Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

First Harbinger of Life

I let Reverie go on a rampage, consuming everything that was once the building. Heha~ seeing my stock of Reverie goo increasing, I can just imagine what I can do!!

In just mere seconds, every brick, every stone, everything that wasn't atomized by The Pale Court. And they all collected under my feet...

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Arbiter of Justice.", the Reverie rumbles around me, evaporating into mist.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity", I bathe in the power surging inside me, letting my emotions rise to be much... crueler.

"The Flag all stood under, the Righteous Reason for All.", my azure eyes dilated, darkening into a deep ocean blue. As well as my hair being dyed in the color of Justice...

"The greatest Killer of Humanity.", the Justice Mist gathered towards my right side, forming a deep blue wing, ethereal in nature, and triple my size.

"The Illusion of a Hypocrisy.", the feathered turned into blades and barrels of guns.

I grin, getting a hold of this power... of Justice

"Anima Pactum - Justice"

I raised Quirinus and lowered my wing, letting them touch— channeling the power of Justice... then I tapped the lance onto the side of Fallen Starlight. Pointing my God Slayer towards the sky...

I think of the Tindalos, as The Pale Court said... the Spider of Tindalos.

"In the Name of Humanity."

As the tendrils of Quirinus grow, the creaks of the spiraling lance glow a dark blue, while the Runes of the very same color took over the body.

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder... I shall enact..."

The power of Justice and the World transferred into Fallen Starlight, forming a single bullet inside.

Then I press the trigger, "Judgement."

A silent fire, eight beams of light escaped the barrel— into the sky like a beacon of light... a Beacon of Justice.

They all headed toward the distance... With how silent Fallen Starlight is, I can't tell if the shot did any damage, or hit at all.

So I folded Fallen Starlight and began to run. Let's see if I can kill the Spider of Tindalos...

I am excited, to enact Justice on that thing. Enact... By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder... I think I just found my catchphrase.

Yes... another thing on my list has been ticked off.

I sprinted towards where the last pillar of fire was—


I sensed people underneath some of the rubbles, injured but not fatally wounded. I stopped, hearing the faint cries for rescue...

They are all Gem Holders, they should be able to break free... unless their injuries are too severe for them to be able to do anything... if I just leave them here, there will be a very high chance that they will die...

I can leave them to their own fate... leaving the faculty members to deal with the situation. But from what I can tell, there is an evacuation order... they might not reach these people in time.

Fuck you, my growing conscience.

"Justice.", I commanded the Justice Mist to lift up the rubbles. Resulting in my wing decreasing in size as the blue mist go towards the collapsed building.

They get under the pieces of collapsed floor and then formed scaffoldings to lift the debris off... Ah, Sinclair was once again correct...

I raised my lance towards the sky, "In the Name of Humanity. Protect those who cannot fight, Save those who had fallen."

Quirinus echoes my call, humming a soothing sound, like a lullaby of the wind. I don't actually know what this does, I am just winging it like always. But I do have a vague understanding of Quirinus' abilities.

Its main ability is to conjure up storms, as Sinclair said, or when I am using in conjunction with my Anima Pactum I can manifest and amplify an aspect of a storm. Also, works on a technicality basis?

Since this protection ability has something to do with storms. I think it represents The Storm Eye, where all are calm.

Oh, help has finally arrived. In the form of a massive white dragon, The White Dragon of Saxon - Kortigern, or Kert for short. He towers over me, majestic and grand... deserving to be called the strongest species on Earth.

"I will take it from here—", the cool entrance was cut short by another pillar of white flame in the distance, it's getting closer to the strange black building in the volcano wall... huh, I didn't kill that spider.

Kert, with a strong force flap of his wings, blew the rubbles away, letting me collect my Justice Mist. I'll be off now since the victims are no longer by conscience problem.

"Where are you going!", Kert bellowed, still hovering in the air.

"Investigating the attackers. They spoke to me just a bit ago, something about a Spider of Tindalos.", and I ran away from the giant dragon.

I can feel the hesitation in Kert, looking at the injured students, then at me. He's conflicted on what he should do— ultimately, he chose to swoop down to collect the injured.

Let them do their work, while I shall do mine... I have to get serious now.


And I vanished, leaving only dust left where I once stood. Because I am in the sky, gliding down with one wing!

From this viewpoint, I can see the Spider of Tindalos backed into a corner by The Pale Court. They are right next to the ominous black building.

I landed on top of a piece of wall that was still standing. And I listened to their conversation.

"The Verdict for your Crime of Existing is Death.", they spoke in many voices, all announcing the giant spider's sentence in tones dictating Finality.

The Spider of Tindalos stares at the flaming white man, speaking in a flat mechanical voice, "Condition - 14% Functional - Combat Function - 2%", then it looks around, seeking something.

"There are no sharp angles for you to open and escape, we made sure of that... but we will not be the one to give out your Judgement."

That's my cue. I jumped down from the top, and perform a backflip for some extra style points... 

With a crazed and wide grin, the feathers - blades and guns - detach themselves from my wings. Like a firing line, like sentencing a criminal to death...

I heard The Pale Court, I heard what Sin the Spider of Tindalos committed... it dared to exist, it dared to live...

"By the Rite of Steel and Gunpowder, I shall enact upon you... Justice.", I commanded. The blades came flying in, and bullets were shot.

The spider's movements were janky as if it was running at 12 fps... I should've hit it multiple times but with just its front legs. Still, it's so fast even with its weird movement, on top of being as big as a school bus.

Clank! It redirected hundreds of blades, making them stick to the side of the wall. Heha~ I can make use of this.

The bullets met the same fate as the blades, deflected by its absurd speed and agility.



The blades and bullets exploded around the spider, knocking it down to the ground. Heha~ what did it think was going to happen? Of course they would explode! Hehahahaha!!!

I let go of Quirinus and Fallen Starlight, grinning from ear to ear as I walk closer to the spider. I can see most of its legs are damaged, some even destroyed to the point of unrepairable.

"Justice.", I let my wing stand still, leaving it behind me, I raised my hands up right, "Brutality."

The wing dispersed, losing its size significantly. The Justice Mist flew towards my arms, creating a pair of dark blue gauntlets. Spikes, tiny swords, blades in general, protruding out of the gauntlets. 

Passing by The Pale Court, I saw him give me a nod. Now, standing in front of the oversize spider, weaken to the point it only laid there on the ground.

"Tell me, what is your current condition.", I questioned it, glaring at its eight red eyes with my azure gaze... 

Instinctively, it gave me the report, "Condition - 10% Functional"

"What would it take to bring that down to zero?", I questioned it again.

"Unauthorized Access", it replied.

"Confess.", I kicked it in the face, breaking some pieces off of it. I see the pieces just vanished.

"Unauthorized Access", it repeated again, with no emotion. So Confess doesn't work with this thing...

"Tell me, do you yield?"

"Mission - Incomplete", it simply stated.

I acknowledged its duty. Even if it dared to live, to exist, to step into the territory it never was supposed to.

Huh... Justice just became... balance. My advantage against it is no longer active.

But I can beat the shit out of it.

I began to punch it, destroying its eyes first. Every time I punch, the blades of my gauntlets extended, piercing it hundreds of time per punch.

Splat! Splat! 

"Condition report.", I asked.

"Condition - 9% Functional"

Splat! Splat! Splat!


"Condition - 8% Functional"

Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! 


"Condition - 7% Functional"

Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! 


"Condition - 5% Functional"

Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! 


"Con—di—ti—o—n— 0,1% Functional"

I feel... nothing when beating it, it didn't struggle, it did nothing... even when I bombard it with a rain of swords and bullets, it didn't try to attack me, seeing how its speed can confuse even me, I would've had a hard time fighting it.

"Why did you not fight back?", I grabbed it by its mandible.

"Tinda—los L—aw Do not at—tack Non-A—noma—ly"


So because I am not a time anomaly, it will not attack me... this isn't... fair. This wasn't fun at all! The Spider of Tindalos didn't fight back!! It can't even be called a fight...

"Pale Court, I am done here.", I glanced back at the Eldritch God, who just stood there with their hands behind their back.

"Call us Shemiss Aluqdim, as it is our Title and Name.", the countless voices of them spoke.

"What does that mean?", I frowned, seeing that my auto-translation didn't work.

"It means Ancient Sun, or First Harbinger of Life depending on who you ask.", they chuckled in different manners, all find my words amusing.

First Harbinger of Life... Reverie?

Reverie didn't answer... haven't done that for a while.

Noticing my confusion, Shemiss Aluqdim answered, "Simply put, I am the one who gave permission for life to exist in my system."

Well, I can see why Reverie didn't answer. It doesn't know.

Hey~! Don't say it like that!! Learning the creation of life is a big deal!!

I guess so.

Sometimes, I don't even know how you can be so calm in these situations.

"Then... what about Earth?"

"The Third is merely one of the eight celestial bodies orbiting around my Core, one of the four planets I chose to harbor life on. And the only successful one, with such violent and cruel methods to develop life.", they look around...

And they spot the faculty members at the same time as me. I collected the Justice Mist, letting them all back inside my body. Then I cancel Justice. It is time for me to leave.

"You are quite interesting, Will of Humanity. We grant you permission to ask us one more question."

One question isn't enough. Shemiss Aluqdim... they don't seem like what Nyarla told me, there are very considerate and good-natured...

"Nyarla once told me, you are the craziest Eldritch Being around. Is that true?", I stare them down.

A smile cracked on their face, "That is true, Will of Humanity. We are the cruelest and most tyrannical Eldritch God because we held the Template of Life itself. We Judge and Destroy those who imitate our Creations, by our Laws, since We are the original owner..."

They chuckled, some voices laughs hysterically, "Did you know, the Eldritch Ones of what humans called the Pillars of Creation, gave us and our system a restraining order? Because of our mass killing spree, destroying the precious fakes of others..."

Ah, I remember reading something about how weird our solar system is, being oddly further away from other stars compare to the rest of the Milky Way.

Shemiss Aluqdim continues, "They want to reduce our power so that our light cannot reach far... they are simply delaying the inevitable."

"We will be going now. And, good luck with The Third's little game."

And they vanished as if there never were there. I breathed a sigh of relief, then I pick up Quirinus and Fallen Starlight...

Oh, I am surrounded by thousands of shadow soldiers.

"Charlotte Silvi, could you please explain what happened here?", Joowun walked forward, with her hands in the pockets of her black trench coat, "And what are those?"

"See this big spider behind me? It's the Spider of Tindalos, some guy came and beat it up. I just went in for the steal.", I smile, giggling hysterically, "It didn't cause all of this, I just wanted to have fun! Is it so much to ask for?"

Joowun stares at me cautiously, eyeing my lance and gun specifically.

"These?", I giggles, "These are my God Slayers."

"I don't believe you.", she flatly said, "No human can use more than one God Slayer."

"Do you want to test me?", my Imperial Aura was put on full burst, but under this intense pressure... heha~ Joowun is on a whole new level, she isn't even fazed by it.

"I would love to see how strong you actually are, Charlotte. But we are still in the middle of an incident, so return to a safer area before... why are you pointing your gun to the sky."

I tilt my head, smiling, "Because you don't seem to believe me. I'll break you."

I stabbed Quirinus down, having its tendrils let go of me. I popped in a Holy Bullet, loading Fallen Starlight.

I let a little bit of Justice Mist in, waking it up from its nap. Inscribing Runes onto the bullet, making it spins and glow white.

I don't need to use a long chant here, I only do it just for fun and the cool factor.

I straighten myself, standing upright with my legs closed, "Let His Final Gift be His Demise."

I used my right hand to support the stock, standing gracefully as I am about to fire. My target... The Holy Spirit, just for the sake of it, I already shot Christ so why stop at that?

"Fly, Fallen Starlight.", I pulled the trigger, firing eight beams of white light into the sky, silently, without disrupting the air.

They spiral around, killing each and every one of the shadow soldiers. Quick and easy... just like how I like it. Then they spiral into the sky, reforming into a single white bullet— it flew off to the East, likely trying to find the Holy Spirit. Joowun just stares at me apathetically.

"And of course, I still have this.", I held up my lance, letting her see the silver tendrils growing on me.

"How are the rescue operations doing?"

"Some are gravely injured, but not life-threatening.", she walked towards me with no fear, "There have been three separate attacks already, so I suggest that you don't do anything reckless."

She gave me a weird look, her purplish eyes staring deep into me, "But I have a certain taste, I like troubles, I like drama. And I certainly love red flags."

She turned her back on me and stretched.

"Anyway, you should go to your class. Even if we have an incident, the show must go on"

How long had this person been on the back of my mind? Before I even conceptualized Charlotte!

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