
Chapter 14.3 Confession

Lilie and Sade watched in macabre fascination as Rick bolted down the hall, Tyr chasing after him with an evil cackle a few seconds later.

“Well then… He’s fucked.”  Lilie commented on the situation.

“Indeed.” Sade replied dryly.

The shaytoni turned to her companion.  “So… what do we do now?”  She jerked her thumb in the direction where they could faintly hear Rick screaming.  “Should we at least try to help him?”

Sade let out a soft chuckle.  “If I have learned one thing about our wonderful elf, it is that nothing is truly as bad as it first appears with her.  She is playing a game with him, nothing more.”  She released a disappointed huff.  “But you are correct in wondering what the two of us should do.  I doubt we would be welcome once that little game of her’s reaches its inevitable conclusion.”

“You just want to get fucked yourself.”  Lilie laughed.

“I will not deny it.  And Tyr would no doubt make sure that I would be completely satisfied, especially the way she is right now.”  Sade shot back.

The pale woman shook her head.  “I bet she would.  Anyways, do you have any idea of how we will amuse ourselves in the meantime?”

Sade bit her lip.  “Well… um, we could have a bit of fun between the two of us.”

That seemed to surprise her companion.  “Wait, like the two of us fucking?”  Sade nodded, and Lilie let out a great sigh.  “I’m not… opposed to the idea.  But why the fuck are you suggesting this now?”

“It is because I am curious.”


“Yes, I am curious on how your body would react with a female partner as opposed to a male.”  Sade’s skin darkened further as her face flushed.  “And… I am curious about what it would feel like between two women as well.”

Lilie blinked at the final statement.  “Hold up, don’t you have sex with Tyr, like all the time?”

Sade shifted her gaze.  “Yes, I do.  But she prefers to use her more masculine aspects with me and save her feminine parts for Rick.”

The shaytoni sighed once again.  “I guess that makes sense.”  She turned to Sade, the determination in her eyes hardening to steel.  “Ya know what, fuck it!  Let’s see how this turns out.”

Sade admired the conviction in which Lilie decided on things in her life.  It was one thing to declare to do something, it was something else entirely to actually follow through on it.  Conviction or not, Sade could still see the nervousness on her friend’s face, the faint tremor in her limbs.

“We do not have to commit anything if we do not want to.  If you ever feel uncomfortable, we can stop and find something else to occupy our time away from our friends.”

Lilie snorted.  “Funny.  Rick said the same thing that first night my aspect awoke.”

Sade giggled and held out her hand.  The other woman looked at it a moment before giggling herself and reaching forward to clasp her own hand around Sade’s.  Together the two of them made their way to the master bedroom.  Neither of them expected Tyr to drag Rick all the way back there after their little game was done.  They fully expected her to just fuck him right there on the spot once she caught her prey.

The two of them sat together on their large bed and Lilie glanced around nervously.  “So, uh, how we doing this?”

“First of all, relax.  We have seen each other naked several times already.”  Sade said calmly.  A thought then struck her.  “In fact… I believe I even gaped open my vagina right in front of you as well.”

That sent Lilie into a fit of coughing laughter.  Every time the woman looked like she would recover, one glance at Sade’s deadpan face would undo any progress and Lilie would double over once more.  After several minutes, she finally calmed down enough to speak somewhat normally.

“Oh fuck, Sade.  You really do have a way with words.  Nothing breaks the ice like reminding a girl that she’s already seen the inside of your pussy.”  She said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Sade just shook her head and started to remove her clothing.  While she didn’t think what she said was that funny or out of place, she was still glad that Lilie no longer seemed nervous at the prospect of the two of them experimenting together.  If she was being honest with herself, Sade would admit that she was also a bit nervous at the prospect of sleeping with another woman.  Tyr didn’t count.  For a variety of reasons.

Before long both women lay naked next to each other.  Each of them drinking in the sight of the other.  “You’re really beautiful.”  Lilie breathed after a few moments of staring her up and down.

“Thank you.  But my looks are almost entirely artificial.  You, however, are quite stunning.”  Sade shot back.

“Stop it you!”  Lilie said while flushing scarlet.  “So, what should we do first?”

Sade moved closer to the other woman and laid a hand on her shoulder.  “How about we start small?”  She then leaned forward and gently brought their lips together.  Lilie was plush and soft.  Even just a simple peck had Sade wanting to chase the feeling of their mouths brushing together once more.

Lilie must have felt the same because when Sade pulled away, the other woman pursued and locked lips with her once more.  Sade became light headed as Lilie continued to explore the taste of her mouth.  When the first slip of tongue snaked its way inside, she nearly melted on the spot.  Everything was so soft and gentle, despite the healer's apparent need to explore deeper inside with each passing moment.

Sade lost the strength to hold herself up and fell back onto the bed, Lilie falling right along with her.  “I-I thought you were not into other women.”  Sade gasped once their connection was broken.

Lilie seemed to have woken up from a trance at the comment.  She looked down at the naked woman underneath her and blushed furiously.  “You, um… I don’t know how to describe it, but you just taste so good!  About as delicious as Rick.”

That got the fire of Sade’s intellect roaring.  There were only a handful of similarities between the two of them.  One of which could be easily proven or disproven with just a bit more information.  “And what about Tyr?  Does she smell or taste similar?”

“Huh… I never really thought about it.”  Lilie said, tapping her finger to her lips.  “I’ve not really ‘tasted’ her before, but she does have a pleasant scent.  Now that I think of it, her smell did get a bit stronger after that last fight up in the mountains.”  She nuzzled Sade’s neck and inhaled deeply.  “But you two humans are like the bouquet of a professionally prepared feast, while Tyr is like walking in a scented candle shop.  Both smell nice, but only one makes my mouth water and my belly rumble.  I’ve been around and even slept with quite a few people, but nobody has made my senses light on fire the way you two do.”

So being saturated with coital energy is noticeable, but is not the main reason for our particular allure.

That eliminated one hypothesis.  That just left their shared vocations.  Lilie had pointed out herself that she had multiple partners before meeting them, but only Rick had caused her to absorb mana from her partner during intercourse.

There were so many questions buzzing around Sade’s skull that she didn’t know where to start to calm them down.  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  There would be plenty of time to figure out how the shaytoni worked and the full scope of their abilities.  In fact, they were still naked and on the bed for precisely this reason.  She opened her eyes to see the healer looking back at her with concern.

“I apologize.  My mind is still trying to process what you just told me.”  She said and cupped the pale woman’s cheek.  “But we can theorize all we want later.  I, for one, also enjoyed your taste and want to keep sampling it while we are still here in bed.”

“I thought you wanted to experiment?”  Lilie said pointedly.

Sade giggled.  “We already are.  I just tested to see if we enjoy each other’s flavor.  We do.  So we can continue to collect data and see if there is any discrepancy, or we can move on to the next experiment.”  She waggled her eyebrows.  “Like if your lower lips taste just as sweet as the ones above.”

“You horny bitch!  Those are my lines!”  Lilie shouted playfully.  She attempted to shove a nearby pillow into Sade’s face but the dark skinned woman quickly countered by suddenly rolling the two of them over so that their positions were reversed.

They stared into each other’s eyes, both breathing heavily.  Sade felt small electrical tingles every time the subtle rise and fall of their chests caused their smushed breasts to rub against each other.  She could feel her nipples stiffening while they dragged against the other woman’s exquisitely soft skin.  And judging by the subtle poking sensation against her own chest, she wasn’t the only one who was feeling aroused at the situation.

“I believe it is fair to assume we both are comfortable enough to proceed with further testing.”  She smirked.

Lilie rolled her ruby eyes in an exaggerated motion.  “Yeah, I guess.  I’m still fucking surprised about how okay my mind seems to be about the situation.  Not once in my life was I ever attracted to another woman.  Seriously, not a single fucking time.  And then you kiss me and all I can fucking think about is slobering all over your fantastic tits until we both cream the sheets.”

Sade’s blood froze in her veins at those words.  Lilie’s admittance to the sudden and unexpected attraction to her could only mean that Sade’s vocation was to blame.  Nothing else made sense.  Somehow, intimancy drew people with Lilie’s particular constitution like a moth to a flame.  That was deeply concerning for a multitude of reasons.

For a brief moment, she considered coming clean.  To confess that she was an intimancer and that her vocation was causing all these strange effects.  It was the right thing to do.

Her mind fought hard against the notion, her secrets were dangerous, they had kept her and her family safe when all else failed.  But her vocation was not a deadly secret, not even close.  Sade had kept herself from talking about her vocation openly primarily out of habit and embarrassment.

She was probably one of the most magically talented humans in a century, and she chose sex magic as her specialty.  The scorn and ridicule from her peers would be brutal, that was nothing to say about her actual enemies.  All her hard work and accomplishments would be undone in an instant, and no one would take her seriously ever again.

But Lilie was more than a fellow student.  She was part of their group, part of their growing family.  They all knew about Rick’s magic and none of them, especially Lilie, had judged him harshly for it.  Sade’s rational mind knew all of this, but her heart was still scared to take the leap, to trust in her friends and lovers to see the real her.

But she had to try.  She owed her friend that much.

“Lilie… I-I uh-”  The words caught in her throat.  Why was this so damned difficult?  Lilie was a trusted member of her party, her friend.  The two of them were entwined on a bed without a single scrap of cloth between them.  Mere words were nothing compared to that.  She just had to open her mouth and tell her that she was an intimancer.

“I t-think that… that it is my f-fault for the… the sudden change.”  Good.  She had managed to get the first half of the confession out.  Lilie quirked her brow as a way to let her continue.  “I think it is because I… because I…”

“Because you’re also an intimancer?”

Oh snap!

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