Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Second Test – Climax

Of course, I was up first. I smile under my mask, crossing my arms like the total badass I am.

Across from me is Tachibana Orin, apparently one of the strongest faculty members in the school, just behind the security guard.

Well~ not that it would make any difference to me.

Vlad stands on the side to act as the judge.

"I have erected an area of silence, and an Oath—"

I raise my hand, cutting him off, "Yeah, no~ I'm not doing any more Contract-type shits. I had enough problems with those."

After beating up the Goddess of Oath? Not doing any ever again.

"Hah... then we will have to do it the old fashion way and hope one of you doesn't blurt out anything.", he shrugged, not really caring, "State your Name and Title, as this will be a battle of honor and grace."

"Tachibana Orin, The White Tiger of the West.", she glared at me with a look that could kill someone. But I'm not someone~

"Charlotte Silvi, The Silver Princess of Humanity.", I introduce myself.

"You? A fucking princess?", she scoffed, "More like a brute."

"That too is correct~!", I clapped my hands, "My Devil is a Hybrid, you see~"

"Conceptual~ Conceptual~ The Will of Survival and the Depravity of Life~", I step around, dancing to the tune of the world~

Both of the faculty members have apprehensive looks on their faces after realizing how dangerous I am. Well, I am human after all~ the most dangerous species on this green Earth!

"Tch, even with that mask on, I will wipe that grin off your face!", she declared.

"Then come~ I welcome you to try~!!"

She was growling like a beast, ready to pounce on me any moment.

"Then as the Rule of Old stated, the victor shall be the last one standing or until one surrenders.", he raised his hand up, and brought it down in a quick motion, "Begin!!"

Orin appeared in front of me instantly, as if she just teleported. So I just swat her away with a backhanded slap.

"You would need to do better than that~", I mocked her.

"You—", she started to vomit blood with widened eyes.

"Hehahaha~!! You feel for my trick!!", I laughed hard! How can someone be so stupid to just accept a provocation?!

Oh, right. She doesn't like me. That makes it even better!! Hehahaha!!!

She vomited more blood, too much for a human body. Not that it would stop me...

"Hysteria.", the world slow down, "Overdrive.", time stopped, "CLIMAX."

I appear in front of Orin, I kicked her on the right side, then on the left, then I knee her in the stomach. And finally, as the thing that will end this fight right away—

"Apologies, Miss Silvi.", the Principal appear right beside me, while time is stopping for everyone.

"What do you want?", was he trying to stop my fun?

"What you are about to do will land you in the Paradox Prison. Harming another person to the brink of death proves that you are a dangerous individual... so I advise you to go against your calling. Just this once."

"Is that a threat?", I questioned him, burning him under my gaze. Wonder what color is the insides of an Immortal~

He winced a bit, "No... I am begging you... please don't hurt Orin anymore..."

His tone... he is being sincere. His words were just empty threats, the Principal knew he could not lock me up in prison, because I would just destroy it. But do I care about his opinion? Eh, not at all. My opinion matters far more than some guys.

But this time only... I will listen to his words with a half-hearted mindset.

I retracted my fist, which would've gone through Orin, and made her into a donut. I backed away as time resumed.

Instantly, the backlash from Overdrive came into effect, shattering the ground and creating an explosion in front of Orin. 

Ah~ I could hear her bones breaking, her organs ruptured, her soundless cries of pain~ such an amazing tune!

You might say that it is wrong~

But when we're moving to the Beat!

And I can feel music deep~ inside~ of~ meeee~!

Why don't you sing along?!

When we're moving through the music~!!

This is what it means to~be~a~Hu~maaan~!!

Though I want to see her suffer more~ but all beats must End somehow~ and her only savior is~, of course, the Vampire Lord!

It almost killed her but dark red pikes came up from the ground, taking most of the damage. They shattered, revealing Vlad standing in the middle, chanting something to the bloodied Orin as he princess carried her. Aw~ how romantic! I want to rip their spines out!

But this spectacle is enough for now~ I'll leave them alone~ Aren't I so kind? 

"That was awesome!!", I clap my hands, seeing the broken pikes returning to the ground.

"Did the General ever tell you what your Rank is?", he asked me a serious question. What a bummer... I thought he would be more of a fun person! 

Rank? Babel doesn't use Rank but a Class system. On our chart, I think I would be a 7.5! That means I am capable of ending a nation on my own with some reality-warping powers. By the way, Seria's Class is just called Silla Arco, she's just that busted.

"I think I am an A Rank? Could be Unique. She doesn't really tell me these things.", I shrugged, walking around in a circle, "She just says that I can do whatever I want, oh, and don't kill but crippling is okay."

"That woman is messed up.", he sighed, picking up the unconscious body of Orin, bruises to the point of crippling but can still be recovered.

"I agree."

My agreement seems to surprise him a bit. But that wasn't my main concern. I look up at the high tower of the main building.

The Principal is there, looking down with his arms behind him. Our eyes made contact, so he walked away.

What a dangerous man. John Titor, the Count of Saint-Germain... the First Gem Holder. I tried to find more information about him but came out blank, indeed there was once a man called the Count of Saint-Germain, but that was all there was to it.

He doesn't pose a threat to humanity so we left him alone. Though... I want to dig out more information about him. It would be interesting.

"So... does that mean I won?", I asked the Vampire Lord.

He glanced back, "Yes, whatever. What you did may be dangerous but that gave us a fuck load of information about you."

"I'll be off to watch the others~", I made a crater again.

Wooo! I'm on a roll! Property damage for the win!

Ah, people are avoiding me. That just makes me stand out even more!

Hello hello~ Reverie to Charlotte~ can you hear me?

Oh, hello there, Reverie.

Yup! We couldn't even get through to you the first time, but the second time~ we figured things out.

Oh yeah... the first time. I accidentally used Euphoria's Anima Pactum and made a pretty mess~ Hehahaha! That was fun.

Fufu, glad you enjoyed it, my dear.

Like the first time I awakened Euphoria, suddenly and I couldn't even control it properly. Euphoria is just a bit too much for me to handle.

I dug the claws of my gauntlet into the ground, breaking a piece of the arena floor and flipping it over. With a brutal kick, I shaved off the top part, perfect for me to sit on.




Hoa became more fearful of Charlotte, seeing her destroying the place like this with such a carefree expression.

But that girl, now in pink and magenta armor, also perked her interest greatly. She was like a sun, untouchable but also attracted everyone around her.

If Hoa could reach her without being burned... then she would have a reliable ally. But that power in Charlotte has a price, becoming a pariah.

A sun is always by itself, nothing can touch it. But Hoa is the same too, she possesses the power to control energy, not just fire or electricity, but all types of energy. She could suck someone dry of their bioelectricity in an instant if she wanted to.

Being such a rare kind of Vampire... if she were to move to Romania, she would surely be welcomed by the Vampire kind. She may be well off in Vietnam, but not indulging in her desire to suck lifeforce is slowly killing her from the inside.

So Hoa approached Charlotte, standing right next to her without speaking.

"So, you don't want to run away anymore~", the girl mused.

"No, not this time.", she replied with a neutral tone, "You were just very forceful so I ran."

"I know~ you are my friend after all!", she laughed, turning to Hoa, "You are my first friend, I don't have many friends so I must cherish you and... make you mine."

Hoa winced at the last comment, "You are very possessive, aren't you."

Charlotte nodded, rocking her body back and forth, "I am, since with my personality, not many people like to be with me for long."

"I can see that... so, to make up for yesterday...", Hoa leaned in closer to Charlotte, whispering to her, "Can I suck your blood?"

"Sure~", she nonchalantly answered.

"Thanks.", Hoa smiled, feeling she accomplished something, "After this is over... can you come over to my place?"

"Of course I can~", Charlotte laughed, happy that she could go over to a friend's place. At least that is what Hoa thinks.

Little did she know, Charlotte was doing something simply known as... Manipulation.

Since I am now mad with the power of AI generation, here, have Hoa's visual design

Don't look too close because AI still can't draw hands

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