Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

107 - Bouncey_Boss 1

David and Claire stood at the edge of the clearing, the pre-dawn light casting long shadows across the forest floor. The weight of Xi's warning hung heavy in the air between them, an invisible burden that seemed to press down on their shoulders.

"So," Claire rumbled, her massive tail twitching nervously, "Wave Two. That's... that's big, right?"

David nodded, his wings wrapping tightly around himself. "Yeah, it's big. Like, 'fundamentally changing the world as we know it' big."

He paused, trying to articulate the swirling mess of thoughts in his head. "Think about it. Thousands more people suddenly hatching...most of them probably won't have a clue what's happening."

Claire's eyes widened, the implications sinking in. "Oh god, it'll be chaos. Remember how confused and scared we were at first? And we at least had each other. Anyone just hatching now would be totally at the mercy of anyone that found them, especially in the cities. At least the people in Riverport will be safe."

"Exactly," David agreed, his voice grim. "And that's not even considering what Omega and the other Overseers might do to the world itself. For all we know, they could reshape entire continents on a whim."

The Cuddlebugs chittered nervously, picking up on the tension. One of the empowered ones, its rat-like tail wrapped tightly around a nearby branch, fixed David with a stare.

"There's something else," David added, his ears drooping. "All those bonus rewards from Quests? The ones that are supposed to end with Wave One? We're going to miss out on a lot of them."

Claire snorted, a puff of warm air ruffling David's fur. "Only you would be worried about loot at a time like this."

"Hey, every little bit helps when you're trying not to become some other monster's snack," David retorted, but there was no real heat in his words. "Or fight a Boss alone..."

They fell silent for a moment, the weight of the impending changes pressing down on them. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself could sense the shift in the balance.

"You know," Claire said softly, "I keep thinking about all the people we sent back to Riverport. How are they going to handle this?"

David's eyes widened as the realization hit him. "Shit, you're right. We need to warn them. Herold needs to know what's coming."

He began to pace, his wings twitching with nervous energy. "Maybe we should head back, try to prepare them somehow?"

Claire shook her massive head. "No time. Remember the Brute? We need to get you those Tokens, and can't waste the travel time now matter how fast you are now, especially not with Wave Two about to hit."

David nodded reluctantly, knowing she was right. "Okay, so what do we do?"

They looked at each other for a long moment, the unspoken understanding between them growing stronger. Finally, Claire spoke.

"We send Kozlov and the others back. They can warn Herold, help prepare Riverport as much as possible."

"Good idea," David agreed. "Kozlov's level-headed, he'll keep everyone calm. Plus, he's seen enough weird shit by now that he won't panic."

With a plan in place, some of the tension seemed to ease. David took a deep breath, feeling his resolve strengthen.

"Alright, let's do this. We'll send the warning, then deal with our jumpy friend over there." He gestured towards the Brute's territory. "One problem at a time, right?"

Claire's jaws gaped in a toothy grin. "That's the spirit, bat boy. Now, you ready to go dance with a walking earthquake?"

David stretched his wings, a familiar mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's show this overgrown kangaroo why you don't mess with a bat and his dinosaur."

As they moved towards the Brute's territory, David couldn't help but cast one last glance at the sky. Somewhere out there, cosmic forces were aligning, preparing to unleash a new wave of chaos upon the world. But for now, he had a job to do. With Claire by his side and his Cuddlebugs at the ready, David steeled himself for the battle ahead.

"Alright, big guy," he muttered under his breath, "let's see what you've got."

As David and Claire descended the ridge, the landscape gradually shifted from scrubby underbrush to a pockmarked wasteland. Craters of various sizes dotted the terrain, some shallow depressions, others deep enough to swallow a car whole. The air grew thick with dust, carrying the acrid scent of freshly turned earth and shattered stone.

Suddenly, a familiar chime rang out in their minds:


–Entering Area Boss Territory–

–Quest Available: Heavy Impact–

–Reward: Fusion Token–

–Bonus Objective: Claim Boss Trophy–

–Reward: Special Evolution Bloodline–

They paused at the edge of a particularly massive crater, its rim jagged and uneven. David's wings twitched nervously as he peered into the shadowy depths.

"Alright, this is where we split up," he said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "You remember the plan?"

Claire nodded, her armored scales gleaming in the early morning light. "Stay back, wait for your signal. Then charge in and hopefully squash the jumpy bastard."

"Yep, cavemen would be super proud of our complex and multi-layered strategy," David grinned, patting her snout affectionately. "Try not to have too much fun without me."

As Claire settled into position, one of the empowered Cuddlebugs perched on her frill, its rat-like tail curling possessively around one of her horns. David couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.

"Looks like you've got a new accessory," he quipped. "Very chic. The 'demon rat on dinosaur' look is all the rage this apocalypse season."

Claire's eyes narrowed dangerously. "One more word about rats, and I'm using you as bait instead of backup."

David splayed his wings on the ground in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I'm going. Catch you on the flip side, you fat lizard."

With that, David took to the air, his Cuddlebug swarm following close behind. He flew low, using the numerous craters for cover as he scanned the area for any sign of the Brute.

The landscape below was a testament to the creature's destructive power. Uprooted trees lay scattered like discarded toys, their roots reaching plaintively towards the sky. The ground itself seemed to undulate, rising and falling in a chaotic patchwork of impact zones.

As David glided silently over a particularly deep crater, he couldn't help but marvel at the devastation.

Great. We're fighting the lovechild of a kangaroo and a wrecking ball. This'll be fun. Maybe I should've packed a helmet. And full body armor. And a tank. I think we have one at the Observatory somewhere…

He sent out periodic pulses of Echolocation, mapping the terrain and searching for any large, presumably cranky life signs. The Cuddlebugs spread out in a loose formation, their tiny eyes scanning for danger.

After what felt like an eternity of tense searching, David finally spotted his quarry. The Brute lay sprawled in the center of an enormous impact crater, its massive form rising and falling with each breath. Even in sleep, it radiated an aura of raw, barely contained power.

David's eyes widened as he took in the creature's full size. It was larger as he remembered, its muscular body covered in thick, armored hide. Powerful legs, coiled even in rest, spoke of its incredible leaping ability. A series of bony protrusions ran down its spine, giving it a decidedly fucked up appearance, even before you considered the scythe of bone at the end of its tail.

Well, hello there, Senor Smashyp. Aren't you just a bundle of apocalyptic joy? I bet you give great hugs. The kind that turn ribcages into jelly.

Hovering silently above the sleeping giant, David signaled Claire's Cuddlebug. The creature nudged his mind with understanding as it received its mental instructions.

Bring Claire closer to the prey, stop at a safe distance. Wait for the next signal.

David began to position himself for the first phase of their plan. He dispersed his remaining Cuddlebugs strategically around the crater's edge, ready to swarm at his command.

Taking a deep breath, David steeled himself for the battle ahead. The fate of a Fusion Token, a potentially useless Bloodline, and quite possibly their lives hung in the balance.

Alright, Thumper. Let's dance. Just... maybe not too close. I like my bones where they are, thanks.

David glided silently towards the sleeping Brute, his wings barely stirring the air. As he approached, he focused on his newfound Pheromone Manipulation ability, willing his scent to blend with the earthy aroma of the crater. The effect was immediate; he could almost feel his odor shifting, becoming one with the dust and crushed vegetation surrounding them.

Suddenly, David felt an odd sensation ripple across his fur. He glanced down to see his coat shifting and changing, adapting to the dappled shadows of the early morning light. His Advanced Camouflage was kicking in, responding to his subconscious desire to remain unseen.

Well, hello there, chameleon mode. I'm so glad that works without thinking about it. Neat trick.

Deep in the recesses of his mind, Spooky stirred. The familiar growl resonated through David's consciousness, but it was different this time. Quieter, more calculated. It felt less like a primal urge and more like... a predator assessing its prey. David pushed the sensation aside, focusing on the task at hand.

Nope, fuck you Spooky. Gotta pick now to wake up again? I'll deal with you later.

With practiced ease, David touched down next to the Brute. His claws made contact with the ground so lightly it was as if he were landing on a cloud rather than solid earth. The massive creature continued to slumber, oblivious to the danger mere feet away.

Alright, big guy. Time for your Gloom facial. Don't worry, the first one's free at the Murderbat Spa.

David spread his wings wide, channeling his Wildsoul into his Gloom production. The familiar tingle intensified, and he could feel the specialized glands working overtime. A dense, silvery cloud began to form around him, the tiny hairs exploding silently from his wings.

The early morning breeze, gentle but persistent, caught the cloud of Gloom. It carried the shimmering mist directly towards the Brute's face, enveloping its massive head in a cocoon of silvery toxins. David held perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe as he waited for the effects to take hold.

Moments stretched into eternity as David watched, every muscle tense and ready to spring into action at the slightest sign of movement from the Brute. Finally, after what felt like hours but was likely only seconds, a series of notifications flashed across his vision:

–Leaping Brute has been afflicted by |Empowered Gloom| |Paralysis| |Sleep|–

David allowed himself a small, victorious grin. Phase one: complete. Now for the fun part.

He glanced at his Readout, taking stock of his resources.

–Health: 650/650–

–Stamina: 1024/1035–


The sight of his increased Stamina sent a thrill of excitement through him. It was a significant boost, one that opened up a world of possibilities. But with that excitement came a note of caution. Wildsoul-infused abilities were stamina hogs, and he knew from experience how quickly a prolonged fight could drain his reserves.

No need to go full crazy just yet. Gotta pace myself. This isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. A marathon where the finish line might try to turn me into a bat pancake, but still.

David's gaze flickered between the slumbering Brute and the direction where he knew Claire was approaching from. He had to time this perfectly. Wake the beast too soon, and he'd lose the advantage of surprise. Wait too long, and he risked the Gloom starting to wear off before Claire could get into position.

Spooky's presence lurked at the edges of his consciousness, that calculating growl a constant undercurrent to his thoughts. For once, David found himself almost appreciating the darker aspect of his psyche. In this moment, they were aligned in purpose, if not in method.

Alright, you overgrown furball. Time to rise and shine. Let's see if you're as cranky in the morning as Claire is before her coffee.

With a deep breath, David prepared to enter the next phase of their plan. His wings twitched in anticipation, Gloom still shimmering at the edges of his fur. The Brute's massive form rose and fell with each breath, blissfully unaware of the chaos about to be unleashed.

Here goes nothing. Or everything. Probably somewhere in between.

David crept towards the Brute's legs, his movements so fluid and silent that he seemed more like a shadow than a living creature. As he drew closer, his heart sank. The beast's legs were even more impressive up close, each one as thick as an ancient tree trunk and covered in armor-like scales.

Well, shit. So much for the 'clip its toenails and watch it fall' plan. These aren't legs; they're support columns.

Undeterred, David focused his Wildsoul into his Echolocation. The pulse that emanated from him was narrow and focused, penetrating deep into the Brute's flesh. As the information flooded back, David's eyes widened. He could see every muscle fiber, every blood vessel, even the density of the bones from this close to his target. And there, just above the creature's ankle, he spotted a weakness, a cluster of tendons crucial for the beast's incredible jumping ability.

Bingo. Let's see how high you jump with a melted ankle, Thumper.

David took careful aim, feeling the familiar burn in his throat as he channeled his Wildsoul into Corruptor's Touch. The acid building in his mouth was different but familiar now, thicker, more potent. It glowed with an eerie, sickly green light that seemed to pulse in time with his heartbeat. David's nostrils flared at the stinging burn that filled his mouth along with the acid, but he held off momentarily.

As he prepared to strike, David sent out a mental command to his Cuddlebugs. They tensed, ready to swarm at a moment's notice. He could feel their excitement, their bloodlust, mirroring his own.

Here goes everything. Let's hope this works, or I'm about to become the world's flattest bat.

With a forceful hawk, David launched the glowing glob of acid directly at the Brute's weak spot. Simultaneously, he kicked off from the ground, his wings snapping open to catch the air. The Cuddlebugs exploded into action, a living cloud of fur and fangs descending upon the sleeping giant.

The acid struck its target with pinpoint accuracy, sizzling as it made contact. But unlike his normal acid, this empowered version didn't just eat away at the flesh, it seemed to come alive, spreading outward in tendrils of caustic green. The Brute's leg spasmed violently, the muscle contracting as the acid burrowed deeper.

A split second later, all hell broke loose.

The Brute's eyes snapped open, confusion quickly giving way to pain and rage. It let out a bellow that shook the very air, a primal roar of fury that sent creatures scattering from distant trees. As it tried to stand, its injured leg trembled, throwing it off balance.

David, now safely airborne, watched with a mix of satisfaction and trepidation as his plan unfolded. The Cuddlebugs swarmed over the Brute, their tiny teeth finding every gap in its armored hide. The two empowered ones led the charge, their attacks leaving glowing wounds that pulsed with an otherworldly light.

"Rise and shine, big guy!" David called out, his voice dripping with false cheer. "Hope you don't mind, but we've got a little apocalyptic aerobics planned for you this morning!"

The Brute's head swung towards him, eyes blazing with hatred. It opened its mouth, revealing rows of teeth that looked like they could crush boulders. But before it could retaliate, another wave of Gloom washed over it. The beast's movements became more sluggish, its massive form swaying as it fought against the paralytic effects.

David's grin was all fangs as he watched the chaos unfold. Phase one was complete, and so far, it was going even better than he'd hoped. But he knew better than to get cocky. This fight was far from over, and he had a feeling the Brute was just getting warmed up.

Alright, Claire. Your cue's coming up. Let's show this overgrown punching bag why you don't mess with a bat and his dinosaur.

As if on cue, a distant rumble signaled Claire's approach. The real battle was about to begin, and David couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement mixed with his apprehension. This was what they'd been training for, after all. Time to put it all on the line.

Let the games begin. And may the odds be ever in our favor... or at least not completely against us.

As the Brute struggled against the effects of Gloom, David took to the air, raining down a barrage of acid. Every third or fourth shot glowed with that eerie green light, the empowered acid eating through the creature's tough hide with terrifying efficiency.

"What's the matter, big guy?" David taunted. "Can't reach the snack bar?"

The Brute's frustration was palpable, its roars of rage echoing across the battlefield. Despite its injured leg, the beast's fury seemed to override its pain. With a suddenness that caught David off guard, it coiled its massive legs and leaped.

Holy shi—

The Brute rocketed upward, closing the distance between them in an instant. Its legs lashed out in a double kick that would have turned David into a furry smear if it had connected. But David was already moving, his reflexes kicking into overdrive.

He chained a regular Nocturnal Strike into an empowered one, his body becoming a blur as he changed direction twice in rapid succession. Simultaneously, he split into three identical forms, two decoys peeling away from his body like smoke given form, one each time he changed direction.

The maneuver carried him through the gap between the Brute's body and its outstretched arm, so fast the beast didn't have time to react. As David emerged on the other side, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride.

Did I just... yep, I did. Flight decoys for the win! Take that, physics!

The Brute's eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting such agility from its prey. But before it could recover, a familiar roar split the air.

Claire burst through the treeline like an armored freight train, her jaws agape as she bellowed. Golden light spilled from her throat, and David felt the familiar surge of power wash over him. Every muscle in his body hummed with newfound strength.

Not to be outdone, David launched into a Moonsong, his voice harmonizing with Claire's roar in an otherworldly duet. The regenerative energy of the song mixed with Claire's empowering effects, creating a potent cocktail of power. The victorious melody blended with the backdrop of Claire's roar into an almost climactic score of primal fury.

Riding this wave of energy, David executed a perfect aerial loop, his wings cutting through the air with unprecedented strength and precision. As he came out of the maneuver, he launched another glob of empowered acid, aiming for the Brute's face.

The creature twisted its head at the last second, but not fast enough to avoid the attack entirely. The acid caught one of its eyes, drawing a bellow of pain that shook the very ground.

Yes! Bullseye! Or... half-eye? Whatever, I'll take it!

As the Brute began to fall back to earth, clearly disoriented, David's mind buzzed with notifications:

–Flight has leveled up!x4–

–Flight E → D–

–Health: 650/650–

–Stamina: 824/1035–

-Moonlit Regeneration, Apex Challenge–

But there was no time to celebrate. Claire was charging in, her massive form building up momentum as she thundered down the slight incline. The ground trembled beneath her feet, small rocks and debris bouncing in her wake.

With timing honed by countless battles, Claire struck just as the Brute touched down. Her armored head connected with its chest in a resounding crack that echoed across the battlefield. The impact was so forceful that David could see a ripple travel through the Brute's flesh, its internal organs undoubtedly taking a beating.

But Claire wasn't done. Using the momentum from her charge, she twisted her body, bringing her club-like tail around in a devastating arc. It connected with the Brute's injured leg with pinpoint accuracy, the sound of breaking bone audible even from David's altitude.

The Brute stumbled, its leg giving way entirely. It crashed to the ground with an earth-shaking thud, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. As the dust began to settle, Claire stood over her fallen foe, her chest heaving from exertion but her eyes blazing with triumph.

David swooped lower, a mix of awe and excitement coursing through him. "Now that," he called out, "is what I call a grand entrance!"

Claire's jaws gaped in a toothy grin. "Just warming up, bat boy. Ready for round two?"

As the Brute struggled to rise, its movements now clearly hampered, David couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. They were far from finished, but for the first time since spotting the creature, he truly beleved they might just pull this off without any major fuckups.

Alright, Thumper. Ready for round two of 'Extreme Makeover: Boss Edition'? Hope you like your masks extra acidic and your massages dino-strength. The bat-and-lizard spa is open for business!

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