
Chapter 14.5 A New Spell (18+)

I got hit with something nasty.  I'll be taking a week off of updates to recover and try to get back into the swing of things.

Thanks for your patience.

Lilie eagerly followed Sade’s directions so that she layed on the bed with one leg planted on the floor.  Sade sat opposite to her friend in a mirrored position, one leg over and one leg under her partners.

“Uh… This is an odd position.”  Lilie commented.  The two women were joined together by their pelvis, their lower lips giving each other brief kisses when one of them moved.

“I agree, but It was the only sort of intercourse I could think of for two female genitalia to interact together.”  Sade blushed when she looked down where their bodies met.  “I am… also sorry for all the extra hair down below.”

The two of them were an interesting mix of contrasts.  One dark and with a well manicured patch of curly hair, the other a creamy pale and completely hairless.  Lilie cupped her human friend’s cheek and smiled.  “Nothing to apologize for.  Ingrown’s are a fucking bitch.”

Sade’s heart warmed at the crass statement.  Having a body that could only grow curly hair came with all sorts of challenges other people wouldn’t expect.  It was comforting to have someone else emphasize on those difficulties.  Like being unable to shave without ingrown hairs popping up everywhere.

“Anyways, so how is this going to help me get my rocks off?”  The horny healer asked.

“Oh, it is quite simple really.”  Sade replied, a mischievous smile creeping along her face.  “You will cum when I do.”

She punctuated that statement with her lower body rubbing against the pale woman’s smooth slit.  The soft, tickling sensation sent small jolts of pleasure up her spine.  Lilie’s ruby eyes widened at first, but then slowly became hooded with desire once more as her earlier lust rushed back to the fore.

Ever the academic, Sade took extensive mental notes on this more unique form of sex.  It was different from the more penetrative approach she usually partook in, being stuffed and stretched was more overwhelming, the kind of pleasure that quickly rushed through the body and built rapidly until it became too much to handle and came to an explosive climax.

This felt quite different.  The gentle motions didn’t cause that immediate tidal wave of pleasure, but instead it was like slowly filling a lake from a small stream.  It was less physical than what Sade was used to, but the more deliberate and emotional aspect spoke to her in a way that she didn’t know she craved.

Perhaps it was because both women were so keyed up from their earlier experimentation, but the way Lilie squirmed and moaned while her face became more flushed and her breath quickened drove Sade absolutely wild.  The fires of her lust she had previously tried to tamp under control blazed back into a raging inferno that made her whole body tingle and feel hot enough to scald.

She adjusted her motions to slowly circle the shaytoni’s clit with her own engorged nub.  The occasional flick of their two pleasure buttons together sent a jolt of electricity traveling all the way up her spine, causing an involuntary cry to escape her lips.

Sade then felt something hot and moist envelop one of her achingly stiff nipples.  Looking down she found Lilie latched onto her breast and suckling away like a babe.  The sight made her mind go completely white and she started thrusting her hips even faster as all thought became devoted to building that deepening pool of pleasure until the damn holding it back could finally burst.

She could feel the pressure finally reaching that blessed point, she couldn’t form any words so she hugged the pale woman tighter to her breast and ground their sopping slits ever harder against each other.

She let out a primal scream as the floodgates were finally opened and her nethers gushed forth, soaking the spot where the two women met at their cores.  Sade’s body shuddered as the ecstasy of release shuddered through her.  But there was something else that accompanied her climax.  Sade could feel the flow of something other, something vital to her, leaving her with each convulsion.  The feeling of being drained ended when the last of her climax ran its course.

“Oh fuck… I needed that.”  Lilie sighed from between Sade’s dark mounds.

Sade released the woman from her suffocating position and the two of them laid down beside each other on the mattress to catch their breaths.

“Was I correct about you climaxing when I did?”  Sade asked.  “I think I felt some of my mana leave me as well.”

“Yeah, you were.”  Lilie groaned.  “Fuck!  I don’t even know my own body anymore.”

Sade patted the healer's hand affectionately.  “Do not worry.  All of us will work together to help you in any way we can.”

Lilie smiled and patted Sade’s hand herself.  “Oh, and I did feel myself feed on you too.  It didn’t feel like enough for a full meal, but it was something.”

“Perhaps it has something to do with the amount of fluid ingested.  Thankfully that means that sex of nearly any kind still works, you just need to bring your partner to climax first.”

Lilie rolled over so she leaned slightly on the darker woman’s chest.  “Hey… I, uh-ahem!”  She cleared her throat.  “So that little bit of tongue lashing you did earlier got me really worked up.”  Her face started to tint pink and it became difficult for her to meet Sade’s eyes.  “Are you, uh, up for a bit more experimenting?”

Sade chuckled and gave a quick peck on the lips in answer.  Her internal fire was no longer all consuming, but it for sure had not died down to embers.  She rolled off the bed and gave her partner a slight smirk.

“I could go for hours if you asked just as sweetly as you did.  In fact, I think it is time to finally unveil a piece of magic I deciphered not too long ago.”

She channeled her mana in a new pattern.  It was a surprisingly complex working, despite the fact that the source and outlet were one and the same.  Her groin grew molten hot as the magic concentrated into a singular point, just above her womanly entrance.  The pleasant burning continued to grow from that spot, extending outward further and further as the spell took hold.

Within a few heartbeats the magic was done.  There, rising high in the air above her womanhood was a fully erect penis jutting out from her pelvis.

“Fuck!  So you finally decided to grow a cock like Tyr?”  Lilie asked in disbelief.

“Yes and no.”  Sade laughed.  “This is not a permanent appendage.  It should disappear once I cease channeling mana into the spell.”  She shifted her hips from side to side, giggling at the way her new toy wiggled wildly from the motion.  “So what do you think?”

“It’s ADORABLE!!!”  Lilie squealed.  She dashed off the bed and set her knees on the floor so she could admire the thing up close.  “Awwww, look at the little guy.  He’s just the cutest!”

“Little?”  Sade asked incredulously.  “This thing has to be a full span and a half!  That is decidedly on the upper side of average in terms of size.”

The shaytoni looked up with one of her dark brows raised.  “And yet this is half the size of the elven monster you’ve taken inside you on nearly a daily basis since we first met.  Even Rick is still two whole handspans in length, and we haven't even begun to talk about either of those two in terms of sheer fucking girth.”  She shuddered with pleasure and then gave a knowing smirk.  “So I’m sorry.  But this guy will forever be considered tiny to me after encountering those beastly cocks.”

Sade would have retorted but froze when Lilie wrapped her hand around the supposedly lacking shaft.  Her whole body shivered in delight when that pale hand started to gently caress up and down its length.

Why is this thing so sensitive?  Sade thought as the pleasure nearly overwhelmed her.

“Oh?  No witty comeback?  Then you must have agreed with my unshakable logic.”  Lilie laughed, seemingly enjoying the effect her gentle caressing was having on the other woman.

Sade could now fully understand why Tyr lost so much control that night before they reached the city.  If the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling from her magical member at that moment was anything like what the elf felt, Sade would have been hard pressed to have even acted with a fraction of the restraint Tyr showed.

“J-just because I did not respond does no-AHHHH!”  Sade was cut short as Lilie swallowed her entire shaft in one great gulp.  The healer’s mouth was so hot, wet, and slippery that Sade’s mind went blank at the signals assaulting her senses.

Lilie gave a smirk around the mouthful of girlcock at Sade’s reaction before plunging her head back and forth along the dusky colored length.  Lewd slurping sounds echoed throughout the room as she enjoyed the meal before her.  Sade couldn't help but add her own moans to the chorus when Lilie’s tongue started to join in the fun.

Much like when Sade tasted the latent succubus’ flavor, her lustful inferno was starting to become all consuming.  She couldn’t tell if dicks just felt that good when sucked or if Lilie’s was really, really that skilled at blowjobs, but Sade figured the latter was the more logical.  Regardless of what was true, Sade’s will was slowly eroding with each lick from the shaytoni’s skilled tongue.

Her new cock felt wonderful with the slow and graceful licks and sucks, but she needed more.  She reached forward and wrapped her hands around the obsidian horns in front of her.  Lilie froze from sucking the life out of Sade and looked up.  She had only a moment to process the expression on Sade’s face before the dark woman yanked on the conveniently placed handles and shoved her length deep inside the shaytoni’s maw.

Lilie moaned with joy and wrapped her arms around Sade’s hips to better hold on while the human continued to thrust in and out of her mouth.  It took only seconds for Sade to feel a strange pressure building in her abdomen.  It just built and built until she couldn’t hold on any longer and lost herself to the violent climax.

Sade could feel an even stronger draw upon her mana as her essence poured out of the new appendage and be eagerly devoured by the woman below her.  When the last spurt of cream was licked away, Sade felt her connection to the spell snap apart.  She took a step back to watch as her cock faded away to small motes of light before they too disappeared.

“Mmmmm… now that was a satisfying meal.  I must say, you taste amazing.”  Lilie purred, licking her lips in a hunt for any drops of cum that may have spilled out.

“I-huff- I am glad you-huff- enjoyed yourself.”  Sade said while trying to recover from the after effects of both using the spell for the first time and being drained by the horned woman.  A male climax was certainly something different.  It wouldn’t completely overshadow penetration, but she could clearly see why Tyr loved using her third leg so much.  Perhaps they could even switch roles one of these days.  That would indeed be an interesting experience.

Lilie stood up to her full height.  After being fed twice, the woman had grown noticeably curvier.  She was still slightly taller than Sade, but not by much.  She made a show of her enhanced body while slowly turning around then sashaying over to the bed before sitting down on the mattress.  If the spell had not been removed, Sade would have sprung back to attention after watching those giant cheeks jiggle hypnotically.

“So..”  Lilie drawled.  “It seems you are once again the smallest woman in the group.”  She hefted up her twin peaks, each pale globe larger than her entire head.  “For such a tiny thing, it certainly proved powerful where it counted.”

Something inside Sade snapped at those words.  Perhaps it was because the more rational part of her brain had been shoved to the far corners of her mind for the majority of that evening, but the constant references to her lacking size struck a chord far harder than she normally would let it.  And she would not let such disrespect go unanswered.

“‘Little’?  ‘Tiny’? ‘ Lacking’?  If you are such an unrepentant size-queen, then it is my duty to make sure you get what you deserve.”  Her powerful mind was already on the task of making sure to deliver on that promise.

“Wait, fuck, Sade!  I was just tea-”

But it was far too late.

Sade let out a guttural scream of ecstasy as every scrap of coital energy she possessed surged throughout her entire being.  Her body lengthened and grew with newfound height, muscles in her arms, legs, and stomach bulged into prominence, her hips, rear, and bust all swelled to even greater proportions.  And most of all, the ever-burning lust in her core reignited to consume her entirely.

When all her growth had run its course, her body sang with pleasure.  It felt like every patch of skin was burning hot and sensitive to the touch.  Even the faint tickle of air from her slight swaying nearly brought her to climax right then and there.  Never in all her life had Sade felt so alive.  She never wanted this feeling to end.

“Uh Sade… Are you okay?”  Lilie asked softly.

Sade opened her eyes and focused on the one who spoke.  Her lascivious smile seemed to unnerve the woman.  That was fine, she had one last thing to do before the fun truly began.

With a casual wave of her finger, Sade traced the lines of her new favorite spell, just to show the ruby eyed woman what was next in store.  Unlike the previous casting, Sade poured extra energy into the formula to see what sort of effect overcharging the spell produced.  The standard spell was fairly impressive, but how much more so would it be with triple the mana?

Sade cackled with glee as the magic concentrated in her groin and a new pleasure rod sprung forth.  It swiftly reached its old size and surged past it.  Longer, thicker, the magical cock grew and grew.  Her laughter hit a crescendo when the spell finished, and the largest dick either woman had ever seen stood swollen and angry before them.

Sade took a quick measurement of her new and greatly improved appendage.  A full three and a half span of throbbing girlcock had been created.  Doing some quick mental math, that was a handspan smaller than what she estimated it would have been.  It seemed that overcharging an excessive amount of mana produced diminishing returns.

Sade wasn’t too upset by that though, the monster between her legs was still larger than even Tyr’s unwieldy beast by two finger widths.  If she would have grown it herself like her elven lover did, it would have cost Sade over thirty five units of energy, which was over two thirds what she had just spent to grow her body all over.  It was truly fascinating just what could be accomplished with magic.

“Sade.  Sade, can you hear me?”  Lilie asked nervously.  “Can we just sit down and talk about this?  I’m sorry for teasing you.  So let’s not get too hasty here.”

Sade grinned.  “Oh?  Were you not the one who kept saying I was too small?”  She gestured to the mighty club before her.  “Would you still say that I am not big enough for you?”

Her new cock twitched in anticipation.  This caused the colossal length to hop up and nestle itself between Sade’s gigantic flesh pillows resting just above.  The sensation of her tits enveloping her member caused the woman to freeze as the sensations caused her mind to blank completely.

“Oh fuck!”  Sade squeaked.  Her body was still overly sensitive.  The added pleasure of wrapping her expansive mounds around an even more sensitive and oversized sex organ overrode everything else.  Her hips bucked unconsciously, causing the great length to slide through the titflesh and nearly bump into her chin.

She cried out in pleasure once more then cupped her breasts and started kneading them around her shaft while her hips continued to pump the excessive length in and out of her cleavage.  She was pleasure, pleasure was her.  It was as if her whole body had become one great erogenous zone and every motion brought her to even greater heights.

Sade was so lost in her pink haze that she didn’t even notice an oddly timed thrust of her hips caused her to stumble forward.

“Fuck!”  Lilie yelped as Sade fell on top of her.

Sade howled as her body started to rub along the healer’s.  Her monstrous member became sandwiched between two sets of titanic tits while both their stomachs enclosed around the little portion of the length that wasn’t drowning in boobs.

“Well… this was unexpected.”  Lilie laughed.  “But if you are going to offer me such a luxurious dinner in bed, who am I to refuse?”

The words went in one ear and right out the other.  Sade was completely lost to her lusts.  Lilie made an exasperated noise before shrugging at the lack of a witty response and then doing her best to swallow the enormous cock head sliding in front of her face.

Like the final straw that broke the mule’s back, the warm feeling of someone sucking her dick sent Sade hurling over the edge.  Her cock swelled to even greater size before erupting like a geyser.

Lilie’s eyes bulged as a torrent of cum shot out and completely filled her mouth to the brim.  She quickly tried to swallow the load before the next stream of creamy white flooded her again.  Sade writhed around as she felt her mana being siphoned away at an alarming rate.  She could feel the woman under her swell rapidly like a balloon with each jet of cum that rocketed down her throat.

“Fuck!  Too much!  I can’t take any more!”  Lilie screamed as she forced herself away from the blasts, letting them both get coated in sticky whiteness as Sade’s climax continued to wrack through her body.

Eventually the throbbing slowed then stopped, and Sade’s overcharged dick exploded into particles that lit up the room like a swarm of fireflies.  Lilie did her best to clear her eyes from the spunk and saw an unconscious Sade laying on top of her, a lewd but satisfied grin plastered on her face.

You have NO idea how hard it is to covey size when I specifically have characters who don't use metric or imperial units.

To clarify a bit.  A finger width is about an inch, four fingers makes a hand span.  So Sade's overcharged girlcock was 3.5 span, so 14 fingers or 14 imperial inches if you prefer.

For those who prefer metric, that's 35.5 centimeters.  And yes, a unit of coital energy can be used in place of cm.

So... yeah.  Check out my Patreon for glorious uncensored art and unreleased stories.

See ya when I get back.

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