Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Silver Princess vs Blade of Winter

Entering one of the gymnasiums, I take out my phone to check the to-do list...

Hunting Moby Dick... Streaming... Distracting the Principal... and fighting Mitsuki.

I'm doing the last thing on my list today. And I'm only checking out my to-do list because it makes me look arrogant.

After yesterday, I became infamous so many people came to check me out. And I'm fighting— no, the correct term is sparing with Mitsuki.

Just some friendly competition~

People are watching me, that's good. Though most people here support Mitsuki and not me.

That will change, soon...

"Oh, Rick!", Mitsuki waved at the announcer.

Yes, there is even an announcer for this fight. Three judges who are all students... no teacher or faculty member too.

This is weird.

"WEEEELCOME EVERYBODY!! Today we have a match between the academy's very own mascot, the swordswoman who is as cold as ice, but her smile is like a sunray that warms everyone's heart!! OKIIITAAAA MITSUKI!!!!"

He waved over to Mitsuki, who is on the right of the announcer.

"And the girl who came in like a meteor!! Shocking everyone, not just with her raw destructive power, but also her haughty nature fitting for a princess!! CHAAARLOTTE SIILVI!!!!!"

He waved over to me, to which I threw my phone away, letting Enna catch it. Oh, Enna is also here.

I smile, "Let's see if you can bring me down from the top, Mitsuki."

"It is an honor!!", she unsheathed her ice katana.

Ah... this feels familiar.

"Enna, my gun.", I waved my hand, commanding my maid... no, she's wearing casual clothes now.

Mitsuki widened her eyes, completely focused on my gun. She recognized it, and her gaze became sharp with the intent to kill.

"Now, as per the rules! The battle is decided upon who hits their opponent first! Now, of course, it wouldn't be fair for Mitsuki, Charlotte is using a gun! Which is illegal, mind you! So we change the rules a bit, Charlotte has to hit Mitsuki three times for it to be a victory—"

Oh, Justice's condition is satisfied...

"Enna, here.", I threw the gun back at Enna, then I cracked my knuckles with a wide smile, "I'll do it my favorite way."

"Charlotte! Can you inform us why did you choose your fist now?", the announcer asked, pointing the microphone over to me.

"It's simple, really.", I shrugged, "I just want to feel her blood running down my hands."

"What could you mean by that?! Please, give us your answer!!", Rick leaned over, excited to hear my answer.

Now, I could just make it seem like I was joking, speaking facts, or...

"I will rip her heart out of her cold body.", I pointed over to Mitsuki, "You are one of my fans, correct? Then you must know me, your heart already belonged to me. It is my right to take what is mine."

I gave her a wink, knocking away the killing intent and sending her into a flurry of blushes.

"For you, I will go all out."

"Oooh?! Is this a CONFESSION?! On the third day here, Charlotte Silvi has made our dense girl a maiden in LOVE!!"

I watch the reaction of the students, they are all excited, gossiping about what looks to be a confession.

But these words have double meanings.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Ruler of the World.", Justice mist seeped out of my body, forming a pair of dark blue wings from behind me.

"OOOOH!!! AN ANIMA PACTUM! She really is going all out!!", the announcer spoke with much-needed excitement.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity.", the wings folded, enveloping me...

"You who represent Human's Survival, burning away the Hardship of Mankind."

The wings lost their form, slowly disappearing as they returned to my body. Circuit lines appear all over my body, not just my face now...

"The Forever burning Torch of Instinct."

Then it finally hit... my emotions... gone. Poof, just like that, no more unnecessary thought.

"May the Flame shine Eternally."

A mask made of the very same Justice Mist covered my face, the mask of the Eight-Pointed Star.

"Anima Pactum...", my voice became quiet like a whisper, "Akashic... Survive..."

The announcer stopped speaking, only staring at me with wide eyes. While Mitsuki was on the side... she was terrified, horror filled her face.

She wanted to run, but something was holding her back - me. When humans face danger, their fight or flight instinct is triggered, but when an unknown yet powerful force comes... you can't help but stare.

When you stare into the abyss, it stares back at you.

My steps were quiet, deadly so. Mitsuki was shaking, even still she still held her katana still. The conviction of a student of the blade.

I want to break it.

Now, I am standing right in front of her. She's higher than me still.

She swung her blade downward, to which I dodged to the right. She tried to kick me, yet again I only took a step back to avoid it.

Ah. This isn't Mitsuki herself, this is her self-preservation nature acting up.

I chopped her hands, making an even impact by letting her drop her sword. Then before she could react or come back to her senses, I got close to her.

"Boop.", I touched her nose. That makes one.

"Boop.", I touched her lips. Two.

"Boop.", I touched her chest. And three.

She looks at me with a bewildered expression, "Huh...?"

The mask dissolved back into my body as I ended my Anima Pactum.

"It's my victory, Mitsuki.", I smiled then gave her another boop on her chest, "Your heart is mine~"

Ah, the announcer had composed himself.

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER!! Swift and precise! Charlotte Silvi, the Vtuber who came into our academy like a meteor, who wrecked the whole Colesseum by herself! She has shown us a new side of her! She could be like a shining star who attracts others with her brightness, and now... a predator who draws people in through fear! Let us welcome our new Queen of Terror!!"

Wait what? Queen of Terror? Huh, I expected to be feared but to receive that title as if it was an honor to... 

Why are people cheering me? That sounds like something that would make me a large target... how about I paint myself a bigger one.

"Rick.", I spoke his name, making the whole place go quiet, trying to listen to my words, "That title, Queen of Terror. What is it about?"

"Err... um...", he fumbled after meeting my azure gaze, "It's to symbolize the strongest student in the academy—"

"Really? Then I reject that title.", I held my hand out, "Enna, phone."

As expected, Enna threw the phone over to me.

I dialed that woman's phone number. Of course, she picked it up instantly.

[What is it, Charlotte~]

"Can you come to my location for a sec?"

[Aww~ look at you! Knowing how to use shortened words! Sniff~ you have grown! It was like yesterday when you were just an emotionless deranged girl!]

"Is that a yes or a no?", I tapped my foot.

"Relax~ I'm here!", Seria appeared next to me. Mitsuki backed off instantly after sensing how dangerous she is.

Well, she's wearing her military uniform so that's to be expected.

"This person is the one who gave me my Epithet, Silver Princess of Humanity. As you all know, her name is Abigail Sillarco. Also known as my adopted mother."

"Upgraded from guardian to adopted mother! Yay~", she found this to be interesting so she just goes along with that.

"Have this daughter of mine given you trouble? That's good~ she should be free to make her own decisions. Also, did you know Charlotte is very abusive—"

I cut her off by elbowing her hard in the stomach.

"Enna, my gun.", I caught the gun she threw at me, and I pointed it at Seria's stomach.


She fell onto the ground, hugging her stomach in pain. There was a silence... oh, I forgot this isn't America.

"I know I deserved it when I dragged you to Hell for a family trip, but this time it's straight up uncalled for!", she stood up, putting her hands on her hips as if nothing happened, "I know you are a trigger happy bitch, but don't shoot without a warning!"

"Sorry, but your American aura is too strong I actually thought this place was actually the U.S.A."

"This brat! I just wanna gobble you up!", she ruffled my hair. To which I punched her in the stomach.

"Stop that, I need you here to stop them from giving me weird nicknames. Queen of Terror? So unoriginal."

I turned back to the judges, who are ready to get out of their seats and run away.

"Listen here, Ataraxia. I refuse to be known as someone as lowly as a queen. I am the Silver Princess, so refer to me as such."

"A princess is in a lower position than a queen.", someone from the crowd pointed out.

"Look at me.", I pointed at myself, "Do you think I care about actual hierarchy? I do what I want and say what I am—", Seria covered my mouth.

"Alright, Charlotte. You don't need to go over how you are a batshit insane narcissistic bitch for the how many time! Even Athen complains to me now!!", she then turned to the students, "Listen here, children. She's a strongly independent and shameless girl who likes things to go her way, otherwise, she will beat you wherever you are, no matter who you are. Violence is her main method of communication."

She let go of me, so I moved far away from her.

"Just don't call her anything she doesn't wish to become. It's better for your sanity that way~", she clasped her hands, "Oh, and give me back the gun."

"No, it's mine."

"I'll give you something cooler than a holy gun."


I handed her the gun, I will have a new toy... soon. I was getting bored of it for a bit now.

"Thanks, you will receive your stuff by tomorrow, at that place."

Without any words of goodbye, she vanished in a coat of blue flame.

I turned to Mitsuki, who just stare at me with a look of... madness. It seems like I have awakened something inside of her. So it is my duty to put it back to sleep.

"A best of three, is that okay with you?", I spoke to her.

She didn't say a word, going past me to pick up her sword. The air is also getting colder.

"I will also go all out. Let's see if I can kill you... Charlotte.", her tone was very different...

Oh, the floodgate was broken. This should be interesting.


Seria went back to her penthouse, where she was not alone...

Instead, there is a woman pouring a cup of milk for herself. She hums a little tune, dancing around as if this was her place.

Pure red eyes belong to someone who would want the world to burn. Her fiery red and yellow streak mixed in with her short silver wolf cut. 

She wore what looked to be a World War French military uniform with some slight modifications, being it is all silver color with red lines. And the highlight of it all is a scarf made entirely of fire with the Star of Chaos symbol at the end.

Her eyes move like a predator, towards Seria.

"So, what do you want to give her?", Seria asked, opening the fridge to take out a cup of cold coffee.

The other woman smiles deviously, almost making Seria uncomfortable, almost.

"Just giving something specifically made to deal with Romulus~ you don't need to worry about it.", she spoke in a cryptic tone, sliding over to Seria a silver jousting lance engraved with Runic symbols in black, lavender, magenta, gold, azure, dark blue, and red. All blinking in and out of existence as they spiral from the tip to the rest of the body.

"Something from your Vault, I assume?", Seria takes the lance to observe it. then silver roots started to grow from the end of the lance body, followed by the Runic symbols blinking in and out on the roots.

"It's the one you are thinking of, though we had made some modifications to it to kill Romulus.", the woman merely smiled.

"Hmm~ I like it, but isn't it too unoriginal?", she started to swing it around like a toy.

The woman took a sip out of her cup of milk, "I could've given her the Sea People. But that would be too boring~"

She continues after another sip, "This should warn Titor and make him stay away from her too~"

Placing down her glass, a wicked smile bloomed on her, "This should be the time when that happen... the voices would still be there. Damn, I really miss them."

"You don't seem that evil to me. Helping Charlotte go down the correct path and all of that bullshit.", Seria put the lance back on the table, "If you are the incarnation of evil then what does that make me?"

Her words just make the woman giggle, "I am not entirely evil, just the Trailblazer of Evil and Destruction"


Who could this mysterious lady be?

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