Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Second Test – Resolution

Everything went along nicely with me out of the way, and no more brutal injuries. Plus, the Anima Pactum ended as I was watching.

It was another weird one, making me all hyperactive and all. And I'm experiencing some cravings from the drugs that were in my body.


Tingling and all. But it'll wash out of my system sooner or later. Now, Albert is standing on the podium once again, giving a speech. Not that I was listening much, just stalking Hoa as she talk to others.

Well, she was unfortunate enough to fight Vlad. Though she did make a valiant effort to get close to him to try and suck his energy out. Shame those pikes are more than meets the eyes.

"...And I would like to welcome our best-performed student! Charlotte Silvi!!"

Oh, he called me. I stood up from my spot, and went along the way... damn, the arena is fixing itself as I go.

I made my way up the podium, smiling like I always has.

"Hello everyone, my name is Charlotte Silvi. First of all, before I speak whatever is on my mind I would like to apologize to you all."

Many people wore shocked expressions on their faces. Well, I did just act like a lunatic and be crazy after all.

"You see, I didn't have much control of myself and acted the way I wanted to for the most part.", I was being very selfish, more than I usually would, "I would also like to extend my apology to Miss Orin, for being so brutal."

"I'll have that message delivered.", the other female teacher responded, "The name's Li Joowun."

"Thank you.", I nodded and send Joowun off.

"Now, what do I have on my mind? Well, I will dominate each and every one of you, the top spots are for and only for me. If you want it then... Molon Labe (Come and Take them)"

Yup, those bewildered expression is what I was looking forward to.

"That is all, goodbye~", I wave and then walk down the podium.

Then I noticed someone was badmouthing me.

"Well, I guess I beat her in heig—", I swiped his legs, making him fall down before he could finish his sentence.

"You what's good about being short?", my azure gaze made him shrink, cowering in fear, "It is much more satisfying to bring someone down below me."

Hoa came quickly and break up the situation, holding her hand to my chest with the slightest of touch. She tries not to provoke me, what a good friend.

"Jax, are you alright?", she asked him, then offered her hand to help him up.

Oooh, I can see her siphoning off some of his bioenergy.

"Thanks, Hoa.", he smiles, then he shot a glare at me, "That was uncalled for!"

"No? You were clearly badmouthing me, so I obeyed my first instinct of bringing you down off your high horse.", I smile, "You can challenge me anytime, I will prove with my talent alone."

That talent is being the entirety of humanity in one person - me.

"As I introduced before, Charlotte Silvi. I got an Epithet from Abigail Sillarco, The Silver Princess.", I gave him a pat on the back, "I hope you don't disappoint me."

"I'll go check on her.", Hoa said to the boy, "She might be very violent but deep down, she's a good person."

Yeah... I would like to argue against that. But I had enough drama for today.

Oh, am I still a bad person?





Good to know... good to know...

Hoa ran over to me, walking beside me as I made it back to my seat. We watch as Albert gives his speech again, are all Beast Hunters this thorough?

"Don't take insults to heart, they just don't know you.", she tries to comfort me.

"I know, but what I said was true.", plus, I don't take people's words seriously enough, I just want to start drama for the fun of it.

"If you say so... just don't cause too much trouble.", she sighed, sitting down next to me, "Even if I can absorb energy from the sun, standing around all day is tiring."

More or less, Hoa knew about me knowing her being an Energy Vampire. But I think I'm the figurative Energy Vampire in this relationship.

"I give you permission to... rest on my lap.", I look at her.

She gave me a weird look. To which I pointed at the Gemini duo, the girl is sitting on the boy's lap to not get herself dirty.

"No.", she sternly said.

"By the way, who are those two?", I was talking about the Gemini duo.

"The girl's Alpharion and the boy's Omegius."

Those names sound incredibly fake— Wait. Fake names... sounds fake...

"I have a phone call to make, so could you wait here for a bit?", I stood up and walked away.

"Of course, I will be waiting.", she smiles.

She suddenly warmed up to me a few minutes ago, I think. Or it might be Stockholm Syndrome. My existence stressed her out too much to the point she viewed me as someone she could trust.

Anyway, I got to an empty spot, then I held my hand out, "Enna, my phone."

From the sky, my phone dropped down and I caught it. I quickly dialed Issac's phone number...

[Hello? Charlotte? It's almost my bedtime...]

He sounds sleepy. Ah, right. It's supposed to be nighttime over there in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Alpharion, Omegius.", I spoke their names.

[Oh... yeah, they are our agents. What about them?]

"They are in Ataraxia."

[Philip might've sent them there to look into Ataraxia, looking into the Principal and all. Hmm... this is good, can you pull the attention away from them for the time being?]

"Already doing it, all eyes are on me."

[Good, and thank you, Charlotte.]

"Nothing I couldn't do by myself. Also, when my next mission comes around, I hope it could be a solo mission.", since I don't work well in a team.

[I'll look into that, I guess you could help Juju and Kawl in the workshop for the time being. You might learn something interesting.]

"I'll think about it. And thank you for your time, Director. Goodnight."

[Hope you have a good day.]

And I ended the call there.

So, Alpharion and Omegius are a part of Babel and are also Greek from the look of it. I'm here to learn and they are here to investigate the Principal, our objectives are different so our paths wouldn't cross that much.

Well, I guess I would need to look out for them. The Principal is dangerous in my opinion.

I went back to Hoa, sitting in our little space.

"Who did you call?", she curiously asked.

"No one in particular, just someone who manages my channel.", I made up a story in quick succession. Lying is the best skill of humanity after all.

"I thought you did everything on your own...", she seem disappointed for some reason.

"Well, I do have a moderator, Connie.", but in truth, I just do everything on my own.

"Connie? I don't see them..."

"Well, he usually is quiet and doesn't talk much. He mainly focuses on banning people who are toxic.", I just do it by myself.

I just made the throwaway name Constantine two days ago after all. Since it was also a name given to me by Nyarlatothep, I don't really need to worry about it being exposed. Mitsuki might find it familiar, but where can you find a cross-dressing boy with silver hair?

You can't just point at a Greek and claim they're part of a mercenary organization. That's just plain racist.

"My channel just got so big, I actually need people to help me.", well, I don't but my craving for misunderstanding is growing after my craving for drama ended.

"So even you have a limit.", she looks up to the sky, directly at the sun.

"I'm just being lazy. I can do anything because I'm just that amazing~ ohh, the drugs are still in my system.", I look at my shaking hands.

"Drugs? Are you...", she narrowed her eyes.

"It's the effects of my Devil, there are a lot of drugs in me created by it, for my own growth and all.", I touched my chest, massaging them... they have grown bigger after I used Euphoria's Anima Pactum...


I smile at this minor victory. But then I remember I'm still short... dammit.

"...And I hope you enjoy your time here in Ataraxia!", Albert finished his speech and stepped down.

This means we are good to go.

"Come on now, we are going.", like before, I dragged her with me.

We made our way out first, and quickly to get to my sportbike— But Hoa held me back. What does she want now? I turned back to her... her eyes are now a burning crimson red... interesting.

"Can we go to the restroom real quick?", she asked with an odd determination.

"Sure.", I was quick to agree, following her into the main building.

Like yesterday, there are students wandering about, readying for their next class, or going home. It's noon after all.

To everyone around, we are just two friends running in the hallway. A normal life... that sounds nice.

But I don't want a normal life, I want excitement. I want to be human, to play, to have fun. To have my never-ending climax.

Huh, drugs are still in my system.

Hoa dragged me into the restroom... and into a stall, both of us. I just smile as her breath becomes heavier.

"What... are you...", she glares at me.

Ah, she was consuming my bioenergy for a while now. So... she's drunk?

"I am a human.", I spoke to her the truth.

"But... you have so... so much energy...", her eyes narrowed, "You should at least feel... tired."

Girl, with Euphoria granting me unlimited energy, I think I can power the entire world. To prove my point, I covered her mouth with my right hand, then we switch positions, making her sit on the toilet cover...

"I am just that amazing, my dear friend.", I didn't let her speak, instead, I put my fingers into her mouth. My index, then the middle, the ring, and finally my pinky.

I feel the wetness inside her mouth, her tongue... is quite firm, licking my hand whether she wanted to or not, hmm... her throat is soft...

"Hoa, bite my hand.", I commanded.

Unable to resist my temptation, Hoa pierced my hand with her upper fangs, drawing blood... yesh... drink...

Her eyes began to shake, unfocused, and some laughs escaped from her. So adorable... my friend— oh... uh... my blood still has drugs in them.

I pulled my hand out, covered in a mixture of her saliva and my own blood. Two holes pierced right through my hand and is still bleeding... I can see my broken bones...

"Hope.", I called out.

The golden liquid of salvation covered my hand, healing it instantly. My azure gaze observe her, she was having minor spasms, and I can feel heat radiating off of her body then and now. I held her hand, keeping her form stable.

"Charlotte...", she smiles with an unfocused gaze, "Your blood... amazing..."

"I know my blood is amazing.", I lifted her chin up with my hand, looking directly at her, "Can you stand?"

"N...No...", she whimpered, smiling in agony.

"Then rest for a bit, I'm sure nobody is going to bother two girls inside a stall..."

I jinxed it, hard. I sensed some girls just went in. Oh, and one of them noticed me...

"Who's in there.", her voice was stern and cautious.

Well, this is awkward.

"Charlotte Silvi.", I spoke my name.

"And who is with you?"

"That is none of your concern. She just had a very... delightful moment.", I spin my tale, with a passive-aggressive tone..., "Ah, and don't open the door. Or else I might break your spine."

I put a lot more hostility onto that last part. Ah, there was a loud thud, seems like my bloodlust was just a bit too much for her.

Fine with me though.

"D-Don't joke around like that!", ah~ fear, what a nice smell.

"I don't threaten people or joke about breaking bones... I make promises.", and I opened the door, staring down at the blond girl... who is about 18 years old, "Oh, would you look at that. The door opened."

More and more, I let my oppressive aura consume the restroom. They look as if they were fighting for their lives... there is a joke somewhere here, but I just can't see it.

"S-Sorry—", ah, there she goes, running off.

"Oh, call Vlad for me.", I told the others, "You see, my friend in there is a Vampire..."

A girl got it right away, unbothered by my aura no longer, and went ahead to fetch Vlad.

Well, I suppose I could wait a bit longer...

Lewd scene: check


Also, if you think no way any student here can beat Charlotte, that's the point. She is just too fucking good.

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