Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Runaway stray

Silla sat down in a dark room, illuminating it with her hair alone, placing her arms on the desk, a dungeon in the literal meaning. And she smirked at her prisoner, Adam Mauvern, a kid who just became a Gem Holder recently. He looks very average, and could easily blend into a crowd and vanish from existence, except for a tattoo of a lightning bolt on the right side of his neck.

"So, boy. Do you know who I am?", Silla asked.

He shuddered, breathing heavily as he felt the oppressive aura of the woman in front. She may look beautiful, but at the same time, extremely dangerous. By instinct, he knew she would not try to seduce him and then kill him, she would straight up kill him instead.

"I...", his voice was ragged, "I don't know..."

Silla pouts, "Then I will simply introduce myself to you, boy. I am Abigail Sillarco, the one who runs this place, Las Vegas."

Adam shuddered again. Silla let out an amused hum, this boy did not know who she was, so messing with him would be extra entertaining.

"I am the Secretary of Defense."

"W—What?!", Adam exclaimed.

"You don't really read the news, don't you? I am all over the news and I am in the history book of America too.", Silla tapped the table.

"Anyway, since you are just a kid I'll be lenient.", Silla pointed at him, ignoring his questioning look, "Now, as you probably know, as a model U.S citizen, you have to submit a register once you get a Gem. Otherwise, you'll be branded as a criminal by default."

She handed him a paper, and he just stared at it, reading the forum for him to fill out. He started writing with the pen on the desk. Silla just stares at him, making sure he does not do anything weird.

"While you're writing, can I ask you a few questions? Just simple ones."

Adam looked up at her, giving her a quiet nod.

"Great! The first question is why did you leave for Las Vegas?"

"I... I have problems with my family...", Adam said quietly, looking down at the paper as if he was ashamed of himself.

"Well, most people here have problems. Good job on being the 99%.", Silla mocked, "But really tho, this place isn't good for kids. You even started a whole gang with what? Your friends? How old are you again?"

"N-Nineteen, ma'am..."

"I'm telling you, the laws are just suggestions here. Breaking them would only get you at worst getting a concussion. Cleaning up dead bodies is a pain in the ass, especially with the fuel crisis! Now you have two options, go back home with a badge, make some excuses like your Gem forced you to come here and all, or stay here and yolo all the way.", Silla shrugged, "This place is called the City of Sin for a reason."

"I... don't really want to go home...", Adam kept staring at the paper, "S-So staying here is the only option..."

"I see.", she nodded, "I don't really care about about you moving into the city, but you started a gang, so I have to go over all of this process. You see, all gangs are under my control. I limit their operation reach from going out of control and limit the amount of carnage they can cause. On top of dealing with government issues, which usually don't come up often."

"It's seem... I... don't want to sound too privy... but... it sounded too... favorable for you.", Adam nervously asked. 

It only got a smile from Silla, "It really is, because I am my beloved nation's final defense. I am Abigail Sillarco, the Secretary of Defense. They can't afford to fall out of favor with me, even if it's a zero percent chance."

"You see, boy.", Silla spread her arms out, "I love this country, it's my home, my dearest land. My loyalty to the country is second to none."

She snapped her finger, making the boy flinched.

"Relax~ I won't do anything to you as long as you behave~", Silla let out a small laugh. She really wants to express herself today, something about today is special, and it's not even her birthday, "You are still immature, as an adult, I want the best for you."

Silla loves children, she wants the best for them even if she cannot control her nature, herself as the Absolute Evil. She always wants to torment people, watching human suffers. Her view of "Love" is extremely twisted, for normal people it may as well be psychological reconditioning.

Adam just nodded, he did not dare to look at the woman. Her piercing crimson gaze was something... he could not ever stand against. The eyes of the Absolute Evil.

"I... I am finished...", he meekly said.

Silla grabbed the paper and read it. Skimming over the unimportant information and get right into the juicy bits.

"Gem... hmm... this is interesting.", Silla hums in amusement, "You got a really unique Gem, so which type is it? Progression or True?"

"What does that mean?"

"Well, Progression is that you unlock more when you use your Gem more. True is you get all the powers from the get-go. So? What can you do?"

Silla laid the paper on the table, smiling slyly. She read what his Gem was, and it perked her interest greatly since another Conceptual Gem was found. What would she do to him?

"I can stop time...", Adam replied, fidgeting in his seat. Something about revealing his power made him uncomfortable.

"Is that all you can do now?"

He nodded, "When using this power, only my mind is exempt from the effect, beside that, I cannot move at all..."

"I think I can hook you up with a few people that would benefit from your ability greatly...", she flipped the paper to the back and started writing on it using the pen Adam was holding, even though he did not notice when she took it, making him even more scared of her.

"As a strange tradition of the U.S, every major city has to have vigilantes, or Heroes as some of them prefer to call themselves. Autumn and Storm are our resident vigilantes, I can introduce you to them~", Silla appeared beside Adam, rubbing his shoulders.

"Gah!!", he jumped, stumbling backward trying to get away from Silla. In his eyes, she was nothing short of the devil himself. Unfortunately, he guessed correctly.

"Hehehehe! Man don't I love doing this?", she plopped down onto the chair Adam sat on before, "Anyway, I will get you connected to them tonight. After that, you're on your own."

A piece of paper appeared in her hand, in which she gave it to Adam. But she did not hand him, instead, she let the paper fly and made Adam catch it out of panic. Silla lightly chuckled at him being scared of her, stressing over the little details.

"Those are the rules you must follow as a modeled citizen of the City of Sin, be a good Gem Holder, and don't cause too much chaos."

"Are... you encouraging me to... cause chaos?", Adam questioned her. It seems like he used his power to stop time and read through the paper already. 

Ignoring the casual time stop, Silla snapped her finger.

"Eh, as I said before, laws are suggestions here. Come on, blow up a few cars, break some bones, lose all your money to a casino, getting chased around by the totallynotdemonindisguise police.", with a shrug, she was gone.

Adam looked around for a solid minute, it was total darkness with the light source gone. Scowled, he stood up trying to get his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

"How the fuck do I get out of here...", he muttered to himself.





"Oh, there is an elevator over there", Silla appeared beside him, pointing at a suspiciously lit door.

The reaction was appropriate, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!"

Adam was scared shitless.

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