Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

A place to stay

Being homeless isn't that bad for me, since I have my sportbike and Enna with me. Also Charles.

"Charles, would you do me a favor?", I asked the open space.

My cat appeared on my shoulder the next second, staring at me with its blue eyes.

"Only if you do one thing in return."

Dealing with a hivemind formed of the entire animal kingdom? What's the worst that could happen?

"Can you get me six Gems, like the one that you gave the Magnum Opus?", I asked, while scratching their chin.

"That can be done."

Then a raven flew around me, I held my hand out for it to land on my arm.


"What?", I didn't expect that.

"We want whales.", the cat answered.

"Opus gave us insight."

Then more birds landed on my arm.

"Whales are smart."

"We cannot reach them."

"Kill the King of Crustacean."

"Moby Dick."

"So we can make them join."





"We want whales."

"Give us whales."

I can only sigh, "I'll see what I can do."

Then the animals scattered, going back to do whatever they were doing. My gaze returned to the cat, staring at them as they stare back at me.

"You like doing that, don't you.", it was not a question, I just know it. They enjoy talking with different mouths...

The cat just purred and hopped off my shoulder. Back to my silent night ride, it was peaceful because this city have a curfew time ever since the serial killer case.

Rules are made to be broken, so I broke them.

Though I think I should be more... serious about finding a place to stay, it's still Wednesday... hmm...

I think I should go to Ataraxia for one of their dorms. So I revved up my sportbike, going full speed for the first time in a while.

Ah~ this is what I live for! Danger! Speed! And property damage!!



"Sooo... you broke curfew and drove over the speed limit?", Sylas the gate guard looked at me.

"Yes.", I nodded, looking at the police car that stopped right in front of the gate.

"Why...", he narrowed his eyes, then let out a tired sigh.

"I'm homeless.", I get to the point straight away.

"I thought you were...", he backed away as he saw my fingers twitching. Good eyes.

"Hotel kicked me out. So is there an available dorm room?", my gaze turned towards the two dome dorms... dammit, John Titor.

"I'll inform Marina, so wait a moment."

Might as well listen in since I don't have anything to do...

"Yes, Marina. This is Sylas, is there any empty spot?"

[Yes... Mitsuki's room only has her and a new student... who is requesting?]

Mitsuki huh... really, destiny really brought us together.

"Her name is Charlotte Silvi."

[Let me check... hold on for a moment... ah, I found her... yup, Mitsuki would do for now.]

"Would you mind helping her to Mitsuki's room?"

[Of course.]

"Okay, kid. Marina will me—", Slyas turned towards me, but I'm already halfway there.

Guess he didn't account for my top-of-the-line hearing ability.

"Hah... kids these days, so impatient.", and with that, he returned to his guard duty.

What can I say? I'm just a fast walker.

Ah, I almost forgot.

"Enna, red and blue.", I called out.

From the sky, two suitcases dropped down, which I caught with my hands and spin around diverting the momentum. The red one has my casual clothes and the blue one has my indoor clothes, which also has my laptop and other electronics.

Anyway, the dorm is huge, dome shape which is really odd but I guess that's for preventing the rain from getting inside. From Survive, I can tell it has four floors, and from the information I got from Slyas... there must at least be 176 rooms.

I went to the entrance, which is pretty bare compared to the main building. And waiting for me at the front is the dorm lady... she has a bob cut for her brown hair and round glasses, her dress was... very normal.

"Hello, you must be Charlotte Silvi, the Silver Princess and Gem Holder of Survive, the Will of Survival.", she greeted me kindly, "I am Marina Abinur, Gem Holder of Mary Seacole."

I nodded, "Hello, and can you show me my room?"

She turned around and lead the way. 

Inside, I could see the various rooms lining the walls... 369 rooms... If anything, my research showed The Count of Saint-Germain was a massive prankster.

In the middle is a park, likely the lounging area. There is also a massive statue of a dragon sleeping— no, that there is a real, living, and breathing dragon! 

"Why is there a dragon here?", I pointed at the asphalt white dragon.

"Oh, don't worry about him. He's just the White Dragon of Saxon, nothing to worry about.", she let out an amused laugh, "Want to know his story?"


"Hmm, if I remember correctly, as Novah was being built, they found him sleeping inside the dead volcano. Something about the Sentinel of the West Coast having an all-out fistfight with the dragon. One thing leads to another, the dragon now protects Mu."

So that's where the astral projection of that blue dragon came from. Still, brawling with a dragon is pretty funny. I snickered, wouldn't expect anything less from Seria.

"He help me with the kitchen, who knew a dragon can be a very good chef. Ah, if you are uncomfortable then I'm sorry, the boys over in the other dorm would challenge him to fight every other day so he got annoyed and moved here to sleep. Don't worry, you will get used to him very soon."

You should be more concerned about me challenging him to a fight, I'm Seria's adopted daughter after all.

"Ah, we are here."

We stopped at room 044, the door is made out of steel... I touched the wall... the walls are made out of reinforced concrete with a steel frame. Glad it's not those flimsy American drywall.

Marina knocked on the door.

"Coming!!", I recognize that voice anywhere.

Opening the door was the familiar blue hair swordswoman, wearing blue pajamas with snowflake patterns.

"Hello, Mitsuki. I see you are still awake.", Marina said with a calm voice.

"Of course! I'm so full of energy! I can't wait to see my results!!", then her frosty eyes landed on me, "Silver Royal!! You are here!"

"Hello, Mitsuki. Glad to see you are doing well."

She tried to hug me, but I dodged out of the way right at the last second.

"It's really you—", she tensed up and shut her mouth, her eyes glanced back at Marina who still has her smile but... I can feel her annoyance.

"Mitsuki, I know you are happy to see someone familiar, but please keep your voice down. Some are trying to sleep.", her voice was still kind and welcoming, but the undertone of frustration is clear.

"Y-Yes...", her mood was destroyed, "P-Please come in."

I went in and... I smile.

"Oh fuck, not again.", it was Hoa! My dearest of friend. She was reading a book while sitting on her bed.

"So, how was my blood?", I asked directly.

Hoa just gave me a blank stare, clearly she doesn't remember much. Was my blood that good?

"What are you guys talking about?", Mitsuki closed the door, returning to her energetic self again.

"Well, Hoa is my friend. Just asking how has she been.", I explained, smiling still, "But I think you can be my friend too, if you would like."

That was not a question, it was a command.

"I would be glad!", she tried to hug me again, and again, I dodged out of the way. Yet her optimism still didn't die down, "Let us three have a drink under the blossom tree! Swear an oath for us to be eternal allies till the Shinigami comes!"

Ah, I forgot, she's very traditional.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into...", Hoa facepalmed, sighing.

Putting Mitsuki aside for now, letting her monologue in peace, I look at the room. It was pretty large with two very fancy bunk beds, four tables and chairs, but they are on wheels so it was easy to move them around if needed.

The closets are a part of the bunk bed, with a tray of magnetic letters to tell which closets belonged to whom. Mitsuki has 'OM' for 'Okita Mitsuki'. Hoa has 'PXH' for 'Phạm Xích Hoa'. They share the same bunk bed so I will take the other one.

So I shuffle through the tray, taking the letter 'C' and 'S' in silver color to mark mine. 'CS' for Charlotte Silvi.

Taking out my laptop, I threw it onto the top bed. I'm having the top spot no matter what.

While Mitsuki was still on her tangent, I stripped myself. I haven't showered in a day already. For some reason, the two gawked at me.

"What? Never see another girl naked?", I teased them, then I spin around showing off my body, "Since you won't be able to see anything like this ever, feast your eyes."

"Stop that! How shameless can you be?!", Hoa yelled at me, which just make me more appreciative of her.

While Mitsuki has a different reaction, her eyes zeroed in on the eight-pointed stars on my shoulders.

"Akasha... Akashic...", she muttered.

"My body is beautiful, I know. You don't have to gawk that must.", I kept on with my tease, "I think I might get shy~"

"Charlotte, we all know you are shameless as fuck. You being shy isn't even on the list of what I expected of you.", Hoa crossed her arms, "But what are those markings?"

"Ah, you mean the Compass Roses, it's my symbol. They appeared on me when my Devil awakened, nothing to worry about."

The Compass Rose is what I have chosen for the eight-pointed stars on my shoulder. Not the Star of Chaos, not the Eight-Pointed Star...

"You don't really need to think too deeply, these are just my identification... just this once, I will let you touch them."

Between hesitation and curiosity, their curiosity won. Mitsuki touched my left and Hoa came for my right. As expected, Mitsuki is cold with her touch while Hoa is hot with all of that energy inside.

"This is really skin... not a tattoo. So strange.", Hoa commented.

"Said the girl who loves to suck—"

She put her hand on my mouth before I even finished speaking. I let her, because teasing isn't a one-sided affair, she needs to lash back for it to be fun.

"Don't disgrace me.", she spoke with a stern expression and burning eyes, "And don't put things out of context."

Hoa is fun.

Meanwhile, Mitsuki kept on touching me without a word.

"You are warm...", she looks at me with expectant eyes, "Can I hug you."

I kept on smiling and replied, "Of course not. I don't like people touching me, it makes me want to break their spine."

"Then... can I fight you?", Mitsuki was beaming a smile.

"I welcome the challenge.", my smile grew wider and my gaze became more intense.

Then I shook them off, "I'll take a shower and probably do some streaming before going to sleep."

And I headed to the bathroom.

Yes, Charlotte did forget about Enna. The Fallen Angel is homeless.

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