Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Second Test – Hyper

When I was entering the gladiatorial pit, there was someone holding a bucket of water above the entrance...

I just walked in, and the bucket dropped, attempting to make me wet. But I just punched the bottom of the bucket with my palm, sending it back to hit the face of the prankster.

Justice's condition is satisfied... but no, I won't use it for today.

"SAM!", someone from above yelled, a female voice.

Looks like I knocked him out cold. A fitting punishment for trying to humiliate me... I think that deserves another punishment.

I climbed over the walls to the audience seating... oh, there are a few dozen students here. Hehaha... this will be good publicity. I stared at the blond boy covering his face, likely because of the bucket lying next to him. Without a word, I grabbed his throat with my left hand.

"What are you doing?!" A girl with half pink and half black hair shouted at me, I just stare at her.

Then I gripped him harder, only letting him breathe just enough to not go unconscious. Another boy ran and tried to stop me... so I punched him in the guts, knocking him out with the sudden shock.

"I am not a kind person.", I spoke in a hostile tone, "Did you think you would get away scot free? No, not at all."

He began clawing at me, luckily I was wearing my jacket so his nails are just sliding on my sleeves. But it was getting annoying, so I twisted his left arm and dislocate his joint.

He tried to scream but I didn't let him, just choking him more.

"You should've chosen someone else.", I kicked his left knee, bending it backward.

Again, he tried to scream. Useless as before.

I kneed him in the stomach before letting his throat go. He fell down and turned into a crying mess. He stared up at me— only for me to knee him in the face, which knocked him out completely.

I stomped on his solar plexus for good measure.

"Well then, goodbye.", and I hopped off the seating area into the pit.

—I was caught by Vlad on my way down. I glanced at an edge lord of a teacher, his vampiric gaze demanded an answer.

"He tried to drop a full bucket on me. So I made him pay the price.", I explained.

"That is no reason to give him such unwarranted injuries.", Dracula gave me a stern look.

"Said the man who impaled ten thousand people because he was mad that day.", I grinned and wiggled my way out of his hand by dislocating my thumb and a violent shake.

"Don't get cheeky with me now.", he squinted his eyes and glared at me.

In a strange way, we are having a normal conversation as he escorted me to the center of the arena.

"You are going to get into trouble for what you did to that student."

I just shrug it off, "What can the school do? Let's see... he tried to harm me, so I attacked him."

"You almost ended his life.", Vlad said.

"If the bucket really hit me, I would've died. Be glad that I didn't straight up kill him because I would.", I sneered, thinking back on how stupid he was, "And don't lecture me about morals, I am fully self-aware about what I did. Did I have the intention to give him a beating? Yes, did it have to be so brutal and cruel? Yes, did he deserve the beating? In my honest and personal opinion, yes."

Vlad sighed, "Hah... this is exactly why Orin wanted me to keep an eye on you, violent and forceful— did you just nod?"

I nodded again, "Violent, forceful, brutal, sadistic, creepy. I have the survival instinct of humanity in me, just doing what I can to live."

"And being violent and potentially a pariah?"

Being a pariah just makes my situation better, that means those with who I want to become friends would be closer to me.

"The path I walk on is one of my own makings... if I do become isolated, then so be it."

We reached the gathering place, and like yesterday, Hoa is avoiding me like a plague, separated by several soon-to-be-student. There are about forty people here, ranging from 14 to 20. I didn't attempt to talk to anyone, and my aura kept people away from me.

Ah~ loneliness, such a serene feeling.

Oh, Albert is here, standing on a podium. Like yesterday, he still wears the leather armor for some reason.

"Hello future students!", he spoke in a joyful way, "My name is Albert Garandel, a Beast Hunter from the European Hunter Association! Today, a beautiful morning, is a great day for the practical test!"

One person raised their hand, "Why must we do this test again?"

Nobody told me anything, so it must be the same with everyone.

"According to John, it's to test the capabilities of y'all. To assess the security and things like that, if you're too wild then the school will have someone to keep an eye on you, usually another student."

I glanced at Vlad, he must be one.

Another raised her hand, "How old are you?"

"Thirty-three!", he answered with excitement mixed with pain, "I lost the genetic lottery pretty hard, hahaha!"

Yup, just laugh the pain away. He already has white hair and a beard, he looks like he was in his senior.

"Now!", he quickly changes the subject, "The first practical test is that y'all have to defeat a Drake!"

I don't know what this academy is doing, but having teenagers fighting a Drake is a bit unsafe. Not for me though.

Instantly, a Drake was teleported right behind us... a massive lizard over 4 meters in height with bronze scale, two massive horns adorned it's head. It was an impressive beast, to say the least.

Albert started to speak as if this was a nature documentary, "The Common Drake, Dracoterra Aes, is a violent species of the Draco family. They are commonly found in the south of Europe, but they are hardly a threat compared to the Dragon, Draco Draco."

Just... why?

"As a member of the Draco family, their scale armor is one of the toughest materials on Earth! So aim for the belly or eyes!", he cheered.

I don't have a weapon right now... so I'll just sit back and watch. While the others are running away from the massive beast, or coming up with a strategy to try to subdue it. I hopped on the podium, sitting with my legs hanging.

"Oh, Silver Royal.", Albert look at me, "Not joining?"

"No, fighting an animal for no reason is beneath me. I'll just watch.", I stare up at him, "Plus it's more entertaining to watch others fighting."

"This is a gladiatorial pit after all, entertainment is what it provides.", he joked, "Not sure why John wanted one here."

I returned to the show, watching kids fighting a Drake. Hoa isn't doing anything, she just cautiously stayed behind the Drake, looking for a chance to attack.

It was pretty boring to be honest, since most people don't know how to hunt animals, not even mention a Drake. So they're just dancing around...

Taking this chance, I take a careful examination of the people here. The pair that was with me yesterday, holding hands as a golden aura enveloped them. The boy has platinum blond hair, while the girl's hair was silver, a brighter shade of silver than mine.


Information~? Okay~ they are the Gem Holders of Pollux and Castor, respectively. Greek gods of Light and Travel~! Or most people would know them as~ the Gemini~!

Neat. How strong are they?

Hmm~ you need to test it out yourself, my dearest owner~!

Then... are they related?

Survive, my guy~?

No. They are not.

Hm, neat.

"How many parts are there in this test?", I asked Albert.

"Three parts, after this, there will be an endurance test, and finally the combat test with one of the faculty members!", he flashed a grin, "Are you up to the challenge?"

I look back at the fighting... it'll take forever.

"I'll deal with this before them.", I hopped off the podium, "Do I have to knock it out or kill it?"

"Knock it out is fine.", he replied.

I cracked my knuckles, smiling. I fought many things during my time, a Sin of Humanity, a Fallen Angel, the femboy King, and the Mother of Demons. What can a Drake do to me?

My azure gaze made contact with the Drake's amber eyes, making it freeze in place. It is facing a predator, fear infecting it rapidly— fight or flight? What will you choose?

It roared, charging straight at me with reckless abandonment. So you choose to fight huh.


The Drake opened it's maw, to which I kicked up a large portion of dirt into it's more. It choked and panicked, not knowing what to do, going awry off from my position.

Then I jumped up into the air, landing on it's head. The amber eyes focused on me, giving it one final look at the victory— I swung my left leg down like a hammer— I felt the skull of the beast cave.

"Done.", I hopped off the Drake, dusting a few particles of dirt off my body.

Everyone just stares at me with shock and awe. I am amazing, and now everyone knows that too.

"That was amazing!", Albert clapped his hands, walking over to the Drake to check on it, "Hmm, you held back, didn't you?"

"You told me to knock it out, I just did what you wanted me to do.", I casually shrugged.

I saw a glint in his eyes, hardening for a split second.

Heha~ I see.

Those words gave him an evaluation of me, making form an unconscious profile of Charlotte Silvi, but to him, who Silver Royal is. I gave him a part of me, of Survive - the Perfect Soldier.

I glanced at Vlad, who is watching me closely. I gave him another part of me for his profile of me - the Perfect Killing Machine.

And Hoa, who looks at me with a wary expression. The impression I gave her might be the most accurate - the Dominatrix... wait, that's too sexual, Dominator is the family-friendly term so let's go with that.

As long as keep up showing those sides of me to them, the status quo would be kept as it is. But they also know me through my most well-known side, the Princess. Albert knows I will not follow orders like the Perfect Soldier since a Princess must be haughty and arrogant. Vlad knows I will not kill anyone like the Perfect Killing Machine, because I planted the image of a sadist in his mind.

And for my dear friend, Hoa, the Dominator and Princess sides... she knows that I can manipulate her to do what I want, but to her, I have the authority to get what I want.

So~ as a fun little joke, let's give them another side of me... The Psycho.

"It was pretty easy, give me something harder.", I smile, turning my azure gaze to a burning red, "I am not satisfied with this Drake."

"Calm down now, Princess.", Albert approached me, his body movement suggested he was not facing a human, but a beast, "You will have more chance to prove yourself—"

My gaze stopped him on his track, "You know me, right?", my smile widens, "I don't need to prove myself because I already know what I am capable of."

Albert looked down, seeing his right hand holding the handle of his sword. His fight-or-flight instinct was activated, and he chose to fight.

"Very well, I would like to have a duel with you, Insect King.", I pointed at him.

"My pleasure!", he drew out his longsword with an excited smile.

While I snapped my fingers, "Enna, my gun."

From the sky, where Enna was flying out of range of whatever security measure this academy had. She dropped my gun—

—To which I flawlessly caught it. Then pointed it at him.

"Right, you are American.", Albert winced, "But all jokes aside, you shouldn't bring a gun here."

He sheathed his sword and I lowered my gun.

"Rules are meant to be broken after all, and I won't give you my gun.", I raise it up to the air, "Enna."

I threw my gun into the air, to which my Fallen Angel caught it and flew back up. It all happened in a flash, for most it look as if my gun just disappeared.

"Was that a maid?", one questioned.

"A maid, huh.", Albert pursed his lips and nods in a muse, "You are full of surprises, aren't you?"

"I am.", I gave him a cheeky smile and walked away, far enough so no one can hear me... while also being at the center.

Albert clapped his hands, focusing our attention on him, " We will move on to the next part! Which will be the endurance test! Run around the edge of this Colosseum, 10 laps! The first one to finish it will have a prize!"

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Master of Mankind.", I grinned, and my eyes turned to a deep magenta color.

The people around me are shocked, seeing that I can use an Anina Pactum. My eyes were wide open, emitting a pinkish haze.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity!!"

My body shook, trembling under the effects of countless hyperactive drugs!!!! HEHAHAHAHAHA!!!

"The Jester of Passion! The Bliss the World Chase and Reject!!!"

My hair dyed fully, from my usual silver hair to a light pink, mixed with strains of magenta, red, blue, and black.

"Entertainment for the Darkest Day~!", I spun around, creating pink dust from Reverie! Euphoric Dust! Hehahaha!!!


"The Escape of the Brightest Night~!"

The Euphoric Dust spun with me, before coming back, clinging to my body like a layer of armor. Bit by bit, a suit of armor formed on my body, dust turns to crystal, and crystals becomes a cage for my body.

In only three seconds, a suit of crystal armor, made of Euphoric Dust, like a knight that inspires Hope, yet covered in a veil of Delusion.

"Anima Pactum - Akashic Euphoria"

I stand with my arms crossed, my mask perfectly mirroring my current state - a smile that speaks trouble~

I am ready for a bit of mischief~ a little tomfoolery~ wanna do dirty deed done dirt cheap~

"I'll start first! Catch you later!!!", I finger-gunned them in a joyful and eccentric voice~

I put my foot on the ground, using all of my strength to push myself away— leaving a crater on the ground!!


All of Charlotte's Anima Pactums are all based on one or two film/TV series and games.

Try to guest them :)

I'll give a hint to Euphoria's one of two inspiration.


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