck, fuck! Silla! Get to Charlotte, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!]

That... was a little extreme.

Charlotte hung up. Just right as Olivia lunged at Charlotte again despite enduring hundreds of blades stabbing into her.

"This is annoying!", she cried.


Charlotte activates the hysteria state of Euphoria again. Time slowed down for Charlotte, her body once again ached in pain. Charlotte could not feel pain, but she still knew it. 

Charlotte grabbed Olivia by the throat in mid-air, her body burned as the Reverie inside constantly connected the broken muscle and filled in the cracked bone. Olivia, taken by surprise, tried to claw at Charlotte's arm to release her, only leaving shallow scratch marks.

She tried to punch Charlotte, but moving her head around made those punches useless. Olivia let out a quiet sigh.

It was simply unfair, no human could face the embodiment of humanity. 

But Olivia was not a human. She was something more.

Her objective was to capture Charlotte by beating her into submission while still in this form, but that backfired. She has to use a bit more power to combat Charlotte.

"Child... I'll be more forceful now.", Olivia coldly spoke.


An intense aura wrapped around Charlotte, making her heart beat faster with dread. She let go of Olivia and sent her to the other side of the rooftop with a kick.

Charlotte has no idea what just happened. She looked at her arm, the one Olivia was clawing at, there were deep gash wounds all over it, with Reverie slowly filling in the wound. She tried to move her fingers, but they only twitched in response.

She cut my tendon...

This was the most damage Charlotte had ever seen dealt to her. And it was something she could not see. 

Using Anima Pactum grants her temporary access to two sub Devils and their power. One being Justice, human greatest excuse for malice, and the other...

"Hope...", Charlotte whispered.

The black Reverie goo glowed, turning into a golden liquid. The liquid, as if reversing time, restored the damage done to her body in an instant.

This was the embodiment of humanity's greatest bliss - Hope. The power to restore everything for those who have hope, in the form of a liquid capable of returning her body to perfect condition.

Right as her body healed, Survive took over then control and made a dive to the right. Where Charlotte stood before was now a mess of metal, all torn up by an unknown force.

"You know, child, I have no hatred against humans... but you being you really make me want to tear you apart.", Olivia said with a grunt.

She stood tall, now her hair is ashen gray with two more additions, wolf ears. Her hands now have long nails, gray like her hair, glowing with mystical power.

Charlotte launched the Justice blades at Olivia, which the woman took with just a wince. Iridescence blades sticking out of her body, some even pierced through the other side.

"Is this the best that you can do?", Olivia tilted her head, glaring at Charlotte as if seeing what she did to her was just a terrible prank.

To that, Charlotte answered, "No?"

And the Justice exploded like bombs. This caught Olivia off guard, as the explosion happened outside and inside her body, making her drop to the ground.

"What did you do?!", Oliva yelled, glaring at Charlotte with anger.

Charlotte did not answer, no way she would give her enemy an edge by knowing her abilities. So she sent more Justice blades to Olivia.

The woman resumed dodging the blade despite the amount of blood she bled. Steadily getting closer to Charlotte.

Occasionally, she would send a wave of cutting storm at Charlotte. But that was now useless against her as she learned.

The power to learn, the ability to adapt completely to the situation. It is human's strongest way to survive. Once Charlotte saw the attack, countermeasures were already in her mind.


With hysteria still going, Charlotte did a backflip off the building, to the surprise of Olivia who gave chase instantly.

She looked down to where Charlotte was supposed to fall, but she found nothing, there was just the neon light of a sign glowing dimly, no sign of the girl anywhere.

Looking around, the swords are gone, confirming that Charlottle has already left.

"Dammnit!", Olivia grunted.




Sul sighed, their target was gone.

"A wolf cannot disobey her instinct."

A wind rumbled the car, and Olivia entered while still bleeding. Sul frowned, "Was she too much to handle?"

"If only she got knocked out from the surprise attack.", Olivia slumped down on the seat.

"You know your job isn't to attack her, right?", Sul pointed out, stroking the woman's hair, "You could've just talked."

A low growl came from Olivia, speaking her frustration. She messed up badly, she could only find fault in herself.

"You know I can't back down from a challenge, right? Seeing such a tasty prey triggered all of my senses.", she planted her face into Sul's stomach, "Urrggh, exploding swords."

"This may affect our plans, but Akasha is a reasonable person, hopefully..."

"Sorry, Sul, I still can't get used to being a human.", Olivia sighed.

"No worry, Mother."


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