
Chapter 14.2 Death by Snu-snu (18+)

Before Rick could scramble away, Tyr lunged forward and grabbed him, a feral snarl ripping out from her throat.

His vision swirled as she hoisted him over her shoulders and stomped forward towards the nearest bedroom.  Rick let out a somewhat unmanly cry when the gigantic woman tossed him like a sack of potatoes onto the soft bed a moment after she nearly kicked down the door in her haste.

Tyr pounced on him once more, all but tearing his clothes off in a blink of an eye.  She let out another deep and rumbling chuckle when his cock flopped out in front of her face after divesting him of his pants.  Despite the terror of the situation before him, and from being hunted in general, Rick had been rock hard ever since her hungry gaze fell on him when they were standing at the front door.

The elf smiled, showing off every one of her sharp and deadly looking teeth.  Her mouth opened wide and she plunged his shaft deep into her terrifying maw.  Rick closed his eyes, but the anticipated pain never came.  Instead, a pleasant warmth softly wrapped around his length, it was a feeling that made him feel comfortable and safe.  He met Tyr’s gaze and the elf stopped shoving his dick down her throat to give him a smirk.

“Fucking damn it…”  Rick groaned as he fell back onto the bed.  “I fell for your bravado again, didn’t I?”

Looking back, it was obvious that Tyr was never lust-crazed or out of control for even a moment.  She would never have concocted such a silly game of tag in the first place if she was.  Much like their very first meeting, Rick had gotten tricked by the front she puts up in front of others.  He knew that deep down, the muscular woman was still the same awkward girl who sought genuine love and affection, but was absolutely terrible at showing it.

Tyr slid her meal out from between her lips with a small pop.  “What was that?”

Rick smiled softly.  “I just underestimated you, that’s all.”

“Yer damn right ya did!”  Tyr snarked.  “But ya surprised me quite a bit back there.  That flip over me head and then jumping upstairs took me by surprise.”

He laughed at the praise.  “In all honesty, I surprised myself too.  I guess you provided quite the motivation for me to try my best.”

“Yes, yes I did.  And now, it’s time fer our reward for such a magnificent hunt.”  Tyr purred.  Then she went right back to gobbling his cock with every ounce of ferocity she could muster.

Rick couldn’t help but groan as the intense pleasure shot up his spine from the amazingly intense yet gentle blowjob.  Despite his fairly impressive girth, he barely even felt her teeth scrape along his shaft.  Her long tongue even felt like it was wrapping around him like an anaconda, gently stroking and squeezing in tandem with her lips as she continued to gulp his length in and out.

This was just like her.  Tyr appeared to be wild and rough at a glance, but for those who scraped beyond the surface, she proved to be extraordinarily gentle and caring.  Despite looking like she was absolutely devouring his dick, he could feel full well that she was just making a show of it and was being very careful with his most delicate of organs.

Rick was starting to pant more heavily, he was getting really close to exploding.  As if sensing his imminent release, Tyr slid him out of her mouth and sandwiched his pole between her fluffy tan breasts, the softness giving just enough stimulation to feel nice without making him crest the wave of pleasure.

Rick was fairly positive that the elf had slightly larger sweater puppies than Sade, but compared to the genius magician Tyr’s chest was considerably more proportional to her giant body, especially after that earlier round of growth.

The auburn haired amazon gave one of her signature smirks before she began to slowly slide his length up and down the great chasm between her luscious mountains.  Rick hissed with pleasure.  Her cleavage just felt so incredibly warm and velvety soft, and he could feel his peak quickly rising back to eruption status with just a few languid pumps of those magnificent mounds.  Tyr’s smirk deepened into outright smug territory, then slowed her strokes even further, stopping completely right before he careened over the edge.  Gentle or not, Rick was completely at her mercy and they both knew it.  He would climax only when she wanted him to, and not a moment before.

Her hungry gaze returned as the two locked eyes.  Her lips still quirked up in a satisfied smile, she let her tongue roll out of her mouth and fall atop the swollen tip of his shaft.  She resumed stroking him, eyes never leaving his as her tongue danced and lapped at the small beads of pre-cum leaking out of his slit every time it poked out from between the pillowy softness wrapped around it.

“I-I… I’m a-about to blow!”

At his announcement, Tyr plunged the whole cockhead between her lips.  She greedily sucked the fresh cream that poured out of him like she was enjoying a fresh milkshake with an extra thick straw.  It had been a while since he had received a blowjob from anyone aside from Lilie, and while he didn't’ feel any of his mana being drained, it still felt like his soul was leaving his body as the greatly teased climax ran its course down his large lover's throat.  She happily swallowed everything he gave her, not spilling a single precious drop of his milky essence.

“H-... Holy fuck woman.”  Rick panted once he could finally string two thoughts together.  “Where  did all that come from?”

She just chuckled softly.  “Ya forget, I got a shaft of me own.  And Sade is very enthusiastic on trying new ways ta make it happy.  Can’t help but learn a thing or two with a lover like that.”

“No kidding”  Rick agreed.  He made to sit up but Tyr stopped him with a hand against his chest.

“Ah, ah, ah.  I ain’t done with ya yet.”  She gently pumped her fist around his manhood, still primed and ready to go.  “I’m still hungry, and this little guy still has plenty for me ta feast on.  Although…”  Her eyes lit up with mischief.  “Perhaps ya could use a meal yerself.”

Before he could even register her words, Tyr swung around and positioned her dripping slit right over Rick’s face.  “Enjoy!”  She sang happily before plunging down.

“Wait, Tyr! I don’t thi-mmmph!”  Rick could barely get a few words out before his entire head was enveloped by the giant woman’s groin.

Darkness subsumed his entire vision.  It felt like his entire upper half was completely entombed between Tyr’s colossal thighs.  Rick could already feel air becoming a scarce resource, it seemed he really had been sent to the ultimate nether realm and it was somewhat disappointing.  Here he had a chance to have a literal death by snu-snu, and he would suffocate without being able to experience his pelvis being crushed?  Unacceptable.

Joking aside, he did actually find himself in a predicament.  He trusted his large lover to not take things too far, but didn’t mean she wouldn’t come dangerously close accidentally.  If Rick wanted to breathe more than love nectar in the near future, he would need to get creative.

He started to lap up her sodden folds, which sent a mild tremor coursing throughout his fleshy prison.  Faintly, he could feel his groin being enveloped in something warm and moist once again, so he redoubled his efforts in order to make sure his captor finished before he could.  It was only fair that he got to enjoy a meal before she feasted on seconds after all.

He slid in and out between her petals, caressed all along her lips, and danced around her pearl, but Rick still felt that his efforts just weren’t enough to set himself free.  A slight shift in Tyr’s position allowed some much needed air to flow past his face, but it also brought attention to something that just might even the score.

Tyr’s monster cock stretched from his chin all the way down to nearly his navel.  He briefly wondered why he didn’t pay any attention to it before, especially when it felt like a molten steel pole against his chest, but he was no psychoanalyst.  Freud would have an absolute field day observing this particular situation, that was for sure.

Thankfully his arms were also buried with him, so he snaked his hands up and wrapped his fingers around her considerable girth.  She was so thick around, he could barely get his thumb and middle finger to touch.  She really is a walking hentai tag list.  Rick thought with a snort.  But he supposed that was just part of her charms.

He started to slide his fists to either end of her pole before meeting back up in the middle.  That little maneuver caused Tyr to jump in surprise, so Rick increased the tempo and added a slight twist to his wrists for good measure.

In response to him going down on both her sexes, his wonderful amazon took it upon herself to start playing with his family jewels along with thoroughly polishing his royal scepter.  Rick groaned into the tunnel he was still in the process of excavating, he could feel his limit rapidly approaching.  But what more could he do?  He was already using everything he had to bring the woman to climax first.

Wait a tick… Isn’t my magic literally made for situations like this?

Aside from gathering coital energy and using it to cultivate their bodies, nothing about Rick’s vocation really stood out as all that geared towards sex.  Sure, there were his vocational skills, and the myriad uses of coital energy made it an incredibly powerful resource.  But in terms of actual magic he could cast, he didn’t really have a spell specifically used for lovemaking.  Perhaps he could attempt to change that.

Sade had spent no short amount of time lecturing Rick on the dangers of experimenting with magical formulas.  Even Lilie had added a few anecdotes here and there on recorded fatalities from people who did not approach the subject with the appropriate amount of caution.  But Rick didn’t have the strange idea to experiment out of nowhere.

Firstly, he wasn’t going to try anything more complicated than a cantrip.  Those spells were the most basic of basic, nothing too complicated.  And less complexity, meant that less things could go tits up if the spell effect wasn’t exactly desired.  His second reason was because he was going to use a spell source that so far hadn’t produced any sort of offensive magic that either he or Sade could observe.

Rick focused inward, towards the font of mana located just behind his crotch.  Unlike the first time he tried to manipulate mana way back in Valmik, the magical energy pouring out of his reproductive source practically leapt at the chance for him to guide it.  There was no struggle, no contest of wills, in fact it almost seemed harder for the magic not to be controlled.  Rick would have to talk with Sade about this discovery once he was no longer trapped in a deadly sixty-nine.

He formed two streams within his body, each a mirror of the other.  He led the excitable magic around his other sources and then down each of his arms.  His hands felt warm as they became saturated with energy.

“Fuck!”  Tyr yelped and nearly bucked off him entirely.

Rick continued to stroke lovingly along her member, enjoying it immensely when her whole body started to shudder at his touch.  Oh, he was so going to use this spell again.  But still she held on.

An idea sprung forth, and without any deliberation, he created a third channel of mana from his new favorite source.  This third strand snaked up through his center, still avoiding any cross contamination from the other branches, and traveled up through his throat to the flexible muscle still lapping up her delicious nectar.  The moment he felt the magic take hold, he gently flicked his tongue across that ever so sensitive nub at the top of her slit.

Like he just pressed the magic button, that was the final thing needed to throw Tyr completely over the edge.  She screamed and clenched her mighty thighs together as the pleasure overwhelmed her.  Unfortunately for Rick, he was still trapped below and between those thighs.  While many things other than his pelvis were getting crushed, he was also being drowned in fluids as the amazon reached her explosive climax.

Cum rocked out of her cock with enough force to leave the atmosphere, drenching everything in its path with her warm seed.  Her other hole was no less prolific, wave after wave of pussy juice flowed out, making Rick feel like he was being waterboarded alongside having the life squeezed out of him by the thick walls of his prison.

Eventually, Tyr’s shuddering and flood of fluids came to an end.  She fell to the side and released a gasping Rick from underneath her.

“W-wha… what the fuck was that?  I’ve never came so hard in me life!”  Her voice came out somewhat slurred.  Rick imagined her eyes turning into little swirls to show she was still out of sorts.  He honestly felt the same for the moment.

Rick hacked a bit to clear his lungs from the last bit of fluid that made its way inside from being submerged under a veritable waterfall.  “I take it you liked it?”  He asked in a horse voice.

She reached over and gently brought his lips to hers in a slow and sensual kiss.  When they broke apart, she shot him a dazzling smile.  “I absolutely loved it.  I don’t know nearly enough words ta explain how that all felt.  But moments like this are why I love ya so damn much.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth, than her face immediately flushed red, all the way to the tips of her pointed ears.  Instead of giving in to his first instinct, which was to tease her mercilessly for the verbal slip, Rick moved back in for another kiss.  Both their tongues and bodies wrapped around each other in silent communication of their shared feelings.

“I love you too, Tyrillian.”  He whispered softly once they both came back up for air.  Neither of them were big on showing their feelings, let alone state them out loud, but some things just needed to be said to make them official.

He couldn’t place a specific moment in time where his feeling for her crystalized, but somewhere along the way he began to genuinely care for the young elf.  And it seemed that she felt the same way.  Rick felt a fullness in his chest, like the joy from confessing their love for each other caused a flood of happyness to fill him up until it overflowed.  He beamed at his wild lover, causing her blush to deepen even further.

“Alright!  Enough with the sappy crap!”  She shouted and threw him off her.  She quickly rolled off the bed and stood back up, her face still flushed with embarrassment.  “There’s still one last thing I want’cha ta do.”

“Oh, and what’s that?”  Rick smirked from his position on the bed.

Tyr yanked him back to his feet with a growl.  Once she placed him down behind her, she bent over the mattress and presented him with her fabulous rear.  She angled her head so she could gaze at him longingly.  “I want ya ta fuck me like a true mate.  Make me yours forever.”

God… damn.  If Rick wasn’t already rock hard, those words would have sent his blood rushing southward like a fucking tsunami.  He rushed forward and sheathed himself inside her without delay, making Tyr moan with satisfaction.

“Mmmm… yes, just like that.”  She started to buck back herself in an attempt to push him ever deeper.  “Rick, there’s one more thing I need ya ta do.”

Rick paused his furious thrusting in order to hear her request.  Her usual smirk slowly crept back onto her face when she saw she had his undivided attention.

“Grow inside me.”  She purred.  “Fill me up and stretch me out so thoroughly that no male could ever dream of satisfying me ever again.”  Her voice rose in pitch until she was nearly pleading with him by the end.  As to emphasize her desire, her hips swelled outward to fully encase his pelvis in the glory of her soft cheeks.

Some deep and primal part of him awoke at that moment.  His wild woman wanted him bigger.  And by the magic coursing through his veins, he would do everything in his power to grant that wish in its entirety.  Not even considering the consequences of his actions, he dumped every last point of coital energy he had saved up into giving her exactly what she wanted.

His body seized up as the magic coursed through his system, leaving not a single millimeter unaffected.  He reached out and grabbed ahold of her waist so he could slam himself as deep as possible and then roared in ecstasy.

And then he grew.

First and foremost, his dick extended deeper and deeper into her drenched cavern, swelling longer and thicker with each beat of his heart.  She was squeezing him like a vice grip, and each passing moment made her feel all the tighter with his unstoppable expansion.  Eventually he felt himself bump up against something soft at the furthest depths of her warm tunnel, and then he grew just a bit further.

When he had knocked up against the door to her womb, Tyr joined in and started to roar right along with him as her body shook and convulsed in climax.  He had assigned ten whole units of energy into his length and another eight into his girth, bringing him right up to the same size as her.  And it. Was. Glorious!

He didn’t spend everything on his dick, he had way too many points for just that.  Nearly every part of him was undergoing some sort of transformation.  His limbs lengthened, giving him newfound height, his shoulders broadened, his muscles bulged and became even more defined, and his balls swelled with newfound size and potency.

Once the magic had run its course, Rick started to furiously hammer himself into his eager mate.  There was no room for conscious thought, he was little more than a rutting beast, and from the sounds that Tyr was making, she was enjoying every second of it.

It wasn’t long before he could feel the pressure rising in his groin.  Several powerful pumps later, he erupted inside her, flooding her womb with whiteness.  Tyr herself joined in and sprayed the bedsheets with her own baby cream while her insides squeezed every last drop out of him.

Rick fell backward onto the hard floor, utterly wrung out.  Groggily, he looked up to see a river of cum gently pouring out of Tyr’s slit while her body twitched with aftershocks from her own orgasm.  His vision started to blur after that, and within moments he was whisked away to dreamland, the vision of Tyr’s utterly satisfied face echoing through his mind all the way.

You all have NO idea how long I wanted to make a snu-snu reference in this story.

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