Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Safe House

Hm, finding Hoa is harder than I thought. Being an Energy Vampire, she's only weak when it's dark. Totally the opposite of normal Vampires.

Oh well, I'll meet her tomorrow. I just want to have fun~ maybe break Hoa out of her coffin. She seems to be the uptight type of girl, following rules... but is also a cult leader.

I have yet to see her cult leader side, wonder if she's the fun and caring type or someone who rules with fear.

Babel hasn't even been able to infiltrate her cult, so it's not clear what type of cult she runs. There are types of cults that my Organization can interfere with.

In the personnel manual (Author: will be released in some time), there are three main categories of cult.

The cults we would do nothing about are Scam Cults, since they don't harm humanity as a whole and fall pretty often, there is no need to waste resources on them. Next is the type we need to keep an eye on because they are volatile in nature, the Doomsday Cults, we only need to watch out and keep it so that they don't turn destructive. The third category is Anarchy Cults, cults that focus on the destruction of society and the uprooting of humanity. Like the place where Theodore was raised and born, that was an Anarchy Cult.

So far, Hoa's cult has only killed people like the homeless and beggars. No one important was harmed so right now her cult is listed as the Doomsday Cult in the foreseeable future...

Well... I'll have to obtain a strategy for dealing with her... Hoa is dangerous, my blood boils when I am near her... heha, I just want to... Crush. Her. Completely.

But not too fast, since a toy does not need to break too quickly.

I arrived at the safe house, a small house on the outskirts of the city and directly connected to the back of the volcano wall. Enna isn't with me because she's getting my luggage at the hotel, Charles is with me though.

"We exist in the dark, for those in the light to go on.", I spoke the code words in a whisper.

Then the door burst open... I'm turning back.

"W-Wait!", he hastily ran to block my way.

Well, another weird Gem Holder. He dressed in a black robe, tying a white satchel at his waist. He's bone thin and bald. With the noose hanging at his neck... yeah, it's as if I'm seeing a walking corpse.

"You are the Silver Princess, right?", he asked with a wary look.

Silver Princess... I like it.

"I am.", I nodded.

"This one's name is Juju. With the price of 30 silver, I shall do anything.", he gave his introduction.

Oh wow, that seems very cool. Thirty silver... about three hundred dollars. Wait...

"Your Devil is Judas of Iscariot?", I widen my eyes.

"Indeed, this one's inner demon is Judas the Betrayer... also, please don't make me kill Jesus.", he looked at me with pleading eyes, "Judas has PTSD after the first time."

"I won't do it.", if anyone wants to kill Christ, it would be Seria. And even she's pretty chill with the Son of God.

"Thank you.", Juju bowed his head, "You can ride inside."

I rev up the engine, go into the open door... and go down a slope directly leading to an underground facility.

Mechanical arms moving boxes... this is an underground factory, fully automated without a single human work. Huh, this is Darkovah after all, the center of progress.

But in all honesty, it's an open secret that Mu is the U.S.A's bitch. Manifest Destiny is in the works, and if the Nation of Freedom wants to extend its 'blessing' to Asia, Mu would be the launch pad.

I parked my bike in a corner, away from the manufacturing lines. Hm... this place would not be very pleasant to sleep at with all the noises, and the smell of machine oil too, ugh...

"So why did you come here, Princess?", Juju came behind me.

Why did I come here? Well, it would be rude to say I felt like it. Teasing people at our first meeting is not that good of an impression...

"I was looking for a place to stay for about... five years.", I tilted my head, "Or until I get bored of school."


Someone appeared behind me, who I tried to kick in the nuts out of instinct— I only hit metal.

"Please refrain from attacking your allies, Princess.", Juju advised me.

Well... I just tried to kick the balls of... a metal man... uh...

"Prime Minister Lewis?", I narrowed my eyes. A sleek black robot shell that looks really cool, looks as if he was made for combat...

No, just someone that looks like him. Unlike the Prime Minister, who is just a brain controlling a mech suit, this man is more similar to those at the Sanctum of Steel. Mutilated flesh and mechanical parts merged together... he's practically on a glorified life support machine.

"Haha...", he laughed in a mechanical tone, "My name is Kawl Chern."

Well, it's common courtesy, "I'm Charlotte Silvi... let's get to business. I want a place to stay for five to six years.", I gave him a hostile glare.

I don't like artificial limbs at all... they make me feel uncomfortable. There is just something wrong with it.

He ignored my open hatred, "Won't you be staying in the dorm?", Kawl asked, his green bionic eyes adjusted slightly.

"I will, but I need a place more... private. I don't want to share most of my personal life with some random people.", I'm sure that I would have missions in the future... a base of operation would be nice.

After a minute of silence, Kawl spoke, "There is a man drowning in debt in the city center who owned a coffee shop. We can buy that place in exchange for paying off his debt."

"Hmm... that'll work just fine.", I nodded, "Send him a message saying that..."

"Mason Inc.", Kawl said.

"Mason Inc. would like to purchase the building, using the market value plus the debt he's in."

"That will be done, Princess.", I could feel a smile coming from that emotionless face.

Hm, whatever. I get on my sportbike since I don't want to be near Kawl anymore...

Now... for some relaxation.


Juju observes Charlotte riding away on her sportbike with an aloof expression... even if she looks defenseless, there are no openings in her stance. No, her instinctive nature is like that of a deadly predator.

Just by approaching her, death is already breathing down on your neck. Only those who are foolishly brave or insane would want to approach her first.

"What do you think about the Princess?", Juju asked.

"She is... unique. She doesn't hide her biases at all, she clearly hates me for what I am.", a mechanical sigh escaped Kawl, "From the information the Director sent us, she is a Class 8 danger... I will give a petition to raise her danger level to at least 8.5."

Juju thinks back to the manual given to all employees of the Babel Organization. Class 8 is reserved for the unstable individuals who hold a lot of power, usually, Gem Holders of Artistan are put in this Class due to their Madness ability to affect reality.

While Class 9 is meant for the Eldritch, unimaginable monsters capable of destroying multiple nations with a single thought.

Being a Class 8.5 meant that Charlotte was capable of damaging reality1, accelerated the death of the universe by 30 seconds, and had an infinite amount of potential...

Charlotte Silvi is dangerous with her unpredictable nature, her inhuman strength, and most of all, her guts. She is the type that would not hurt you after you insulted her, no, she will make you regret ever being born.

"So have our faerie friend marked the Princess?", Kawl asked, looking around trying to find the third resident of this safe house.

Juju stayed quiet for a moment, nodding to someone else, "Azkerviel said she dared not to touch the Princess, something told her she would kill her instantly."

"That's reasonable.", the cyborg looked down at his crotch, "She'd already crushed my hip bone and ruined some of my motor functions."

The two meet each other's eyes. Juju gave him a sympathetic look, shaking his head.

"So you can't move?"

"I can't move... could you at least get me to my workshop?", Kawl spoke with an emotionless tone. But Juju has spent enough time with the cyborg to know that he was begging.

"Alright...", the Betrayer could only sigh.


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