
Chapter 14.4 The Taste (18+)

“What?!  How?!”

Lilie looked down her nose at Sade after the outburst.  An impressive feat considering she was still lying naked on her back below the dark skinned woman.

“Besides the fact that you refused to elaborate on what your vocation is, even to Rick and Tyr?  Adding in that you also have the same irresistible scent and taste as the only other sex magician we know?”

Sade just gaped at the woman, unable to form a single coherent thought, let alone a response.

“And then there’s the issue with my sudden and inexplicable attraction to women.  An urge that includes you and only you.”  Lilie added dryly.  She rolled her eyes again.  “Seriously, it wasn’t that hard to figure out.”

She reached up and cupped Sade’s cheek.  “I don’t blame you for wanting to keep it private.  Fuck, imagine what that high elf bitch would do if she found out.  Yeah… Keeping quiet about being a sex magician is probably for the best.”

She leaned forward and gently gave Sade a peck on the lips.  “I saw how much you were fighting yourself about telling me.  When I mentioned that I suddenly liked women, your face was fucking painted over with guilt.”

She laughed and kissed the dusky woman again, more sensually that time.  Sade could feel the long tongue slipping inside briefly to get another taste.  “And I don’t fucking blame you for that either.  You have no control over how my body works.”  Lilie gave another chuckle.  “In fact, this just makes it easier.  I won’t have to worry about any odd mental hang ups while we sleep together.  So don’t fucking blame yourself, okay?”

Before Sade could fully process how smoothly this all was going, the pale woman changed the subject slightly.  “Still… out of all the vocations there are in the world, I would have never guessed someone as magically gifted as you to be an intimancer.  I would have guessed magus or some other fucking legendary vocation.”

Sade made a sound that was more akin to a squeak than an actual reply.

“What was that?”

“I… I said that I could have been.  A magus I mean.”

Lilie shot up from her prone position, nearly throwing Sade across the bed from the sudden burst of motion.  “The fuck did you just say?!”

“You heard me.”  Sade groaned from where she landed softly on the mattress.  “When I hit level two, one of my selections was magus.”  Before the obvious follow up questions could fly from the shaytoni’s mouth, she elaborated further.  “It called to me.  Something in my very soul was drawn to becoming an intimancer.  I can not explain it, but regardless, the choice was made.  It can not be undone.”

Lilie stared into her eyes, then let out a long breath.  “Damn… a real fucking magus, and she didn’t even take it.”

“Please!  I beg you not to tell Rick!”  Lilie quirked a brow in confusion, so Sade continued.  “I… I need to tell him myself.  But I am just not quite ready to face that just yet.  So, please…”

Lilie took a deep breath and then let it back out slowly.  “Fine.”  She said softly.  “I won’t bring it up.  But while he may not know about you potentially being a magus, I wouldn’t be surprised if he already figured out you’re also an intimancer.  He’s a lot smarter and more observant than most people would give him credit for.”

“I know.”  Sade sighed.  “But I just can not help myself.  Keeping secrets has just become second nature to me.  I will tell him soon though, I promise.”

“Good.”  Lilie said flatly.  “Now… Since we just finished up with those heavy topics, I believe we should get back to what we originally set out to do.”  She wiggled her shoulders so that her enormous breasts jiggled tantalizingly from side to side.

Sade welcomed the sudden distraction and mouth watered at the marvelous sight.  She wondered if they tasted as delicious as they looked.

“Ya know,”  Lilie said, noticing exactly where Sade’s full attention lay.  “We talked about where my attraction to the fairer sex could have started.”  She started to crawl forwards, those colossal tits swaying hypnotically.  “But we have yet to delve into why you are so insistent on getting inside my pants.”

She hefted up her great endowments.  “I think it could be just basic physics.”

Sade shook her head to clear the lusty fog that was clouding up her thoughts after the lewd display.  “I am sorry, physics?”

“Yes, physics.”  Lilie affirmed while laughing in that musical way of hers.  She squished her pale mounds against her chest, the flesh overflowing obscenely.  “The greater the mass, the greater the… attraction.”  While she was talking, she slowly hefted up one boob and brought it closer to her face.  As if to punctuate her last word, she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue across the swollen nipple resting right in front of it.

If Sade had her own cock at that moment, it would have been harder than the granite columns that decorated the main entrance to Mya University.  She gulped down audibly.  “I believe I just learned something about myself.”

“And that was?”  Lilie teased while she continued to play with her large nipples.

“That I am attracted to men and women it seems.”

“There’s probably some sort of label for that.”  Lilie guessed.  “But you’re a full adult, surely it wouldn’t have taken all the way up until now to realize this?”

“I mean, I have spent almost all my practicing and studying magic.  There was no time for exploring my sexuality or fantasizing who I would one day marry.  Plus everyone even remotely close to my age in the village treated me like a child when they all developed adult bodies and I had not.”

“Ouch!  That sounds rough.  But when you say ‘looked like a child’, are we talking…”

Sade held out her hand to indicate her previous height.  “You could stick me in a room of children younger than twelve summers and have difficulty spotting the difference.”

“Wow.”  Lilie said in disbelief.  “That’s… yeah.”

Sade sighed.  “When I said earlier that my looks were entirely artificial, I was not exaggerating in the slightest.  With the exception of my face, not a single part of my body remains unaltered in some capacity.”

She sighed again.  A thought flittered through her mind and she grasped it with both hands.  “Ya know what?  Fuck it!  I wish to end this particular discussion.  So I will take a leaf out of your book in this instance.”

“Wait, did you just steal my- oh fuck!”

Before Lilie could fully question the odd turn of phrase Sade used, the dark skinned woman lunged forward on the bed and sent them both tumbling backward.  Sade wasted no time in maneuvering towards her new goal.  One nestled right in between the healers plush thighs.

“Oh fuuuuck!”  Lilie said again.  Sade had shoved her whole face into the shaytoni’s crotch and started to lick the crevice she found there for all she was worth.

Lilie’s particular flavor danced across her tongue.  She was so incredibly sweet, with an added earthy tone that just drove her wild.  If Sade would have to guess, the taste was oddly similar to raw honey.  All the more fitting since the wonderful nectar was slowly dripping from Lilie’s petals.

“That feels so fucking good!  Have you eaten out another woman like this before?”

“Once.”  Sade said after she had come back up for air.  “I was curious, so Tyr let me try on her not too long ago.”  She came back down to give one long and sensual caress with her tongue from the bottom all the way to the tip of Lilie’s adorable little nub.  That caused the healer to let out another involuntary moan.

Sade continued to lap along Lilie’s slit.  She couldn’t get enough of the delicious juices leaking out from between those delicate folds.  The good news was, the more she explored and tasted Lilie’s insides, the more divine nectar leaked out in turn.  Sade could hardly get enough, so she plunged two of her fingers deep inside in an attempt to increase the flow of tasty liquid.

“Yeeeeessss. Yes, yes, fuck yes!  You are amazing!  I’ve never had- oh, right there- I’ve never had someone- ugh!- eat my pussy so well.”

Sade barely heard the compliments to her oral technique.  She was far too busy feasting on the gushing wellspring before her.  The fire in her loins had been kindled, being stoked further with each lap of  her tongue and gulp of her throat.  The raging heat spread steadily until her lower half felt like a raging inferno.  Sade could faintly feel her own womanly mound start to moisten with need while she continued to drink with reckless abandon.

“Sade… it feels so good.  It feels too fucking good!  Sade, something- fuck!- something’s wrong.  Sade!  Stop!”

With a tremendous amount of force, Lilie managed to wrench Sade away from her snatch and hold the woman at arms length.  Sade’s eyes were completely clouded over with lust.  Unable to continue licking that deliciously sweet substance from the source, she brought her nectar soaked fingers up to her mouth so she could continue lapping at the addicting sweetness.

“Oh fuck that’s hot…”  Lilie whined as she watched Sade lick herself all over, her dark eyes fluttering in pleasure every time she found a particularly large concentration of pussy juice.  “Wait, no, fuck!  Oi, Sade!  Come back to me for a bit.”  Lilie said while snapping her fingers in front of the dusky woman’s face.

Slowly, the pink haze of lust cleared enough for Sade to register what was happening around her.  “I… I apologize.  What was it you were saying?”

Lilie’s chest was still heaving with effort and arousal, her pale skin flushed a bright pink, but her eyes carried a serious edge.  “Something… Something felt off with you licking me.”  She panted.

“Did I hurt you?”  Sade asked, panicked that her overenthusiastic sampling of Lilie’s juices went too far.

“No, quite the opposite actually.”  Lilie said softly after seeing the panic in Sade’s eyes.  “That felt fucking amazing!”

“Then what happened?”

Lilie raked her fingers through her dark hair.  “The pleasure was almost too intense.  I should have exploded all over your face three times over, but no matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn’t crest that hill.  It was kinda terrifying.  Does that make sense?”

Sade put her had to her chin in thought.  This turned out to a mistake since Lilie’s smell wafted up from her fingers into her nose, causing her internal fire to roar with desire.  It took almost every scrap of willpower she possessed to tamp the flames down enough for her to focus on the issue at hand.

“Tell me,”  Sade began once she was back in control.  “The last few times you have had sex, when and how many times did you climax?”

“Uhhh… fuck, good question.”  The healer said.  “I know the last time I came was when I sucked Rick’s dick in the woods.”

“And when exactly did the climax occur?”

“I think it was just after he blew his load all down my throat.”

“Interesting.”  Sade mused.  “And the time before that?”

“I’m not too sure, they all kinda blur together.  I know that the taste of Rick’s spunk really gets me off.  Oh, and the feeling of his cum flooding my womb, I always squirt when he does that.”

“Hrm.”  Sade hummed in thought.  “I think I sense a pattern here.”

“You do?”

“Indeed.  But I think another test is in order, if you are willing.”

Lilie placed both of her hands upon Sade’s shoulders and locked eyes with her.  “Sade… you have no idea how fucking horny I am.  I feel like I’ve been edged without pause for hours!”  Her fierce glare slowly started being tinged with madness.  “If you don’t find a way to make me cum in the next five minutes, I will hunt down the other two big dicked wonders and have them plow every conceivable hole I possess until I erupt like a fucking geyser.”

Sade was at a loss for words.  The intensity of that ruby gaze told her that Lilie was not exaggerating in the slightest.  She also had to mentally tamp down the image of her own body being ravaged at both ends by her two other lovers.  The prospect was both tantalizing and terrifying in equal measure.

“Ah, uh, yes!  Yes, I think I have something that may work.”  Sade squeaked out.

Sorry for leaving you all with such a sudden cliffhanger, but I promise you the next chapter will be quite a bit longer, and possibly be even more sexy.  I don't know, you'll be the judge of that.

If you want to read a week ahead or check out some of my other work, you know where to sign up!

See ya next time!

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