Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Little lessons

I carried Hoa to the infirmary, placing her in the dark corner. Something about absorbing too much sunlight.

"How much did she drink?", Vlad asked me, clearly annoyed.

"A lot.", I casually replied, "So... is she drunk?"

"Blood drunk? Yes, she is. Consuming too much blood will lead to it, and depends on the quality of the blood too. Say, which blood type are you?"

"AB-Positive the last time I checked. Does blood have different tastes based on types?", I'm actually AB-Negative but what's the difference?

Vlad nodded, "Of course, it does. O-type blood is usually more flavorful and the other types, you would have to factor in the diet of the donor and the bloodline. As a noble or something, I don't really care, I have some private donors that are specifically chosen—"

I stopped his enthusiastic speech with a glare, "Don't get into your life's story. I just want to know if my blood is really that delicious?"

Vlad rolled his eyes, annoyed that his enthusiasm got cut short, "AB-types are hit or miss, Positive taste good to some and terrible to most, Negative is whooole other fucking can of worms."

So AB-Negative is different and special. A smile formed on my face. I am special... good.

"Thank you for your explanation, Vlad. I'll be heading back to my place now.", I stood up from my seat.

"Don't call me Vlad, my current name is Alucard. Remember it properly next time.", he warned me with a stern and hostile gaze.

He will be my teacher so should I respect his wishes? The answer is no, I don't respect anyone but myself.

But I shouldn't be rude here, "Whatever keep you asleep at night."

"Bitch, I only sleep on Sunday and in the morning.", he huffed, before turning back to Hoa.

I walked out, glancing back at Hoa for one last time. I like her, she is fun.

Though this whole Academy business got me thinking. Aren't these Gem Holder Academies too flimsy? As if they are constantly crossing their finger hoping one wouldn't go berserk.

There are only four Gem Holder Academies in the world, with Ataraxia being the top because of the high level of security and prison that can keep most Gem Holders in. It also has the lowest case of takeovers.

Libertas being the worst because... Seria is one of the sponsors for the academy. Since she's very influential, her words have a lot of weight. Her policy of "Freedom above All" makes Libertas no different from a simulated world with different factions. Guess she didn't want me to ruin the system because of my independent nature.

The other two Academies, on the other hand, are quite normal compared to a glorified prison and a world simulator.

Aequilibrium Academy of Mongolia is the second best, due to being flexible in security and lacking the strictness Ataraxia has. But you need to pay intuition unlike Ataraxia, which you only need to cover the basic living expenses like housing and food, most faculty members here are volunteers too.

That would explain why the First Vampire Lord is here, he just wants to kill time due to being immortal.

And the last one, Lux Academy based in Ireland. With the Headmaster being Setana Uvrid, the Gem Holder of Cú Chulainn, known far and wide for being closer to a booth camp than a place for learning. If I did go there, I could only imagine myself having a bloody battle with the Headmaster on the first day. That would be fun.

Babel picked the best place for me, in my opinion. This place helps me not to use my overwhelming strength, but my overwhelming wits. Here I have to use my words more than my muscle, I really cannot wait to flip this place upside down...

It will be fun! My never ending climax— oops, some drugs are still in my system.




Heading back to the safe house, Juju came and greeted me again... with a different appearance. He doesn't look like a ghoul half dead anymore, or bald, he looks like one of those K-pop idols...

"Hello, Princess. Welcome back.", he greeted me with a courtly bow.

"Hello, Juju... can I come in?", I decided against asking questions.

"Of course, our home is also your home. Come in.", the door opened.

As I went in, a thought crosses my mind. A thought about... family. I don't have a real family... Seria adopted me because I am interesting, there is no way she would just take me in out of the kindness of her own heart.

We are here for you~

Thanks, Reverie...

The noise of the machines dragged me out of my thoughts, making me look around. Still the cold, efficient, lifeless machines I always know.

The line between machine and life is something that can never be crossed. To replace body parts with machine and iron... it's frankly disgusting.

"Hello again, Princess.", Kawl approached me.

"Hello again, Kawl. I want to check out the workshop, the Director said I could come by and help you with your work."

The cyborg nodded, "Then come with me. I want you to see this utility tool I've been developing."

"Lead the way."

I followed him deeper into the workshop, past the conveyor belts with the parcels. I don't know what they are for but I can tell they are for Babel.

On our way, I encountered various weapons. Guns took up the most space, each one is carefully polished and maintained to the point of practically being freshly out of the factory.

I spotted the humble and old musket, produced all the way during the American Revolution. Antique collectors would kill to get it. I won't because I can replicate my own. What's so good about the original when I can just make the exact same thing? Is a fake really a fake if it is identical to the original?

Anyway, we got to Kawl's workshop. It was full of wires and machinery, a lot of power tools that he can connect with his cyborg body.

On the big table, about four meters in length and two in width, there is a metal gray right-handed gauntlet. It's bigger than my hand... there seem to be six empty spots that fit perfectly for gems.

"This is the Infinity Arm.", he proudly introduced it.

"Not Gauntlet?", I asked since this would just fit the size of his hand.

"That's copyrighted, Nyarla told me something about interdimensional lawyers that worked for a company named Disney.", Kawl explained, picking the gauntlet up, "One of the properties of this is the power to house multiple Gems and to use their abilities."

"But how will you obtain them?"

"I hope you could give me an answer to that.", he turned towards me, looking at me with his glowing bionic eyes.

Gems are hard to come by since there is a limit to their appearance. And they appear randomly but can be found in their respective region in most cases. Like how Greek gods and heroes can be found in Greece. And Hindu gods appear in India - also the reason why two third of India is uninhabited. With the exception being Conceptual and Eldritch.

Conceptuals appear randomly and are very rare. I'm special though.

While Eldritch Gem Holders appear seemingly out of nowhere, they are confirmed to have a connection to the Eldritch Gods outside of the Oort Cloud. That was also how we, Babel, discovered there is life outside of our solar system. 

Eldritch Gem Holder is an interesting topic, but that's not what I'm here for.

There is a rule that all Gem Holders instinctively know, one person can only obtain one Gem in their lifetime. Because all other Gems become invisible to them.

Me? I am just built differently.

To obtain one Gem is one thing, but to transport them is another can of worms... after touching one, they bonded instantly and go into an inactive state.

But I do have a solution.

"How much are you willing to go in order to complete your project?", I asked with a cryptic tone.

"...", he narrowed his still human eyelids, "What are you getting at."

If what I saw back then was true...

"I know something that can help you. But they are an enemy of mankind."

The air got tense all of a sudden, and now Kawl gaze at me with glowing red eyes expressing his hostility. 

"What are you implying, Silver Princess?"

"I said what I mean, and I mean what I said. I'm talking about the Records of Beast, Pan."

Suddenly, the mood became more casual.

"Huh, then that's fine.", he went back to fiddling with the gauntlet, "If it was an Eldritch then it would be a problem."

"Me asking an Eldritch for help? Not happening. I'm racist."

Even with a breathing mask covering his face, I know his jaw just dropped. Does he even have a jaw at all?

"People don't go around calling themselves racist.", he pointed it out.

To which, I tilted my head with a sly smile, "I'm racist towards anything that isn't human. Entities outside of the Oort Cloud? Screw them."

"Hmm, then could you ask Pan to find me some Gems?"

"I'll try.", but I'm pretty sure Charles won't help anyone else but me, "So what can I do to help now?"

"Take a look if you can find something to improve upon.", he gave me the gauntlet.

I take a look at it... hmm, I can see that this can be improved upon. A lot of Runes are craved in the main components. I pulled it apart, looking at the inside... I immediately spot a problem.

"The engine is... of Fae origin.", I glanced up at Kawl, "You know Fae technology doesn't work too well with steel, right?"

"Huh, I thought I made sure to make the majority of the core out of iron and copper.", he took it back to take a look, "My scans don't show anything significant... hmm... I'll see what I can do."

He put it back together, "Thank you for your time, Charlotte."

I was about to leave but I spotted... something. I wanted to check it out, but Kawl suddenly called me.

"A-Ah! About your new place to stay, the owner wanted to discuss th-the ownership transfer. Are you free on Sunday?", he was very quick to catch my attention.

What is he hiding?

"Hmm, okay."

And I left to find another place to sleep since I made the bad call of leaving the hotel... I'm pretty much homeless. Plus, I don't like this place. I feel like they are hiding something from me...

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