Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

109 - Full Moon

David perched on a gnarled pine branch, his wings folded close as he surveyed the rugged landscape around him. The air was crisp and thin, carrying the scent of pine and wild sage. Below, Claire dozed in a small clearing, her massive form rising and falling with each breath. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the mountainside, painting the forest in a tapestry of gold and deep green.

As a cool breeze ruffled his fur, David turned his attention to the task at hand: deciding how to use his hard-won Fusion Tokens. He clicked his tongue thoughtfully, the sound echoing off nearby rock faces.

Alright, let's see what we've got to work with here. Plenty of options to free up some space, that's for sure.

He mentally cataloged his abilities and mutagens, weighing the potential benefits of each combination. The process reminded him of the first time he'd Fused anything, sitting in Riverport with only a handful of levels and scant few options to consider. Only now, the stakes were considerably higher.

Gotta remember, fusing mutagens always gives me a mutagen. Abilities stay abilities. Simple enough, right?

His gaze drifted to a nearby aspen grove, its leaves shimmering silver in the wind. The constant motion mirrored the swirling possibilities in his mind.

What about Nocturnal Strike and Ancestral Terror? Could be nasty if the fear effect started draining stamina too...

But as quickly as the idea formed, he dismissed it. The mobility Nocturnal Strike provided had saved his hide more times than he could count. Losing that edge wasn't worth the risk, no matter how tempting the potential combo might be.

Nah, better keep those separate. I like being able to zip around like a caffeinated pinball.

His eyes fell on Claire's sleeping form again, and he considered Moonsong. The healing ability had proven invaluable, especially when paired with Claire's ability to tank hits, not to mention the slight bump to Regeneration it provided. But the uncertainty of how fusing Pack Abilities might work gave him pause.

Better not mess with Moonsong either. For all I know, I could end up with some weird ability that makes everyone sing in harmony or something. Useful for impromptu musical numbers, maybe, but not so great for staying alive.

A hawkish cry pierced the air, drawing David's attention to the vast expanse of sky above. The creature wasn't a bird, and resembled a feathered lizard more than anything. But it soared on thermals, effortlessly riding the air currents that flowed around the mountain peaks. David felt a pang of envy at its graceful flight, so different from his own erratic, but effective, style.

I mean, I can glide too, but that thing makes it look pretty. I'm pretty sure I look like a bad omen when I'm gliding around…eh, is what it is.

As the sun dipped lower, casting the valley in deepening shades of purple, David realized he'd been deliberating for longer than he'd intended. The forest around him was settling into its nighttime rhythm, nocturnal creatures stirring as their daytime counterparts sought shelter.

He stretched his wings, feeling the pleasant pull of muscles that had grown significantly stronger since his evolution. The thought brought him back to the task at hand.

Maybe I'm overthinking this. Sometimes the obvious choice is the right one. What if I focused on beefing up what I'm already good at?

His mind raced with possibilities, each potential fusion bringing with it a cascade of 'what-ifs' and 'maybes.' The weight of the decision pressed on him, a reminder of just how much was riding on making the right choice.

As a cool mist began to creep through the undergrowth, David made up his mind. He'd start with something familiar, something he understood. From there, he could always branch out later.

Alright, let's do this. Time to see what kind of nightmare fuel we can cook up.

David turned his attention to Gloom, knowing it was time for an upgrade.

Alright, Gloom. Time to beef you up. And me? Time to stop being squeamish about having more lethal options.

He rationalized his decision, remembering his other abilities. An empowered Screech could scramble brains effectively, and Blood Memory had proven its worth against Wally, even if the memory still made David wince a little.

Sorry again, Wally. But hey, at least now I know you're cool.

With steady focus, David nudged the Analgesic Mutagen in storage, immediately getting a popup:

–Fusion of Stored Mutagen will cost 5 Pts. Do you wish to proceed?–

Five points? Steep, but worth it. Let's do this.

David confirmed, then initiated the fusion between Analgesic and Corrosive. As the process began, he braced himself for the sensation he knew was coming.

The familiar fizzing feeling crept up his throat, a tide of effervescent bubbles that made him want to gag. As it reached his acid glands, the feeling intensified, a burning numbness that spread through his snout and mouth.

David clenched his jaw, riding out the discomfort with the ease of experience. His eyes watered slightly, but he remained steady on his perch.

Still not pleasant, but at least I know what to expect now.

As the sensation faded, the notification appeared:


–Received: Neurocaustic Venom B–

David examined the new mutagen's effects with interest:

–Neurocaustic Venom B: Your bodily fluids now contain a potent neurotoxin that simultaneously corrodes and numbs. Attacks have a chance to inflict Paralysis and Corrosion. (+Control, +Offense)–

A satisfied grin spread across David's face.

Now that's more like it. This should make things interesting.

As he admired his handiwork, David felt a familiar sense of accomplishment. Each fusion was another step forward, another tool in his arsenal.

Alright, one down. Now for step 2. Gonna be weird having Gloom ‘built in’ so to speak. Gonna have to figure out how to infuse it with my Wildsoul all over again, I think. Ah well, progress is progress.

David turned his attention to Gloom, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. It had been one of his first chosen abilities, a constant companion through countless battles and close calls. He traced the familiar half-moon patterns on his wings, remembering how they'd appeared after he'd selected Gloom from that first Selective Skill Token.

You've been with me from the start, haven't you? Through thick and thin, mostly thin if I'm honest.

He recalled how Gloom had synergized perfectly with his Soporalytic Mutagen, cementing his control-based combat style. It had been the cornerstone of his strategy, allowing him to disorient and disable foes much larger and stronger than himself.

We've come a long way together, old friend. But it's time for an upgrade.

A twinge of worry nagged at him. Would he lose those half-moon patterns he'd grown so fond of? They weren't just aesthetically pleasing; they'd become a part of his identity.

I hope this doesn't backfire. I've gotten kind of attached to looking fancy while being terrifying.

Taking a deep breath, David steeled himself and initiated the fusion between Gloom and the newly created Neurocaustic Venom.

The reaction was immediate and intense. A searing pain ripped through his wings, and David had to bite back a yelp. He watched as the half-moon patterns on his wings seemed to explode outward, tearing ragged holes in the delicate membrane.

Oh shit, I forgot it did that the first time. Damn, that stings!

But the pain was familiar, and David rode it out with gritted teeth. The holes began to heal at an astonishing rate, the torn edges knitting together, the membrane regenerating before his eyes. As the pain subsided, David spread his wings wide, marveling at the transformation.

Where once half-moons had decorated his wings, full moons now gleamed. The new patterns were larger, more intricate, reminding him of the eyespots on certain butterfly and moth wings.

Well, would you look at that. Talk about a glow-up.

As he admired his new wing patterns, a notification appeared:


–Received: Caustic Miasma C–

David's eyes widened as he read the mutagen's description:

–Caustic Miasma C: Your body produces a corrosive, hallucinogenic compound that numbs targets while inflicting vivid hallucinations. Extended exposure may cause severe tissue damage. (++Control, ++Offense)–

A mix of excitement and trepidation coursed through him. This new mutagen was undoubtedly more potent than Gloom had ever been, but it also came with a level of lethality he hadn't possessed before.

Well, I wanted to stop being squeamish about lethal options. Looks like I got my wish in spades.

David flexed his wings, feeling the new power thrumming through them. He could sense the Caustic Miasma waiting to be unleashed, a swirling potential just beneath his skin.

I wonder what this looks like in action. Probably best not to test it too close to Claire. Or any living thing, for that matter.

As the reality of his new mutagen sank in, David couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and apprehension. He was growing stronger, more dangerous. But with that power came responsibility.

Guess I'll have to be even more careful now. No more accidental Gloo– Uh, Miasma releases when I sneeze.

With a satisfied nod, David turned his attention to his remaining abilities and mutagens. The fusion process had freed up a slot, and now he faced the task of deciding which of his stored abilities to fill it with.

Alright, what should I slot in? Doom Blade could be fun, but maybe a bit risky. I could really use something that just does a ton of up-front damage, but on the other wing Metabolic Surge restores stamina. So I guess it really comes down to if I want a faster or safer Boss kill when I have to do it alone…

David's mind raced as he weighed his options. Doom Blade was tempting, its unique ability to ignore defenses was likely pure bullshit. But the melee requirement and unknown backlash gave him pause.

It's like having a nuclear option in my pocket. Awesome, but potentially disastrous if I screw it up.

On the other hand, Metabolic Surge offered reliability. The ability to restore health and stamina could be a game-changer in a prolonged fight. Wildsoul usage already added a cost to everything, and even though he had tons of Stamina he didn't want to run out. The few times he'd dipped low had always been a terrifying situations.

Being able to keep going when my opponent's running on fumes? That's nothing to sneeze at.

He glanced at his wings, admiring the new full moon patterns. The Caustic Miasma thrummed beneath his skin, a constant reminder of his growing power.

With Miasma, I could wear them down from a distance. Then swoop in for the kill when they're barely standing. But having that extra stamina could let me keep the pressure on longer...

David's thoughts drifted back to Doom Blade. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen, its lack of rank hinting at power beyond his current level.

It's probably way above my weight class. But then again, when has that ever stopped me?

He tried to imagine using it in battle, picturing himself diving in for a decisive strike. The image was both thrilling and terrifying.

Sure would make for a dramatic finish. 'And then, with a single strike of his Doom Blade, the mighty bat vanquished the—' Ugh, I sound like a bad fantasy novel.

Claire's teasing voice echoed in his mind, calling it an ‘edgelord’ ability. He couldn't help but grin.

She's not wrong. But sometimes a little edge is exactly what you need.

As he continued to deliberate, David found himself making excuses, trying to justify choosing Doom Blade for reasons beyond its cool factor.

It's not just the name. It's tactical. Yeah, that's it. A surprise trump card. They'll never see it coming.

He glanced around furtively, as if worried Claire might pop up from her long nap and catch him in the act of being, well, edgy. The thought made him chuckle.

Look at me, trying to be all stealthy about picking an ability. As if the universe cares which one I choose.

Finally, with a mix of excitement and sheepishness, David made his decision. He cleared his throat, as if preparing to make an announcement.

Well, here goes nothing. Time to embrace my inner edgelord. I can always Fuse more stuff later.

"I think I'll go with Metabo—" he started to say, then feigned a cough. "Oh, excuse me. As I was saying, I choose Doo— cough cough Blade."

The moment the ability slotted into place, a sudden, searing pain shot through David's wings. He bit back a yelp, watching in fascination and alarm as the membranes began to ripple and shift. The pain intensified, focusing on the leading edges of his wings.

"What the—" he muttered, wincing as the sensation peaked.

With a sound like tearing silk, thin, blade-like protrusions emerged along the front edge of each wing, following along the bones of his longest ‘finger’. The new growths were dark, almost black, with a faint purple sheen that seemed to shift and dance in the fading light.

The blades extended fully, running from his wing joints to the tips. They were wickedly sharp, tapering to needle-fine points. As David flexed his wings experimentally, he found he could retract the blades, the wing membrane seamlessly covering them when not in use.

"Well, that's new," he breathed, extending and retracting the blades a few times. "Guess 'Doom Blade' was more literal than I thought."

He examined the blades more closely, noting how they seemed to absorb light rather than reflect it. The edges looked sharp enough to slice through hide and bone alike, and David could swear he saw faint, eldritch symbols flickering along their length, appearing and disappearing too quickly to read.

"Claire's gonna love this," he chuckled nervously. "Nothing says 'I made a responsible choice' like spontaneous wing-swords."

As he continued to inspect his new appendages, David noticed something else. The membrane around the blades had changed color, forming intricate, swirling patterns that spread down toward, and intertwined with his existing full moon markings. These new patterns were a dark, iridescent purple, almost black, shimmering with an otherworldly quality.

"Okay, I'll admit it. That looks pretty cool," David grinned, admiring the patterns. "Maybe a bit on the nose with the whole 'dark and mysterious' vibe, but hey, when in Rome..."

He practiced extending and retracting the blades a few more times, marveling at how natural the movement felt. It was as if he'd always had this ability, lying dormant until now.

"Right then," David muttered, retracting the blades one last time. "Time to go show Claire my new party trick. I'm sure she won't freak out at all when I suddenly sprout swords from my wings."

As he prepared to take flight and rejoin his friend, David couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. He was stepping into unknown territory, wielding power he didn't fully understand again. But isn't that what this whole journey had been about?

With a determined nod, he spread his wings, the full moon patterns and new swirls gleaming in the twilight. Whatever lay ahead, he was ready to face them head-on. Or pointy-bits-first, as the case may be.

Note to self: Work on my acting skills. And maybe come up with a less edgy name for Doom Blade. 'Friendship Sword' just doesn't have the same ring to it, though…

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