Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

91 - The Grind

Two days had passed since Omega's ominous message, and David found himself in a slowly building whirlwind of activity. Claire had insisted he take a day to catch up on his sleep, and relax after the stress of the last week. He'd wanted to argue, but the prehistoric glint in her eye somehow froze the words in his throat, and he wisely decided to catch a nap that had quickly turned into almost 15 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Followed by a bit of eating, then another nap.

He'd left early in the morning the next day, scouting up and down the mountain, pushing both the Cuddlebugs and Echolocation to their limits as he ferreted out the surrounding Quests as quickly as possible before returning to the Observatory.

Holy shit, I'm fast in a straight line when I want to be. None of the other flyers I've met can even come close. And sprinting? Forget about it. I'm like a bat-shaped bullet. I think if it wasn't for the improvements from the Bloodline, I'd probably break a wing every time I tried to turn.

His first foray paired him with Gideon, a decision that took far more convincing than David had anticipated. The little engineer had eyed David's wings skeptically, muttering about wind resistance and terminal velocity in a way that made David's head spin.

"Look," David had finally said, exasperated, "I promise I won't drop you. Scout's honor."

Gideon had squinted at him. "Were you even a scout?"

"No, but I delivered their cookies once. That counts, right? Besides, you could use the xp."

It had taken another hour of back-and-forth before they finally cobbled together a rudimentary harness. The contraption was a snarl of ropes, straps, and what David strongly suspected was part of a nylon tool belt. It pinched and chafed in all the wrong places, but it did a serviceable job of preventing Gideon's gravity-based untimely demise.

As they took off, David couldn't help but grin at Gideon's stream of terrified squeaks. The little guy clung to his back like a particularly nervous koala, claws digging into David's fur with each wingbeat.

"You okay back there?" David called over his shoulder as they soared through the crisp mountain air. He watched as the slope dropped away below them while he soared out into the open air, trying to remember exactly which little wiggly bit was the spot they were heading to.

"I regret every life choice that led me to this moment!" Gideon shouted back. A Cuddlebug hissed offendedly at him from nearby on David's back, unwilling to approach the puffball of a man, and equally grumpy to share space atop David as he flew. A chorus of similar hisses was devoured by the wind before Gideon could hear it, and David rolled his eyes slightly at the summons.

David chuckled soon after, wings slicing through wisps of low-hanging cloud. He took it easy at first, gliding lazily on thermals and doing his best not to jostle his passenger too much. After a few minutes, Gideon's death grip started to loosen, and his squeaks of terror gradually morphed into gasps of awe.

"This... this is actually breathtaking," Gideon admitted, his curiosity finally overcoming his fear. "I'm sorry, what were you saying about rodents of unusual siz—"

That was when they reached their destination.

David, caught up in explaining to Gideon why Claire would have absolutely hated this particular Quest, thoughtlessly tucked in his wings and dived. It wasn't until they were halfway to the ground only a few seconds later, Gideon's screams ringing in his ears, that David realized he probably should have given some warning.

Ah, shit. I'm gonna catch hell for this one. I actually forgot this might be scary if you don't have wings. Heheheh…woops. Too late now though, besides…

The rapid freefall was both an instinctual response and, more importantly for David, incredibly fun. For Gideon, clinging to David's back with renewed terror, it was probably more like a nightmare come to life.

"Sorry!" David shouted over the rush of wind. "Forgot you were there for a second!"

Gideon's reply was lost to the wind, but David was pretty sure it contained several words that would make even Kozlov blush.

Their targets, a group of mutated rodents terrorizing a nearby valley, scattered as David and his swarm dropped through the canopy at near-maximum speed. He juked through tree trunks without losing momentum, the creatures' six eyes glowing an eerie green in the shadows of twisted vegetation as they froze in shock.

"Hold on tight!" David shouted, powering low over their prey. He felt Gideon's grip tighten, the engineer's rapid heartbeat pounding against his back.

David opened his maw, feeling the familiar gurgle building in his throat. With practiced aim, he spat a rapid-fire series of corrosive globs. The air filled with acrid smoke and shrieks as the acid ate through fur and flesh.

Damn, that looks painful, I still don't like that very much. Man, maybe I should look into some kind of numbing Mutagen to mix with the corrosive one. Might be more humane.

Spooky chimed in immediately, a bit too enthusiastically in favor of being able to melt something without it ever noticing for David's comfort. The wave of almost comical avarice he felt from his own baser instincts at the concept was momentarily distracting enough that he hesitated before firing the next volley of steadily building spit.

Great. Now I'm not sure if that'd be more or less terrifying than ‘normal’ acid spit. Thanks for that, Spooky.

The rodents darted for cover, burrowing into soft, loamy soil or hiding beneath gnarled tree roots and dense brush. But David had planned for this. With a mental command, he sent the Cuddlebugs into action. The tiny creatures dove into burrows and crevices, their once-cute chirps now war cries as they flushed out their targets.

–Nightshade Swarm has leveled up!x3–

–Gained 9xp–

"It's w-working!" Gideon stuttered, his voice vibrating with each wingbeat. "They're running back into the open!"

David grinned, his predatory instincts kicking into high gear as he swooped low over the fleeing rodents. With lazy precision, he pounced, talons sinking into soft flesh as he struck at the back of their necks. The creatures' struggles grew weaker with each passing second, their six-eyed faces barely having time to look confused before he hit them.

"Hold on to your butt!" David shouted, giving Gideon a split-second warning before leaping back into the air and executing a series of aerial maneuvers that would have made a stunt pilot jealous.

Between David's acidic assaults raining down from above, the Cuddlebugs' relentless guerrilla tactics flushing out hidden prey, and David's improvised Nocturnal Strike parkour through the twisted vegetation, they made short work of the infestation. The air filled with a cacophony of shrieks, both from the dying rodents and the occasionally terrified Gideon.

–Landmark Quest: Rodents of Unusual Size complete!–

–20/20 Beasts Defeated!–

–20/20 Enemies Disabled - 17 Killing Blows.–


–Received: Random Skill Token: D–


–Received: 150 Bonus xp–

–Gained 200xp!–

Yes! I think that's one of the few times I've been happy to see bonus xp! Hallelujah! Just give me that, like half the time. I can just sell any crappy rewards for more Pts before I Evolve, and right now that's the ‘easy’ part. Gimmie that xp, System. Looks like the summons got a few kills too, must have been underground? Damn. Good work little dudes.

After the last creature fell, David landed on a gnarled tree branch, chest heaving from exertion. He glanced back at his passenger, concerned. "You still with me, buddy?"

Gideon, looking paler than usual, fur disheveled, nodded weakly. "I... I think I need a moment," he mumbled, before promptly leaning to the side of David's neck and emptying the contents of his stomach.

David winced both at the smell, and also sympathetically. "Sorry about that. Maybe I should've eased you into the whole 'aerial combat' thing." He gently shuffled sideways away from the part of the branch that was irreparably befouled, a single Cuddlebug also retching violently as it tried its best to shake itself clean.

I, uh, yeah. I'm so gonna have to clean that one off before Claire sees it. Or worse. Smells it. Poor little guy…

To his surprise, Gideon straightened up, a manic gleam in his eyes. "Are you kidding? That was... that was..." He trailed off, then broke into a wide grin. "I gained two levels! It was terrifying and I never want to do it again, but... totally worth it!"

David couldn't help but laugh. "Well, glad you enjoyed the ride. Maybe next time we'll work on your air sickness."

"Next time?" Gideon squeaked, his enthusiasm suddenly wavering. "I... uh... maybe we should discuss that after my stomach settles."

As they prepared to head back, David couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. They'd completed the quest, had a little bit of fun, and nothing had gone wrong. He grinned toothily as Gideon whooped when they took off, already making a beeline for the spring to dunk the unfortunate Cuddlebug and stay Claire's wrath.

After a short break he spent napping as Claire ‘watched’ his summons for him, he lifted off again, this time with another of the severely underleveled crew in tow.

The afternoon found David flapping down the mountain with a giant bear waddling along below him. Kozlov didn't complain, the sun high in the sky as they tracked their prey, but David could tell by the way he panted in the heat that he probably wanted to.

Their quarry was a herd of six-legged, armor-plated herbivores decimating the local vegetation. The beasts' thick hides gleamed dully in the afternoon light, massive hooves leaving deep furrows in the earth as they grazed, oblivious to the approaching predators. Between the volume of their lowing calls, and the ruckus they made as they tore up the brush with their horns, David was surprised something else hasn't eaten them already.

As they neared the herd, Kozlov's deep voice rumbled quietly, "Remember. Observe, analyze, then strike."

David nodded, hovering silently above for a moment before catching a branch and hanging. "Got it. What about your size? Seems like a pretty big advantage."

Kozlov's lips curled into a bear's approximation of a smile. "Size is a tool, like anything else. Used wisely, it's devastating. Used poorly, it's a liability."

Kozlov paused at the edge of the clearing, crouching behind a thick stand of brush. David called out softly, "Use your size to your advantage!"

This is almost like that time with Claire and Kai back in Riverport. Worked like a charm then. Kozlov's almost as big as Claire, and he's a trained fighter to boot. This should be a cakewalk.

As the first beast wandered close, Kozlov tensed. David held his breath, watching intently. The creature suddenly sensed danger, charging at Kozlov's hiding spot. But the bear-man was ready.

With a speed that belied his bulk, Kozlov reared up, towering over the charging beast. His massive paws came down with bone-crushing force, slamming the creature into the ground. The impact sent tremors through the earth, foliage quivering as ribs audibly cracked.

Not wasting a moment, Kozlov lunged forward, powerful jaws clamping down on the creature's neck. With a savage shake of his head, he snapped its spine, ending the fight in seconds.

"Holy shit, Kozlov!" David exclaimed, swooping low. "That was brutal!"

Kozlov's eyes gleamed with a primal light. "End the fight quickly. Minimize risk to yourself."

Without another word, he turned to face the next challenger, fur bristling as he let out a roar that shook the very air. The herd, initially stunned by the swift takedown of their companion, now charged en masse.

"David!" Kozlov shouted, "Disrupt them! Use your Abilities!"

Responding instantly, David surged forward, the acceleration flattened his fur. Unleashing a Screech, David watched as the sound waves crashed into the beasts while they thundered closer in a tightly packed wave. The creatures stumbled, dazed by the assault on their senses and mooing in distress. Seizing the opportunity, David dropped a cloud of Gloom over the disoriented herd before looping away.

–Lowland Charger x4 is afflicted by |Stun| |Gloom| |Paralysis| |Sleep|–

–Bonus: Control Combo |4|–

–Gained 16xp–

“Give it a second to work!" He chittered at Kozlov as the man made to move in. “Trust me you don't want a lungful of Gloom right off the bat. Retreat a bit, wait until the wind carries some of the powder off. Trust me."

For the next few minutes after he deemed it safe to reengage, David watched in awe as Kozlov tore through the herd. Massive paws swatted armored hides like paper. Jaws powerful enough to shatter bone found weak points in the creatures' natural armor. At one point, Kozlov even used his bulk to simply bowl over three beasts at once, shouldering through them as he charged.

Between attacks, Kozlov called out casual pointers. "Always be aware of your surroundings!" he growled. "And remember, every part of you is a weapon. Use it all!"

David swooped in occasionally, his acidic spit and razor-sharp talons complementing Kozlov's raw power. Together, they were a whirlwind, leaving broken bodies in their wake.

As the last creature fell, Kozlov stood amidst the carnage, chest heaving. He turned to David, a glint of approval in his eyes. "Not bad, kid. You're better at this than you let on."

–Landmark Quest: Deforestation complete!–

–6/6 Beasts Defeated!–

–5/6 Enemies Disabled - 1 Killing Blow.–


–Received: 2 Pts–


–Received: Random Mutagen Token–

–Gained 200xp!–

David grinned, feeling a mix of exhilaration and exhaustion. "Thanks. Though I think I'll leave the close-quarters stuff to you. I prefer my fights with a little more altitude lately. And sneakery. Is sneakery a word?"

Kozlov chuckled, a deep, rich sound. "To each their own. That's another lesson for you, huh? Now, let's see about bringing back some of this mess. The word you're looking for is ‘stealth’, by the way."

A few hours later, David and Kozlov trudged back to the Observatory, the bear-man dragging a large, partially nibbled carcass behind him through the gates. The Cuddlebugs swarmed over it, their tiny fangs working furiously in vain to penetrate the thick hide. David couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, they looked like fluffy childrens toys, just with teeth. So, so many teeth.

As they approached, Claire's massive form came into view, her head rising from a pool of shade. Gideon, in a fit of inspiration, had cobbled together a makeshift shelter that was every bit as ugly as it was effective.

Tarps stripped from the abandoned trucks formed a patchwork canopy, stretched haphazardly between the Observatory wall and whatever heavy debris Gideon could find. The whole contraption was held together by his summon's sticky secretions, a substance that hardened in air and smelled faintly of burnt rubber when it dried.

Claire, ever the opportunist, had wasted no time in claiming this new shaded area as her own. Her bulk sprawled comfortably beneath the janky lean-to, the very definition of looking out of place.

David couldn't help but grin at the sight. It was ridiculous, impractical, and probably a stiff breeze away from collapsing. In other words, it fit right in with their current situation.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of the Cuddlebugs, seemingly oblivious to their savage behavior as she crept slowly out of her little shelter.

"Aww, look at the little greedy boogers," she cooed, her candy-sweet voice a stark contrast to her imposing appearance. "They're still so cute, even when they're being little gluttons."

David swiveled an ear sideways, watching as one Cuddlebug managed to finally tear off a strip of hide, its tiny face smeared with blood. "Cute. Right...well, actually, it's weird but they are kinda cute when they're all murdery like that."

Kozlov promptly dumped the carcass near to the shaded area and wandered off, calling over his shoulder that he needed water, as well as something about ‘having too much damn hair for how hot it was’.

Claire leaned down, gently purring at one of the Cuddlebugs. It paused its frenzied eating to chirp happily, darting closer and leaning into her touch. "Who's a good little carnivorous nightmare? You are! Yes, you are!"

Shaking his head in bemusement, David fluttered up to his usual spot on Claire's back, flopping down with a tired sigh. The change in Claire's demeanor was immediate, her expression growing serious as she turned her head to look at him.

"So, how'd it go?" she asked, her voice low.

David stretched, wincing as his muscles protested. "Better than expected. Gideon's probably still shaking, but he leveled up. And Kozlov...well, let's just say I'm glad he's on our side. I'm like…5 xp from leveling up or something? Not bad."

Claire nodded, her gaze drifting to where Kozlov was still waddling away into the distance, having been joined by Wally and Adam shortly after declaring it too damn hot.

"And the others?"

"Still need work," David admitted. "Which brings me to our next move. I think we should keep this up for a bit, feed them a few more Quests until they can handle themselves."

Claire hummed thoughtfully, settling down on her haunches after slowly squeezing back into the lean-to. She took up almost all the space, but just having the sun off of him was a relief. "And then?"

David sat up, his expression growing determined despite the fact the fabric smooshed his ears a bit as they hit the ‘ceiling’ above his head. "Then we take them part of the way back to Riverport. At least to the highway out of Redfield. From there, they should be able to make it on their own. I'm sure they'd fit right in, Wally especially. Herold might get annoyed if we keep sending people to him, but I doubt it.”

"And us?" Claire prompted, though her tone suggested she already knew the answer.

David's wings twitched, a mix of anticipation and nerves. "Quest Binge. I've got to level up fast if I'm going to have any chance against a Boss."

Claire was quiet for a moment, the only sound the contented chirps of the Cuddlebugs as they continued their attempted feast outside. Finally, she spoke, her voice a mix of concern and resignation. "It's dangerous, David. You know that, right?"

David nodded, stretching like a cat on her back before re-flopping into a more comfortable position. "I know. But it's our best shot. Besides," he added with a grin she couldn't see, "I've got you watching my back, don't I?"

Claire snorted, but there was mischief in her eyes. "Always, you stupid bat. Someone's got to keep you from flying into trees."

They fell into a comfortable silence, the gentle rhythm of Claire's breathing almost lulling David to sleep. But something nagged at him, like a weight he'd been carrying for far too long.

"Hey, Claire?" he finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" She rumbled back, a note of concern creeping into her tone.

David took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Can I cash in that rain check for uh... talking about stuff?"

Claire's body tensed slightly beneath him, but her voice remained steady. "Of course, David. What's on your mind?"

He sighed, his wings curling around him like a protective cocoon. "Everything, I guess. I'm just... I'm tired, Claire. Tired of pretending everything's okay, tired of not thinking about all the crazy shit that's happened to us."

Claire was quiet for a moment, processing his words. When she spoke, her voice was gentle. "Yeah, I get that. It's been one hell of a ride, hasn't it?"

David let out a humorless chuckle. "That's putting it mildly. I just... I think I need to talk about it. All of it. Before this whole Boss thing. Before..."

He trailed off, but Claire understood. "Before it's too late?"

"Yeah," David whispered.

As the sun started dipping below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Observatory grounds, David began to talk. He spoke of his fears, his doubts, the weight of responsibility that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day. Claire listened, offering comfort where she could, sharing her own struggles when it felt right.

It wasn't a solution to all their problems, but as he finally began to fall asleep, David felt lighter than he had in weeks. And for now, at that moment, that was enough.

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