Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Promise between friends

Before we get into this chapter, I want to say something.

Thank you, thank you all for reading this series. Seeing people actually reading and enjoying my writing, no matter how amateur it is, brings a smile to my face.

For the ones who stick with me from the beginning, you know who you are, for going on with me on this journey.

 Thank you.

I hope all of my readers, new and old, stick with me to the end no matter how long it takes.

Sincerely, Rhaps

"So, today was a total bust.", I sat down in my classroom, a seat in the last row, right in the middle.

Since today is Orientation Day, even with how hectic things are, I must attend my class for General Study. Being the first day and all.

I need to assert my dominance, after all.

Since students are allowed to return to the dorms, there aren't many people here. There are twelve students here, going around and getting to know each other. I don't care, personally. Especially when most of them don't even have the balls to approach me.

Well, there is a group of people without balls, quite literally, approaching me. Four girls, all warry of me. They can't hide their emotions, a mistake against me. They surrounded me, looming over me.

"While I do appreciate the attention, you all are too close.", I can rip out your hearts in an instant at this distance.

"Don't think that you are powerful.", one of the girls said, Asian from the look of it, with black hair and dark brown eyes. Look pretty average to me.

Another girl butts in, "You are the type to say you know everything, but you don't know anything."

What are these cheap insults?

"Leave me be, or else I'll rip your heart out.", I warned them.

"Try me.", the third one smirked, she looks like a gyaru...

"Okay.", I reached my hand out, then I thrust forward at a blinding speed into her chest. Like a spear, I penetrated her chest easily, breaking her bones to reach for her heart.

Then I rip it out, all bloodied.

The four look in horror. Three stepped away, while the gyaru stood still, the sudden pain shocked her to the point she was knocked out while still standing.

Seeing the fearful faces make me smile, satisfied with what I had just done.

"Now now, she isn't dead yet.", I use the heart in my hand like a squish ball, "A human can live without a heart for thirty minutes or less."

"Y-You monster!!", one yelled, attracting attention.

Hmm, I want to humiliate them. So I thrust the heart back into the girl.

"I Hope you all understand, your Delusion of me being weak is, after all, just a Delusion.", Hope rushed out of my hand, healing her, reattaching her heart to her body. And with Delusion, I cleared out all the blood.

Just like an illusion, a Delusion of their mind.

"Oh, and for my trouble.", I stood up from my seat.

In a flash, I punched one girl in the throat - enough to not destroy her spine - then I kneed the Asian girl in the solar plexus. As for the final girl with pink hair, I gripped her shoulder and waist— throwing her to the ground.

Finally, I kicked the unconscious gyaru in the stomach, knocking her against the wall.

"Listen here, all of you.", I stare at the ones observing in the distance, "My name is Charlotte Silvi, my Epithet is Silver Princess of Humanity."

I smile, letting my Imperial Aura suffocate the entire room.

"Above the World and Under the Sky, I alone am the Honored One."

And I sat down, leaving all of them in shock.

—the door then slides open, even with this tense atmosphere... Hoa sighed and walk towards me.

"Charlotte.", she glare down at me, then at the girls on the ground, she decided to take the desk in front for herself. Then she turned the chair around to look at me.

"Can you stay in the dorm for tonight?", she asked begrudgingly.

I smile, "Why?"

"Because... I don't want to admit it but... I like your presence, as much as it annoys me.", she grumbled, "Mitsuki also misses you."

"You know that I don't like listening to others, yes?", I leaned back on my chair.

She nodded, prompting me to respond, "So I propose a different approach. You two can stay at my place instead of the academy dorm."

Hoa thought about it for a moment.

"That... actually might work. Please, I don't think I can handle overly energetic people for very long.", she sighed, slumping down on my desk.

It's quite the irony, actually.

"I am also an overly energetic person, won't you be even more tired?"

"I can handle you and you can handle Mitsuki. It's less work.", she sighed.

"I do need air conditioning, so you two would be a great help.", I teased her, feeling bored.

"Great for you, I guess.", she was unfazed.

Heha, so she developed resistance against me. This is wonderful, isn't it?

"So what are you going to do with these four?", she pointed at the ground, at the four who tried to push me around.

"I'll beat them up more, the Spider of Tindalos didn't even struggle against me so I wasn't satisfied. And to be honest, I don't think they would scratch my itch.", I shrugged, staring down at them.

"What are you getting at?", she squints her eyes, staring at me suspiciously.

"I need a challenge, Hoa. Nobody here is fast enough to dodge my attacks or even touch me, nor strong enough for me to acknowledge them.", my eyes came in contact with hers, "You are more powerful than you let on, my friend."

"You think so?", she widens her eyes, flaring up the fire in her eyes.

"Yup, I won't be using my God Slayers.", I look at the portfolio bag underneath the desk... yeah, Fallen Starlight is a bit too big. At least I can excuse Quirinus, since it looks like I am carrying a hard briefcase for a long instrument... or a sniper rifle.

Looking behind me, where I had the briefcase leaning against the wall in the back. Oh, and I upgraded the briefcase! It now has a fingerprint scanner so only I can open it.

"What do I get out of this fight? Since I am not some brute who thinks about fighting all the time.", she glare at me, "Also, you lied to me about your Gem."

I shrugged, "You also lied, so that breaks it even."

"Heh.", she scoffed, "So what about my end of the deal?"

"I owe you one favor. A favor from Charlotte Silvi can get you so far in life you wouldn't even be able to imagine it. Though I have to limit what I could do for you, so no destroying the world or wiping out humanity."

"Can I have infinite money?", she smiles, testing me.

"Of course, but that would cause inflation. We don't want another global Great Depression now, do we?"


"Just think about it, okay? I would love to hear what you want...", my eyes moved to the door, which slides open.

Huh, a familiar face just entered. It was Albert, wearing his signature smile, and leather armor.

He clears his through, grabbing everyone's attention, "Hey kids, today I'll be the homeroom teacher of Class H-1. Hope we can make fun memories at the Academy, despite the hardship you all will go through."

"Well, it seems like some of you have gone through hardship already. Especially with little Charlotte over there, hahaha!!"

Then he wrote his name on the blackboard. Albert Gerandel, the Whispering Wind.

"You all know it already, I am Albert Gerandel. I specialize in Geographic Mapping and Fauna Observation. Ask me anything about those!"

One student raised his hand, "Have you ever gone to Mount Everest?"

"Of course! The line was long as hell, so I climbed up another way. Two pickaxes and a dream! This was even before I became a Gem Holder!", he was telling the truth. 

Hmm, I think I should climb a mountain.

"Can you really go invisible?", another student asked.

He smirked, "Check it out for yourself."

Oh, he vanished from the room, as if he just merged with the atmosphere and background. I can still sense him, but I can't see where he is.

"Interesting.", I smile.

He reappeared again in front of the class.

"Now, I don't have a lot of time with you guys. With two whole buildings being destroyed and all, even the Time Reversal Magic of the whole place isn't enough to fix the damage."

Right, Shemiss Aluqdim atomized the entire area. They are not one for subtlety. I am pretty sure being erased from atom to atom isn't good when magic involves.

"Well, I have here with me your schedules. In them are your classes, including but not limited to your Courses, General Class, and the Monthly Events."

My Courses, Human Study and Magic Study, combine with General Study. I don't have much on my plate.

Well... that's a good thing for me.

I opened up my phone, seeing the message on it.

[Important Mission]

[There is a dangerous substance rumored to be developed in Novah. Your mission is to infiltrate and find out what that substance is.]

[You will be the judge whether the objective should be destroyed or not]

[Signed: Monty Owm]

Hmm... tomorrow should be fine.

"Please come and pick up your schedule, or get a digital copy by visiting the Student Assistance Office in the front."

Oh, right... turned out I didn't need to personally see the Principal, I could've gone to the Student Assistance Office. I don't regret my choice, else I wouldn't know about the Principal.

Sinclair requested me to kill two people. John Titor, the First Gem Holder, and Romulus, the King of Emperors.

Hmm... maybe I can kill Romulus this month. I am not afraid of the consequences...

"We have a show and tell the next day, you can bring anything you want to present to the class! It could be a pet or an accessory."

"Can I show mine now?", I raised my hand, smiling with malicious intent.

"Now now, little lady.", he rejected me, "It wouldn't be fair for others to see what you got— oh, and no gun please."

"You can't bring guns to school, this isn't America.", I retorted.

Hoa turned back staring at me as if I just said the most absurd thing ever, "You really..."

"Hahaha! Glad to hear that from you, Charlotte!", he laughed, then he turned a bit more serious, "Well, please come up when I call your name. I will only call your name one time, so please pay attention. After this, you may leave."

"Charlotte Silvi.", he called me first.

I stood up from my seat, grabbing my portfolio bag and my briefcase. I went to the teacher's desk, looking up at Albert.

"Here you go, there is a QR code if you want the digital version.", he gave me a piece of paper.

I look at it... hmm, Monday and Thursday morning I'll have the Human Study Course. Wednesday and Friday afternoon for the Magic Study Course. For General Class, I have Tuesday and Friday mornings.

This isn't too shabby.

"I'll be going then.", I smile, folding the paper and putting it into my bag.

"Good luck, Charlotte.", he nodded.

Oh, I still have a question.

"Who is Orin's husband?", I asked.

He didn't respond, he just smile and flashed me his... ring. Oh damn, that's surprising.

"Goodbye.", I waved and left the room.


Hoa after getting her paper immediately goes out to find Charlotte.

She expanded her search range with her power, feeling the heartbeat of everyone in the entire academy.

To her, every person carries a different heartbeat, how much blood they pump, how much life they carry. She knew it all. For Charlotte, her heart always beat at a fast rate, faster than any human— for as she said it herself. Her climax never ends.

"Found you.", Hoa smiled.

The Silver Princess of Humanity was waiting. Waiting for the Vampire to come. And it shall come to the side of the Silver Prince.

Closing her eyes, turning her form into that of hot mist. Traversing through the window, then down to the ground... toward Charlotte.

"Hello, Hoa. You came early.", her voice was calm and serene, as pure as the first snowflake of winter.

"Yes, I am here. My friend.", Hoa replied, standing behind Charlotte with a smile. Her arms wrapped over her shoulder, around Charlotte's neck in a loving hug.

"Hoa, what are you doing?", Charlotte asked, glancing at the Vampire with her piercing azure eyes. They see through everything, they know everything.

"This is the favor I was asking for, Charlotte. I want to taste your blood, in the classical way...", she exposed her fangs, long and sharp— as if they could pierce through anything.

"Enjoy—", the Vampire bites down on her neck, piercing her skin and reaching into her artery...

Blood flow out— Hoa sucks on every last drop. She remember the taste now, her blood was sweet like honeydew.

Charlotte's blood was addicting... how could she forget such a sweet taste?

"That's enough now.", in her cold and uncaring nature, Charlotte pushed Hoa away.

The Vampire entered a Blood Drunk, her mind isn't clear... she look around the place, finding herself and Charlotte in a gymnasium with no soul around.

"Tell me, who are you, Herald of the Madden Flame?", the Princess' voice was enchanting, as if it was a command. Hypnotic and mind-breaking.

In her drunken state, her casual clothes burned away with ash replacing them— covering her naked body in a whirlwind of black ash— turning into a black priest's gown, ever burning with the flame from another star.

"Phạm Xích Hoa is my name on Earth, I am the Herald of The Original Flame...", she went quiet under the effect of Charlotte's blood.

"No, I want to know the real you.", Charlotte smiled, putting her left index in front of her lips, "This is a secret between friends."

"Fthaggua is my original name... The Regent of Fire Vampires.", she obeyed the Princess' words.

"And I am Charlotte Silvi, Silver Princess of Humanity, and... the Owner of the Akashic Records.", Charlotte placed her right hand on her chest, smiling endearingly, "Let us fight, Fthaggua. My best friend."

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