Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

108 - Bouncey_Boss 2

As the dust settled, David and Claire stood ready, facing their battered but far from beaten foe. The Brute's massive form heaved with each labored breath, its one good eye fixed on them with a look of pure malice.

"Alright, Thumper. Ready for round two? I'd say you're a hop and a skip away from-"

Claire snorted, her tail swishing in anticipation. "Less quipping, more fighting, bat boy."

The Brute, seemingly done with their banter, slowly lowered itself onto all fours. Its injured leg trembled but held, a testament to its incredible resilience. For a moment, everything was still.

Then, with a speed that belied its massive size, the Brute launched itself forward. It barreled towards Claire like a landslide, the ground shaking with each impact of its limbs.

"Claire, watch out!" David yelled, but there was no time for her to dodge.

The Brute slammed into Claire with earthshaking force, kicking up a cloud of dust that obscured them both from view. David's heart leaped into his throat as he waited for the dust to clear, wings tense and ready to dive in if needed.

As the air cleared, he saw Claire still standing, her feet dug deep into the earth, muscles straining against the Brute's bulk. She'd taken the full brunt of the impact but hadn't gone down.

"That... all you got?" Claire grunted, her voice strained but defiant.

Before David could celebrate her resilience, the Brute used Claire as a springboard. It pushed off with its hind leg, propelling its massive body upwards, straight towards David. It didn't rise as far into the air as it had the first time, unable to generate the force needed with just one leg. Undeterred, it simply rolled slightly and swiped its scythe of a tail straight at him.


David's wings snapped open, every muscle straining as he shot upwards. He could feel the rush of air as the Brute’s tail passed beneath him, close enough that he could have reached out and touched its scarred hide.

"Whoa there, big guy!" David called out, trying to mask his shock with bravado. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I'm not really the hugging type!"

As the Brute reached the apex of its jump, David saw his opportunity. He tucked his wings and dove, corkscrewing through the air as he built up speed. Just before he would have collided with the beast's back, he pulled up sharply, pushing his speed a little higher as he activated Nocturnal Strike and raked his talons across its spine.

The Brute roared in pain and fury, twisting in midair as it tried to claw at David. But gravity was already reasserting its hold, pulling the massive creature back towards the ground.

Claire, having recovered from the initial assault, was ready. As the Brute fell, she reared up on her hind legs, bringing her full weight to bear. The moment the beast touched down, Claire slammed her head onto its back, driving it into the earth with bone-crushing force before she flowed back, a few quick steps giving her a more favorable position.

The impact sent a small shockwave through the ground, nearly knocking David out of the air in surprise. Dust and debris exploded outward, momentarily obscuring the battle once more.

"Nice one, Claire!" David called out, circling above the cloud. "I think you just redefined 'groundbreaking performance'!"

But their celebration was premature. From within the dust cloud came a bellow of rage, followed by a blur of motion. The Brute erupted from the haze, its good eye blazing with fury as it charged at Claire once more.

Claire met the charge head-on, her massive skull colliding with the Brute's in a thunderous crash. The two titans locked in a contest of strength, neither willing to give ground.

David knew this was his moment to strike. He focused his Wildsoul, feeling the familiar burn in his throat as he prepared an empowered Corruptor's Touch. With pinpoint accuracy, he spat the glowing acid directly onto the Brute's injured leg.

The effect was immediate and devastating. The Brute's leg buckled, throwing it off balance. Claire, seizing the advantage, twisted her neck, and clamped her jaws around the Brute's throat.

"That's it, Claire!" David cheered. "Show him why you don't mess with an armored Croco-rex... or whatever the hell you are!"

Claire's jaws locked onto the Brute's throat with a vise-like grip, her massive body dropping into a low crouch that pulled the boss down with her. The beast thrashed wildly, its good leg lashing out in a desperate kick. The blow glanced off Claire's armored side, the impact reverberating through her body but leaving no real damage.

Not finished, the Brute's tail whipped around, its bony scythe aiming for Claire's exposed flank. But Claire was ready. With a twist of her shoulders, she angled her body, allowing the strike to skitter harmlessly across her armored back plates.

David watched in awe, impressed by Claire's strategy. She was using her low stance and heavy armor to negate the Brute's attacks, turning what should have been devastating blows into glancing strikes.

Damn, Claire. When did you get so good at this?

But as he circled overhead, David couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. Claire's eyes blazed with a feral intensity he'd rarely seen, her massive jaws working as she sought a better grip on the Brute's throat. For a moment, she looked less like his friend and more like...well, a monster.

Shake it off, David. She's still Claire. Just... Claire with a jumbo-sized attitude adjustment. Rarely see her so into a fight though.

Seeing the two titans locked in their deadly embrace, David knew it was time to tip the scales. With a mental command, he unleashed his secret weapon: the Cuddlebugs.

The tiny terrors surged forward like a living wave, their beady eyes fixed on their target: the Brute's remaining good eye. As they descended, David got a vivid flash of the scene through their shared connection.

The Cuddlebugs swarmed over the Brute's face, a writhing mass of fur and teeth. They looked like a flock of demented pigeons fighting over the world's angriest piece of bread. Tiny claws scrabbled for purchase as they jockeyed for position, each one eager to be the first to strike.

Then, as one, they attacked. Needle-sharp teeth sank into the soft tissue around the eye, while others went straight for the vulnerable orb itself. It was a frenzy of fur and fury, a sight that made even David wince in sympathy.

The effect was instantaneous and catastrophic. The Brute went absolutely ballistic, its entire body convulsing in pain and panic. It bucked and thrashed with renewed vigor, nearly throwing Claire off as it desperately tried to dislodge the Cuddlebugs from its face.

Holy shit! Note to self: never piss off the Cuddlebugs. I forgot they fight dirty.

Seizing the moment of chaos, David tucked his wings and dropped from the sky. He aimed for the Brute's uninjured leg, latching onto its hip with his claws. Without hesitation, he began hammering the beast with a rapid-fire series of Nocturnal Strikes.

Each hit sent a jolt of stolen stamina coursing through David's body, reinvigorating him even as he mangled the beasts flesh. The Brute's leg muscles spasmed under the assault, its movements becoming increasingly pained.

"How's that for a leg workout?" David quipped, his voice strained with effort.

The Brute, now completely blind and assailed from all sides, let out a roar of pure anguish and fury. It was a sound that sent shivers down David's spine, a primal cry of rage and desperation.

But Claire held firm, her jaws locked in place as she weathered the storm of the Brute's panic. David could see her muscles straining, every fiber of her being focused on maintaining her grip.

As David continued his assault, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. They were doing it again. Against all odds, they were taking down a boss that should have been way out of their league, and clearly not meant to be engaged by only two people.

Alright, big guy. Time to see what you're made of. Because right now? You're looking like a jumbo-sized punching bag with a bad attitude.

As David clung to the Brute's hip, he caught a flash of movement from the corner of his eye. The creature's tail whipped around, its bony scythe aimed straight for him.

With split-second timing, David released his grip and pushed off, narrowly avoiding the lethal strike. As he leapt free, he didn't waste the opportunity. Channeling his Wildsoul, he unleashed a concentrated burst of Gloom directly onto the open wounds he'd just created.

The silvery mist, heavier than ever before, settled onto the Brute's flesh like a toxic blanket. David was careful to keep the cloud small and focused, avoiding any chance of it drifting towards Claire.

Wait, I can affect the density by trying to make it smaller? Good to know. Thank you Wildsoul, damn I love magic.

As he wheeled around in the air, David caught sight of Claire making her move. Her massive tail swept low, catching the Brute's one good leg and knocking it out from under the beast. In a stunning display of power and agility, Claire twisted her neck and surged upward, using her grip on the Brute's throat to flip it almost completely over.

But the Brute wasn't done yet. With a flexibility that seemed impossible for its size, it used the momentum of Claire's attack to continue its rotation. Its tail scythe whipped around, catching Claire across the snout with a resounding crack.

Claire roared in pain and surprise, her jaws involuntarily releasing their grip. Before she could recover, the Brute lashed out with a powerful kick, catching her square in the chest. The impact sent Claire stumbling back several steps, giving the Brute some much-needed breathing room.

As David circled overhead, he noticed something about the Brute that made him snarl in satisfaction. Foam was starting to build around its muzzle, flecks of it flying with each labored breath. The combined effects of Gloom, acid, and physical trauma were finally taking their toll. It always took a bit longer with larger creatures, but his Gloom had finally stacked high enough that it couldn't be ignored.

The beast suddenly rolled to the side, its movements frantic and uncoordinated. It lashed out with a series of devastating thin air. David watched in fascination as the Brute battled invisible foes, its movements erratic as it fought against hallucinations only it could perceive. A faint tremor in its limbs and tail began to rapidly build. David could clearly see where it's dense muscles failed to unclench, relentlessly cramping as the hide around them twitched and squirmed.

Claire shook her head, recovering from the unexpected blow. Her eyes met David's as she glanced upward, and a silent understanding passed between them. Without a word, they moved in tandem, approaching the Brute from its weakened side.

"Hey, Thumper!" David called out, unable to resist a bit of taunting. "Your aim's getting worse! Maybe you should've carrot more about your training!"

Claire shot him a look that clearly said, ‘Really? Puns? Now?’

David shrugged mid-flight. "What? I'm multitasking. Witty banter and boss-fighting."

As they closed in on the thrashing Brute, still locked in battle with its own hallucinations, David couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. They were wearing it down, but it was still incredibly dangerous. One wrong move, one moment of carelessness, and they could easily end up on the receiving end of those wild, desperate attacks.

With Claire at his side and the Brute clearly on its last legs, David prepared for what he hoped would be the final phase of their battle.

The air crackled with tension as David and Claire reengaged the Brute. Despite its injuries and disorientation, the beast radiated fury, its massive form trembling with rage and pain.

David dove in, his Wildsoul surging through him as he unleashed a barrage of empowered attacks into its ribs. Acid sizzled as it struck the Brute's hide, eating through armor-like skin as the hideous green glow began to spread from the impact points. Nocturnal Strikes followed in rapid succession, each hit draining more of the beast's vitality.

As he neared the Brute's neck, David let loose a carefully aimed Screech. The concentrated sonic assault slammed into the base of the creature's skull, further scrambling its already addled senses.

Claire, her face still bearing the marks of the Brute's earlier strike, seemed to have taken the attack personally. With a snarl that sent shivers down David's spine, she lunged for the beast's tail. Her massive jaws clamped down on the appendage, and in one fluid motion, she planted her foot firmly on the tail's base.

What followed was a display of raw power that left even David awestruck. Claire's head whipped back and forth, the sound of shattering vertebrae echoing like rapid gunfire. In seconds, the Brute's deadly tail was reduced to a mangled, useless appendage.

Before David could process what he'd just witnessed, Claire was on the move again. She lunged forward, her massive bulk descending on the Brute like an avalanche of scales and muscle.

"Claire, wait-!" David squawked in surprise, barely managing to keep his grip as Claire straddled the Brute.

But instead of tearing into their foe, Claire simply used her weight to pin the beast down. Then, with a sound that seemed to shake the very air, she unleashed her empowering roar. Golden light spilled from her throat, washing over both David and the Brute in a wave of raw power.

Seizing the moment, Claire's jaws clamped down on the Brute's lower back, just above its hips. David watched in grim fascination as Claire's muscles rippled beneath her scales, her entire body tensing as she bore down with crushing force.

A sickening crunch echoed across the battlefield, and the Brute's back half went limp. Seizing the opportunity, David leapt to the side of the beast's head, clinging to its battered hide with a Nocturnal Strike-enhanced grip.

Focusing his Wildsoul, David began to charge an empowered glob of acid. But instead of releasing it immediately, he pushed further, channeling more and more energy into the attack.

If it works for Screech, why not this?

The burning in his throat intensified to nearly unbearable levels, but David held on, careful to avoid the point of backlash. When he could take no more, he released the supercharged acid directly into the Brute's ear.

The effect was instantaneous and devastating. The acid blasted into the creature's head like water from a fire hose, rivulets of smoking liquid cascading down past David's perch. For two heart-stopping seconds, the Brute went completely rigid.

Then it screamed.

The sound was unlike anything David had ever heard, rivaling even his own Screech in its intensity. Not to be outdone, David replied with a Screech of his own, the two sonic assaults creating a cacophony of pain and fury.

But it was Claire who delivered the coup de grâce. With one final, bone-crushing bite, she ended the Brute's suffering.

As the beast went limp beneath them, a familiar chime sounded in their minds:

–Area Boss Slain!–

–Quest: Heavy Impact complete!–

–Received: Fusion Tokenx2–


–Received: Leap C–


–Received: Trait Improvement Token–

–Gained 1,700xp–

David released his grip, dropping to the ground on shaky legs. Smoke curled from the Brute's empty eye sockets, and acid dripped from its nose in a macabre display.

"Holy shit," David panted, his voice hoarse from exertion. "We did it."

Claire, still straddling the fallen Brute, turned to face him. Her eyes blazed with a mix of triumph and something darker, more primal. For a moment, David was reminded that for all their friendship, Claire was every bit the apex predator he was becoming.

"Nice work, bat boy," Claire rumbled, her voice a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. "Though next time, maybe warn me before you decide to melt its brain, huh?"

David managed a weak chuckle. "Hey, I like to keep things interesting. Besides, you're the one who went all crazy on its tail."

As the adrenaline began to fade, Claire slowly shook her massive head, wincing slightly at the movement. "You know," she rumbled, "it's weird being the one who actually took damage for once. Usually, you're the one who looks like you've been through a meat grinder."

David blinked, suddenly realizing he felt...fine. Actually, better than fine. He quickly pulled up his Readout, eyes widening in disbelief.

–Health: 650/650–

–Stamina: 588/1035–

–Moonlit Regeneration–

"Holy crap," he muttered, "I didn't take a single hit. How did I not notice that?"

A shaky laugh bubbled up from his chest, equal parts relief and incredulity. "I guess I was too busy trying not to become Brute-bait to realize I wasn't getting my ass handed to me for once."

He turned to Claire, grinning widely. "Thanks for being such a tank. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be halfway to the next county by now, courtesy of Thumper Airlines."

Claire snickered, the sound a grinding mix of amusement and exhaustion. "Glad I could keep you grounded, bat boy. Though next time, maybe try to notice you're not bleeding out?"

As they began to catch their breath, David's mind wandered to their newly acquired spoils. The Fusion Tokens were burning a hole in his metaphorical pocket, possibilities swirling through his mind. And that Trait Improvement Token...

He remembered Kai's excitement back in Riverport when he'd scored one of those. The guy had practically been bouncing off the walls, though he'd just instantly upgraded his Flight without much consideration…though, David had to admit, it had been a good choice for him.

Wonder what I could do with that, maybe beef up my Echolocation? Or...

His thoughts trailed off as he realized just how many options he had now. For the first time in what felt like forever, he wasn't just scraping by, desperately trying to survive. He was thriving, growing stronger with each battle.

As the sun began to set on their latest victory, David couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism.

Bring it on, we're just getting started.

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