Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

97 - Feralbugs & Herd Lords

David slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding like a jackhammer convention. He found himself draped awkwardly across several branches, leaves tickling his nose and twigs poking into places he'd rather not think about. His body was contorted in a way that would make a snake jealous, one wing wedged between two branches, the other dangling limply towards the ground. His legs were splayed at odd angles, one foot hooked over a higher branch, the other disappearing into a cluster of leaves.

What the... Did I lose a drinking contest or something? Oh my god, my head... I haven't felt this bad since that time I accidentally flew into Claire's tail.

As his foggy brain began to clear, fragments of memory surfaced. The trail of destruction he'd followed for nearly an hour, pushing his wings to their limit as he cruised at top speed. The gradual thinning of the forest as it gave way to what must have once been farmland. And finally, this massive tree, standing like a lone sentinel at the edge of a vast sea of grass. He remembered landing, then things started to get fuzzy around the time he attempted to infuse his Nightshade Swarm with energy from his Wildsoul.

Oh great. I fainted at full stamina. That's not embarrassing at all. At least I picked a comfy tree to pass out in. Five stars, would faint again.

The sound of chirping laughter drew his attention. The Cuddlebugs were perched on nearby branches, their tiny bodies shaking with mirth. Even Spooky, usually the grumpiest voice in his head, was chuckling.

David's eyes, still adjusting to consciousness, took in his surroundings. The tree he'd so gracefully collapsed in stood at the very edge of the forest. Beyond it stretched an endless expanse of gently waving grass, so tall it would likely conceal him entirely if he were standing on the ground. The wind carried the sweet scent of wildflowers and fertile earth, a pleasant contrast to the woody smell of the tree bark he was currently intimately acquainted with. In the distance, he could make out the occasional lone tree or bush, like islands in a green ocean. The moon, now high in the sky, bathed everything in a cool glow, creating a picturesque scene that would have been quite enjoyable if he wasn't hanging upside down with a branch in his ear.

Well, at least the view is nice. Now, if I can just figure out how to get down without adding 'fell out of another tree' to my list of embarrassing moments...Laugh it up, furballs. Next time I'll aim for a softer landing spot. Like your heads.

David noticed something odd as he began to extricate himself from the tangle of branches. Two of the Cuddlebugs weren't joining in the merriment. In fact, they looked... different.

Where the others were adorable puffballs of fluff and cuteness, these two were sleek and lethal-looking. Their bodies were streamlined, covered in smooth, dark fur that seemed to absorb light. Razor-sharp claws extended from their paws, and their mouths were lined with needle-like fangs that protruded slightly, giving them a permanent snarl. Strangest of all was the long, rat like tails that extended from their bodies, wrapping firmly around the branches they sat upon. But it was their eyes that truly set them apart. The usual purple eyeshine was there, but it was marred by streaks of crimson that swirled and pulsed like blood. Those eyes fixed on David with an intelligence that was both thrilling and unnerving.

Uh, Spooky? Care to explain our new friends?

Spooky's response was unlike anything David had experienced before. Instead of the usual grumpy mutterings or primal urges, he felt a wave of satisfaction and...was that pride? The mental purr reverberated through his consciousness, a sound of pure approval that sent shivers down his spine. Spooky was happy.

Well, that's new. Didn't know you could do anything but growl, fuck things up, and give bad social advice.

The other Cuddlebugs, usually so eager to cuddle and play, gave the new pair a wide berth. Their tiny eyes darted nervously towards the transformed creatures, chirps taking on a distinctly uneasy tone. It was clear that the hierarchy had shifted, and these newcomers were not to be trifled with.

As David finally managed to extract himself from the tree's embrace, twigs snapping and leaves fluttering down around him, the two transformed Cuddlebugs took up positions on either side of him. They moved with a fluid grace that seemed almost unnatural, their every motion speaking of barely contained aggression. Their eyes, unsettling pools of purple and crimson, constantly scanned the surroundings for potential threats.

Well, this is new. Looks like my little magic experiment gave me some guard dogs. Or guard bats. Guard demon-puffs? Note to self: work on better naming conventions.

David couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and apprehension as he observed his new creations. They were undeniably more powerful, their very presence exuding an aura of danger that made even him slightly nervous. The way they moved, the intensity of their gaze, the sharp glint of their claws and fangs, everything about them screamed 'apex predator.' Just…very tiny.

But there was also a feral edge to them that gave David pause. The regular Cuddlebugs, for all their ferocity in battle, were ultimately under his control. These new summons, however... there was an intelligence in their eyes that suggested they might have ideas of their own. As David locked eyes with one of the transformed Cuddlebugs, a chill ran down his spine. Unlike the other Cuddlebugs, with their simple, adorable gazes, these new creatures had a look of cunning about them. Their eyes weren't just observing; they were analyzing, calculating. A line from an old movie flashed unbidden through David’s mind after only a few seconds, and he flattened his ears a bit at the implications of remembering that particular scene.

‘When you look at them, you can see they're working things out. They're problem solvers. They remember.’

The creature tilted its head slightly, as if confirming David's assessment. In that moment, he realized these weren't just enhanced versions of his cute, if deadly, companions. They were something new entirely, and potentially far more dangerous.

Great. I've basically created tiny, furry velociraptors with wings. What could possibly go wrong? Okay, David, let's think this through. You've accidentally created super-powered, possibly semi-sentient killer fluffballs. No big deal. Just another Tuesday in the apocalypse. Is it Tuesday? I could probably figure it out if I tried hard enou–

As the second of the transformed Cuddlebugs turned its gaze on him, David felt a chill run down his spine. There was recognition there, certainly, but also a calculating look that made him wonder just how much of their original nature remained. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd just opened a very interesting, potentially terrifying, can of worms.

Right. New rule: no more magical experiments without proper safety protocols. And maybe a really big net. Alright, team, let's see what other trouble we can get into. Preferably without me fainting again.

David spread his wings, launching himself into the air with a powerful leap. The Cuddlebugs followed suit, the two transformed ones taking up positions slightly above and behind him, displaying a newfound ability to glide a stark contrast to their fluttering brethren. As they soared over the sea of grass, David's nostrils flared, catching a scent that made him pause mid-flight. It was familiar, tantalizingly so, yet slightly off from what he expected. The smell tickled at the edges of his memory, like a half-forgotten conversation.

Why do I know this smell? It's like...lizardy. Maybe that's what dinosaurs smelled like? No, that can't be right. I've never smelled a dinosaur. Well, except Claire, but she mostly smells like trouble and sass. This is different. Earthier, wilder. Like a zoo exhibit, but cranked up to eleven.

He shook his head, focusing on following the trail. The flattened grass below formed a highway of destruction, leading him onward. As he flew, the two transformed Cuddlebugs kept pace effortlessly, their eyes constantly scanning for threats. Their new appearance still unnerved him slightly, but he couldn't deny the surge of pride he felt at their enhanced capabilities.

After what felt like an hour of flying, David finally spotted them. The sea of grass gave way to a sight that made his jaw drop. Spread out below him was an enormous herd of strange, scaly creatures. They resembled nothing so much as giant, herbivorous dinosaurs, their massive bodies creating a living landscape that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Holy shit. Claire would lose her mind if she saw this. Probably try to adopt them all. Or eat them. Maybe both? Farmersaurus? No, focus, David. You're here for a reason, remember? xp, evolution, not getting squashed by Omega. Though I gotta admit, this is pretty damn cool. I bet nobody else has seen this type of shit for…a long enough time that continents have moved around, probably.

David circled above, trying to take in the sheer scale of the herd. He attempted to count them, but quickly gave up, realizing it was a futile effort. The creatures below varied in size and shape, some towering behemoths with long necks that would make giraffes jealous, others squat and wide like living tanks. Their scales glinted in the moonlight, a rainbow of muted colors that shifted as they moved.

As he flew over the seemingly endless expanse of creatures, David couldn't help but wonder if he'd bitten off more than he could chew. The sheer numbers were staggering, and he began to doubt his ability to make even a dent in their population.

57, 58, 59...a metric fuckton. Yeah, that seems about right. Maybe I should've brought Claire after all. She could probably just step on them. Or at least provide a distraction. 'Hey, look at the giant lizard! No, not me, the other giant lizard!' Ah well, hindsight's 20/20, and all that jazz.

It took an absurdly long time to reach the front of the herd, where the creatures lay sleeping. Occasional low rumbles and honking sounds drifted up from below as they jostled for comfortable positions or shoved each other in their sleep. The cacophony of snores, grunts, and various other unidentifiable noises created a bizarre symphony of prehistoric proportions.

As David hovered above the forerunners of the herd, a familiar happy chime sounded in his mind.

–Quest Requirement: Carnivorous or Omnivorous Diet–

–Requirement met!–

–Event Quest Available: The Great Herd–

–Reward: Performance Based–

–Bonus Objective: Slay the Herd Lord–

–Bonus Reward: 1000xp–

David's eyes widened at the potential reward. A thousand xp for taking out one creature? That was a tempting offer, almost twice as good as the Quest to kill the Verdant Scytheclaw. But as he surveyed the sea of scaly bodies below, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty.

Alright, David. You wanted a challenge, and boy, did you get one. Now, how the hell do I find one specific lizard? It's not like the boss is going to be wearing a nametag. 'Hi, I'm the Herd Lord, please don't eat me.' Though that would make things a lot easier. Maybe I should suggest that to Omega for the next update. 'Dear cosmic horror, please add convenient labels. Sincerely, the bat who's tired of guessing.'

He glanced at his transformed Cuddlebugs, their eyes gleaming with predatory anticipation. The regular Cuddlebugs fluttered nervously, clearly intimidated by both their empowered brethren and the massive creatures below. David couldn't blame them; he was feeling pretty small himself at the moment.

At least someone's excited. Okay, team. Let's see if we can't make some dino nuggets. Step one: don't get smooshed. Step two: figure out which one of these overgrown lizards is in charge. Step three: profit. Or get eaten. Preferably profit.

With a deep breath, David began to descend, ready to face whatever challenges this Quest might throw at him. The great herd slumbered on, unaware of the bat-shaped harbinger of chaos about to disrupt their peaceful night. As he flew lower, the true scale of the creatures became even more apparent. Even the smallest among them dwarfed him, and the largest... well, he tried not to think about that too much.

David continued to glide silently above the slumbering herd, his wings cutting through the cool night air with barely a whisper. His eyes scanned the sea of scaly bodies below, searching for any sign of the elusive Herd Lord. Periodically, he'd send out pulses of Echolocation, but the sheer number of creatures made it difficult to parse the returning information.

This is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. If the needle was the size of a bus and the haystack was alive and snoring.

Frustrated by his lack of progress, David decided to enlist some help. He sent out a mental command to his Cuddlebugs, directing them to search for anything unusual. The regular Cuddlebugs fluttered off haphazardly, their tiny faces scrunched in confusion as they tried to understand their task. One of the transformed Cuddlebugs, however, moved with purpose, its crimson-streaked eyes gleaming with predatory intelligence as it dove into the maze of sleeping giants. It’s twin staunchly refused to move from its position to his left, though it watched the other depart with obvious jealousy.

At least someone knows what they're doing. Maybe I should've empowered all of them instead. Though having an army of tiny, furry Determinators might be more trouble than it's worth.

As he watched his minions disperse, a thought struck David like a bolt of lightning.

Wait a second. I've been throwing my Wildsoul into everything else. Why the hell haven't I tried it with Echolocation?

Feeling slightly foolish for not thinking of it sooner, David focused on his Special Ability, channeling his Wildsoul into the familiar sensation of sound waves. The effect was immediate and overwhelming. The pulse of Echolocation burst from him with far more power than he'd ever experienced. It swept across the herd like an invisible tidal wave, and the returning information nearly knocked David out of the sky. His wings faltered as his mind was suddenly bombarded with an onslaught of vivid, detailed sensory data.

Every creature the empowered Echolocation touched was instantly mapped in David's mind with astonishing clarity. He could sense their heartbeats, the rhythm of their breathing, even the flow of blood through their veins. The composition of their scales, the density of their bones, the strength of their muscles, all of it was laid bare to his heightened perception.

But it wasn't just physical details. David found he could sense other things too, levels of alertness, general health, and even vague impressions of emotional states. He could tell which creatures were dreaming, which were restless, which might be close to waking. The influx of information was so intense that David felt like his head might explode. He wobbled in the air, struggling to process the vast amount of data flooding his senses. His stomach twisted with vertigo, and he barely fought down a wave of nausea as he slowly adjusted to his expanded awareness.

Holy shit! It's like I've got X-ray vision, a medical scanner, and some kind of psychic radar all rolled into one. This is incredible... and also kind of terrifying.

As he regained his composure, David realized the true potential of this empowered ability. He could pick out weaknesses, identify the healthiest specimens, even predict which creatures might pose the biggest threat if awakened.

Okay, this is definitely cheating. I love it.

With his new supercharged Echolocation, David resumed his search for the Herd Lord with renewed vigor. He swept his enhanced senses across the herd methodically, processing the wealth of information with growing confidence. It didn't take long before something caught his attention. Near the center of the herd, one creature stood out from the rest. It was larger than most, its life signs stronger, its presence somehow more...commanding.

Bingo. Unless I'm very much mistaken, that's our VIP. Very Important Prehistoric-lizard.

As David honed in on his target, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. He'd found his quarry, but now came the hard part, figuring out how to take down a creature that made him feel like a mosquito in comparison.

Well, David, you wanted a challenge. Looks like you've got one. Now, how do you fancy your chances against something that could probably swallow you whole without noticing? This isn't even a real boss, just like, some kind boss or something. Like the big Chlorogyre was. If you can't handle this one when everything is stuck on the ground, how do you expect to kill an actual Area Boss? You can do this.

As David contemplated his next move, Spooky stirred within him, a primal surge of aggression and jealousy flooding his senses. His instincts bristled at the mere existence of the Herd Lord, its implied superiority an affront to everything Spooky represented. The urge to attack, to dominate, to prove himself the true apex predator, grew overwhelmingly strong.

Whoa there, Spooky. I get it, you're not a fan of the big guy. But let's not do anything rash—

His internal dialogue was cut short as Spooky pushed another idea forward, a vivid impression of his Corruptor's Touch ability infused with raw, predatory power. The image was so strong, so alluring, that David found himself unconsciously gathering his Wildsoul, focusing it towards his specialized glands.

As he wrestled with this new urge, David called back his Cuddlebugs. They returned swiftly, the transformed one looking particularly smug as it took up its position. David drifted in lazy circles above the Herd Lord, his enhanced Echolocation providing an unprecedented view of his target.

The creature below was a marvel of prehistoric engineering. Its long neck was adorned with two parallel rows of tall, sail-like spines, creating an intimidating silhouette. The spines continued down its back, gradually shrinking as they reached its powerful tail. Its body was robust, supported by four pillar-like legs that ended in broad, three-toed feet. The Herd Lord's skull was relatively small compared to its body, but its jaws looked strong enough to crush bone with ease.

David's empowered senses revealed potential weak points with startling clarity. The joints where the neck met the body seemed particularly vulnerable, as did the areas around its eyes and the soft tissue of its underbelly. He noted how Gloom might affect its senses most effectively if aimed at its nostrils or eyes, and how his toxins could potentially wreak havoc if introduced to the blood vessels visible through the thinner scales on its neck.

Even as he analyzed his target, David felt his Corruptor's Touch changing, evolving under the influence of his Wildsoul and Spooky's insistence. The familiar tingle in his mouth transformed into an intense, burning sensation. He could feel the specialized glands working overtime, producing something far more potent than his usual toxins.

Unable to resist any longer, David took aim at a spot just behind the Herd Lord's massive skull, where the scales looked thinnest and the blood flow strongest. He opened his jaws, and what emerged was far from his usual glob of acid. A stream of viscous liquid erupted from his mouth, glowing an eerie, luminous green that lit up the night around him. The substance bubbled and hissed as it arced through the air, growing in size and intensity. It struck its target with pinpoint accuracy, and immediately began to eat into the Herd Lord's scales with terrifying efficiency.

The peaceful night erupted into chaos as the Herd Lord's agonized bellow shattered the silence. David watched in awe and horror as his empowered attack took effect, the acid spreading and burrowing deeper with each passing second.

Oh shit.

–Health: 220/220–

–Stamina: 472/495–


–Herd Lord has been afflicted by |Empowered Corrosion|–

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