Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Trouble and Explosion

You know, I never thought I would receive a confession. Which is pretty surprising. Now everyone is staring at me and that girl.

Letting out a sigh, I grabbed the suitcase and get out of my seat. I don't want to deal with relationships right now, and I don't intend to in the future.

"Hey.", I called her out.

"Yes, My Princess?", she smiles.

"How old are you?", I questioned her.

"Umm, I just turn 18 this year.", she winked at me.

"Then your confession to me, was it a declaration of love imply any sexual meaning?"

"Of course, My Princess.", she bowed down. Completely clueless about what I am doing.

"You know.", I smirked, "I can charge you for sexual harassment. The age of consent in the US is 16."

Before she can speak, I opened up my suitcase and take out my lance, pointing it towards her.

"I have no need for love from a single person, nor do I desire the touch of another person, much less from another woman."

In my eyes, gender does not matter. They are all the same to me, people I can manipulate, people I can force to adore me... it feels so good to be loved...

But in this situation right here, there is a difference between people viewing my avatar in a sexual manner and people viewing me in that same way. And I am not okay with the latter.

"If you want my appreciation, please start out as friends first. That is all.", I lowered my lance, and walked away.

With a sigh, I put Quirinus back into the suitcase and carry it with me. I glare back at her, but she seems... horny... fuck, she has a degeneration fetish, doesn't she?

"Then I would like to be your friend, Princess!", she shouted, letting the whole auditorium hear.

"...", I stayed silent.

Heading back to my seat, I took my portfolio bag. Asteral glanced at me.

"Are you going?", he asked, looking at me with his starry gaze.

"Yes, I don't feel like staying in one spot anymore. Are you coming with me?", I tilt my head.

"Sure, I don't have anything to do anyway.", he looks down, trying to hide his faint smile and blushes.

"Hoa, you are coming with me.", I called her out.

She stare at me, her dark irises flared up in flame, "Let's go somewhere spacious then. I want to take a breather from this place."

I glance around, seeing some have already packed their stuff and are going away.

"I think I know somewhere good.", I smile wickedly.

"Oh no...", that was from Hoa.

I take a quick glance at the other two... I'll leave them here.


Under an umbrella, I set my bag and suitcase down. I had Enna come to me with an umbrella to protect me from the shade.

Now with my knowledge of The Pale Court, our Sun's Eldritch God, I don't feel so comfortable being under the gaze of an alien entity... even if it's the one giving us life.

Oh, and by the way, my group is on the roof of the main building. Asteral is floating in the air, playing with his metal balls. And Hoa is in the open, savoring the flavor of the Sun.

Feeling bored, I took put Fallen Starlight from my portfolio bag. Startling all of them.

"Charlotte... why did you bring a gun to school?", Hoa asked cautiously.

"Gun? I think you need to apologize to Fallen Starlight, it isn't simply a gun. It's a God Slayer.", I fold it back to its original form, pointing it upward, "I brought it on a whim since I feel like I am going to need it."

"Are you a gun nut?", she crossed her arms.

I didn't deny her claim, "You could say so, I made this myself, after all. Have you tried to shoot a gun before? It's really fun."

Next was Asteral, "Can I... touch it?"

"Sure, but be careful. Fallen Starlight is heavy.", I handed him my weapon, making sure to not point at anyone.

Immediately as I dropped it on his hands, the weight surprised him and made him go off balance. I grabbed him by his waist to support him.

"I told you, it's heavy.", I smirk. Our face is close to each other, making him blushes.

Steadying ourselves, I got back Fallen Starlight. I am still smiling.

"Do you have a reason to bring that out?", Hoa questioned.

"I have because I am bored. And I want to observe the new students.", I leaned myself against Fallen Starlight, pointing it at several students...

"That isn't a legitimate excuse! Your gun doesn't even have a scope!!", Hoa yelled at me.

True, it has an iron sight instead of a scope.

"It is objectively more fun to do this.", I snickered, "Also, you have been with me for long enough to know I live via contradiction and nonsense."

The best and worst Attribute of humans.

Anyway, through my iron sight, I spotted a few notable students. One wearing a suit of armor, looking as if they are on fire. Another carrying a Relic out in the open, a green glaive... those two are interesting, to say the least.

There are many strange people here, each one of them unique in their own way... yet it is quite sad at the same time. Even if they are the Gem Holder of some grand hero or a chief god... they can never beat me, as long as they are human.

Oh, I see another Eldritch Being, not physically, of course, I sensed them. A man wearing a white mask—

He just turned towards me, looking straight at me with golden eyes burning like the sun itself. He also has white hair, literally glowing white...

He just nodded at me and kept going... somewhere. I glanced to my side, seeing Hoa... hyperventilating. Her eyes are shaking, completely terrified.

"What's wrong?", I asked her, folding my gun at the same time.

"N-Nothing...", she stared off to somewhere, "I just had a short episode."

That was a lie.

I look back, trying to find that strange person... no, nothing at all. To make Hoa so terrified, that must be a pretty strong Eldritch Being...

Let's hope it was some sort of malevolent Eldritch God... because I want to fight it. I feel my smile turning into a wicked grin... from the few seconds of analyzing him, I can feel the power radiating off of him.

Also, there is something familiar about that guy... I got out of the shade and look up at the sky, specifically the Sun...

"Hey, Hoa. What is the average age of the students here.", I asked her.

"Um... from fifteen to twenty. Why?", she frowned, not seeing what I am talking about.

"Hmm, how old is the Sun?"

"How am I supposed to know how old a star is?!", she retorts.

Then I glance towards Enna, "Enna, how old is the Sun?"

"Scientists estimated about four billion and five hundred million years old, but the reality is about six billion years old, give or take.", she replied in a formal manner. Right, she is still my maid.

Oh, since Hoa is here...

"Random question, how old is Fomalhaut?"

Hoa widens her eyes, looking at me. I just touch on a subject she was sensitive about

"That is a tough question, I have to get in touch with someone to know.", she gave me that look...

Hmm, the Holy Spirit, huh. Well, there is no need to delve into this topic longer.

"Well, let's see if—"

An explosion occurred in the distance— a pillar of white flame...

"What was that?!", Hoa shouted with a stressful look.

"Obviously a terrorist attack!!", I grin widely.

"Why are you so excited?!", she yelled at me.

"Hehahahahaha!!!! I WANT TO JOIN THE CHAOS!!", finally! Something interesting is about to happen!!

I took out a bullet from my trench coat, putting it in Fallen Starlight. I reattached it to the full length, pointing it toward the building that just exploded. 

I injected a bit of Justice Mist inside it, awakening the God Slayer

"O' God, This is my Gift to you.", the Holy Bullet began to spin.

"Made from your Final Present to Him.", then Runes are inscribed upon it.

"Blood and Sweat from Our Labor.", then a white light emerged from inside the barrel.

"Reforged by the Hands of the Akasha.", I whispered, barely audible to anyway.

Then I stepped out into the open, pointing Fallen Starlight towards the sky. If my suspicion is correct...

My target is The Pale Court.

"Fallen... Starlight."


A dark blue spider with a neon red stripe pattern, like a human skeleton across its body, lay smoking in a crater.

"Objective - Destroy Singularity - Incomplete.", a mechanical voice rang out as it stood up like a machine. Its body was made out of low polygons, making its movement sometimes janky, yet sometimes faster than it should.

"Reason - Adversary - Identify - Shemiss Aluqdim - First Harbinger of Life - Threat Level: Maximum", the spider stares at the man in white.

"You do not have the authority to come here.", countless voices came out as he... they spoke. Some carry authority, some mocking, some jeering, but all showed hostility.

"Condition - 70% Functional - Retreat", the spider blitzed away, moving in a janky manner but somehow so fast it became a blur.

"Under our light, there is no escape for a pest like you.", they stepped forward, calmly.

For no one can escape the Light of Judgement when they enact their duty. Though there are those who try to impede Judgement.

A pure white bullet came flying towards them from the sky— yet they caught the impossibly fast projectile. However, they had to stop their march...

"So the Will of Humanity is making her appearance.", they muttered in countess different voices and tones, some cheering, so sneering, some mocking, some in surprise, but all seem to carry a sense of acknowledgment.

And appeaching from atop the crater is a teenage girl with long silver hair, reflecting the light in a brilliant glow, and sharp azure eyes like the apex of the hunt. Wearing a silver trench coat with glowing blue lines, a shirt with a Rose Compass, and of course, tight leggings.

In her right is the Lance of the World, Quirinus, and in her left hand is the Rifle of Rebellion, Fallen Starlight.

And that wide grin speaking about trouble.

"Are you The Pale Court?", she asked, hopping down next to them.

"That would be our title and namesake, yes.", they welcomed her.

And that took Charlotte by surprise. After all, she just shot at The Pale Court, described as the most tyrannical Eldritch God.

"You are not angry?", she questioned with a confused look.

"Why would we be angry, Will of Humanity? You just missed your shot.", they replied, looking at the Silver Princess without emotion.

"So... what were you doing?", she look around the crater and see nothing.

"A pest had come to our domain, and by our Laws, all pests must be exterminated. We Judged the Spider of Tindalos Guilty."

Then without any further words, they took a step— and disappeared in a flash.

The next thing Charlotte see was a massive pillar of white flame erupting from far away. She kept on grinning, seeing the firepower of The Pale Court, quite literally too.


I think I get why Nyarla said I have a similar personality to the Pale Court. They are... straightforward and operate on questionable morals. Like me.

They get a pass because... well, if there is a God I would fear, it would be The Pale Court. I mean, they are radiating absolute power.

This makes me feel kinda happy, knowing that there is someone more powerful than I am— that isn't myself, or Seria. I am still an Atheist though.

The Pale Court is way too fun!!

I followed the trail of white pillars, going forward. I am going to see the end of this!!

Oh! I got a good idea.

"Enna! Throw a rock, or something at me!!", I yelled out my command.

Then a piece of the destroyed building got thrown toward me— she must've had a lot of pent-up frustration against me. I turned around, raising my lance, and thrust!

With a single piercing strike, I shattered the wall. Heha~ Justice's condition was satisfied...

Fun Fact: Charlotte is the only person who spams her Anima Pactum.

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