Intelligent Design: A Monster Evolution LitRPG

98 - A long time coming

The Herd Lord's bellow of pain shattered the night, echoing across the slumbering herd. Massive creatures began to stir, their enormous bodies shifting restlessly. The ground trembled beneath their weight as they slowly rose, scales glinting in the moonlight.

Oh shit. Okay, David, think fast.

David sent a mental command to his Cuddlebugs. They responded instantly, diving towards the disoriented Herd Lord. They weaved between its massive legs, their small forms barely visible against the creature's enormous bulk. Within seconds they had vanished, but he knew they were savaging the creatures relatively soft underbelly.

Reaching deep within himself, David channeled his Wildsoul into his wings. The familiar tingle of Gloom production intensified, becoming a surging wave of energy that coursed through his entire body. With a powerful flap, he released a cloud of Gloom far larger than anything he'd ever produced before.

A vast, shimmering cloud erupted from his wings, expanding rapidly in the night air. It was a swirling mass of silvery dust, with an otherworldly quality that set it apart from mere Dusk Powder. Streaks of darker gray and hints of iridescent purple swirled within the cloud, creating an almost hypnotic effect.

Holy crap, that's a lot of Gloom. But let's not stop there.

David repeated the process, again and again, each time producing another massive cloud of Gloom. The effort was taxing, his stamina draining a bit with each burst, but the result was undeniably impressive.

The combined clouds of Gloom began to settle towards the Herd Lord, moving with an eerie, almost liquid cascade. Unlike normal dust or smoke that might disperse quickly, the Gloom maintained its cohesion, forming a dense, undulating blanket that descended upon its target.

As it fell, the Gloom caught the moonlight, creating an ethereal spectacle. It looked like a piece of the night sky had come loose, a midnight fog dropping from the heavens. The slightly greater-than-air density of the Gloom caused it to billow downward in waves, pouring over the Herd Lord's massive form and pooling in the spaces between its scales.

The Herd Lord, still reeling from the acid attack, found itself engulfed in the silvery mist. It thrashed wildly, its massive tail whipping through the air and sending shockwaves through the ground. Each movement only served to stir the Gloom, creating swirling eddies that clung to its body like a second skin.

As the last wisps of Gloom settled, the Herd Lord's movements became sluggish. Its massive head swayed drunkenly, eyes blinking rapidly as it struggled against the effects of the Gloom. The creature's legs trembled, its enormous body swaying precariously.

Bingo! Nap time for you, big guy.

But even as the Herd Lord succumbed to the effects of the Gloom, the real challenge was just beginning. The rest of the herd was awakening, their confused bellows filling the air. The ground shook with their movements, a sea of scales and muscle surging into motion. The Herd Lord, while weakened, was far from defeated, its massive form still dominating the landscape.

–Health: 210/210–

–Stamina: 407/495–


David, his stamina a bit depleted, found himself at the center of a rapidly escalating situation. The night air thrummed with tension, filled with the sounds of awakening giants and the eerie whisper of settling Gloom.

Well, David, you wanted excitement. Looks like you've got it in spades. Now, how about we don't die?

With the Gloom settling over the Herd Lord, David angled himself into the wind, allowing himself to glide with only occasional flaps. His wings caught the cool night air, carrying him effortlessly as he watched the scene unfold below. The silvery mist began to spread outward from the Herd Lord, creeping across the ground and enveloping nearby creatures.

Not bad for a flying rat, if I do say so myself. I see why there were rules about this sort of thing before the Integration. Imagine if it was all different corrosives instead of control effects? Okay, I mean, I definitely wouldn't be taking naps on Claire's back or hanging around populated areas as all but…

As he rested, regenerating his depleted stamina, David mused on the potency of his control effects. Even before his evolution, the combination of stealth, flight, and his arsenal of debilitating abilities had proven formidable. Now, with his enhanced powers, he felt like a true force of nature.

Suddenly, a notification flashed in his mind:

–Herd Lord has been afflicted by |Weakness|–

A grin spread across David's face as he realized the Cuddlebugs had succeeded in their task. Moments later, another notification appeared:

–Herd Lord has been afflicted by |Bleed|–

As if on cue, one of the Empowered Cuddlebugs returned to David's side. It was covered in blood, its tiny face wearing an expression of smug satisfaction. It took up position next to him, keeping watch while its twin continued to maintain the afflictions on the Herd Lord.

Look at you, all grown up and terrorizing dinosaurs. I'm so proud.

Below, chaos reigned. The herd was now fully awake and aware of the attack. Panicked bellows and thunderous footsteps filled the air as the massive creatures surged in confusion. The Herd Lord, under the combined assault of Gloom, Weakness, and Bleed, was stumbling drunkenly. Its massive head swung wildly, eyes unfocused as it battled hallucinations only it could see.

The Gloom continued to spread, carrying on air currents stirred up by the movement of so many enormous bodies. It flowed like a living thing, seeping into every crevice and engulfing more creatures with each passing moment.

Just as David was beginning to feel confident in his strategy, a strange call rang out across the battlefield. It was similar to Claire's empowering roar, but with a distinctly conflicting timbre.

Ah, fuck. That can't be good.

His suspicions were confirmed as, one by one, the creatures began to trumpet their own calls. Each species had its own unique sound, deep, resonant bellows from the largest creatures, high-pitched hoots from the smaller ones, and everything in between. With each call, the effects stacked, building upon each other in a crescendo of empowerment.

The Herd Lord, which had been on the verge of collapse, suddenly steadied itself. Its legs, once trembling, now stood firm. Its eyes, previously unfocused, sharpened with renewed awareness. It fought against the muscle spasms, stiffly forcing itself to stand taller, but seemed to lack the strength to do so.

And still, the calls continued. The air vibrated with the combined force of their voices, a prehistoric symphony that seemed to shake the very earth. David could feel the power in those calls, a primal energy that sent shivers down his spine.

Well, this just got a whole lot more complicated. Note to self: next time, maybe Gloom everything while it's still asleep, you idiot. Spooky, we're going to have a reckoning, this is getting out of control lately.

As the empowering effects continued to build, David realized he was rapidly losing his advantage. The Gloom, while still effective, was being countered by the sheer force of the herd's combined will. He needed a new strategy, and fast.

Okay, David, think. You've got a pissed-off Herd Lord, an army of newly empowered dino-tanks, and a rapidly dwindling supply of tricks up your sleeve. What's the play?

He glanced at the Empowered Cuddlebug by his side, its tiny face set in a determined snarl. Despite the overwhelming odds, David felt a surge of resolve. He'd come too far to back down now.

Well, if we're going down, might as well go down swinging. Time to show these overgrown lizards what a bat and his army of demon-puffs can really do.

As the empowering calls echoed across the battlefield, David's mind raced. Drawing on his knowledge of Pack Abilities, he recalled that Claire's empowering roar typically lasted only a minute or two. While he suspected her ability might be more potent than these prehistoric creatures', he couldn't be certain.

Better safe than sorry. Time to crank up the Gloom factory.

Focusing his Wildsoul back into his wings, David prepared to blanket the entire herd in a fresh wave of Gloom. He launched himself forward, intending to soar over the herd at top speed. However, as he accelerated, he was shocked by the sudden burst of speed. The wind whipped past him at an alarming rate, the ground below becoming a blur of scales and thrashing bodies.

Holy shit! This is new!

With a start, David realized he'd inadvertently empowered both his Flight and Gloom abilities simultaneously. The unintended boost sent a thrill of excitement through him, and he couldn't help but laugh in elation. His celebration was cut short by a shrill screech from behind. The feral Cuddlebug, having finally caught up, was issuing a urgent warning. Without hesitation, David dodged, trusting his tiny companion's instincts.

Mere seconds later, he understood the reason for the alarm. Below, a group of spike-covered creatures, panicked by the spreading Gloom, had hunkered down. With a collective flex of their massive bodies, they launched their spikes skyward like organic shrapnel.

Okay, that's just not fair. Who gave the walking tanks anti-aircraft capabilities?

Despite his best efforts to dodge, David couldn't evade all the projectiles. Several spikes found their mark, tearing through his wing membranes and piercing his body. Pain exploded across his senses as the organic missiles struck home.

One spike grazed his left shoulder, leaving a deep, burning gash. Another punctured his right wing, the impact sending shockwaves through the delicate membrane and nearly throwing him off balance. A third buried itself in his thigh, the pain intense enough to make him squawk and hiss loudly. David rolled, tucking his head downward and yanking the spike out with his teeth. It fell downward and vanished into the rising fog of Gloom, chased by a small trickle of blood that was scattered by the wind.

David gritted his teeth, fighting to maintain altitude as blood matted his fur and dripped from his wounds. The damage was severe, but thankfully not immediately life-threatening. Still, he knew he couldn't take many more hits like that.

–You have taken 42 Damage–

–Health: 168/210–

–Stamina: 387/495–

Well, that's going to leave a mark. Or several. Note to self: respect the spiky boys.

Pushing through the pain, David redoubled his efforts to stay out of range, all too aware of how close he'd come to being turned into a pincushion. The feral Cuddlebug chirped worriedly at his side, its tiny eyes darting between David's injuries and the threat below.

Though not as numerous as the other species, there were enough of these living artillery pieces to force David into constant evasive maneuvers. He weaved through the air, alternating between empowering his Gloom and Flight abilities. With each pass, he spread more of the silvery mist, slowly transforming the area above the herd into a localized fog bank.

As he darted and dove, notifications began to flash in his mind:

–Bonus: Empowered Control Combo |3|–

–Gained 18xp–

The numbers climbed rapidly as more creatures succumbed to the effects of his Gloom:

–Bonus: Empowered Control Combo |37|–

–Gained 296xp–

The notifications continued, each one representing another small victory in this chaotic battle. David's grin widened as the numbers soared higher and higher before he finally tore his attention away.

Now we're cooking with gas! Or Gloom, I guess. Same difference.

The battlefield below had transformed into a surreal landscape. The silvery fog of Gloom hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the occasional eruption of spikes. Confused bellows and panicked trumpets echoed through the mist, creating a cacophony of prehistoric terror. David's empowered flight allowed him to dance through this chaos with newfound grace. He twisted and rolled, narrowly avoiding volleys of spikes while continuously spreading more Gloom. The feral Cuddlebug kept pace, its tiny form darting alongside him and offering warnings whenever a new threat emerged from the fog.

As the battle raged on, David could see the effects of his strategy taking hold. More and more creatures were succumbing to the Gloom, their movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated. Even the spike-launchers were slowing, their volleys becoming less frequent and less accurate.

Looks like these guys are running out of steam. Maybe there's hope for us yet.

But amidst this growing success, a new concern nagged at David. The Herd Lord, while affected by the Gloom, was still standing. Its massive form swayed in the mist, but it showed no signs of collapsing. The empowering calls, while less frequent now, still rang out occasionally, providing bursts of strength to the struggling herd.

Alright, big guy. Time to see what it takes to bring you down.

With a determined set to his wings, David banked towards the Herd Lord. He knew that to end this battle, he'd need to take out the leader. As he approached, he began to formulate a plan, one that would push his newfound powers to their limits.

Let's see how you handle a concentrated dose, shall we?

David tucked his wings and dove towards the Herd Lord, his form a blur of dark fur and leathery membrane. As he approached, he unleashed an Empowered Echolocation, the sound waves rippling out and painting a detailed picture of his target.

The Herd Lord's massive form came into sharp focus. David could see every scale, every muscle, and every weak point. The damage from his earlier attacks was evident, acid-eaten scales, patches of Gloom clinging stubbornly to its hide, and the telltale signs of internal bleeding from the Cuddlebugs' assault.

Without hesitation, David launched into his attack. He corkscrewed through the air, dodging a clumsy swipe from the Herd Lord's tail. In retaliation, he spat a glob of Empowered Acid, aiming for the creature's eyes. The viscous liquid sizzled as it made contact, drawing a roar of pain from the behemoth.

David didn't pause to admire his handiwork. He banked sharply, using an Empowered Nocturnal Strike to close the distance in the blink of an eye. His talons raked across the Herd Lord's flank, tearing through scales and leaving deep, bleeding gashes.

The Herd Lord bellowed in rage and pain, its massive head swinging around in an attempt to crush its tormentor. But David was already gone, using another Empowered Nocturnal Strike to reposition himself behind the creature's head.

–Health: 172/210–

–Stamina: 318/495–


From this vantage point, David unleashed a barrage of attacks. His wings beat furiously, spreading Empowered Gloom directly into the Herd Lord's face. Simultaneously, he fired off rapid-fire globs of acid, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

The Herd Lord thrashed wildly, its movements growing more frantic and uncoordinated with each passing second. David clung to its back, riding out the bucking and twisting like a demonic rodeo champion. His claws dug in deep, anchoring him as he continued his relentless assault.

Sensing an opportunity, David scampered up the Herd Lord's neck, using his small size and agility to his advantage. He reached the base of the creature's skull and latched on, his jaws opening wide. With all the strength he could muster, David sank his fangs into the softer scales at the junction of head and neck.

The Herd Lord's roar of pain shook the very air. It reared up on its hind legs, nearly dislodging David. But he held on, his teeth and claws buried deep in the creature's flesh. Blood filled his mouth, hot and metallic, triggering a surge of primal satisfaction.

David released his bite and immediately spat a mouthful of Empowered Acid directly into the wound. The effect was instantaneous and devastating. The Herd Lord's legs buckled, and it crashed to the ground with earth-shaking force. To David's surprise, the creature had yielded an impressive amount of health to his Nocturnal Strikes, and he felt almost refreshed if not for the burning in his muscles.

–Health: 210/210–

–Stamina: 292/495–


As the dust settled, David stood atop the fallen giant, his wings spread wide in a display of victory. The battlefield fell silent, save for the labored breathing of the Herd Lord and the soft patter of David's blood dripping onto its scales. In that moment, silhouetted against the moon, David was the very image of a triumphant predator.

For about three seconds.

Then, as if the powers that be couldn't resist the urge to humble him, a fresh wave of settling Gloom chose that exact instant to descend. It rained down on him like powdery snow from a winter roof, coating his fur and filling his nose.

David sneezed almost instantly, the force of it nearly knocking him off his perch atop the fallen creature.

Oh god, it's in my eyes! It's in my mouth! Why does it taste so bad?! Cuddlebugs, you traitors! A little warning about the impending dust storm would've been nice. So much for my epic victory pose...

But before David could truly savor his triumph, he noticed something alarming. Despite the devastating damage, the Herd Lord's eyes still held a spark of life. Its massive chest continued to rise and fall, each breath a defiant act against death. The empowering effects of the herd, though weakened, still sustained their leader. Realizing the fight wasn't quite over, David acted on instinct. He positioned himself directly in behind the Herd Lord's head, inches from its enormous ear as he sunk his talons into its neck. Drawing deep from his reserves of Wildsoul, David unleashed a massive Screech.

The sound that erupted from his small form was nothing short of cataclysmic. It was a concentrated blast of sonic fury, aimed directly into the Herd Lord's skull. The air itself seemed to ripple with the force of the attack. The Herd Lord's body convulsed violently, its eyes rolling back as the devastating sound waves assaulted its brain. David maintained the Screech, pushing his ability to its limit, determined to end the battle once and for all.

As the last echoes of his attack faded, David observed the Herd Lord with grim satisfaction. Its body had gone completely still, the last vestiges of life finally extinguished.

David knew that if the creature had been able to move, to defend itself, this final attack might not have been enough. But in its weakened state, unable to escape the point-blank assault, even the mighty Herd Lord couldn't withstand the full force of his empowered Screech.

Exhausted but victorious, David crouched over his fallen foe, the undisputed victor in this prehistoric showdown.

As the Herd Lord's life finally ebbed away, a series of notifications flashed in David's mind:

–Event Quest: The Great Herd completed!--

–Calculating Performance…–

–167 Disabled, 1 Killing Blow–

–Bonus Objective: Slay the Herd Lord–

–Bonus Objective completed!–

–Reward: 1000xp–


–Received: Random Ability Token: C–


–Received: 5 Pts!–

–Gained 2000xp!–

–Level Up!–

–Level Up!–

–Gained 2Pts!–

Okay Omega, step one complete.

–Evolution Available–

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