Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

Whale Hunting – Fire

As the explosion goes on, I watch with glee. With Erin containing the explosion with water, everything got redirected into the sky. Now, if it was a dome then the bomb I made could've killed Moby Dick in one hit.

But that would cause a bunch of tsunamis. creating massive casualties. We, Babel Organization, are not about to sacrifice lives for the greater good.

Now~ what should I do?

"Charlotte.", Philip called me out, "Next time used something not so bright."

"You wanted an atomic bomb, correct~? How can a bomb that is both five times hotter than the sun and not be bright at the same time?", I teased.

As the steam cleared, I can only stare in silence as the once white whale charred black as coal... and black tendrils formed it's inside... slowly closing up the wound I just made.

We have five ships, with each ship accompanied by a Gem Holder. The Gemini duo runs around on all ships at the speed of light, activating their protection ability constantly.

Castor the God of Travel. And Pollux the God of Light. Patron deities of sailors and travelers. Pray to them and you shall be protected...

But I won't~ that is not me to seek the gods for help. I am humanity, I am the Akasha after all~

Erin had begun her attacks, creating weapons out of the water and launching them at Moby Dick, cutting off the tendrils one by one...

But this is not enough~

I opened the briefcase, admiring the engineered Lance of the World. Ah, such power to create storms— wrong!

As my Reverie spread out to the lance, it embraces my hand with its spiraling silver tendrils... the black ink of Imagination courses through the gaps of the spiraling lance, awakening all of the black Runes on it.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I pointed Quirinus towards the sky, calling upon a stormy cloud above...

The night sky became darker, blocking out the stars above... their light cannot reach this place now.

I clicked on the communication device in my ear, "Charlotte to Erin, cease your assault. It is my turn now."

[Copy that...], she sounds tired. And her endless barrage of water weapons ended, giving me a clear shot.

"O' Imagination, Paint the World with your Color."

Rain began to pour down, but it was not normal rain. Everything was fine, but not Moby Dick.

It cried out in pain as the rain hit it, melting away the tendrils of the Eldritch God. Heha~ this is the power of Reverie through the World...

Reality Correction... like the Rainbow Serpent of Australia. To revert all abnormality of the World, which includes the visitors and invaders from beyond the Oort Cloud.

Though even in pain, Moby Dick opened its mouth— and came rushing out a tide of unspeakable abominations made of tendrils and maws.

"Beeh!!", one cried out.

"Beeh!!", another followed.

"BEEH!!!", then the rest cried out.

It was a cry of pain, from the rain melting them slowly, but it was also a cry of birth to say they exist... how morbid, how terrible this Eldritch God is. To send newborns to battle, not even the worst of humanity would even do that.

Then the comms went online, to all of us. It was Nyarlathotep.

[To all forces, I have confirmed the identity of this Eldritch God. Amongst the Stars, there is only one Manifestation capable of reproduction. It calls itself The Spawn, coming from the Horsehead Nebula. H.P Lovecraft had recorded it under the name Shub-Niggurath.]

Shub-Niggurath... interesting. So it had turned Moby Dick into a hatchery...

[Our target is no longer Moby Dick. Finish the whale quickly so we can go and find Shub-Niggurath.]

With that last message, Nyarlathotep cut the call...

So it seems like I have to use it after all. I smile, holding my free hand up to the stormy sky.

"Open, Vault of Akasha.", I commanded.

A portal opened right on top of me, pitch black like the color I bore.

"Come, The Barrel made to defeat God, Fallen Starlight."

From the portal, a white sniper rifle dropped down, bearing Runes glowing with power... 

I held onto it with my free left hand, pointing it at Moby Dick... it's horrible seeing it getting consumed by the blobs of tendrils and maws... I glance at Erin on her boat, and Sun on his... they are already attacking. To end this fight quickly. But I can't fire without some ammo...

I exited the Anima Pactum. The rain stopped as soon as I stopped manifesting Reverie... the only way I could use this is...

Yes... of course, of course!!!


Then Philip yelled at me, "Charlotte! The regeneration is faster than before— why did you stop the rain?!"

"Because I have something more to show!! Why haven't I thought of this before?!", truly why!?

"What are you rambling about?!", he glares at me with confusion and panic.

"I am Charlotte Silvi, Master of Mankind!", I showed him a bright and wicked smile.

"Devils of the Void, They who embodied Infinity!", my eyes dilated once again, from their azure color to a red in the shade of blood.

Black flame manifested around me, howling an untainted wild emotion. Yes! Yes!

I didn't join this fight out of pure obligation! I didn't join this just for fun!!

"Trailblazer of Evil and Destruction! The Fire that shall Bring Ruination!!", The black flame turned a bright red, enveloping me in its warm embrace, turning some strands of my hair to bloody red and golden yellow.

I am human, I embody what humanity is! I know what we all are... what we desire most!!

"The Embers of Ambition Alight!!", then a cape of fire formed, covering my left arm.

The true nature of humanity! I didn't do this out of anything special!! Because I follow my instinct!

"All shall Sing the Melody of The End!"

Because this is what I am!! The prospect of killing animals, to show that their mortality is in my hands, even for a brief moment... ah~ so this is how Sinclair felt... I hate it. But it feels so... good...

"Anima Pactum... Akashic..."

The force that drives every human, to do good, to do evil. What the Visitors and Invaders beyond the Oort Cloud wanted to see, what they wanted to experience.

My... humanity's... greatest instinct.


I pointed Quirinus at the whale with a bright smile.

"Now we will dance till you are dead. Follow my lead or be forced to follow it..."

My heartbeats because audible... ah, no... it isn't just audible, it is downright oppressing. Seeing as how Philip was laying on the ground, with bloodshot eyes and his hands on his ears, trying to muffle the sound of my heartbeat. But he cannot.

For the Malice of humanity is capable of penetrating everything.

"This is Charlotte to all... get out of my way, or be destroyed.", my voice travels far and wide.

Then the comms opened once again. This time, it was Issac.

[Do as she says. All units, with the exception of Charlotte, scatter and seek out Shub-Niggurath.]

I hopped off the ship as it backed away quickly. Now... 

"Escalation Level Zero: Beats of Hatred"

My heartbeats set the ocean ablaze, burning the horde of Eldritch Abominations as they endlessly come out. Ah~ it feels so good to let out my emotions, my malicious tune!

Moby Dick rushed at me, still with its mouth opened, attempting to swallow me whole to be devoured by the spawns—

—and I let it consume me, together with the burning spawns. Even being consumed by the Flame of Malice, they still go for me, to eat me, to make get rid of the Akasha...

Eldritch Gods came from the universe, manifestations of Stars and Nebulas alike. The malicious fire of humanity has yet to reach them, yet. As powerful as my flame may be, it is not as effective as it should be against them...

So let this flame becomes a storm of fire.

"Escalation Level One: Melody of Destruction."

Yet again, my fire set ablaze, now they spin around me like a tornado. The flames became faster and faster...

They cut through the creatures like blades cutting through the blades of grass, killing them one by one, either by a thousand cuts or engulfing them in a blazing show.

Yet they kept coming and coming, with no end in sight. So there has to be a weak point of some kind— one where they come from.

With a smile, I expanded the firestorm. And I began to head deeper.

"Escalation Level Two: Path of Ruination."

My feet caught on fire and I ran, leaving a trail of forever-burning fires. I am invincible, nothing can touch me...

With my lance, I slash around, cutting the inside of Moby Dick— revealing black tendrils underneath, squirming as they stitch together— permanently staining the red inside with pulsating darkness.

"Hehahaha~", so I step on the black spots, burning and cauterizing them at the same time.

Deeper and deeper, and the number of the spawns seem to grow, pushing each other into my storm. And they began to breach through it ever so slightly.

That won't do.

"Escalation Level Three: Dance of Annihilation."

I touched the fire at my feet with Quirinus— igniting the lance and it consumes the fire like a glutton. Now the gaps was filled with the red energy of Malice, making the red Runes on it glows a crimson shade.

I thrust the lance forward...

"O' Evil, Consume Everything.", I chanted.

And a beam of spiraling fire launches forward, incinerating everything in its path. The fire of humanity's malice, combined with Quirinus' nature as the Lance of the World... to protect against the influences of the Stars.


"O' Eldritch God from beyond the Oort Cloud, be burned by the evil of Humanity.", I know it could hear me...

I walk forward, going deep inside the charred inside of Moby Dick... who seems to have gone quiet. But it is still alive, I know when I kill something... it brings me endless ecstasy, to prove that I have control over its own mortality.

My firestorm kept the oncoming spawns at bay, the remaining ones anyway. I kept on smiling, waltzing all over and leaving burning footsteps behind.

I feel like I've entered its stomach, where the stomach acid once was... it had been replaced by a mass of black tendrils, writhing and pulsating as if it was alive.

Besides the spawns, I am not alone here.

Standing in front of me is... a black goat with four eyes and four horns, staring at me with its yellow gaze. Shub-Niggurath was here, not anywhere else.

"So you have come, Will of Humanity.", it spoke in a calm yet growling voice.

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