Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Karaoke Hysteria

Renting a karaoke room for the entire night isn't that difficult at all, all you have to do is flash your money at them.

I'm setting up a stream right now, wearing my collar and everything. Since I got myself a laptop, which I got from the Akashic Library, I can properly stream...

Well, I have something in mind for this stream... I look at the label, 'Singing practice'. Well, hanging the bait with my soft voice which has great potential for singing is giving more viewers.

The intro begins, with my model sitting on a silver throne looking down with an intense gaze, while orchestra metal music blasts like an anthem going on.

Fifty thousand viewers... this will be great.

The stream starts.

"Greetings everyone, and welcome you all to my stream. Be glad that you could be here in front of me.", I start with my usual introduction.

A round of hellos and greetings came from the chat. Though I won't be paying attention to them much, they don't deserve it and it's my time to shine, like always.

"Today, as the title said I'll be practicing singing. But~ I'll edge you a little bit longer.", I want to drag this out for as long as I can, "Isn't it pathetic to sing alone like an absolute loser in a place like this?"

"I'm not a loser, I am Silver Royal, the most arrogant and selfish person in this whole world. So, I brought one of my guardian's housekeepers with me.", I look over at Enna, who just let out an exhausted sigh.

"Now, sing whatever you want.", I gave her the mic.

"My lady... must I?", she looked at me we pleading eyes.

I just smile, "It is an order~"

Enna stood up from her seat and walked to the center of the room, next to the laptop the karaoke to pick her song... She inhaled a deep breath.

"I'm going to fucking embarrass myself here...", she muttered into the mic.

The music starts... metal?

"In the name of God!

In the name of God!!

In the name of God we go to HEEEAVEN!!

In the name of God!

In the name of God!!

In the name of God we go to HEEEAVEN!!!


MARTYRS in the name of God!

We're knights! In WAR AND FIRE!!

Raise! your sword for HOLY BLOOD!!

We burn! Them on the PYYRE!!


To Defend! To Command! To the Holy War!


To the end! we will Stand, we are fighting for...



In the name of God!

In the name of God!!

In the name of God we go to HEEEAVEN!

In the name of God!

In the name of God!!

In the name of God we go to HEEEAVEN!


BROTHERS! in believe and sword!

Through nights! Of blood and thu~under!!

Strike! For Glory and Reward!

We came! to kill and plu~under!!


To your Faith! Your Crusade! To the Holy War!!


To the end! We will stand! We are fighting for...



In the name of God!!

In the name of God!!!

In the name of God we go to HEEAVEN!!!

In the name of God!!

In the name of God!!!

In the name of God we FOLLOW!!

In the name of God we FOLLOW!!




In~the ~name ~of ~MATER~MARIA~!!!



Sanc~tus Christus! Deus vult!!

In... the name of God!

Sanc~tus Iesus! Deus vult!!

In... the name of God...!

Sanc~tus Christus! Deus vult!!

In the name of GOD!!!!!!!!


Cantus lupus! in the name of God!

Agnus Christus! in the name of God!!

Sanctus lupus! IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!"

Her performance stopped... wow... she can really sing. Enna went hard, very hard.

This is fun! Very fun! Hehahaha!!! I didn't think she would be this good!! 

"Another one!", I requested in pleasure!

"Calm yourself down, my lady. This is your show, not mine!", Enna threw the mic at me— which I caught.

"Aw... fine.", I pouted. I could just command her to sing more... but I'm on camera, I don't want people to know that she cannot disobey me like a slave.

I still have a reputation to keep up front.

"Then... I'll be singing a song, one that fits me best.", a smile spread across my face.

I just used some simple jazzy background music, tapping my foot to the music, and bopping my head to the melody~

"It came to me last night in a dreeeeeam~

My name up in lights~!

Though I must admit that it's a bit obsceneee~

They say that I'm divine but that life ain't~ for me~!!

I got no time for the policies~

When I'm busy winnin' hearts across the world!!


You might say that it is wrong!

But when we're moving to the beat~

And I can feel music deep~ inside~ meee~!!

Why don't you sing along?

When we're moving through the music~

This is what it means to~ be~ a~ hu~man~!"

I spun for one round, holding my free right hand out to the camera, smiling brightly~

"I don't mean to disappoint~!!

And it might be because I'm psychic~!

But I know you're gonna likee it!!


I have foreseen a good time~

It is my prophecy~!

So come and take my hand!!

I'll show the world that I am in demand~!!

The brightest star! Among the stars!!

Watch people come from near and far~

I hit the stage! I'm all the rage!

Can't keep me locked up in this cage~!"

I threw the mic into the air! Striking a pose with my arms spread out as if I am welcoming the world to my embrace~

"And I can understand that you might have some jealousy...

Why don't you try to loosen up!?

And get a little more depra~ved~!

You can take your blood and~ gore~!

I want a little~ a little something moooreee!!!!

So I can give you my last decree~

Drop your guns and swords~!

And join me in eternal~ paaaarty!!!!


You might say that it is wrong!

But when we're moving to the beat~

And I can feel music deep~ inside~ meee!!

Why don't you sing along?

When we're moving through the music~!

This is what it means to~ be~ a~ hu~man~!"


I winked and performed another spin!


"You might say that it is wrong!

But when we're moving to the beat~

And I can feel music deep~ inside~ meee~!!

Why don't you sing along?

When we're moving through the music~

This is what it means To~ Be~ A~ Hu~man~!"


I kept on singing~ this song is one meant to be sung forever~ my ETERNAL PARTY after all~!! Hehahahaha!!

Dance and dance, sing and sing, a ritual dedicated to me~ to Charlotte Silvi!

Ah~ I can feel all the drugs, flowing through every part of my body. I stared at the screen, seeing the faint reflection of my eyes— a deep swirling magenta...


"I have foreseen a good time~

It is my prophecy~!

So come and take my hand!!

I'll show the world that I am in demand~!!

The brightest star! Among the stars!!

Watch people come from near and far~

I hit the stage! I'm all the rage!

Can't keep me locked up in this cage~!"

I grabbed the mic tighter! Squeezing it while it creaks and groans.

Hehahahaha!! I turned to music up some more! Hehahaha!

"And I can understand that you might have some jealousy...

Why don't you try to loosen up!

And get a little more depra~ved~!

You can take your blood and~ gore~!

I want a little~ a little something moooreee!!!!"


I quickly turned the mic off, throwing it onto the couch. I inhaled deeply.


"So I can give you my Last Decree~!!!

Drop your guns and swords~!!

And join me in ETERNAL~ PAAAARTY!!!!"

My voice went higher and higher! As if I am the king of the sky! Hehahahahaha!!

I can't stop this fun!!




Her blood red eyes glowed brightly, and her curled blond hair in the shape of drills swayed as she dances under the moonlight. She hummed a soft tune, drifting in a practiced manner, even her noble blue dress does not hinder her movement one bit.

She held her phone in her right hand, bopping her head gently so as to not knock her earbuds out.


"You might say that it is wrong!

But when we're moving to the beat~

And I can feel music deep~ inside~ meee~!!

Why don't you sing along?

When we're moving through the music~

This is what it means To~ Be~ A~ Hu~man~!"


Hearing the voice of her favorite streamer singing... was amazing, the way she hit the high notes that should've been practically impossible for her soft voice. Again and again, the Silver Royal proved her name was not just for show.

"Dios mío, my dear princess~", she giggles, smiling as her body becomes numb, "Your voice is so magnificent ~ Ah~ never have I heard such a divine voice..."

She did not realize it, but she is now under the influence of Euphoria. Mass Hysteria— making her dance and vibe to the voice of Charlotte.

"Let us join in along~ Oh princess of our~!

Let me sing aloud~ who I shall devour~!"

She threw in a quick comment, which was swept away with a tide of others' comments. She did not care if Charlotte does not read her comments, as long as she showed the princess she was there for her... it was enough.

"Princess of mine~ 

Let our fate intertwine with eachother~ 

Our road will cross~ fate has decree~!

Silver Royal my light in this world~

I am your devourer~ I am the eater of worlds!

So only your world... remain~"

She laughs, she sings, she dances, and she bursts into flame! Her dress lit on fire, but the flame never bothered her anyway~




The next day...

The news flashed, reporting the situation of a karaoke bar incident. The police have no idea what to make of the situation.

"We are back with Darkovah Daily News.", the news anchor lady spoke with a grim tone, "Today, as you can see with the pictures from our onsite photographers, the Ayame Karaoke bar was hit with what seemed to be a Gem Holder attack. Takara, please."

The news changed to the onsite journalist, a woman with ash-colored hair and purple eyes nodded, her stoic face turned to the direction of the karaoke bar. Massive pink crystal spires grew out of the building, glistening under the light of the sun into a light show of color and wonder.

It was honestly beautiful... if not for what they are made out of.

"The MAS had moved in, and from the reports coming out, the crystals are made of a combination of Methamphetamine, Cocaine, Cannabinoids, and many more unknown drugs.", she stare at the camera with an intense gaze, "There are already a few dozen victims who were put into a comatose state when making physical contact with the crystals. I'll try to reach a MAS operator for more information."

While the area was being contained, a certain silver hair girl drove past the karaoke bar on her sportbike, not giving a care.

The songs used in this Chapter are In the Name of God and Imperium

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