Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Us and Them

Arcane symbols are everywhere, from shops to even lamps. Seem like this planet is in some sort of industrial revolution, but magical.

Performers using magic on the street for a penny, and people dressed in leather clothes with glowing faintly magic circles are seen.

I am an Alchemist, and from the few people I interrogated, similar to Earth, it is a dubious subject stuck between arcane and science. Aside from those who can make potions out of herbs, the ability to transmute matter is rarely seen.

As this world's form of Alchemy isn't the same as Earth. The power to influence the world through sheer willpower, which is even more dubious than it already is.

Alchemy is the Magic of Humanity.

Shaping the world is the truth mankind forged from the moment we discovered fire, breaking the first rock to craft tools. The Authority of Humanity.

Yet this world is different, harmony and respect between civilization and nature. Completely different from the survival of the fittest that is Earth.

Yeah... this just put into perspective how much of a death world Earth is.

Nonetheless, for the people who respect the world that granted its blessing, I view them as inferior to humanity. The disconnection is too strong to ignore anyway. So I don't feel anything when I let Reverie and Justice eat them, it's just like swatting away an annoying bug.

I still have two hours left in this place, so I might as well look at what makes this city special... the Grand Library.

Turning my glasses to the maximum, my whole existence was masked away from all eyes.

Just like that, across the busy street, I waltz, humming to my own tune. While I spread my wings and wear my halo of sludge, like a mockery of an Angel. From my Dreams and Mind, a Reverie of Justice is formed. And just like the Righteousness we created, no matter how pristine the concept is... it is the ugliest yet most beautiful thing to be born out of our Malice.

The Grand Library itself is huge, with ten floors differing from the nine major magic schools, and the minor schools for one floor. I can see scholars moving around, discussing in a hushed tone, most of them gathering on the first floor where the minor schools are.

I grabbed a random book... huh, I can't read this. I obviously can understand what other people are saying due to the System, but I can't read the language... interesting.

This place is pretty much useless to me.

I put the book back into its place.

Then I flew up to the shelves, perching like a certain spider man. Observing people fervent in their research... to learn from the past and ascend to the future...

The present connects the past and future, seeing these people so absorbed in their study brings a fond smile to me. They are doing what humans do best, advancing.

Maybe I got too caught up in the moment and decided early. I won't be burning this place down.

But that doesn't mean I won't have fun.

I am the final boss of humanity after all. The Faux Angel of Warfare is what I am currently.

Using my wings, I flew up to the top, going past the scholars to reach the stairs, and going outside to the top.

I flicked my glasses, turning it back into the crown.

I unleash the full span of my wings, which cover the area beneath me in a shadow.

"Listen to me~ O' Children of Order.", I spoke with authority, commanding all to look up at me.

"I am The Silver Princess~ the one that will destroy this world.", I pulled out Galatine, "So entertain me, see if your Magic can go against my..."

This world works on the basis of mana, which doesn't exist in my world, only the World itself was the caster of those miracles. So...

These invisible particles, they are all around me. These matters... I can overtake them, and rewrite them.

As long as there is matter, I can perform my Magic.


I held my hand up, and I conveyed my will, affecting all around me.


The mana particles became visible, and then they turned into chalk, swirling around me like a storm.

"Listen to me and transform."

The particles shake as they begin to dye red.

"Bend logic and change."

I held my hand out to the sky, letting the chalk turn completely into Pure Blood, untainted, belonging to no one, belonging to nothing.

Then they gather in my palm, forming a crimson red gem, shining beautifully. Yet, it is crude, unstable.

But it's notably bigger than the one I made in Libertas, as I was holding back... this one barely fit my palm.

"Inperfectus Opus..."

And I dropped the unstable Philosopher's Stone, letting it crash into the ground. Hmm, tougher than I thought.

"What you have on the ground is an Alchemical Bomb that can wipe this whole city out.", I smiled, "Even I can't disable it, so try and bring it out of the city... hehe... if you dare."

Even I have no idea what would happen.

The people around looked worried, while I flew higher and away, using the calculation of Tsar Bomba as a basis. I don't know if I can run away, Sinclair isn't an accurate example because I don't have rocket dragon wings like her.

Hehe... uncertainty~ it gets me all giggly up!

In the sky, I observe the mayhem happening under me. Crossing my legs while leaning back as if I'm sitting on my throne.

It feels great.

Oh? Someone tried to teleport it away with a teleportation incantation. But it didn't work, instead, the Philosopher's Stone glowed even brighter.

They are definitely in a panic now. This is quite interesting, like the Magnum Opus in Avalon's possession, this one can adapt and evolve. However, since it was made so quickly, the adaptation made it even more unstable, but at the same time, absorbs the information and makes countermeasures much quicker.

So they now know casting magic on it is a bad idea.

Someone tried to pick it up, they immediately flinched and let it go. Hahaha~ the others screamed at them for letting the jewel go. Man, this is fun. Seeing them scramble around to find a solution like rats in a maze!

Someone flew up on a magic circle, getting close to me. Aww, is this game too hard?

I just sneered, "Is my creation too hard for you to solve?"

The mage was a girl with glowing green hair and dressed very fancy.

"You are the Tale End that destroyed the Intertwined Stadium...", she mumbled.

"It was so fun.", I nodded with a smile, "I am a Princess of another World, beyond the Prison of Ice~"

"How can you...", she shook her head, "Nevermind, I won't question a Tale End... but please, what is this sick joke?"

"I am bored and had to...", I glance to the side, seeing a screen warning me not to mention Welt Ealam's existence, "...fulfill a promise. So might as well make full of the situation."

Then I raised Galatine, pointing it at her with a smirk.

"Then why are you here? Did I allow you to fly up to me? No. You are brazen, I give you that. Still, I must punish you.", and I pull the trigger.


She hurriedly flew out of the way, thanks to me just wanting to spook her. Though the barrier is another problem, I just destroy it with just one shot... yeah, it isn't called the Shadow of Excalibur for nothing. Intracite magics break down, I see the Runes and Magic Circles falling apart, with the background music being the screams of the people.

"Kneel.", I command.

Her body betrayed her, forcibly falling down while screaming in terror. And~ splat! She became a puddle of blood.

Still, I don't understand why they won't just bring it outside, is it because the Philosopher's Stone sucks away their vitality? Why don't they just wear gloves?

As if these idiots heard my thoughts, a boy snatched the gem and ran with it, wearing gloves too. Somebody still has a brain~

Let's make this more interesting.

I command the mana around me and conjure up a small imperceptible needle, and I launch it precisely at the gem. The gem cracked, and it began to glow even brighter.

"Hurry up, young man~ save your city~ sacrifice yourself from my Justice~!"

With something like wind magic, he became a blur and moved out of the city.

I held my phone out, turning on the camera, "Utopia."

"[As you Command, Your Highness.]"

From the distance, an artillery shell flew towards the young man. He, unfortunately, dodged it but got caught in the blast, making him tumbling down. Still, he got up quite quickly and got out of the city by running up the wall.

Only to find a hundred or so artillery shells flying at him. Oh? Other mages are protecting him with some sort of grand ritual.

A giant magical barrier formed like a flower, blocking the bombardment. Hah~ this is so beautiful, all of them supporting one person who decided to sacrifice his life for them~

What a nice story. But a happy ending isn't the thing I seek.

I raised my hand to the shield, and I snapped my finger...

If I was actually sent to another world, my signature Magic would be... Anti-Magic, the denial of all things magical, all things cosmic. It all can be comprehended by the human mind.

Like Telsa who brought down the spark of divinity to humanity. Like how the burning blaze of the World became synonymous with humanity's spirit and might. To turn all fantastical things mundane, that is my exclusive Magic.

Hence it is named...

"Phantasmal Denial."

Right in an instant, the barrier shattered as I denied its existence. Without the magic forming it, the salvo hit the man as went about ten meters away from the wall.

And just one, just~ one hit was too much for the Philosopher's Stone to handle. The gem cracked and glowed bright - like a crimson sun. Everyone screamed to get away as far as possible.

Hmm, the calculation from Survive said the amount of energy released would be around... two Tsar Bomba. I waved my hand, erecting a wall made of the Reverie Sludge around the Grand Library, and with another snap, the sludge turned into lead enhanced with Justice.

I did say I won't harm the library, after all. Not sure about the people who became a part of the wall though. Suck to be them I guess.

I tapped the crown, changing it into a pair of sunglasses that block 85% of light, I don't want to go blind here. Crossing my arms to watch a sun being born, a blood-red sun.

The energy from the burst alone vaporized the man, and then the bloody rain and floor began to ignite into the fire, a sea of flame and a hail of embers consumed about half the city, burning everyone alive. For me, I just use my wings to block the rain. Though for the people, since most of the rain is Pure Blood, which are basically unrefined and liquid Philosopher Stones... it has a bad reaction with mana.

Circuits exploded, bringing a carnage made from the melody of the damned. Hehe... this is fun!

I created a sword made of Justice, slicing what seemed to be a magical knight in half.

"You have caused too much carnage, Vile Monster!!", I was surrounded by an army of flying knights.

Hah... did they have to say that? Just to piss me off?

I changed my sunglasses into my crown, to let these fools bear the brunt of my gaze as they shiver.


They flinched and took their sword out, seemingly trying to resist the command. I don't need to learn how to make people kill themselves, because I already know how to do it... kind of.


They all screamed as they impaled themselves with their sword.

Confession makes them remember and experience the pain of the people they wronged, and for most people, that is something most people cannot handle. This weakens their mind and bodies as the coping mechanism tries to work.

As for Retribution... I tugged my fingers, looking up at the sky to see the rain touching the strings, illuminating the intricate webs of puppetry I made. I just puppeteered them to kill themselves in a very complicated way, more than it should've.

Hey, I'm bored here.

Anyway, I think I have enough fun for today. It's time to head back to Utopia and go home.

I flap my wings, leaving the city burning. How they get rid of a twenty-meter-thick wall of lead is beyond me, it isn't my problem.

Still, despite me being a hater I see the beauty of this place. It has only been more than two hours but I think I've grown to appreciate life in another world, as long as they look human enough that is.

It really gives me a chance to reflect on my world, how flawed yet radiant it is... more than five thousand years of recorded history, and even more buried by the river of time. Romulus was trying to preserve humanity, he alone stood as the first bastion against any threat to mankind. Because of him, because of the empire he created, humanity still exists.

I don't inherit his will nor his duty, as it was already inherited by humanity itself. But after visiting this world...

I think I will inherit his spirit, the man whose willpower is the very example of the Indomitable Human Spirit.

"Hereditas Animus."


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